Desolate Hunter

Chapter 527

“Master, they still refuse. I don’t think there is any need to negotiate, just take this planet directly.” Liu Tai became a little impatient.

planet technology is fairly advanced, but there is no cultivator. With the existing technological weapons, simply cannot stop the fleet attack.

Not to mention that there are many high-rank cultivators around Liu Kai. Just send a few Immortal Realm cultivators, you can sweep the entire continent.

“No! They just protect their homeland, and I will do the same. You first quit the mainland, I will handle this personally.” Liu Kai instructed.

Liu Tai agreed and turned to exit the main city of the Bai clan. Baiyi clansman wants to stop, but unfortunately they are all mortals. Facing a high-rank cultivator, there is no ability to stop them.

Liu Tai disappeared in a flash, making Bai Yi clansman very frightened. They understand that the people who came here are by no means ordinary people, and that the ethnic group is really dangerous.

In order to be foolproof, the Bai clan began to prepare for the worst. They selected a group of elite clansman and sent them to the spaceship in advance. Once the planet falls, spaceship will take these clansman and escape from this former homeland.

They are the hope of the ethnic group and the unquenchable fire of the Bai family.

Just when they were preparing, Liu Kai appeared on this planet. The fleet stopped at planet beyond a thousand li, so as not to get too close to make the Bai family too nervous.

Liu Kai came to the main city of the Bai family and asked to see the Bai family patriarch by name.

Liu Kai descended from the air, which made the Bai clan look like an enemy. Send hundreds of soldiers to monitor Liu Kai with guns and wait for patriarch’s instructions.

Ten minutes later, the me age returned. Patriarch agreed to meet and sent someone to bring Liu Kai into the ancestral temple.

The ancestral temple was built in the center of the main city. It is the place where the patriarch and many Elders live. Normally, the defenses here are tight, and ordinary clansman are not allowed to enter. It is definitely the first time in the last ages that Liu Kai, a foreigner, can set foot.

When Liu Kai stepped into the ancestral temple, hundreds of eyes appeared on him instantly. these all are the upper strata of the Bai clan, the backbone of the Bai clan.

Liu Kai didn’t care about their gaze, and walked forward calmly, finally entering the depths of the ancestral temple.

That is a great hall with an area of 10,000 square meters. Use 99 huge columns to support a circular dome.

In the great hall, Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth red sandalwood chairs are placed. There is one third sitting on the silhouette, which seems to be the top of the Bai clan.

At the top of the great hall, there is a red sandalwood chair standing alone. Sitting on it is an old man, who looks 70-80 years old. Sitting still, with a straight back, full of energy, with the majesty of a superior.

“Would you like to see me?” the old man said in a loud voice.

Liu Kai nodded: “You are the patriarch of the Bai clan?”


“patriarch, the kid took the liberty to visit, there is something to do with you Xiangshang.” Liu Kai opened the mouth and said.

The old man hummed: “You want my Bai clan to return?”

“Return? Misunderstanding, we just want to borrow a place to settle down temporarily.”

” Do you think we will believe the words of your invaders!

There was also a race back then, saying that they wanted to borrow our races land. And promised, only to borrow for one year. After one year, just leave the planet, never It will invade my ethnic group.

The result is that they will not leave when they come. They even want to occupy our ethnic land and kill us quickly.

That battle, our ethnic group Its a narrow victory. But its also a wound, and its hard to recover for many years.

At this moment, you are also talking about borrowing a foothold, how can I trust you.”

“There is still this Dont worry, patriarch, we are really just borrowing, absolutely no other thoughts.

Furthermore, with our power, we really want to capture your planet, and you have no ability to resist.”

“This…” Patriarch frowned.

Although he doesn’t want to admit it, he knows what Liu Kai said is true. Being able to have a fleet, the technological level naturally far exceeds this planet. Various weapons are naturally not weak, and it is difficult for the Bai clan to win a war.

There is also the sudden appearance of Liu Kai. The sudden disappearance of the person before brought him great pre ure. Such a method, but the legendary Immortal God would have it.

Immortal God is really there, it’s not that they can resist.

“Patriarch, you should know it in your heart. If I am really an intruder, I can’t resist with the current strength of your race.

Rather than fight to the death, I will eventually be defeated by a clan. Why not trust me once and give us a place to stay.

I can guarantee that I will only stay here for three months. After March, even if you stay here, I will not stay for one more day.”

“Is this true?” Patriarch relaxed a little.

Liu Kai nodded: “Of course! Although this planet is good, it still doesn’t meet my requirements. This can only be a transit station and won’t stay here for long.”

“Okay! What size area do you want? If you need a city, I can send someone to relocate clansman.”

“This is not needed, just give me a vacant lot that can accommodate 300,000 people.”


“No problem, let me make arrangements. Friends can now send a letter to let your fleet land.” Patriarch is very straightforward. Now that he promised the fleet to land, he immediately began to arrange preparations.

The Bai clan is extremely efficient. At the patriarch’s order, the whole clan was mobilized. It took le than an hour from site selection to determination of the location, and then to mobilize the clansman within it to free up enough space.

The fleet then descended and landed in this clearing. Liu Kai ordered the Human Race to only operate in this area and not to contact the Bai family at will.

patriarch hosted a banquet to entertain Liu Kai in the ancestral temple. Liu Kai couldn’t refuse, so he left low grade and tasted the Bai family food.

The Bai people are very enthusiastic in hospitality, not only serving delicious dishes, but also many rare fruits of this planet.

These are also that’s all. What makes Liu Kai speechle the most is that the Bai clan even sent more than a dozen beauties to Liu Kai to choose.

“This is unnece ary!” Liu Kai blushed with shame.

The youth of Liu Kai full of vigor, see the beauty naturally moved. As the leader of Human Race survivors, there is never a lack of girly eyes.

But because of the pre ure on the body, Liu Kai has the mind to consider these. Even if you consider it, it can only be Human Race. Asking him to ask for a clansman from the Bai clan, Liu Kai responded with waves in his heart.

It’s not that he looks down on the white clansman, and it’s not that these white clans are too ugly. On the contrary, these Bai women are extremely beautiful, even a bit more refined than Human Race.

This is a feeling, just like man and ape. Even if they look alike, they are still two different ethnic groups. Human Race will not love an ape, and apes will not like humans either. It has nothing to do with likes and dislikes, but the e ence is different that’s all.

patriarch haha smiled, waved the women down, and beckoned down again. A team of clansman stepped forward and brought a dozen silver plates. On every silver plate, there is the same treasure.

Pearl agate, gold, silver and bronze ware, rare in the world…

Many treasures were presented. The patriarch of the white clan smiled and opened the mouth and said to Liu Kai: “Little Friends, this is a little bit of my Bai familys intentions, and I also ask the little friends not to refuse.”

Liu Kai pondered a little, nodded and said thank you, and took everything. This is not Liu Kai’s greed for money, but a signal to the Bai clan of peace of mind.

Human Race has a strong fleet, and the Bai clan will definitely be nervous. If Liu Kai has nothing to ask for, the Bai clan will be even more depre ed, and even suspect that Liu Kai is seeking bigger and wanting to annex the entire clan.

At this time, Liu Kai receives some benefits, but it will make the Bai family feel at ease.

Sure enough, after Liu Kai accepted these treasures, the patriarch’s face of the Bai clan relaxed a little. The two talked a little, and patriarch asked his doubts.

“Little friend, are you a legendary Immortal God?”

Liu Kai shook his head: “I am not an Immortal God, but a cultivator that’s all. The cultivator will absorb Power of Heaven and Earth. , Turned into its own powerful force. It is equivalent to turning your own fleshy body into a weapon.

This weapon is powerful, but it is not invincible. Patriarch does not need to feel pre ure, cultivator is not The scourge will not cause any harm to your race.”

When Liu Kai said this, patriarch felt relieved again. Turning his gaze, he gave Liu Kai a test.

“Little friend, I wonder if you accept the discipline?”

“disciple?” Liu Kai startled, “Do you want your clansman to take this path?”< /p>

“I don’t know if it’s okay?” Patriarch was nervous.

“Of course you can.” Liu Kai nodded, he agreed.

This planet Spiritual Qi is quite sufficient and more suitable for the growth of cultivator. Liu Kai didn’t plan to stay long, nor did he need to worry about the opponent competing for cultivation resources.

The arrival of Liu Kai has indeed brought them some trouble. If the Bai clan needs it, helping them train some cultivators can be regarded as compensation for them.

Patriarch was overjoyed when Liu Kai agreed. Hastily ordered patriarch Elder to make a list of fifty people.

These fifty people are all elites of the clan and are the future of the Bai clan. If they can set foot on the cultivation road, they can benefit the entire ethnic group in the future.

Actually, in patriarch’s mind, he wanted to select more children and let them learn together. Just worrying that there are too many people will make Liu Kai resentful and refuse, so only 50 people were selected.

Liu Kai handed this matter to a Human Race cultivator. With its cultivation base of Nascent Soul Late Stage, it is fully competent.

At the end of the banquet, Liu Kai left and returned to the temporary base. Just hit a convoy, before clearing the base.

Liu Kai asked a few words, but it was a resource from the Bai clan. There are not only food and vegetables, but also various daily nece ities. Even some local specialties have been prepared.

Thanks to Liu Kai for allowing people to put things into the base.

This is just a transit point, Liu Kai does not plan to live here for too long. Arrange manpower to let these people move in batches, and strive to return to normal conditions as soon as po ible.

The Bai clan is very cautious and ordered not to approach the place where Human Race lives. In order to avoid conflicts between the two groups, causing unnece ary trouble.

Liu Kai here, try not to let Human Race go out. This is not Earth after all. Human beings are a guest from afar, too high profile will inevitably be taboo by the Bai family.

The Bai family is not close, and Human Race is not far away. The two races rarely come into contact, but they are to live together in harmony.

This peace lasted half a month. Until this day, the patriarch of the Bai clan hurried to the base.

“What’s patriarch’s order for me?” Liu Kai was a little surprised when he saw the white patriarch look anxious.

This planet, the Bai clan is the real master. The patriarch of the Bai clan, that is the existence of King-like. No matter what, he can decide in one word, it is unreasonable to be so flustered.

“Something happened!” Patriarch said, his voice hurried.

“What’s the matter?”

“There is a fleet approaching here.” Patriarch said.

“There is another fleet? Maybe just pa ing by, why be so nervous.” Liu Kai didn’t care.

In the universe, ten thousand races stand in great numbers. Among them, the trade between large clans and planets is very common. The space fleet is nothing but a means of transportation that’s all.

“Little friends dont know, our planet has never pa ed by. Except for the little friends, the invaders, who have appeared in our planet.

Thats all , The key is this fleet, we are still familiar with it. If we did not admit the mistake, this is the ethnic group that returned in a swirl of dust.”

“You mean, they are here to retaliate?”

patriarch nodded: “Probability is great! Our satellite detection, this fleet of hundreds of battleships, the target is directly at this planet. The logo on the battleship is also the previous race.”

“Then patriarch came to ask?” Liu Kai asked.

“I want to ask my friends for help.”


“It is difficult to resist this huge battleship with our own strength. The fleet of friends Strong strength, if you can help one or two, you can repel this powerful enemy.” Patriarch said his purpose.

“This…” Liu Kai frowned, but did not immediately respond.

Liu Kai doesn’t know much about the strength of this ethnic group. If you rush to help, you will inevitably cause trouble for your side.

“Little friends, if you stop at this planet, you will inevitably be affected by the war. At that time, even if you want to stay out of the matter, it will be difficult to do it.

Rather than being pa ively involved, it is better to join hands. , Drive out this powerful enemy.

My little friend, as long as I help the Bai clan survive this disaster, I can accept any conditions.”

“Okay!” Liu Kai finally nodded and agreed to patriarch’s request.

He was not touched by the promise of the Bai family. But the first sentence of patriarch made Liu Kai make a decision.

He is right, even if Liu Kai wants to stand by, he is afraid that the war will spread to him. Unle Liu Kai orders immediately, the entire fleet will set sail immediately and give up this time of rest.

This can avoid the flames of war, but these Human Race mental problems cannot be resolved. Even because they feel unfair to each other, bigger problems arise.

Three hundred thousand people, Liu Kai impossible releases them all at once. This time, we will take a rotation system and let people out in batches for ventilation activities.

Up to now, only one third Human Race has not walked out, and the others are still ordered to stay inside the transport ship.

“Just help the Bai clan! If it can be repelled, it will be taken to borrow their land and pay them well.

As long as I dont reveal my identity, I believe that The race behind the fleet can’t find my bad luck.

If it is lost, then I will take the fleet to evacuate. No matter how strong the fleet is, as long as there is no higher Earth Immortal, it will not be able to stop me. .”

Under Liu Kai’s order, the Human Race fleet is ready for the battle. Human Race clansman returns to the transport ship and prepares for evacuation. The battleship is to take off first, ready to face the foreign fleet.

The Bai family does not have a cosmic battleship, but they have many aerial weapons. All kinds of fighter planes take off, long-range weapons are ready, and they can attack at any time.

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