The influence of this farce is beyond imagination, and it quickly developed from online public opinion to social reality.

The first battlefield launched was the best university for the new mankind, the Deep Space University. The supporters of the concepts of the two sides could not convince each other. The angry rants and rants of each other could be heard everywhere throughout the school. Argue.

Even together with the interior of a dormitory, it is divided into two factions.

Wang Xiaoming recently fell out with his roommate.

He felt that he had no choice but to discuss this topic with these stubborn guys.

Because as long as it mentions "rebuilding oneself", the other party will wear big hats such as "traitor" and "betrayer"


"It is TM mentally retarded! How can this be a traitor? Monkeys must be monkeys all their lives, not worthy of being humans?"

"In their eyes, monkeys are not worthy of being humans. A monkey becomes a monkey traitor as soon as he is a human being!" A roommate sitting next door mocked eccentricly.

"Resolutely oppose and upgrade purely human theory to political correctness! "

"Humans are definitely not a perfect species, humans need to evolve!" "

Wang Xiaoming just typed this title into the computer, but it was accidentally seen by an outside roommate, and the two sides immediately had a dispute.

Wang Xiaoming said with a red face: "Superhumans are stronger than humans and smarter than humans! This is an evolution. What's wrong with evolution? Monkeys evolve into humans, and humans evolve into superhumans!"


"How is this evolution? This is betrayal! If you see a species stronger than yourself, you must join? New humans and current humans are two species. What is the difference between joining the Alev civilization?"

Wang Xiaoming got angry when he heard those words: "My mother, Aleph, then you will live in Level 4 civilization forever!"

"You just have no spine! If you see a good one, you must join!"

"You have the backbone, you have the ability to study the hyperspace theory?"

After that, everyone in the bedroom joined the battlefield Among them, they almost fought.

Wang Xiaoming trembled angrily and left the dormitory in a rage, foul-mouthed.

"Damn it, it is simply mentally handicapped."

The whole school is full of mist, and even the professors are in a hustle and bustle, and the class is hurriedly in class, foul-mouthed Underground get out of class.

In addition to the fans of the ideas of both sides, there are also a large number of neutrals. But these neutrals can only be coward now and are unwilling to get involved in the incident.

They always feel that this event is very far away from them. How could Level 5 civilization, the great dream of until now suddenly come true?

Many people are a little bit overwhelmed, so they simply don't make a statement, as if they didn't hear it. Anyway, if you want to reform, someone else will change it, and it has nothing to do with yourself. But regarding the transfer of power, most ordinary persons still oppose it.

Wang Xiaoming angrily came to the student union of Deep Space University, which is the base camp of radicals. Every day, there are people discussing the gossip about NT new humans with great enthusiasm.

"You think for two hundred minutes, and people will do it in one minute."

"Superhuman beings can upload their thoughts to special computers. Do you know what this means? He can quickly teleport from one end of the planet to the other end of the planet! The speed of motion is the speed of light."

A person in front is talking about it, and some students in the back are very envious.

"Superhuman, awesome!"

Every year, Unreal Lab will select some interns at Deep Space University, so the gossip here is not necessarily false.

Wang Xiaoming saw that the officials of the Student Union were preparing some banners, and he quickly asked: "Senior, what are you doing?"

"They oppose the faction and want to take the opportunity to make trouble , Protest against! A group of brain-disabled people! They actually think that becoming a superhuman is a kind of betrayal." Talking about this, the Senior cursed.

"What, they are going to parade and make trouble?! Follow the May Fourth Youth Day?"

"So we must parade and support!"


Wang Xiaoming eyes shined, he really can’t stand these die-hards anymore. He always puts on top hats, as if he has a higher moral standard.

"Three days later, it is still in the publicity stage. Do you want to join?"


The public opinion at this time is getting more and more turbulent Great, it passes from school to all aspects of society. As it concerns everyone's vital interests, even the entire human ruling class may be replaced, which soon triggered a huge backlash.

"In the future, NT new humans will rule us... Uh, it seems a bit unacceptable."

"What is unacceptable? We will also carry out thinking reforms in the future."

"They say this is a betrayal of mankind?"

"First of all, we must define the true meaning of mankind, and also define the standard of betrayal..."

New human civilization Higher social IQ played a role. Most people in society believe that this matter should be treated with caution, and no matter how you say it, you have to figure out what is going on with superhuman beings.

A grandiose parade, shouting slogans, collided with another parade.

"Require transparent government information!"

"Maintain human power!"

"Require openness and transformation, and transformation of all people! Evolution is the mainstream of the times!"

Due to the huge difference in concepts, the supporters of the two sides fought together angrily after meeting.

But soon, the riots at this time subsided under the strong maintenance of the police...


The times are always hesitating In, moving forward...

The waves of this time look very lively, but it didn't affect too much, it can only be regarded as a small stone in the road.

In the twelfth year, the NT Neo-Human thinking framework basically repaired most of the known defects.

In this way, it has become the ideal civilization for most people in mind. The government’s propaganda has also officially begun, and related reports hiding the sky and covering the earth occupy all the pages of television and newspapers.

Of course, the ideal civilization of human in mind is actually an unstable state...

Because the ideal state of mankind is the status quo for NT new humans. And superhumans also have their own ideas, they will try to change the status quo and upgrade themselves again.

This kind of behavior is unknown to humans.

In the fifteenth year, under the auspices of Zhang Yuan and other new humans, the technology of "parallel multi-process thinking" was completed, which means that thinking can be split up and completed without error at the same time. Many things.

For humans, this is an unimaginable state.

In the 16th year, Unreal Lab completed the design of the multi-degree-of-freedom exercise program module. This means that the NT new human’s exercise ability is no longer limited to the traditional human body and can easily control the first Three hands, fourth hand... This kind of ability is not possessed by traditional humans.

In the 17th year, the "Wide Area Extra Perception" has been developed. NT new humans can perceive electromagnetic waves with a wider frequency, and can have multiple eyes and a full 360-degree field of view.

This is still an ability that traditional humans do not possess.

In the 18th year, after a long-term melee of the upper class, a special bill of the Council of Science was finally passed: Defined from the legal level, superhuman beings are also a member of human beings. The power of activities in the real world has all the citizenship rights of a new human citizen.

The way to return is through a high-performance simulation robot "smart-X". This simulation robot is also designed by Superhuman. As long as the robot supercomputes with self-awareness and memory, it can be activated.

Its appearance is similar to that of a human being. It does not have four hands or four legs, nor does it have long eyes at the back of the head. It has to be said that after the transformation of thinking, the aesthetic concept of the new humans has not changed much. Therefore, under normal circumstances, this kind of real robot will not cause too much uncanny valley benefits for the people.

The promulgation of this decree has cheered the radicals and disappointed the conservatives. The list of the first NT new humans who returned to reality soon appeared, and the name of Zhang Yuan was among them!

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