The deputy captain’s worries are not unreasonable. The demand for power is a kind of compound thinking. As long as there is a core goal, such a direction will emerge. It is impossible to delete this kind of thinking completely through technical means. If it is deleted, a part of the core idea of ​​equivalent to will be abandoned, and the entire NT new human plan will also be declared bankrupt.

The deputy captain continued: "Traditional human groups, especially some stubborn human groups, may think that their current life is not bad, and they are impossible to give power to the NT new humans. , Because it will affect security."

"Changes are always difficult, and changes will inevitably touch the interests of some people."

"As long as you have any power, you will be smarter The NT new humans, that is, the superhuman group, will inevitably gradually control more power in the future, whether it is crafty plots and machinations or the intellectual level, traditional humans are basically impossible to fight against."

"Then how should traditional humans behave after they have more power?"

Faced with this sharp question, there was a buzzing discussion in the Conference Hall , People are focusing their attention on Zhang Yuan, and they expect the first superhuman to be able to express some of their own opinions.

Zhang Yuan laughed and replied with a grin: "This question was within my expectations...I also thought about it."

This sentence immediately made everyone in the room laugh. Stopped the discussion.

"For now, NT new humans are still in the experimental stage, and there is no such power demand."

"In the future, will there be any contradictions in this regard? In fact, the deputy captain is analytically right. The old man cannot prevent the progress of the new man, otherwise the two sides will inevitably have a fundamental conflict."

"Of course, as far as I am concerned, it is possible to Allowing traditional humans means rejecting the existence of reformers."

"There are several levels of thinking. The first is that there is no fundamental conflict of interests between the two parties. With the current huge productivity, the means of production It’s not a problem to make a copy. The worst case is just the division of civilization. Everyone goes their own way, and there is no longer any intersection."

"Of course this is the worst case. I believe, The old man of overwhelming majority still advocates progress. The current fear is only from the unknown. As long as relevant information is gradually disclosed in the future, the fear will gradually decrease."

"The second is , NT new humans seem to have lost the ability to reproduce. Because the concept of race has been downplayed, in fact, other species can be selected and transformed into our civilization. As long as the concepts are the same, they can be regarded as the same civilization."

"But the fading of the concept of race does not disappear. I still hope that there will be more human beings who are willing to accept this transformation and bring greater progress to our civilization. It is almost impossible to select aliens. Choice."

"There is also a third point. The transfer of power may happen spontaneously. With the gradual increase of reformers, they will exert greater and greater social influence. The transfer of power is very important. It may be spontaneous... There may be twists and turns in the middle, but according to calculations, in our society, the setbacks of this kind of power transfer will not be too great."

"Our civilization should be able to Within one or two hundred years, most of the transformation will be completed. The above are some of my views."

This remark of Zhang Yuan made many people feel heavy in their hearts. In the future, human political rights will be transferred to a new species. I don’t know how to describe this feeling...

Even according to the prediction of sociologists, this kind of power transfer is a high probability event.

According to current trends, NT new humans will most likely replace old humans.

Faced with this problem, almost half of the people who support and oppose it, some supporters want to become NT new humans themselves, and naturally hope that the regime will transfer.

The opponents do not want to, and cannot give a particularly good reason, which can only be attributed to nationalism and purely human political correctness. When it comes to stance, it means that the public says that the public is reasonable and the mother is reasonable, and no one can persuade the other party.

"Is it true that in the future, civilizations will really split, forming two civilizations, the old mankind and the new mankind?" Captain Feng sighed, she didn't know what to say, just holding hands head.

"Then why do we create a stronger species? Just to split?"

An expert in charge of security control said righteously: "Split the old Human civilization does not seem to have much meaning, because the NT new humans are really too strong. This kind of strength is all-round. As long as a hundred years, no, ten years, the two sides can widen the huge gap. Unless. We restrict all the rights of the NT new humans so that they will have no resources to develop at first..."

Yamoto Ichiro stood up and expressed his strong opposition: "Our human ability can only complete the NT new humans. With one plan, there is no ability to proceed to the next step. As long as they are given enough resources and power, superhuman beings can achieve self-revolution. Are we really going to limit their resources and prevent their progress?"

"My fellow citizens, we are even willing to help the hemisphere civilization and realize their dreams. Are we going to stop our progress now?"


And Many experts do not want to use superhuman beings as tool people who only know work. It is really unwilling to live together peacefully.

Zhang Yuan is listening, his heart is slightly sighed. According to his understanding of these people, human beings will continue to move forward despite hesitation. As long as this project is successful enough, more and more people will transform themselves into superhuman beings.

Li Zhendong also shook his head and spit out a few words: "I really don't understand, what are you worried about... If at first restricts all the rights of superhumans, then this evolutionary experiment will What's the point? Let's always be Level 4 civilization. "

He is disdainful of all kinds of claims.

"This is the expected risk, right? We were able to predict it before the experiment. What is the point of analyzing it for a long time now? Wouldn't it be over if everyone changed everything? Why is there so much trouble? "

"Even if a small number of people are unwilling to make changes, as long as they don't hinder progress, the NT new humans can accommodate their existence. I don't understand what you are worried about! "

It's just a pity that the complexity of human society is not as simple as he imagined. Many of the ideas and concepts in it are completely unclear.

After discussing for a long time, there is no argument. A particularly good method.

But no matter what, the experiment will continue, and the sample will still have to be expanded. After the conference, a total of 500 experts from all walks of life have been selected. It is expected that in the next five years , Transformed into a superhuman.

Time passed year after year...

Five years later, due to the success of the project, the Scientific Council once again expanded the experimental sample.


In the 7th year, the number of experimenters exceeded 1,000!

In the 10th year, the number of experimenters reached 1,500. Basically all the reformers were great scientists. .

The research capacity of these 1,500 people is already worth one-thirtieth of a new human civilization!

This seems quite terrifying, only one Thousands and five hundred people! If the scale is enlarged, the 45,000-meter superhuman is equivalent to the research capacity of the entire new human. Is this okay?

At this time, due to the increase in the number of experiments , All-round secrecy has become more difficult. The folk level has slowly produced various gossips, and naturally there has been public opinion in this area.

It’s just that the division of the folks is even more serious than that of the high-level humans. , The senior leaders of the new humans can calm down and have a good discussion. Civilians quickly turned into a scolding war.

The controversy in this area is extremely chaotic, and everyone has their own opinions and opinions.

At the network level, radicals and conservatives are fighting fiercely.

"Their experiments are betraying humanity! Why do you say that human beings have no potential, and you can turn yourself into another species! According to this reasoning, wouldn't it be over if we directly joined the Alev civilization? ! What's the difference? "

A fierce post appeared on social media and generated widespread discussion.

"Down with the inhuman regime! Maintain pure human power! "

"This is traitor behavior! "

Soon a group of sprayers sprayed back, "What about traitor Nima, can you represent humans?" What does it have to do with you if I transform myself? "

"Unthinking garbage! "

"Why can you represent human beings, but we can't?" We demand transformation, demand evolution! "

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