Desolate Hunter

Chapter 528

The opposing fleet is very fast, they have just been prepared here, they have already arrived outside the planet.

Hundreds of battleships, forming a huge battle group, directly squeeze down toward the planet. The imposing manner is full, and the hostility is obvious, it is directed at the Bai clan.

The Bai clan will not stand alone, and immediately launched a counterattack. All the long-range weapons were turned on, shooting out all over the sky. Thousands of mi iles flew from the ground and slew towards the nearby cosmic battleship.

The Bai family had been invaded once, and they had long expected such a day. For so many years, we have been continuously developing weapons and expanding armaments.

With their technological level, they are still unable to create a cosmic battleship to fight with powerful enemies outside the sky. But as long as the enemy enters the planet’s atmosphere, their existing weapons can launch attacks.

Rumbling sound rang from the sky, and hundreds of battleships were attacked at the same time. But for these battleships, the attacks of these weapons are completely bearable. At best, consume some defensive energy that’s all.

The Bai clan also knows that these weapons alone cannot break the battleship defense. They did not expect this wave of attacks to be succe ful.

What they want is to consume the energy of battleship. Based on their previous understanding of battleship, its carrying capacity is not endle . As long as it is consumed quickly in a short time, the battleship energy can be insufficient.

That was what they did in World War I. Pay a great price, but finally won.

Invading the fleet will not be pa ively beaten. While the Bai clan attacked, they also launched a counterattack against the ground.

After half an hour of confrontation, the ground fire quickly weakened, and finally the fire was completely muted. The battleship side only consumes part of its strength, not at all, it does too much damage.

At this time, there was a roar above the fleet. But it was the previously hidden fighter that launched the second wave attack.

These fighters are relatively backward, unable to avoid the exploration and search of battleship, and they will all be damaged in the first wave of attacks.

But the existence of Liu Kai changed this result. Liu Kai’s beasts map has almost unlimited space. It is not a problem to hide all these fighters in a short time.

hundred thousand fighter planes rushed out and slew towards the invading fleet. The artillery burst into the sky, several times more violent than the first wave of attacks.

After the hundred thousand fighters, there are ten battleships, plus a few flying saucers. This is Liu Kai’s power, like a sharp arrow, breaking into the invading fleet.

In the melee, more than a dozen silhouettes flickered, attacking the invading fleet. This is the Immortal Realm cultivator under Liu Kai. Every battle strength displayed will not be weaker than a battleship.

The order Liu Kai gave them was to slaughter these invading fleets as much as po ible, without any mercy.

One will fight on both sides, either you will die or i will die. To be merciful to the enemy is cruel to oneself. The two invader fleets really have reasons to kill.

“Haiyunxing, Plunderer! Didn’t expect it to be you!” Liu Kai recognized the identity, and his anger instantly ignited.

Leaving Earth is because of Plunderer. I didn’t expect to see their silhouette again in this distant Star Domain.

The ultimate goal is that there are many familiar silhouettes in this fleet. Liu Kai can be sure that many of this fleet have participated in the invasion of Earth.

Previous hatred, Liu Kai has no good impre ion of these Plunderers. While ordering a full-line attack, Liu Kai also killed himself.

Liu Kai Earth Immortal cultivation base, Plunderer battleship is difficult to resist. Seeking opportunities for several shots, two Plunderer battleships have been knocked down by him.

Liu Kai himself was not easy, and suffered some injuries during the attack. These battleship levels are not low, and their own defenses are extremely strong. Even if the Earth Immortal cultivator wants to break through, it takes a lot of effort.

Break through the two battleships, Liu Kai killed 99% Plunderer in them, but only threw the upper level of the fleet into the space of beasts.

He wants to know what Earth has become after he left. What is the current situation of the people left behind by Earth?

Liu Kai handed it over to Little Zi. With her cultivation base, interrogating several senior fleet officers is naturally not a problem.

In a short time, she got the answer she wanted and pa ed the result to Liu Kai outside.

After Liu Kai listened, his killing intent became stronger.

Earth people, all of them have been taken away during this period of time, and they are sold as goods of various races. Even Earths animals were mostly captured.

Earth now has almost become a death star. If it’s not that the planet is too difficult to migrate, they are afraid that even the planet will be sold together.

“You all deserve to die!” Liu Kai led all the repairs and attacked frantically.

At the same time, the fighters of the Bai clan also started suicide attacks after they emptied and carried weapons. The fighter plane turned into a sharp arrow in this brief moment and slammed into the Plunderer battleship.

The rumbling sound is constant. Every time I search for Plunderer battleship, I have been hit by more than a hundred battleships.

The clansman of the Bai clan are all ordinary persons, so they are naturally afraid of death. But they knew in their hearts that if these invaders were not killed, the entire ethnic group would be slaughtered.

They have not forgotten that below themselves are friends, relatives, parents and lovers. They would rather die than stop these invaders from coming.

Tragic, crazy, no regrets!

The Plunderer fleet is in an extremely bad situation.

The first wave of attacks consumed a lot of battleship energy. The second wave attack makes the fleet more expensive. The energy core is overloaded, and it is still unable to compensate for this sharp consumption.

When the white fighters emptied the ammunition, the power of the Plunderer battleship was already le than 10%. Most of this energy is used to maintain the operation of the weapon, and its own defense appears very weak.

At this time, a hundred warplanes collided, and the protective cover of the battleship was no longer impossible to support, and immediately collapsed and di ipated. Without the protective cover, no matter how strong the Plunderer battleship material is, it cannot withstand this crazy attack.

In le than half an hour, 80% of the Plunderer team was destroyed. The Plunderer controlled within it scattered ashes and dispersed smoke along with the battleship.

The remaining 20% was defeated by Liu Kai battleship and cultivator. In the end, only a dozen Plunderer battleships remained, fleeing towards the sky.

“Don’t let them run away!” Liu Kai ordered, chasing and killing them with battleship and cultivator.

Plunderer battleship was defeated like a mountain. At this time, I just thought of fleeing, where is the power of defense. In the end, it was chased and killed by one after another, and turned into pieces of debris floating in the void of the universe.

In this battle, with the help of Liu Kai, the Bai family won the final victory. But the price of this victory was tragic.

The ground weapons were destroyed, and nearly tens of millions of soldiers who controlled the weapons were buried under the rubble.

hundred thousand fighter, using itself as a weapon, completed the final blow. The hundreds of thousands of white clansman who drove fighters never returned to their homes.

“Plunderer, this is your blood debt again!” Liu Kai’s heart was raging.

The patriarch of the white clan almost broke his teeth. In this battle, a fleet of Plunderer was eliminated, but the lo of the Bai clan was too great.

In just two hours of air combat, at least tens of millions of clansman died in the Bai family. Some of them were killed in battle, but more were affected by the war and died in their own homes or refuges.

The lo of property is even greater. This battle almost exhausted all the Bai clan. It may take dozens or hundreds of years to restore to the previous level.

“I hope that this race will not reappear until it is restored. Otherwise, my Bai family will have to be slaughtered.” Patriarch sighed.

He knew in his heart that it would be difficult to resist this powerful enemy only with the strength of a family. If it weren’t for Liu Kai’s help this time, even if the Bai clan had exhausted the whole clan, the result would only be annihilation.

If one day, Plunderer returns in a swirl of dust, he will not be able to gue whether the Bai clan still has the current luck.

“Plunderer has been killed, but I can’t guarantee that they have pa ed the me age. However, if Haiyunxing is too far away, they will not be able to do it in a short time even if they resend the fleet.” Liu Kai offered a few words of comfort.

“I hope so. My friend, are you familiar with Plunderer, the sea cloud star?”

“Not familiar, but the reason why I evacuated with clansman was to worship them Thanks.” Liu Kai smiled wryly.

There is no need to conceal this matter, Liu Kai briefly explained a few words.

Patriarch was silent for one minute after listening. Then seemed to have made a decision, opened the mouth and said to Liu Kai.

“My little friend, there is something I want to ask you.”

“Patriarch will speak, if I can help, I will never refuse.” Liu Kai replied, gue ing Patriarch should need future technology to restore ethnic power as soon as po ible.

Wait for patriarch to speak before Liu Kai realized that he was really wrong.

“I want to ask my little friend to take me a clansman!”

“Take a clansman? I’m afraid I can’t help with this.” Liu Kai smiled bitterly and shook his head.

If you have this ability, Liu Kai doesn’t mind helping out. But Liu Kai has only a few transport ships in his hand, and battleship can barely squeeze so many Human Races.

At this time, let alone take away some of the clansman of the Bai clan, just a few hundred more will increase congestion. It has a great impact on the normal life of Human Race.

Liu Kai is willing to help, provided that it does not affect his clansman. The matter of self-sacrifice, Liu Kai is not so great yet.

“I know that the little friends transport ship has limited space and cannot store more people. But if I have a transport ship myself, I wonder if the little friend can be in the fleet and leave a place for them.

I can guarantee that they will be self-sufficient and will not burden the little friends. Just let them follow the fleet and not be attacked by others.”

“If this is the case, I can promise. . But transport ships, do you really have them?” Liu Kai has several points of doubt.

The technological level of the Bai clan is only slightly higher than before Earth was invaded. They can make warplanes, launch satellites, and even make space probes to explore the depths of the universe.

Transport ships are different. They not only involve material power, but also need to understand Space Power. Only the transport ship made in this way can have ten or even a hundred times the space inside. In order to carry a large number of cargo personnel and carry out long-term voyages.

With the technological level of the Bai clan, there are at least hundreds of years away from this step.

“Naturally, we can’t make it ourselves. But we have resources that can be used in exchange for transport ships. Just like the little friend did before.” Patriarch said.

He knows something about Liu Kai and knows that with the technology of Human Race itself, it is impossible to create this powerful transport ship. Liu Kai must find another way to buy these. Patriarch does not know the details, but can gue one or two.

Of course, with the ability of the Bai clan, even if they understand this proce , they still have no ability to purchase exchanges. In this matter, after all, I still ask Liu Kai for help.

Liu Kai understood what he meant and told patriarch to let them prepare resources. He can help the Bai clan take a trip to the auction star to buy a transport ship. The premise is that the resources of the Bai clan are sufficient in exchange.

Patriarch did not delay and immediately ordered the whole family to prepare.

This planet has only one continent. Resource transportation is much more convenient than Earth. In le than three days, the Bai clan collected a lot of resources.

There are metal materials and various energy ores. A single value may not be high, but piled up like a mountain, it is also a fortune.

This is almost all the family property of the Bai clan. In order to be able to keep the fire for the clan, patriarch really took the blood this time.

“Are you not afraid that I will run away with the goods?” Liu Kai joked.

patriarch smiled bitterly and shook his head: “If the little friend is really such a person, he would have plundered my Bai clan before, and I can’t wait for now.”

“At that time, I would do it. , Doesnt mean youre not moving right now. Liu Kai muttered and waved his hand to put things into the Beasts Map space.

Liu Kai will not snatch the resources of the Bai clan, but when he sees this mountain-like resource, he is still a little moved.

What he thinks is that so many resources are reserved for Human Race, enough to more than double the strength of Human Race.

Liu Kai collects things and tells the fleet to wait here. Liu Kai himself went to the auction star through the starry sky array.

Sold the resources of the Bai clan, Liu Kai got a large amount of Spirit Stone. Then used this Spirit Stone to purchase two transport ships and a lot of living resources.

There is one more thing left. The patriarch of the Bai clan promised to give Liu Kai this part as reward. Liu Kai is also welcome, leaving these to the Black Hawk who is at the auction star.

The auction stars are forbidden to fight. Although the Black Hawk cultivation base is not high, it is not dangerous. Liu Kai didn’t send someone to protect it, so it didn’t make much sense. On the contrary, it is better to leave more Spirit Stones, which will be more helpful to the Black Hawk.

Liu Kai doesn’t know when Plunderer will reappear and dare not delay the auction star. Arrange for the Black Hawk and immediately return to the White clan.

Two transport ships, enough to hold hundreds of thousands of clansman. It sounds a lot, but compared to the huge base of the entire Bai family, this is a drop in the ocean.

These hundreds of thousands of people choose, patriarch needs to choose carefully. It took a lot of time, and it was ready after ten days.

The past ten days have not been peaceful, and several flying saucers have approached this planet. They were the sentinels that Plunderer had scattered before, and they had gone all around Star Domain looking for the life planet.

The fleet failed miserably and was strangled by Liu Kai. In the chaos, Plunderer only had time to send a letter to the ancestor star. These scattered outposts did not know that the fleet had been destroyed. They couldn’t get in touch, and there was no way to communicate with Zuxing directly, so they could only run here to investigate.

Liu Kai was worried that Plunderer would reappear, and had already sent two battleships outside the planet for defense. As soon as these flying saucers approached, they were directly shot down by the battleship, and none of them could escape.

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