"Science" does not mean praise or criticism, it is just a way to understand the world and research problems. To give a simple example, when people say that Chinese medicine is not a science, there is no derogation at all, because it is a method of accumulating experience. But saying that Chinese medicine is completely ineffective is a slander that slanders the facts.

I won’t go into more details about this issue for the time being. At least scientism is more in line with objective laws than empiricism, and it can promote the development of productive forces. This is enough.

As far as the current Taipu civilization is concerned, since the world is divided into more than one thousand large and small countries, and their respective cultures are different, they want to truly unify the world and generate cohesion that belongs to the entire civilization. It's very difficult.

Under this prerequisite, the professor on the stage came to the conclusion: "...So we speculate that in the next few hundred years, Tapstar is also impossible to be fully integrated. It is possible that a country similar to the Xia Country on Earth will emerge, uniting several big countries and rushing out of its own planet."

"As for the remaining countries, what should be abandoned can only be abandoned."

"This is just one of the possibilities... It is more likely that you can't break out of your planet, and you can't even give birth to controlled nuclear fusion, and become a mediocre civilization standing in place."

At this point in the deduction, many people sighed silently.

In the 20th and 21st centuries of mankind, the major powers assisting Asian, African and Latin American countries are only to obtain economic growth points. If there are not enough benefits, why should they provide assistance? If you really reach the point where you can develop the outer planet, the pie that can be divided is too big, and there is no need to consider the issue of the planet's internal game, and there is no need to pay attention to the life and death of small and poor countries. Everyone is too late to develop space. Who cares about the poverty and backwardness on the other side of the planet?

A little humanitarian help is actually useless. If the entire cultural level is not good, and the spiritual core is not good, this kind of country will not be able to rise after all.

Between culture and culture, there is a distinction between advanced and barbaric. If a certain culture cannot promote the progress of the entire society, it is likely to be a dross culture. The most important thing is whether the people have the courage to abandon it.

"The above is the general history of the Taipu civilization." The scientist bowed slightly, and then stepped off the stage.

This piece of historical data is very helpful to the historiography of the new human civilization. Unlike the Riley civilization, it is just some religious classics. It is specific to the appearance of certain heroes in certain years. It also includes the birth of certain ideologies, which are truly valuable.

Many historians of the new civilization have already begun to calculate, deduct, and verify this subject with enthusiasm, while predicting the next step of this civilization.

Immediately after that, another geologist came onto the stage and gave an important survey result: "Analysis of the Probability Traces of Enlightenment Civilization in Tapstar".

This result directly aroused the interest of many people, even Zhang Yuan was shocked.

Li Zhendong said on the side: "I can basically calculate the style of conduct of the enlightened civilization. They usually predict what kind of difficulties a certain civilization will have when it develops to a certain stage. Then. In response to this difficulty, I would like to give a little help."

"As for whether this civilization can develop to this first stage and be able to cross this level, they don’t care. Taipu civilization The difficulties encountered... a lot, really a lot!"

"It should be like this." A deputy captain next door responded: "There are so many civilizations in the universe, how can you Take care of it all?"

The same is true of the opinions of a large number of human scientists, so I focused on the difficulties faced by the Taipu civilization.

First of all, the integration of civilizations. From the result, the Taipu civilization is completely divided. More than a thousand countries have developed to the present, and there is no possibility of integration.

So it can be considered that the Enlightenment Civilization did not pay attention to this point, or that it has taken certain measures, but ultimately failed.

Secondly, the second point is the industrial problem under high gravity environment, especially the heavy industry, which seems a bit difficult and slow to develop. Regardless of whether they can make big airships, big ships, but the whole process took more than ten times the time of human beings!

Originally, after the outbreak of the Industrial Revolution, science and technology should be developed rapidly. As a result, the Tap people discovered that the power of machines is not as powerful as traditional livestock. It took them hundreds of years to add steam engines. Improve.

"This problem is easy to understand." A mechanical expert explained, "A simple example, a steam turbine, a rotary steam power plant, under different gravity environments, the flow of steam produces huge The difference is that the pressure flow needs to be changed to gravity flow, and the impeller needs to be changed accordingly to ensure the force balance."

The higher the gravity, the more difficult and complex it is for heavy industry.

The reason why the heavy industry was relocated to the rest of the low-gravity planet in the later period of Earth civilization is because the low-gravity environment itself has its own advantages. For example, in a non-gravity environment, 3D printing perfect metal products, the key places do not need welding, directly cut the interface and press them together, this technology can be used for high-precision metal products or jewelry inlays, and can also be used for Industrialized production of integrated metal casing.

But in Earth, it is impossible to do this.

Tapstar’s gravity is far superior to Earth. Various equipment can only be made very rough, time-consuming and labor-intensive, but the performance is not high.

This is the second difficulty encountered by the Taipu civilization.

The third difficulty is the lack of rare Earth Elements in this large planet!

For some cutting-edge industries, this is almost a fatal blow!

"We investigated the technological system of the Taipu civilization and found that this planet lacks rare earths! Especially heavy rare earths!"

There are two types of rare earths, one is heavy rare earth, and the other The species is light rare earth. Heavy rare earths are more important and valuable than light rare earths.

The land area of ​​this planet far exceeds that of Earth, but the lack of rare earth raw materials makes it difficult to improve the performance of many materials.

The geologist played a natural birth simulation video of planet on the screen and explained: "Why is there a lack of rare earths? It is mainly because of high gravity... Everyone knows that rare earths , Most of which are heavy elements with a large atomic weight, which are easy to accumulate over time and sink to the core of the earth."

This planet is too big, its gravity is too large, and it has existed for more than five years. In a billion years, this has caused a lot of heavy elements to sink to the bottom of the earth. Therefore, the proportion of heavy rare earths in the crust is lower than that of Earth.

Then the Tap people are of course miserable.

Zhang Yuan sighed: “If this civilization can mine the earth’s core, there is no shortage of rare earths, but the problem is that even we don’t have such a technology to mine the earth’s core. Of course they do. No."

In fact, even gold, silver, copper, and iron are rarer in the crust of Taipu Star. Fortunately, these are common minerals after all, and they have a large base distribution on the surface. , Does not affect normal development.

But if there is no rare earth, it will be fatal, and it will greatly delay the development of cutting-edge technology.

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