Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 75: Battle of Rocca di Pass

Caesar looked somberly at the battlefield in the distance. He stood very well on the ground. He could clearly see all the battles that were taking place on the battlefield, as well as the changes since the war.

When the opposite Naples Musketeer started shooting, Caesar thought the same as his French friend. He thought that the early shooting of the Neapolitans not only lost the opportunity to master the subsequent battle changes, but also proved that the Naples faced strong Enemy should be calm and calm.

A soldier with true courage and experience is unlikely to act rashly on the battlefield.

The same is true for an army. Those who react prematurely because of the enemy ’s actions or even seduced interactions often equate to giving the enemy a chance.

So after seeing the Neapolitan fire, Caesar not only felt nervous but let go of his heart at that moment.

But what happened afterwards made Caesar know that he was the so-called empirical talk, from this time it has no effect.

Caesar would n’t know what the Naple Grenadiers did in his eyes completely blind, but they were stubborn. They did not know how many times they had trained, even with their eyes closed. The new combat principle of "action before the enemy, formation of the enemy first, and fire before the enemy" applies the lessons learned from the training ground to the current enemy.

Even when a row of bullets appeared to be close to several columns, but undoubtedly because of the wide front of the row, the formation of almost all firearms was shot by turns and rushed to the pope army opposite, Caesar immediately saw the front of his army. The formation of the moment seemed to be cut out by the invisible giants with hammers in the queue.

The color of these notches is a shocking bright red, and as the Naples army positions fired one after another, these notches are also growing in the Pope ’s army, so that the formation of the Pope ’s advance is because of this round of rounds. The terrible blow gradually slowed down.

"That woman has a very powerful army."

Caesar looked at the opposite Grenadier formation. He noticed that the formation of the army was much more tidy than the other units, and their dark yellow uniform and apparently crafted breastplate looked familiar. Looking at the uniform movement of the army, Caesar suddenly realized that he had once seen such command and control of the army that he had always envied in Alexander's army.

At this moment, Caesar quickly flashed the idea of ​​"Gombre in the Naples army", but he immediately overturned this idea, because according to his father, Alexander should be in Iberia at this time, as for what he did though No one knows, but Caesar announced that it was a rare and good opportunity to declare war on Rome Theseia at this time.

There were some messy or gunshot sounds, this time the gunshot sound was obviously thinner than the one that seemed like thunderous thunder just now, but it was much closer.

The Pope's Musketeers started to fight back.

Although the loss was very heavy, but at this time, the battle fronts of the two sides were very close. The front spearmen had begun to tilt the spear forward, and the people behind were used to blocking the shield over the spearman ’s head. It was just this time that the arrow rain did not come from above the head, but a large projectile flew head-on.

With the pope's counterattack. Casualties also began to appear in the Naples army. From time to time, spearmen and soldiers wearing typical Taranto dark short waistcoats fell from the position, and Naples musketeers began to retreat with the waves of whistling. .

"Sir, the Neapolitan is backing away." An officer shouted excitedly. He jumped on a truncated tree stump and watched carefully with his hand in front of his eyes. Then he cried again. "Our people have rushed up, those The Naples are running backwards like rabbits. "

Caesar's surging joy had just climbed into his heart, but then he was shrouded in anxiety.

He noticed that the formation of the Naples army was not chaotic. The retreat of the long front line formed by lines was not chaotic. Even in some places, because of the retreat of the musketeers and the spear soldiers standing on the spot, the entire Naples front was seemingly casual It became a huge W shape, and the Pope was involuntarily rushing toward the recessed parts on both sides of this huge W in order to surround the spearmen phalanx protruding in front of the front from both sides.

Caesar's uneasiness became stronger and stronger. Although he knew that he could completely cut off the Naples army if he broke the lance square that protruded beyond the front line, but he didn't know how he always felt that the current situation was inexplicable. danger.

Caesar opened his mouth. He wanted to order the troops to stop moving forward immediately, but looking at the sides that had been almost completely surrounded, like a lone island that would be flooded at any time, he had raised his hand slightly. Can't help but stay.

"Sir, do you have any orders?" An officer beside him whispered.

Caesar shook his head silently. He was annoyed by his indecision. When he didn't know what kind of judgment to make, he instinctively grabbed the hilt of the armoured sword in his waist.

The moment I touched the cool sword hilt, a flash of aura flashed through Caesar's heart!

He suddenly stepped forward and carefully looked at the positions in front of the two sides.

On the battlefield, the Pope was desperately charging towards the phalanx of spears, which were almost surrounded by two sides.

In order to cut off the retreat of this enemy force, more and more pope troops tried to rush to the farther back of the enemy phalanx.

And just in front of them, the Naples had formed the bottom of the W-shaped concave bottom, and Caesar vaguely saw the few strict carriages just behind the concave angle of the enemy formation.

In an instant, a terrible nightmare memory broke into Caesar's mind!

He remembered the horror experience that was once outside the city of Rome. The scene that originally thought that he was sitting in Alexandria, but actually hides a terrible weapon like a **** demon, instantly caused Caesar to have pores all over his body. The clothes on his body were soaked in cold sweat instantly!

"Retreat! Order the troops to retreat!"

Caesar roared hysterically to the trumpeter beside him, his voice changed in tone because of fear, and his face was twisted like a ghost!

The trumpeter was frightened by Caesar's appearance. He raised his horn and put it on his mouth but only blew out a long sound that could not be heard. At the same time, his eyes kept staring at Caesar, because he didn't know what to do. The cheeks were constantly bulging, but the tone was not found at all.

"I let you play the trumpet and let them back!"

Caesar clenched the hilt to the trumpeter, his eyes gleaming fiercely, no one doubted that he would stab the trumpeter with a sword, which immediately surrounded the officers around him to block him The terrible act that prevented him from doing.

Fortunately, this slight obstruction finally made the trumpeter understand. He immediately used his full strength to blow his cheeks and blew a long retreat signal.

The sound of the horn quickly spread to the distance.

"grown ups?"

Several officers looked at Caesar in consternation. They didn't know why Caesar would order the army to stop when they were about to win.

Along with this horn, the signal trumpeters distributed behind the position also raised the horn in preparation for the sound.

Caesar looked in the direction of the front line. He saw that the Pope's army was still advancing, but the sound of the retreat had been heard, and he exhaled heavily.

But then the muscles on his face just frozen because of the sudden relaxation after extreme tension suddenly solidified!

Caesar's eyes were horrified, and at that moment his desperate look made the officers looking at him turn around involuntarily, wanting to see what he saw.

The baffles of several carriages parked separately at the rear of the position had fallen at this time, and the blurry shadows emerging from the carriages were not clear because they were too far away.

But I don't know how. Perhaps it was years of familiarity with danger on the battlefield that had penetrated deep into their bones, so the officers still felt a chill from their hearts at this moment.

Then they saw a terrible scene they had never seen in their lives.

A living **** appeared before their eyes, the smell of sulfur, the boiling flame, the thick smoke and the thunderous thunder.

At this moment someone thought of the description of **** in Dante's Divine Comedy.

It's just that the **** in Divine Comedy is only from Dante's pen, and what appeared in front of them is a real hell!

The Pope Army soldiers who rushed to the front did not know what they were hit by. Many people had not been able to react to it and had been torn to pieces by the oncoming rain like a storm. The internal organs of various colors squeezed out of the open body were stirred together and flew around.

A few soldiers who were shot by bullets and fell to the ground were not killed by pain and excessive blood loss, but were suffocated by the corpses that kept falling down on them.

The horrible weapons on the carriage whirled monotonously as the operator pulled the spring. Rows of muskets rolled down like a windmill after shooting. Then a new row of muskets had been rolled up. The sounds of the bite of the "buckle" gears, the cold and horrifying weapons kept repeating the same action, until all the flints that were finally inserted into the wooden troughs were hit and choked The smell of people.

At this time, the carriage was completely surrounded by smoke, so that in the distance, only a few large smoke clusters could be seen rolling up on the hillside, and the gunshots like **** thunder had finally silenced. The only thing left was the screams of screams that gradually sounded.

On the slopes of Rocca di Pass, there are a few flesh and blood quagmire that can no longer distinguish between people, people and horses, or simply do not know what is mixed together.

Caesar looked blankly at the front, he knew he was right, and he did make the right choice, but it was so short for a while!

And the cost of this short delay was that the Pope Army paid nearly a hundred lives at this moment.

"Retreat." Caesar finally spoke. His slightly pale face had no expression, and his eyes were just staring at the scarlet scarlet "muddy" on the distant ground.

"Master, are we going to retreat?" An officer whispered, Caesar's appearance looked worrying, and the orders he gave at this time also made the officers feel uneasy. The officer bravely said, "But retreat Naples at this time. People may pursue them, then our army may collapse. "

"No, they won't chase us," Caesar looked at the hillside further away, looking at the direction of the Naples camp, his mouth trembling, but unexpectedly smiled reluctantly. "I Knowing what the woman is going to do, she will not only be satisfied and defeated me. "

The officers worriedly looked at each other. Although they were worried, Caesar urged the Pope to retreat one after another.

To the surprise of these officers, the Naples army did not pursue.

On the Rocca di Pass, Ruosha fiddled with her gloves and looked at the Pope's army that was gradually receding under her, with a look of regret on her face.

"I didn't expect Caesar to become smart this time," she shook her head slightly helplessly, and then looked at the carriages with some regret. "The next time I want to lure him to hook again, it will not be so easy."

There was a rush of footsteps, and Ruosha guessed who the person was without even looking back.

"Your Majesty, why don't we continue the pursuit?"

A voice of anger and even some rudeness came from behind, and Ruosha slowly turned around, looking to Elliot, the son of Earl Hossen of Taranto, who was waiting angrily for her answer.

"If we launch an offensive at this time, the Pope's army may collapse completely, and even we may have the opportunity to catch Caesar," Elliott said dissatisfiedly. "But you actually ordered a ban on pursuit, why?"

"Why?" Ruosha looked back at the Pope's army that had been pulled down the hillside, slowly gathering on the plains in the distance, and then she turned back to look at Elliott. "So what do you think after the Pope's army was defeated, what should we do?"

Elliott froze for a while, then his face gradually became weird.

"You don't know what to do," Zuosha smiled playfully. "Because you don't know how to dispose of the pope, do you want to abolish him and support a new pope? If so, I think maybe yours Father Count Hawson will declare you heretic earlier than anyone else. "

Elliott silently listened to Ruosha's sarcasm, but this time he was neither angry nor sarcastically, because he found that he had just done something stupid.

The anti-French sacred alliance was established to compete with the ambitious King Louis XII. No matter how Caesar used the status of the pope ’s son to provoke his own ambitions, the enemies of the sacred alliance would not be the pope.

However, if Caesar is completely defeated now, then the Holy Alliance will face a very delicate and even awkward situation, that is, how to deal with Alexander VI who supports Caesar behind him?

Is it true to abolish the pope as Zuosha said?

Think about it, it is impossible.

After all, the so-called coexistence of the three popes created by the French was something the Vatican absolutely did not want to see again.

But if you still allow Alexander VI to sit on that throne, then it is equivalent to admitting that his support for Louis XII is correct, then the existence of the Holy Alliance becomes meaningless, even in danger of falling apart instantly.

"But should we allow Caesar to reorganize his army after returning, knowing that we don't have so much food so that we can calmly continue to consume him."

Elliott was annoyed with the whip in his hand, beating the thick grass in front of him.

"No, we don't have to worry about this," Ruosha turned to look at the pope's army down the hillside. "They will come to us by themselves, and I promise this will not last long."

Elliott looked at Zuo Sha puzzled, and then he was surprised to find that Zuo Sha's gaze was staring down the mountain, but Elliott bet, but the look on her face was completely different.

That's the expression when I think of something triumphant, or simply a sweet thing.

The Queen of Naples Regency at this moment is more like a young girl recalling what a sweet past is.

The first battle between the Pope's army and the Naples army ended suddenly.

Despite the heavy casualties, Caesar's retreat in front of the enemy but the victory of the victory made him earn the respect and dependence of the soldiers.

Only when he returned to the Vatican and walked into the room of Alexander VI, the confident smile on Caesar's face disappeared instantly.

Looking at his father and private secretary Nomelo, Caesar said something that he would never say in front of others: "We may lose this war."

"How is it possible?" Alexander VI did not show confusion despite his accident. He just felt unbelievable about Caesar's judgment. "I know you have lost a battle, but this is nothing. Soon we will have a new army, You ’re doing very well. What Zuosha Kosenza wants is to force us to choose neutrality or support the Holy Alliance, but not directly against the Vatican, since we are actually in an undefeated position, right? "

The words of Alexander VI did not reassure Caesar, he began to tell the Pope everything he saw on the battlefield. When it came to the amazing new army of Naples and those horrible weapons that were just making the Holocaust, Caesar While envious, it is more fearful.

"I now know why that woman dared to send most of the army to Pisa, because as long as she has such a force, it is enough, and our current army can't confront them at all, so we must build a team like the Neapolitans. To fight against them. "

"That's not easy, you know it needs a lot of money," Alexander VI looked at Caesar's blinking eyes and gently raised his forehead. He knew Caesar's idea, but he couldn't make up his mind for a while "No, No, that's too risky, you know that those Ladia gold coins are used as reserves and credits for the currency issued by the Holy See ~ ~ We only need to use a small part of them, and we will wait until we win the war Can have everything, and this small part can let us win the war. "Caesar said eagerly." We must organize the army as soon as possible. Father, you know that if we can't get enough results, we will lose value even in front of Louis. " . "

Caesar's words made Alexander VI's heart suddenly move. His eyes looked at Nomelo, who was always silent, but he didn't wait for the personal secretary to speak. He had waved his hand slightly and stopped: "I already know what to do. Indeed, we can get everything as long as we win the war. "

Listening to the Pope's determination, Nomelo's words were finally unspoken.

At the beginning of May 1501, the battle between Naples and the Pope at Rocca di Pas on the outskirts of Rome ended temporarily.

At the same time, in Pisa, the French army launched a fierce attack on the city of Pisa.

At this time, a Jewish man walked into Fogel's house in Groszburg.

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