Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 6 Chapter 120: After all,

It has been a few days after Louis XII received the report on the Naples battle. This is not to blame the French for the slow transmission of intelligence, but because when Charlene found that the situation was urgent, he was preparing to send someone from the sea to prevent resistance. When the news spread, something happened that surprised both the French and the Naples.

The ship going to the sea was threatened by the lighthouse island outside the port. The door was previously placed by Frederick on the lighthouse island reef. It was used to prevent the enemy from invading the artillery turret of the port of Naples from the sea. Instead, it blocked the ship of the port of Naples. Obstacles.

I do n’t know when the lighthouse turret occupied by the people tightly blocked the Gulf of Naples, and the huge artillery on the island reef only looked at its thick black barrel, which was enough to scare the timid. People.

Because of this, Charlene almost lost contact with the outside world from the beginning. When the riots of the Naples army outside the city suddenly appeared in the afternoon on the 2nd, Charlene knew that things might have gone beyond his control.

Sure enough, with the fall of Fort Nabria, the whole city fell into chaos for a long time. By this time, Charlene was not entangled. He quickly ordered the French army to call the city to concentrate in the direction of the palace. He decided to make the final resistance. .

The Royal Palace of Naples is a strong fortress built in the time of the Normans. Its precipitous and difficult attacks are even stronger than the outer walls and unconquerable. Charlene believes that if he relies on this royal palace, he can completely cooperate with the Naples. Confronted, but he did not expect the king to send someone to support him. After all, it was really difficult to transfer troops from Northern Italy to Naples. If French troops were to be sent to the reinforcements, he did not know when to wait.

However, Charlene was not in a hurry. Although he felt that his judgment on Napoli ’s strength might have been wrong, judging from the reports sent back by the officers who had engaged the enemy, the strength of the Naples army was not less than nearly 8,000. This started Sherlen really surprised, but then he soon found something quite special in it.

For example, whether it is combat ability or tactical skills, Montina ’s Balkans and Cosenza Grenadiers are undoubtedly the well-deserved main forces in this army. It can be said that the two major casualties that have caused the French so far are these two. The troops, and these two troops, according to the description of the soldiers recovered, the Cosenza Grenadier seems to be better at positional warfare, while the Montina are better at rapid maneuvering and assault.

Charlene would notice this because the Naples army seemed to be too obvious to distinguish between strong and weak. Among them, apart from the thousands of troops that had been confirmed by him before, the thousands of people who appeared to be "extra" Regardless of the combat effectiveness or combat method, there is obviously a big gap and difference from these armed forces.

This made Charlene very curious. He wanted to know the origins of those other armies, because only by knowing the origins of those armies would he be able to accurately determine whether the imperial palace could wait for the reinforcements he wanted.

Soon, Charlene got the answer he needed, and to his surprise, these so-called extra troops were actually so-called chamber guards from various cities in southern Italy.

He certainly knows what this kind of Chamber of Commerce guards do. Although many of them are part-time mercenaries or local armed forces organized by the chambers of commerce in various cities, they are unbearable in the impression of Charlene. One blow, let alone a multitude of people who can fight against the regular army.

But it was these Ugly people who could cooperate with the Naples army to launch an attack on the French army. Although they may not perform well, but this is the act of mobilizing these people from so many places to form an army. While shocking Charlene, he was vaguely disturbed.

Charlene is not a pure soldier, or because of his special status as the royal identity of the Savoy, he has a farther vision than a simple knight. He is a diplomat with a sword, a capable The occupier who commanded the army, and a staff member who could make plans for the king instead of just rushing, it was for this reason that he was sent by Louis XII to Naples.

Even the fall of the city of Naples cannot be blamed on his incompetence, because even Gonzalo, a military genius, dare not challenge the French easily when he is only as powerful as Alexander.

The reason why Alexander dare to do this is very simple. He not only has the sharpest firearms of this era, but also has a more complete training method of firearms wars than Gonzalo and Ottomans.

This is not a contest between the two armies, but a collision between two completely different old and new war ideas!

For Charlene, what worries him more than the shock of sharp firearms is the influence of Naples on southern Italy. This is what made him feel incredible.

Even if those chambers of commerce and Naples are willing to provide their **** because of various interests, what about the lords and councils of those cities?

Pisciotta, Chetzaro, Catanzaro, and maybe even Taranto, did the rulers of those cities fail to take into account that this might cause French anger and revenge?

However, the answer actually drawn from the report of the soldiers by Charlene was that the Naples army, like the coalition army, seemed to be from various regions in southern Italy, and he had not heard anything about these places before. There was a little wind.

By default, Charlene felt that only this explanation made sense.

Regardless of their respective reasons, those cities acquiesced in their local chamber of commerce escorts to join the Naples coalition to participate in this attack against the French.

That is to say, from the moment when the Naples side voluntarily withdrew from the city to avoid Billy Shelly, the brothers and sisters never thought of reaching a deal with the French through compromise, or that they might have been threatened by Aragon. I thought about it, but now I do n’t know why. They no longer need to care about the Aragonese, so they took the initiative to attack the French.

Charlene, who figured it all out, was afraid. He was not afraid of the Naples army, but because he did not know when Naples had such a great influence on southern Italy.

This kind of influence is different from the Vatican, but it is even more terrible because of the difference.

Because this is a more direct and more secular influence that does not require religious restraint. Unconsciously, the crown of Naples seems to be becoming more heavy and weighty.

At this time, Charlene felt that the king's previous judgment seemed wrong, or that the desire for the crown of Naples confuses his eyes, and now everything can be said to be the result of light enemies.

It was just that he never understood that what made the pair of siblings suddenly change their attitude, and even took the risk of directly fighting the French, did they not worry about the ultimate profit of the Aragonese?

After all, Gonzalo has already arrived in Sicily, and Alexander has even just ventured to Sicily for this.

Thinking of these, Charlene suddenly realized what he thought, and he guessed what Alexander must have done in Sicily, so that he had no worries at all.

This doubt made him simply send Normezi as a messenger to Alexander to hope that the conditions for a truce, he always felt that there should be something he did not know.

Speaking of it, Charlene has n’t looked forward to the arrival of the Aragonese as now,

But Normez brought him bad news that disappointed him. The Aragonese army of Gonzalo suddenly went to sea from Sicily a few days ago. Their goal was not Naples, but Greece.

At this time, Charlene finally understood everything.

Charlene was not angry, and even when he heard the news, he felt a sense of puzzlement.

Everything is clear, even the southern cities can allow the **** to join the coalition of Naples can explain.

For those cities, whether they are French or Aragonese, their rule of Naples is the same, and what they need is the wealth brought to them by Naples.

Obviously, neither the French nor the Aragonese have the ability to provide such satisfactory results in their eyes, then when they find that the Aragonese are temporarily not involved, and the royal family of Naples does not seem to have no chance, they will Decided to bet on the Naples.

The 8,000 French troops stationed in Naples against almost the same number of "Naples Southern Allied Forces", this is a battle that may seem to be evenly matched in number, and even the French seem to have the upper hand.

But now Charlene knew that he had actually lost.

The battle under the sun on the Sunday caused the French to suffer heavy losses. The so-called 8000 French army is actually not that much, and the chaos caused by the riots and ambushes of the Naples in the city in the siege battle 2 days later has increased even more When he gathered the army and retreated to the palace, Charlene found that his loss had been nearly 20% of his original strength.

These are not the most important. What really makes Charlene care is that he is only facing the alliance between Naples and the Chamber of Commerce Guards?

He clearly noticed that some of the enemies under siege were quite different from the previous ones. That is the comparison between the so-called Uwu people and the regular army. If those Uwu people could only be used as the auxiliary force of the Naples army, then now Charal There is no doubt that the enemies holding the same banner are completely changed.

The regular troops in various cities, Charlene recognized their origins and guessed their purpose.

Obviously, after seeing the situation develop in the favorable direction of Naples, those cities finally made a choice. They sent their troops to the front line in the name of the escort, and jointly dealt with the French. This made them all feel before. A huge threat to outsiders.

"This is your plan?" In Billy Shelley's palace, Ruosha was wearing a thick robe and stood in front of Alexander. It was very late at this time, although she noticed that it was called Shell when she came in. The Balkans immediately wisely drove almost all the guards in the corridor outside to make excuses, but Ruosha still stood far away from Alexander and did not go near him. "Then you are here in Sicily Okay, I did n’t see Uncle Modillo. "

"Count," Alexander rubbed his head. He was also irritated by the accidental disappearance of the count. Although he felt that the other party should not hurt the count, the result of empty handing was that Rusha expressed strong dissatisfaction with him. "I do n’t want to lie to you , I do n’t know where he is now, I can only be sure that those people wo n’t hurt him. ”

"Just because he was the Earl of Naples, or because they cut off someone else's finger?" Zuo Sha stepped forward two steps, but was still across the table from Alexander.

"It is indeed because of these, but the real reason is that those people gave me a finger without any condition," Alexander explained with a smile. Seeing that Rusha seemed puzzled, he beckoned to her, but got It ’s just that Ruo Sha bypassed the table to the side, but still stopped two steps away. “If I refused the conditions they put forward, I would send my finger in revenge, I might still worry, but these people have nothing. When I suggested it, I had to threaten it so much, but I used other people ’s fingers. I think they seemed to be hiding something more. "

"What to disguise?" Zuo Sha was slightly confused.

"For example, their relationship with the earl," Alexander gave way to the side. The chair was large enough for two people to sit side by side. "Just as I went to Sicily for different purposes, I now think that the earl is not necessarily just for Camille. The old slipper meets. "

"Are you saying that Uncle Modillo was rescued instead of being hijacked?" Luo Sha's frowned eyebrows were slightly slackened, but looking at the half chair she gave away was unmoved. "Your For the Montina army, I know you wrote to Barendi de la Rovere when she first came back, asking her to send an army to Lombardy, and now we have launched an attack on the French, you are ready Are you officially fighting the French? "

As Ruosha said her fiancee's full name in a rather strange tone, Alexander gave her a serious look.

"My Naples is fighting the French, and her army has entered Lombardy," Ruosha put her hands on the armrests of the chair to support her body, and bent slightly to make herself flush with Alexander's eyes, and then carefully Looking at him, "You would n’t be so stupid, right, or you would rather take the risk of offending the emperor and crush the Fugger ’s family, not just to get a lot of money from them. Right, then tell me what do you want to do next? "

Facing Luo Sha's inquiring look, Alexander sighed secretly of his "sister" in his heart while wondering what to say to her.

If there is anyone who is most trusted by Alexander, it should be Ruo Sha, because only she knows him best, and only she knows what all the things they do foreshadow, but even Ruo Sha has something to do with him. I don't want to say too much to her, or at least I don't want to say too much now, because that won't do her any good.

She is likely to disturb his previous arrangements because she is eager for success after she knows it.

But now it seems that Ruosha has already had some speculation about his plan, and with Gonzalo's shot against Crete, everything will be completely different from history.

"Why do you think the French can continue to invade Rome?" Alexander asked, seeing Ruosha a little puzzled, he simply said directly, "It is not that they have such a legitimate claim to Naples or other places, but It is because the French kings need to use this war to consume the French nobility, just as they used the Hundred Years War to almost exhaust all the blood of the French nobility. "

Ruosha nodded thoughtfully, she knew that Alexander said well, and as far as she knew, the power of the French monarch became more powerful than ever before that long war, even if it was Brittany and Orleans. Such a powerful principality is no longer as strong as it was before the war, and Burgundy has even ceased to exist today.

But what does this have to do with Alexander? Ruosha thought something vaguely, but could not speak for another time.

"So what do you think of Rome?" Alexander lowered his voice and asked in a low voice, "Don't you think Rome is the same as France? Those city-states, principalities, counts, and even the Pope, are all on the same land. There are so many separatist forces in Shanghai. What is the difference between this and France? Do n’t you think it ’s too annoying, but if we can weaken these forces through the war with the French, we have an army and a huge The most important thing is that we have each other, so what can we do? "

Ruosha looked at Alexander a little puzzled, and then the confused look on her face suddenly stiffened, and then looked at Alexander with some incredible eyes.

"You want ... God, don't tell me you want to unify the whole Rome ?!"

Alexander laughed.

The unexpected tone of expression is as joyful and exciting as the precious reward that a child can finally get through countless efforts.

The reward came from the sister's surprise and sigh, and the child was him.

"The crown of Naples is really beautiful to wear on your head," Alexander looked at Ruosha's blonde hair. "But I think this crown is still too light. This is not worthy of your beauty and identity. You deserve a crown. A more splendid crown, that should be the strongest and most noble symbol of the entire South. "

Ruosha looked at Alexander's serious expression, she paused ~ ~ held her hand and held Alexander's hand, and bowed her head and gently kissed: "My dear brother, if you want to realize your ideals, let me and You go on together, whether it is heaven or hell, I will always be with you. "

On November 8, after a toss and turn, the report of the commander of the French occupation forces in Naples was finally sent to the French King Louis XII to describe in detail to him what happened in Naples, including not only the unexpected actions of the Gonzalo army, It also includes Charler's speculations on the situation in southern Italy.

Looking at the report combined with the sudden movement of the Montina army into Lombardy, Louis XII seemed to see a hidden enemy that had never been noticed before finally revealing his grimace.

"It turns out to be you." Louis XII whispered to himself, he couldn't help looking to the south, there was the direction of Sicily, he remembered the young man who had met in Sicily a few years ago.

"So, maybe it's you who really wants to fight me, Alexander Juliant Gumbre."

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