Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 74: "Grenadier ~ Shoot!"

Rocca di Pass is located in the southeast of Rome. Although the mountain is not high, it overlooks the city of Rome from the hill.

Ruosha knew that when Alexander came to Rome, he stood on this hill and looked down at the city. At that time, Alexander was just a little lord who came to live in the territory of Naples. No one knew who he was, and no one else. I think that in a few years he will become the person who decides the fate of this city.

Now, Ruosha is standing at the same place on the top of this mountain, she is also overlooking this millennium ancient city, and can she also be the person who decides the destiny of this Christian world capital?

Ruosha could feel that the officers around him were watching her with almost fanatical eyes, because if this battle was won, then the Kingdom of Naples ushered in not only the honor of winning a war, but the glory of conquering Rome.

Since ancient times, countless monarchs have been honored to be able to enter Rome as a winner and pass through the huge and grand triumphal arch. Now this opportunity also appears in front of them, which makes those officers anxious because of excitement.

"To tell everyone, we have a long time to go today," Ruosha said to the herald soldier next to her seemingly at random, and she saw an angelic smile when she saw that the herald soldier was a little stunned. "That's it. Say, and tell them that I will watch on the mountain, waiting for them to offer me Caesar's flag. "

The messenger immediately jumped on the horse and ran away, and Ruosha simply walked a few steps away and sat down in front of a large chair that had been prepared.

"Your Majesty, are you nervous?"

The waitress, who was already pale, asked anxiously, although she enjoyed the enviable favor and privileges as a cron of the queen, and because she was trusted, she knew that the queen and her brother must not be outsiders. Knowing the special relationship, but the female waitress never imagined that she would have to experience the huge stimulation that other court female officers would never experience-stepping onto the battlefield.

This caused the waitress to turn blue because of tension and fear. Her body was shaking and her sweat was soaked in the tightly wrapped dress, especially when she heard a burst of soldiers igniting the weeds that were ignited in front of the vision. She was already nervous and fainted when she was burnt.

This made her even if she had seen countless pairs of eyes peeking at her along the way, she was no longer in a mood to enjoy the vanity that was caused by attention.

"Of course I am nervous. I know that I have brought out almost half of the army of the Kingdom of Naples and Taranto. If I fail, even if I fled back to Naples, I will not only guard against Caesar's revenge, but also to guard against the re-invasion from Sicily. "

There was a seemingly absent smile on Ruosha's face, as if he was not saying that he was not so beautiful in the future.

"But as long as I can stand here, it will be worth it to me."

With that said, Ruosha looked around: "My brother used to look at the city below, then he spent several years conquering Rome, and now I have to do the same, and then use this city to prove me The glory of my brother ’s family, and our descendants will certainly be the best. "

There was a strange look on the face of the waitress. She would never forget the unexpected, frightened, unbelievable yet vaguely mixed feeling of stimulating complex emotions when she broke through the private relationship of the brother and sister, and Now Ruosha proves how special and full of passion she is in a way that she doesn't know how to describe.

"Your Majesty, it seems to be moving in front!" A servant raised his head a little farther below and shouted to Ruosha, his hand still blindly pointing down the mountain, and with his yelling, Ruosha's eyes had turned far. Queue "Pope Army!"

The first Pope's soldier to see the shadow of the Naples army was a veteran with a thick beard on his face. He was very careful as a veteran. When he saw the neat line of troops on the hillside far away in front Instinctively bent down, then slowly stood straight and looked forward.

Then he found that the Naples looked strange.

Except for several troops in the middle of the entire formation, some Neapolitans did not form a deep square formation as he had seen in the battles he had participated in in the past, but extended from left to right like a belt. This makes the Neapolitans appear to have a very thin formation even when viewed from a distance.

Just when this veteran was surprised by the enemy on the opposite side, the army behind was slowly approaching.

Guided by the banner of Pope Alexander VI, the Pope's army stepped on the soft land and made a dull sound at the foot, approaching the Naples army.

Caesar rode on a majestic black horse, the brand-new saddle exuded leather, and the silver ornaments on the horse's body shone in the sun.

Caesar habitually stroked his beloved armoured sword. Before his imprisonment by Alexander, his love sword was ruthlessly deprived. Caesar regarded this as the most terrible humiliation to him.

Even though Alexander VI gave him a gold-handed sword later, Caesar still wears this weapon that is of extraordinary significance to him, because whenever he sees this sword, it seems that there is someone who keeps reminding him in his ears. The great shame that made him unforgettable all his life.

The rather strange formation of the Naples army opposite caused Caesar's vigilance. Although he wished to rush to the enemy immediately, several setbacks had made him less rash and rash.

The Gumbre family seems to be his nemesis.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Caesar's experience instinctively kept enough vigilance for all people and things related to Alexander.

The woman opposite is Alexander ’s sister, and this alone is enough to make Caesar a lot more careful, not to mention that the young woman is indeed not simple as far as he knows, at least the kingdom of Naples now surrenders to her.

However, maybe the woman does have a proud wrist in the court, but on the battlefield, Caesar believes that when he has 4,000 people and the opponent has less than 3,000 people, the victory will ultimately belong to him.

"With the power given to the Pope by God, our weapons are the blades given by the Vatican to defend the Holy Land, so you are all warriors who have been given a mission, which will give you enough courage and luck," Caesar pulled the war horse in battle. I shouted loudly before, "And I give you generous rewards, but those are not the most important. If you win this war, I will give you more rewards. You can freely control all the loot you get. , And the gold in the Vatican vault can make each of you rich. "

Caesar's words made the soldiers' breathing quick. Many people's indifferent eyes showed heat. These murderous mercenaries seemed to smell the blood while also smelling gold. They believed Caesar's promise. It is true, because anyone knows that the consequences of deceiving mercenaries are likely to be more serious than a defeat.

So now, the opportunity for them to get rich is on the opposite side, as long as they surpass this short distance of more than 100 yards, and then pierce or cut into the enemy's body with the sharp blade in their hands, then they can get maybe There will be no big rewards in the future.

Such opportunities are really rare, and all they have to do is rush to the enemy bravely and fearlessly after hearing the order.

A sharp horn sounded at this time, and then a wave of horns rang in the Pope's army.

"It's time to work." The bearded veteran twisted his body and spit in the palm of his hand to tighten the grip of the heavy two-handed sword.

This heavy weapon, which was very popular in the early years, is not so common today, but some people still like to use it, especially after making the tip of the sword wider and more terrifying, the two-handed sword became Many veterans like to take advantage of weapons.

"Aren't you coming with us?" A slightly younger soldier spit in his hands like a veteran, and then clutched the high swaying spear while walking towards the team that began to form a dense formation and asked back .

"I won't go anymore. It's your young people's business. I'll just be with those guys who like to be sneaky."

The veteran laughed loudly after he said that he knew that the soldier did not know what would happen next. Obviously, although the formation of the Neapolitan opposite looked strange, it seemed that as long as the loose front was slightly rushed The rush was torn apart, but years of experience gave the veterans a feeling that things did not seem so simple.

The young soldier glanced at the veteran. He knew that the sneaky guys that the veteran said were all very old men like these people. These people always wandered on the battlefield. Once they saw the opportunity, they would plop up like hungry wolves. The prey is shattered and shattered. The guerrillas that are present in all armies are experienced soldiers. They can always find loopholes that ordinary people cannot find on the rapidly changing battlefield.

However, he could no longer speak, and the spearmen in four rows began to move forward in the horn.

"I'm gone, take care of yourself!" Although he wasn't his son, but his wife told him to take good care of him when he left home, the veteran shouted to his stepson.

"I will go home with a loot that I can't hold!"

The young soldier shouted to his stepfather's back, and then walked a few steps to catch up with the front team.

The Pope army began to approach the Naples.

Caesar found a slightly higher place to observe in Malaysia. When he finally saw the entire formation of the Neapolitans, the doubts before him became even more intense.

Caesar could clearly see that the formation of the Neapolitans was a little weird, even impossible.

The entire Naples army lined up on the slopes of Rocca di Pas in a narrow formation, but they were not completely parallel, but arranged diagonally with a quirky right wing in front and left wing in back.

Caesar clearly saw that in the right wing of the Naples army descending down the hillside, several deep and thick troops formed a seemingly decent group of heavy soldiers gathered there, and their front was also stretched very long. However, the left wing, which is almost completely pulled into a three-row straight line, is obviously much thicker than a few rows deep on the hillside.

Behind the soldiers who lined up, he vaguely saw some seemingly serious carriages. Although he didn't know what that was, he reminded the frontline officers to pay attention to the strange vehicles.

The Neapolitans seemed to be moving, their formations gradually approached downhill from left to right, some spearmen had reached the middle of the right wing queue, and then those who seemed to be all short spears or saber soldiers In the formation of the team formed a small conspicuous array of spears.

Obviously the Naples tried to use this strengthened right wing to block the pope's attack.

But even then Caesar believed that with nearly one-third of his enemy's strength, it was enough to destroy the enemy on the opposite side.

Once the left wing, which will be hit first, collapses forward, the relatively weak right wing is completely unnecessary.

"That woman can't fight," Caesar shook his head slightly. He paid special attention to the left wing of the enemy's hillside. After making sure that the Naples did not seem to have much cavalry, he gave orders to the subordinate soldiers "Tell the guerrillas, If they want to get enough remuneration, it ’s best to move closer to the left of the Naples immediately after I launched the attack, telling them that the front there will soon be vulnerable. "

Caesar turned his head and looked back, looking at the pope army that was almost approaching the center line of both sides. He took a deep breath of the air mixed with the smell of earthy and grassy ash, and then nodded to the soldier next to him.

The trumpeter drew his cheeks and took a breath, then raised his horn and struggling to sound the advancing trumpet.

"it has started."

A big soldier standing in the line of spears whispered in his mouth, and then he shook the jingling bits and pieces hanging on his body, grabbed the spear poked on the ground and began to take steps with the team.

Beside him, the young soldier lifted his spear in the same way as he did. Because the long spear shaft could not shake, the spear of his spear hit the helmet of a man in front of him and issued a "dump" A muffled noise immediately caused a curse from the man in front.

"Don't be too anxious, if you are so nervous now, you will be too tired to kill people when you get to the place," the big man said, then laughed.

Ruosha sat on an elbow in the chair and supported her cheek on the arm of the chair. Her body leaned slightly to the side. Although she was wrapped in a cloak, she could still see the graceful curve from the silhouette.

This made a military officer who had just come to prepare the report slightly disappointed, but he quickly sobered up in the warning of the female waiter's harsh eyes.

"Your Majesty, Caesar's army is approaching our right wing."

The officer's voice seemed to awaken Ruosha. She turned her head slightly and looked at him. Then she tapped her lips slightly with her elbow-gloved hands, and immediately gave her the order: "Go on, let the opportunity open fire . "

"Your Majesty!" The officer shouted and ran away.

Looking at his back, Zuosha shook her head interestingly, and then she whispered to the waitress standing aside, "Dear lady, do you know why I love my brother so much?"

There was an accident on the waitress' face. She wanted to ask why she didn't dare to speak, and she could only stare at the queen with a confused expression.

"Because only my brother knows me best in this world," Zuosha slowly stood up from her chair. "It's like I know him best."

The pope was approaching.

Looking at the silhouettes on the opposite side, the figure, and finally the almost visible face, the Neapolitan army was shrouded in a strong tension, especially looking at the pope flag on the opposite side, some soldiers could n’t help but start to sit on the chest Crossed before.

What surprised them was that the soldiers in the troops wearing short armour and holding a musket did not care so much. When they heard a sharp whistle, those who were called grenadiers The army raised their muskets in succession. The officer standing beside the team had raised his sword. He looked at the team and looked at the row of dense barrels of wood. The officer showed strange Smile.

Then his arm suddenly waved down, and the long sword pierced the air, bringing up a wind that could not be heard.

Because with that sword light flashing, a tremendous roar had already suppressed all sounds, resounding through the sky on the slopes of Roca di Pass.

The first Grenadier Company of Naples started the Battle of Rocca di Pass!

Rows of bullets instantly crossed the distance of less than dozens of yards, and the projectiles that flew all around with a large screaming sound broke into the front row of the pope's queue without mercy.

The screams also sounded at this time.

Most of the shouts were in the front row, some were in the queue, some people with bad luck were hit even in the middle of the dense formation, and even some stray bullets flew by armour.

The big man before was such an unlucky ghost. When he skillfully raised his spear and prepared to fight a battle of endurance and courage with the enemy as before, a stray bullet flying from the side was flying aside. The soldier's cheek, a Mars on his helmet, and then shot directly into the big man's cheek.

Instantly, a scarlet blood spewed out on the face like opening another mouth, accompanied by a broken tooth and a few torn gums flew away from the other side, the entire face of the big man was completely ripped Up and down two halves!

The young soldier shouted in horror, but no one noticed him like this, because the team hadn't had time because the sudden blow showed confusion, and the second row of bullets had flown head-on with gunshots and drifting smoke.

"Grenadier ~ Shoot!"

"Grenadier ~ Shoot!"

A roar of hoarseness rumbled up and down on the ground ~ ~ The roar was accompanied by a burst of screaming gunshots from across the hillside, the pungent smell of gunpowder and splashing sparks were everywhere in the ranks, some soldiers Splashed by the gunpowder star made a cry.

But even so, they still filled in a nearly mechanical way under the command of the officer, tamped it, hit the iron with an iron buckle, and then raised the musket!

"Grenadier ~ Shoot!"

The voice reverberated continuously, from the hillside down to the hillside, and as the rain-like projectile shot at the enemy opposite, the shout became a nightmare for the Pope.

On the mountain, looking at the battle that had started, Ruosha frowned slightly.

"That Caesar," she slowly took off her gloves, and unbuttoned her cloak, revealing the shiny armor inside. "I want him to stay."

After speaking, Zuosha showed a mischievous smile that only Alexander had seen.

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