Zhang Yuan said softly: "So, this civilization and the development of human beings are slightly different, but it is easy to understand. The abolition of the slave system has always been determined by productivity, and Not relying on moral changes, or the appeal of a few people of insight..."

"Economic architecture determines the upper foundation. When it really hinders the progress of the times, it will be overthrown by the general trend. This should be It is the common ground between certain civilizations."

"For now, these small countries that retain the slave system have basically not yet achieved industrialization, and slaves can still play a big role. This planet is really too big, and the transportation is not convenient. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. Other countries have no interest in managing these countries."

"Plus the inconvenient transportation, no satellites, more There is no big country to be a global policeman, and accusing human rights and the like is simply thankless."

"A planet is too big, and it is not necessarily a good thing. There are more natural resources and land. The area is larger, but the unification of thinking is more troublesome. In this era, there are still some countries in a state of disconnection, which is unthinkable in Earth."

A planet is too big, and it does happen. With such problems, a large number of countries are in a state of inexorable old age. But this phenomenon also has more variables-that is, it is easier to give birth to the spark of science.

Because the domestication of livestock is restricted, and the transportation is not developed, the country here is hard to be like the country in the Earth era, and it occupies several millions of square kilometers at every turn. Without adequate communications guarantees, the country can easily lose control of its borders and lead to division.

In the Middle Ancient Era, the largest country used to reach 3 million square kilometers. These countries just wanted to invade abroad and plunder more slaves, because their territories were too large and they decayed.

This type of region has fallen into the curse of long-term dynasty reincarnation. One dynasty overthrows another dynasty, mixed with slave uprisings, but there is no particular substantial progress.

There are still some small remote areas that want to develop various technologies, especially in the two river basins with superior geographical conditions and fertile land. The large-scale use of water power has made these Taipu people Thinking more flexible.

The invention of waterwheel and steamship prompted the Taipu people to think about the deeper nature of mechanics, which became the origin of modern civilization.

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan raised his hand and said: "Professor Luo, what about the religion of the Taipu civilization? Didn’t it bother development too much?"

Standing Professor Luo on the stage said: "The development of this civilization has not been troubled by religious factors too much, mainly because... Most powerful countries advocate ancestor worship, not Spiritual God worship."

Every country has risen from the cruel primordial war. Without the heroic fearless ancestors, there would be no Tepu people today. Therefore, worshiping great ancestors also admits a very natural thing.

There is only one commanding height for the Spiritual Plane. Since "ancestor worship" has the upper hand, it is difficult for Spiritual God worship to catch up.

The religious method of ancestor worship can hardly form a unified global religion.

If your ancestors are different from my ancestors, they will naturally not believe in each other. If there are contradictions in history, such contradictions are difficult to eliminate and turn into ethnic hatred.

"The way of worshiping ancestors does not explain all the doubts, and it also hinders the development of science to a certain extent, but the spiritual shackles are undoubtedly much smaller than Spiritual God worship...Some Taipu people I feel that what the ancestors said is absolutely correct and is not allowed to be violated. However, some Taipu people feel that the ancestors are not necessarily correct, and the dynasty will be overthrown. Nothing is absolute."

"...religious if Without strong enough political influence, it is difficult to interfere with the normal development of society, but it still has a certain degree of promotion."

This simple belief is easy to understand. It is equivalent to Kunlun Mountains. Human beings believe that they originated in the solar system and the Earth. This is not a symbol of pure cultural significance, but a symbol of spiritual value in the Spiritual Plane that includes blood and culture.

As for the identification of its own origin, the key factor of the cohesion of a civilization, if the origin is different, why should we work for the same goal?

Just like the former Soviet Union, it is the country with the most ethnic groups and the most complicated problems in the world. In order to solve the national problem, the Soviet Union deliberately shaped the "Soviet People" and has been vigorously propagating the achievements in nation-state building.

But when democratizing reforms and allowing the people to make choices, each of the franchise republics put their own national and national interests above the overall interests of the Soviet Union, and the lack of national identity is directly This led to the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

Facts have proved that the Soviet Union’s practice of dividing administrative regions by ethnicity does not help maintain the unity of the country, and ultimately became an important reason for the disintegration of the Soviet Union. [1]

Humans in the Kunlun Mountains have no such problems. Everyone agrees that they originated from Earth. Under the impact of time, various countries once had no sense of identity. Everyone agrees that they originated in the solar system, Earth, and this common starting point is enough.

"...But for countries with deep-rooted ancestor worship, they did not take the lead in developing science and technology."

"On the contrary, it is a small country that has risen from the ruins and pioneered the industrial revolution. , Has become the most powerful country in this planet."

As for the reasons, it is too complicated. The Taipu civilization itself has a large number of social works trying to explain this fact.

Some sociologists think that the "ancestor worship" mode of thinking hinders the progress of certain major countries. In order to maintain social stability, rulers will declare that "what the ancestors said is all right "The law of ancestors is immutable" goes, so the "natural philosophy system" with axioms as the core system and the "formal logic system and the discovery of causality through scientific experiments" are difficult to truly emerge.

Some sociologists have put forward the theory of "insufficient demand". These once powerful countries have gained profits through continuous foreign wars, and have fallen into a fixed mindset.

Even if the dynasty is overthrown and replaced by another, it will be the same ruling mode. Naturally, there will be no mind to ponder the basic principles of technology.

The inconvenience of transportation has turned into a benefit. At most, this planet even has more than 20,000 countries, and each country has its own concept. All kinds of difficulties, finally because this World has enough countries and the sample is large enough, there is a small probability event.

"Science", appeared.

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