Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 114: Secrets of Valencia

When Tiegeau saw Alexander VI from afar, he was secretly nervous.

He had never seen the pope before, but he thought he knew enough about him. He would think so because he had heard too much about Alexander VI before.

Especially in Valencia, even after so many years have passed, people still talk about the absurd and even shameful things that the cardinal had done.

The famous Rose Garden Villa in Valencia is a famous place to prove these absurdities.

When he was the Cardinal of Valencia, Rodrigo Borgia once invited many famous ladies and notorious prostitutes to have fun in the Rose Garden Villa, he made the door of the villa closed, During the three consecutive days of unrestrained carnivals, this horrendous behavior even made some people who thought they were bohemian at the time dumbfounded.

Rodrigo Borgia ’s bad reputation has been circulating in Valencia for so long that people often forget what the bishops were like after him.

And even if he has left the city for a long time, his influence is still entrenched. This has been chosen by the Cardinals from the beginning, and even in Rome these years, he still fully supports the promotion of the Bishop ’s throne. I can tell.

Tiego ’s understanding of Alexander VI naturally has a different purpose than others, but now he will feel a little nervous because of seeing the pope, but because of Maria de Luna.

"Duchess, although I don't want to disturb you at this time, there are indeed some very important things that you need to decide." Tiego bowed to Maria de Luna from afar, he knew the old man in front of him He is smarter and more savage, so he doesn't want him to discover any clues from his behavior.

"Is it a business matter?" Maria de Luna asked quietly, then turned her head to explain to her father-in-law "I'm doing business about silk, you know this is for us Very important, especially because of the current situation on the Mediterranean Sea, Valencia ’s silk trade is now very profitable, and Tiego, "she said, looked at Tiego seemingly casually." There seem to be some ways Can get more supplies than others. "

"Oh, the silk business," Alexander VI nodded, and he looked at Tiego. "When I was still a cardinal here, some people made a lot of money from this business. Why do you now rely on it?" Does this business make money? "

"Yes, I mean Your Majesty," Tiegeau appeared very nervous, seeming to be at a loss in front of the Pope. "I serve the Duchess, because I know some, friends ..."

Alexander VI showed a look of interest. He looked up and down at Tiege, and then asked: "Can I understand that you are talking about some friends, um, pirates?"

Tiego seemed a little nervous. He looked for help and looked at Maria de Luna. He seemed to want him to make a clearance for himself, but he seemed to have to explain something for himself. The businessman seemed very nervous for a time. disturbed.

"This is the case. He is working for me now. The silk market in Valencia is huge, but because Thiego can have cheaper and reliable supplies, our prices are much lower than others. As soon as we came, we accounted for nearly 10% of the silk market share in Valencia, "Maria de Luna explained quickly, seeing that the Pope was very interested and then quickly said" but this business It ’s still not ideal for us to do it ourselves. We want to make a lot of money on this, and some people have a strong backing, so if you can help us, maybe we can make more. "

Alexander VI showed a smile. He was satisfied with Maria de Luna's cleverness. Obviously his daughter-in-law was willing to share the benefits of this business, which made him feel first after returning to Valencia It ’s a good sign that Tian has encountered such a good thing: "I will think about it, it is for our family, and all you do for Juan will be rewarded."

Maria de Luna bowed respectfully to her father-in-law, and at this moment she happened to see Cardron coming from the other side of the corridor.

"Your Majesty, Lord Bishop is here, he hopes to see you alone." Cardron said while looking at Maria de Luna, somehow he always thought she looked a little weird, as for the reason Card Long could not speak, but he felt a faint feeling, as if Maria de Luna was deliberately avoiding him.

"I knew he would come. He has wasted a lot of time in Valencia over the years. Even in Rome, I have heard of his foolish oak barrel nickname." The pope muttered to his side. The daughter-in-law waved her hand to signal her to do her own thing, and then walked outside, accompanied by Cardron.

Seeing that the pope's figure had just disappeared in the corner of the corridor, Maria de Luna suddenly pulled Tiego behind a pillar with a nervous look, she asked in a panic: "Are you crazy, run at this time Come see me? "

"Because I miss you, I can't care whoever is here."

Thie said that Ge took a desperate kiss holding Maria de Luna's face, and he let Maria de Luna struggle to pat his back until he used a bigger one Hugged him tightly.

"We are really crazy, and if someone finds out our relationship we will be in big trouble." Until the two separated, Maria de Luna whispered gaspingly.

"Why are you afraid, just because I am a businessman, not a noble?" Thiego asked Maria de Luna's eyes closely. "Or do you think it's a shame to be with me?"

"Of course not," Maria de Luna distinguished anxiously. "To know that if someone finds out our relationship, they have an excuse to deprive me of the custody of Juan. Know that he is 12 years old this year. You can take over your territory in three years, but if you do n’t take care of you, you do n’t know what will happen in three years. Do you know how many people are staring at his territory? ”

"Do n’t worry about Maria, do n’t worry," Thiego once again firmly held Maria de Luna ’s face to comfort her. "Believe me, as long as we are careful we wo n’t have an accident, and you should know that I wo n’t A businessman, maybe it wo n’t take long for me to have an identity that will make you proud. By then everyone will envy you for having a lover like me. "

Slightly stable Maria de Luna looked at Tiego helplessly. She could hear the meaning of Tiego's words. Obviously even if he said that he would have a prominent identity in the future, he could still Will not marry herself, this is somewhat unpleasant to Maria de Luna, but she also knows that this is probably the only thing that Thiego cannot do.

But at least he has done very well now.

As she told the Pope, thanks to Thiegó's help, they firmly occupied a large share of the silk market in Valencia, and this wealth was enough to bring huge profits to the Gandino territory.

Maria de Luna did n’t know whether he was finally committed to this man because of the wealth he brought to himself or this man did attract her, but now the two of them are obviously closely linked together, this is not Just because of money, more because of the things they do.

Now Maria de Luna is considered to be "their". As for who the "them" is, she can probably guess in her heart, which is why she felt uneasy when she heard the pope inquire about the pressure.

"I did everything you asked me to do, don't use this to threaten me again," Maria de Luna said a little bit fiercely, her eyes were a little complicated, and she had to be threatened before she had to take care of these people. Work, although it ’s still very bad, but it seems nothing compared to her and Tiegomo ’s inexplicable blending. “The pope is back, you should know if he finds what will happen to us.”

"I don't think this is the most important thing, or is it because of that Peloto Cardron?" Thiego stared at Maria de Luna's eyes "Don't think I can't see him seeing you Look, he hasn't forgotten you until now. "

"how dare you……"

Maria de Luna questioned angrily, but the following words were blocked by another more powerful deep kiss until Tiego released her.

"Listen do n’t worry, no one can threaten us, even the little follower, I can help you get rid of him, and your son, I guarantee that he can inherit his territory smoothly, and maybe even in the future. More can be obtained. "

"I don't know what to believe in you. You promised that I won't be entangled after this matter is over. Now tell me how much more I have to do for you."

Maria de Luna asked helplessly, she felt that she was really wrong, who could have thought that just having a cheating with a follower would cause such a big trouble to her, sometimes she even thought that if she was like Jeffrey Like his wife Xia Sang and her husband's brothers, maybe they won't have the troubles nowadays.

"You have indeed done a lot, but I believe what I am doing is actually for you. Think about it. It is not because of the cooperation with us that you can have so much wealth now, so if you cooperate with us, you can help your son. Isn't it in your interest to strive for a better future? "

Maria de Luna sighed slightly, she knew that she had boarded a boat that could not get off, if she did not want to expose his previous relationship with Cardron, so that the pope would be aware of Giovanni's death and She can only continue to cooperate with this businessman who makes her love and hate, and as Thiego said, she has done a lot of things, if you believe that Zaragoza is not exposed Will easily forgive her.

Maria de Luna said helplessly: "Okay, now I'm going to accompany the Pope, tell me what you mean."

"The Duke wants to see the Pope," Thiegho said in a low voice, and when he saw Marya de Lou Na's surprised expression, he whispered slightly. "Don't ask me why, I can't imagine what they would look like after they met. "

"You and that Gombre you are lunatics, I really hope you two are hanged together," Maria de Luna said indignantly, and then struggled harder. "Let me go and let me go, dragging too much It ’s been discovered for a long time, and are n’t you here to talk to me about business? Let someone send me my money. "

After talking, Maria de Luna struggled to get out of Tiegeau ’s arms and stood on the corridor. She slightly packed her slightly messy skirt and then gave Tieguo a fierce glance, if nothing happened. Walked towards the end of the corridor.

Looking at her back, Tiego nodded slowly and whispered to himself: "Peloto Cardron, now this is our two private grudges."

The pope ’s return to Valencia did bring a different kind of disturbance to the city.

As the largest in Catalonia and one of the most influential cities on the Iberian Peninsula, Malaysia is well-known throughout the peninsula for its developed business and agriculture. In addition to affecting more than half of the European silk industry, Valencia is also As an important maritime transit station in southwestern Europe, Valencia has a unique advantage as an important maritime hub of the Kingdom of Aragon facing the Mediterranean Sea.

In the years to come, this advantage will not disappear, especially with the opening of the New World route, the coast of the Liberia Peninsula will once become the only way for Mediterranean countries to enter the Atlantic Ocean. Those countries will carry out here The last replenishment and rest, and these places also became the windows that those countries must deal with Spain in order to pass through Gibraltar, an important gateway that restrains the Atlantic throat, and many nobles and merchants in Valencia became these The foreigners have been bribery, which makes them very profitable, until with the development of the new continent, they set their sights on that mysterious land, and no longer look at that little reward of being a broker.

But in addition to these, Valencia has another unique industry that is not available elsewhere, that is the famous Catalan mercenary industry.

Just as the Swiss used mercenaries as an important source of wealth, the famous Catalan mercenaries have always been the darlings of the European mercenary world.

These fierce and brave Catalans were employed by many European monarchs, so that they not only had to fight the enemies of other countries, but sometimes they had to fight against their fellow villagers.

Unlike the Swiss, the Catalans obviously do n’t have much identification with their fellow countrymen. Unless the employers are too stingy, they do n’t care to cut off their fellow countrymen as long as they give enough money. Open the scoop directly.

Therefore, Catalan mercenaries are very popular, because this industry is very prosperous, they even have their own special mercenary guild in Valencia, and some merchants with big pockets have become Catalan mercenaries. Some of the agents of the soldiers, some of them rich and rich, simply set up mercenary chambers of various sizes.

"East India Company" is a name that is still unfamiliar in Iberia. This company is well-known except in Lisbon. At least it is not well-known in other parts of the Iberian Peninsula.

The "East India Company Valencia Office" is located on the street at the northeast corner of Plaza Marcini. The facade facing the square is a very imposing 3-storey building, and one of the projects operated by this company is the famous commissioner. Bing business.

This is even a major economic source for the company.

Tiego is usually here most of the time, and his residence is on the corner of the third floor.

He has n’t been home for a long time. He has been here all the time, except for hurried back to Balearic to look at his wife and children.

Thiago found himself more and more like today's role, he is a successful businessman, a person who has a lot of wealth and even an influence in Valencia and even Zaragoza, but he is also a spy, one Anyone who secretly tries to disrupt the order of the Aragon Kingdom at any time.

He found that he actually liked this identity, which made him feel adventurous and exciting. In addition, these dangerous jobs exposed him to things he had never been in contact with before, which reminded him sometimes to work hard just to support his family. Life, I felt that the previous decades were really a waste of life.

Tiego stood in front of the window and looked at a busy group of workers below. They were trying to piece together a pile of letters carved in marble. When they were completed, these letters would be pieced together into the "East India Company Valencia Office "This sign is so big that it can be seen clearly even across Plaza Marconi.

This is probably the most special sign of Valencia. Thiego believes that it will definitely attract more customers.

A carriage that slowly drove through the square attracted Tiego's attention, and Tiego frowned slightly when he saw the man who seemed to be a little teetering from the wagon parked at the door.

Watching the man disappear into the dead corner of the porch below, Thiago turned to look at the door, and it didn't take long for the closed door to be gently knocked.

"Please come in."

The door opened, and Normezi with a silver mask on his face walked in. He held a cane, also wrapped in silver, whose muffled sound was poked from the cane's head on the ground. , How hard is the person who uses it to press the whole body strength on it.

As soon as he walked into the room, Normezi immediately collapsed into the chair beside him. He gasped for breath, and then took out a small glass bottle from his pocket with some trembling hands and opened the stopper to sprinkle it on his body. Some perfume inside.

"I hate summer, it will make me smell like the worst in the garbage dump," Normezi said breathlessly, looking at the eyes that Thiago looked at, and he waved his hand casually. "I Does it look so bad? "

"Worse my friend," Tiegeau sat down and looked at Normezi. "Tell me what you are going to do. If it is not important, the Moor will not send you to Valencia, especially if you are watching now. It's really bad. "

Normezi waved his hand again. He took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the thick water overflowing from the terrible scar under the mask. Looking at the disgusting marks on it, he sighed and threw the handkerchief to the ground.

Then he squeezed the silver cane in his hands with both hands and looked at Tiego with a look of triumph, even with a half-mask, and then he said slowly and forcefully: "I done."

Tiego's heart jumped violently!

At that moment, he felt that the part from the heart was tight first, and then his body was cold!

"What did you say?" He asked in a trembling voice that he felt.

"I said, I did it."

Normezi waved his hand holding the head of the cane, and then he immediately took a handkerchief out of his pocket and choked it tightly against his mouth for a sudden cough.

"I feel like I have a fever," Normezi said, trying to stand up ~ ~ but another stumbled in his chair, watching the brisk walk over and looked down at his Tiego, He raised his head and smiled reluctantly, "So, I might be satisfied."

Tiego nodded gently, he knew what Normezi was saying, and his anger at Ferdinand ’s betrayal made Normezi choose a path of revenge, and now this road seemed to have come to an end, and his Life has also come to an end.

"Trust me," Normezi squeezed Tiego's sleeve tightly to get him close to himself. "The court of Valladolid will soon be in chaos, and Ferdinand's ambition will make him and Isabella Turns out, this is what I did, I did it all by myself, and now I have revenge. "

With that said, Normezi had another severe cough.

Thieg immediately called out the servant to take care of Normezi, and looking at the back of the man who was helped out of the room, Thieg quickly walked to the table and picked up the pen.

Although he knew that Uliu must have written a report on this matter to Alexander, he decided to write to the Duke as soon as possible.

"Sir, you probably already know what happened in Valladolid. As you planned, Philips has successfully transmitted the terrible disease that is destined to be incurable, which has caused a huge change in the situation. According to your arrangement before this, Mrs. Maria de Luna has made a lot of rumors in the palace of Zaragoza that are not good for Gonzalo. I believe Ferdinand will not turn a blind eye to this, and now the Pope has already Back in Valencia, what should you do next? Please make arrangements as soon as possible ... "

After writing the letter in cipher language, Thiago went to the window and made a gesture, and a working worker immediately began to walk in casually.

"Send this letter immediately," Tiego told the worker "This is very important."

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