Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 115: Mercury of Alexandria

The time when Alexander received the Uliu Mi News was not much later than that of Thiegó.

Although there is some inconvenience in transportation due to the outbreak of war, relying on Tiego ’s painstakingly arranged in Iberia in recent years, although it is not perfect but has a slightly effective intelligence network, and that has the role of the church post The convenience of the messenger exchange, this secret letter of great importance to Alexander was sent to his hand almost a month after it was sent out.

This is actually very fast. In today's era, such a letter is not uncommon for the first half of the year or even a year. So when Alexander received the letter, he sincerely appreciated Tiego.

Although the money spent on doing so can be imagined as a huge astronomical figure, but compared with the news, the money seems insignificant.

Many people still do n’t realize how important convenient and fast news exchange is, and Alexander ’s ability to take the lead in many places is based on this timely grasp of the news.

When seeing Schell walking into the room with the letter and reporting that it was a letter from Valladolid, Alexander clearly felt at that moment that his heart was beating violently, and the feeling of palpitations stimulated him. Fist clenched gently.

The content of the letter that I saw next proved how accurate the keenness at that moment was.

"Dear Master, I want to report to you an important matter. The husband of Princess Juana, the Duke of Vienna and Prince Philip of Flanders unfortunately contracted a strange disease. His condition is very bad now. Maybe it has gotten worse when you received my letter. Princess Juana prayed for her husband day and night, but people think there should be no doctor who can cure this strange and terrible disease that has never been seen. "

Uliu ’s letter was written with great care. Even in cipher language, the wording was still very careful, so that even if the secret letter accidentally fell into the hands of others or was deciphered, only one of them could be seen in Barialido The Germans wrote to his master to report this unfortunate news that happened in the Castilian court.

Uliu must be careful, even though some things are still not very clear, but whether Uliu or Normezi they know what this matter will mean once exposed, it will be terrible for them to fall into **** completely Aftermath, especially after seeing the Iberians' means of dealing with the enemy, they knew how dangerous their situation was.

Alexander burned the letter quickly. When burning the letter, he could obviously feel his hand shaking gently. He had n’t been so restless for a long time, but this time he was still nervous and more Excited and a little excited.

Planning the future of a country is always full of danger and thorns, and fighting for a crown in Iberia is a more difficult challenge.

Isabella and Ferdinand are like two insurmountable mountains in front of Alexandria, even if he has established a foothold in Italy and laid a good foundation, but if you want to work with these two The most eminent monarch of the era is still faltering for the enemy.

The future Spanish empire is a behemoth that really determines the history of the world for centuries in the future. Alexander will know more than anyone how difficult it will be to seize everything from the two giants who created this empire.

So when deciding to take this step towards Iberia, Alexander really did not know what to do. He wondered if it was enough to keep everything that Italy had, but this idea lasted only a short time. Knowing it won't work.

In the future, Italy is destined to be a great place for European powers to compete for hegemony. Even with his appearance, this situation cannot be changed.

All he can do is to use his best efforts to protect the territory of southern Italy. This is the foundation he uses to contend with all current or future enemies, but these are not enough, because he knows that the key to the future determines the destiny of this world is not The Mediterranean Sea, but on the other side of the vast ocean.

This is a historical necessity, and staying in the shallow water of the Mediterranean Sea, which is already sunset, will only eventually fall silent.

It is imperative to seek Iberia!

"Sher is ready, follow me to the governor's palace." Alexander looked at the line of noble troops hurriedly passing by the window.

He looked at the black ashes in the copper plate on the table and smiled softly. The secrets of the past had been burned. He knew how Uliu would keep the secrets. Normezi had already fulfilled his desire for revenge, and then he would How long?

There will be fewer and fewer people who know this secret. In fact, think about the beautiful Philip in history probably just a few years later contracted the syphilis that was not known by people at that time. Healed, before death, even the entire body was tormented by the terrible virus and the bones were tortured to death. Alexander felt that this seemed to be a certain fate.

Gonzalo didn't have "gone words". After the negotiations broke down, he really stepped up the attack on the noble coalition entrenched near Seville.

Although he did not go to the battlefield to see for himself, but from the mouths of the nobles who had retreated, Alexandria still knew that Gonzalo had shown the power of his original Spanish phalanx on the battlefield.

With the close cooperation of hot and cold weapons, as well as the proper artillery support and the clever use of light cavalry, the Spanish large phalanx trained by Gonzalo has revealed its ugly face.

If there is no change in history, the Spaniards will sweep Europe with this powerful phalanx in the next two centuries and establish their hegemonic status for nearly 200 years.

Gonzalo de Cordoba was the founder of the powerful Spanish army in the future, and although he has not placed the large square to Italy as in history, he has learned the French victory with fierce lessons. Established his unshakable position, but at least in this war to quell the rebellion of the aristocracy in the south, Gonzalo once again proved to the people that he is the most favored general in front of the queen, with irrefutable reasons. .

When Alexander arrived at the Doge ’s Palace, Don Bavi complained to the people around him that these people were his cronies, so he could scold those incompetent nobles without scruples, even when Alexander appeared. Cover up his anger at those people.

"Can you imagine what happened? Just last night, a team of more than 100 cavalry in Gonzalo actually attacked a warehouse outside the city. You have to know that they have to pass the guard of at least 5 noble troops. When they got there, none of those people could stop them. "

Don Bavi patted the armrest of the wheelchair angrily. His voice was a little hoarse, because his face became gray when the excitement became ugly, so that the people around him were a little worried, they took out all kinds of smells and it was not so delicious. The colorful potions are going to be poured into the Duke ’s mouth, but Don Bavi impatiently pushed away the messy followers. “Duke, you said you can see the Pope, then when?”


Alexander told Don Bavi that he could see that the repeated failures had made the duke suffocated, but the preparations for so many years before had become meaningless under the powerful military attack of Gonzalo, This also made Alexander realize again that in the face of a real strong enemy, if he can not have the same strength to resist, the final result is only failure.

It ’s just that Gonzalo is really not easy to deal with. His extraordinary military skills and amazingly sharp insights on the battlefield have allowed him to cleverly and accurately grasp the fleeting time. Piedmont ’s French army under Charlie is like this, and the battle of the Galligliano River, which historically determined France and Spain ’s key battle for Italian hegemony, made him show his talents in the most vivid way. .

Whether Gonzalo will command battles like the Battle of Galligliano in the future, Alexander does not know. He hopes to see the general ’s outstanding performance on the battlefield, and he does not want to see such results. Salou can't use it for him then this man will inevitably become one of the biggest obstacles to his road to win the Spanish crown.

"The Duke please forgive me, but I seem to have heard some news against you," Don Bavey looked at Alexander with a slightly suspicious look. "We all know now that the pope returned to his homeland because he was defeated in the Vatican. But this is nothing, I can still send someone to show him respect, but as far as I know, it seems that the death of the Pope ’s son, Caesar Borgia, has a lot to do with you. Do you accept my kindness for your reasons? "

Looking at Don Bavey's seemingly uncertain face, Alexander was wondering how much he was planning to give himself to the Pope as a gift. From his current appearance, this idea may have gradually been in his The heart has the upper hand.

This made Alexander realize that Don Bavi had gradually lost his position under the repeated blows of Gonzalo. Now even if he has the trump card of Sister Alft in his hands, he not only dare not let her show up at this time. , Perhaps also be careful to prevent being discovered.

After all, for Don Bavey, the defeat on the battlefield has shaken his position in the already loose alliance of the southern nobility. If someone knows that he still has such a vital chip as Sister Alft, it may not be necessary. There is no possibility that someone will turn to Isabella for whistleblowing because of fear of defeat.

So now is he a threat to him, after all, he is the one who knows his secret.

Alexander thought of this, sitting across from the Duke and staring at him silently, then he said, "Philip is sick."


Don Bavi was stunned, not knowing what he was talking about.

"I mean I just got reliable news that Juana ’s husband, Philip, had a very serious illness. According to the writer ’s description, it was a terrible illness that had never been seen before in Europe. The degree of danger was even comparable. The original Black Death. "

Don Bavey's face changed instantly.

Black Death!

This is a nightmare for the entire European continent, and even the past two centuries are still regarded as the terrible demons released by the **** of death and causing **** on earth.

"We bury the sick and dead in the early morning, and someone will bury us at midnight."

This was the most appropriate and creepy description of the Black Death at that time. In that terrible time, no one knew whether he could live to the dawn of the sky. Noble nobles and lowly civilians were first at that time. He once stood on an equal footing, and the church regarded as the evangelist of God in the world was helpless in the face of this terrible disease, and even could not protect himself.

So when Alexander heard that the disease was no worse than the Black Death, Don Bavey's heart was instantly excited, his hand holding the wheelchair armrest began to tremble, and he even wanted to stand up.

"Is this news reliable, oh no, I mean this disease is really terrible, is it contagious, just like the Black Death?" Don Bavey asked, impatiently, and impatient. Waved his hands to the people around him, and then he pushed the wheelchair forward and approached Alexander. He whispered and asked, "Duke, if your information is reliable, tell me how many people will be infected with this disease."

"Duke, please don't be too excited," Alexander looked at Don Bavey funny. This person was so calm before, he even started planning everything now 20 years ago, but now he has become so Can't wait, this is the corrosion and influence of power. In fact, this should be the most terrible disease. "In fact, this disease is very powerful, but it will not be as you think. At least I think Isabella will not be infected. on."

Don Bavi was disappointed at first, then asked unwillingly: "How can you be so sure, Duke, we all know how terrible the Black Death is, if you say this disease is the same as the Black Death, why is it so? Surely it will not be transmitted to Isabella or Ferdinand? "

Don Bavi ’s words made Alexander look like a smile, he wanted to say "If that is the case, the Spanish royal family may really be a mess in your circle", but after thinking about it, he still shook his head and said: "Because According to my information, Philip has been closely isolated, and it is said that although the infection is severe, it is not as fierce as the Black Death because of the special way. "

"That's it?" Don Bavey leaned back slightly disappointed, but even that was enough for him to think carefully, and at the same time he looked at Alexander's eyes slightly.

Don Bavi knew what it meant for Philip ’s illness, and also had a lot of eyes and ears in Valladolid. He was also very clear about what happened in the court. Philip was an ambitious person. He hoped to control his His wife controlled Castile and even Aragon, but this caused an inevitable contradiction between him and Ferdinand.

Now Philip is seriously ill, and if the news of Alexandria is reliable, it is likely to be life-threatening, which means that the court of Valladolid is bound to change dramatically.

"Gonzalo ..."

"Gonzalo probably won't be recalled," Alexander knew what Don Bavi was thinking, but he didn't plan to make the Duke feel threatened now, because only then would he still rely on himself, but he also I do n’t want this duke to feel like he ’s in desperation, otherwise he will still be planning to eliminate all threats in order to keep his secret. But the situation should change a little, I think you know Isabella and Ferdinand It seems that these years have not been so harmonious. "

"I know." Don Bavi nodded immediately. "I'm too familiar with that woman. Her power-loving personality is so strong. I even think that if it is Ferdinand between her and power, she will also Without hesitation, he walked over his body. "

Alexander nodded sympathetically. He knew that Don Bavi ’s evaluation of Isabella was still very objective. In fact, Ferdinand is also such a person. He can also ignore everything for the sake of rights. In this regard, He would actually show his coveted heart to Castile's crown after Isabella's death. It was really patient.

"Additionally, I have unreliable news."

Alexander looked at Don Bavi who showed a caring expression. When he first came to Iberia, he really didn't expect that he would have an intersection with the Andalusian nobleman, but this change made him quite satisfied.

The appearance of Don Bavi did change a lot, at least he succeeded in attracting the attention of Isabella and Ferdinand.

"This news is very important to you, but I want to know what you want to use in return for the Duke."

"Maybe you should first tell me what the news is about," Don Bavi looked at Alexandria, and he guessed in his heart what kind of news it would be, and at the same time figured out how many chips he could take out "or let me hear you What do you want? "

"It's the queen," Alexander noticed that Don Bavey's eyes were instantly fixed, but he still continued, "I hope to get all the colonial trade management rights for all business transactions with Seville ~ ~ This Not a small condition. "

Don Bavey secretly weighed whether the news that this chip might be worth was worth the effort. Just when he chose to move, Alexander's words made him unable to balance his heart.

"I can exchange the right to operate the Valencia silk industry in Andalusia. Duke you should know what this means."

Don Bavi was surprised. Of course he knew what it meant, but what he did not think was that the Duke seemed to be slowly showing his strength in this land.

And Valencia is the hometown of Pope Alexander VI, and Don Bavey is very clear about this.

This made him wonder whether the intention to use Alexander to show the Pope was wrong from the beginning, but now he has made a plan, no matter what the news is, if Alexander said it is true, then this deal Do not suffer at all.

"Let me hear what you want to tell me."

"Although Philip's illness has nothing to do with the Queen, the Queen's own situation is not very good," Alexander said to Don Bavey, whose face was uncertain. "If the news is clear, Isabella's life should be short. "

Listening to these words, Don Bavey's old face suddenly burst out with a strange blush.

He stared at Alexander's face closely, and after seeing his affirmative nod, Don Bavi finally couldn't restrain his excitement and said loudly: "Thank you Duke, you are really my lucky angel."

"No, I should be grateful to Mercury for bringing good news, all for their credit."

Don Bavi was amused by Alexander ’s words, but he did n’t know that it was really Alexander ’s truth.

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