Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 6 Chapter 119: "Naples falls"

Before October 29, 1499, no one would have thought that the royal family of Naples who retreated to Billy Shelley would launch a sudden attack on the city of Naples occupied by the French.

This was indeed a sudden attack in the true sense. Despite the nominal war between the two parties, whether it was the semi-open negotiations between Normezi and the signed French and Cosenza The violation of the treaty shows that the relationship between the two sides is not bad enough to meet each other, and the French secretly provided the Naples' fleet through the merchants, which made this kind of hostility seem quite funny.

So whether it was Charlene or his generals, no one believed that the Naples would suddenly attack them.

However, these are not the most important, and it is their powerful army that really gives the French the confidence.

Although Charles VIII made a disgraced return in Italy last time, no one can deny the fact that the French army is still the most powerful army in continental Europe today, especially as Louis XII won a series of victories in Northern Italy. The arrogance of the French is even more arrogant.

Even if the news of Maximian's occupation of Milan has been heard, the heavy damage to the Austrian army in Varese still gives the French a formidable name.

In this case, even Charlene, who is known for his cautiousness, did not think that the Neapolitans would choose to be an enemy to the French army, which in his view made no sense, because it was completely for the court of Naples in exile It is not worth the loss.

On the contrary, until the Naples suddenly launched the offensive, Charlene was still considering a request to the Naples to open the Billy Shelly land trade route, because Billy Shelly stifled Naples ’s main route to the southern peninsula. Let Charlene feel that the interests of the French were weakened.

Charlene was still certain about such a condition. At this time, Naples was the crucial moment to balance the Aragonese with the French, so he believed that under this pressure, the Naples Regent Queen would choose to give in.

Even if Alexander had returned, Charlene still didn't think there would be too many problems. In his view, Count Montina might be more aware of current affairs than his half-sister.

But that Alexander, who he thought was very knowledgeable about the current affairs, suddenly launched a sudden attack on his French army in Naples.

When did the Naples army quietly gather not far from the city, Charlene was always puzzled until he received the report that it was the Cosenza Grenadier Company that led the battle, he realized it was what happened.

The Naples apparently took advantage of the treaty that the French signed with them on the strict adherence to neutrality of Cosenza. They sent the army easily to the place not far from the city through Cosenza, and then the Cosenzas participated in the name of the queen ’s army. fighting.

"It's mean." Charlene said calmly when he said this. At least the people next to him didn't hear how much anger it contained, let alone hatred, as if it was just a simple statement of a fact.

The Naples army suddenly attacked the French army from the main sun mountain southeast of Naples in the early morning of October 29.

Lord Sunday is named after the famous Sunday Church outside Naples. This ancient building, second only to the Egg Castle, was the first church built in Naples. The monks who chose this place were because of the ruggedness The church was built based on the terrain. Although it has been abandoned for many years, the Sunday Sun has become a sacred place in the minds of the Neapolitans. Even the remains of St. Anuarius, the patron saint of the city of Naples, are said to have been Buried on the Sunday Mountain.

In addition to being part of the city, the French army has a garrison of about 3,000 people under the sun.

Charlene did not deploy almost all the French troops in the city as he did in Rome. He did so because he absorbed the lessons of being surrounded by the coalition forces in Rome, and even the northwestern side cut off the road to join the French main force.

The French army in Rome at the time did not want to abandon the city, but the road to the north had been cut off, and the coalition forces occupied the port retreating from the sea, which forced Charlene to have to work hard to support the situation in the city of Rome.

Although the occupation of Naples was exceptionally smooth this time, Charlene learned his lesson. In addition to deploying more than 5,000 French troops in the fortress fortress in Naples, he arranged for the city outside the city not far from the city. An army of 3,000 people.

Charlene ’s idea is simple. If an enemy attacks, he can easily block the port from the sea, and if someone launches an attack from the land, he can also use the army outside the city to first contain the enemy and then mobilize him. The ministries in the city fight for time.

Even Charlene, who never underestimated any enemy, did not expect that the enemy in his mind was so different from what he was about to face.

The Naples' offense first started from the Sunday, and the first Grenadier of Cosenza turned over before the French on the Sunday, and the French patrol who found the enemy was only able to report the enemy to the stationed general. Then, the Neapolitan army had reached the French position.

Although he was surprised by the sudden attack of the Naples army, the French did not seem too panic by this time.

For them, these Neapolitans are here to die, especially when seen from a distance, they almost don't see any decent long weapons of these enemies, especially they can hardly see much, whether it is against contemporary infantry or cavalry. With the spear, the French could not help laughing because Naples was so embarrassed to this point.

Then the French launched an attack on the enemy. In the view of many French troops who had participated in the last expedition, if these Neapolitans could persevere until they rushed forward without escaping, they were already brave and unexpected.

Those Naples were actually even worse. They just could n’t help but retreat when they saw the shadow of the French army. Then they simply started to retreat. This made the French laugh and drive away the sheep Behind them, they walked slowly and slowly. This is because the French not only had to maintain their formation while advancing, but they also knew that the Neapolitans were behind the sun, and they had no chance to escape.

The Naples were quickly rushed to the foot of Sunday, and then the French discovered that the Naples wearing flat helmets with a wide circle of edges pushed behind a ruined trench that centered on the abandoned old church on Sunday. .

The trenches looked like newly excavated, and besides the trenches, a fence that didn't look very high was built along the edge of the old church.

The fence is built with excavated mud and gravel, and it does not look very strong, and the trench can be crushed and filled as long as the cavalry charges.

So the French generals observed this for a while and determined that the enemy had only this means, and the enemy could not form a flanking roundabout himself even if he had reinforcements from the terrain, and launched an attack order.

It was almost noon at this time, although it was already cold in October, but when raising his arm to issue an offensive order, the French general still felt the pleasant warmth when the sunlight approaching his head hit his face.

This was also the last time he felt a little comfortable on this day. In the following whole day, the French fell into a terrible nightmare until it was dark early in the morning because of the late autumn.

The French troops that first attacked were arranged in a neat formation not far from the church. After making sure that the enemy would not come out from behind the low wall to meet the battle, they decided to attack the trenches.

They began to approach the trenches, and as they advanced, some people kept provoking loudly, trying to arouse the courage of those timid Naples to confront them head-on.

Then after the first gunshot sounded, the French ushered in their nightmare.

The team is so dense that it can be reached without even aiming, and provides Cosenza's first grenadier company with the most satisfying target.

Soldiers who were corporal punishment because they could n’t hit the target at all during training suddenly realized that the Frenchman on the opposite side was actually so cute, because they were neither like targets that could not be hit because of sparseness, nor like the number of people. Many Ottomans who were difficult to target because of their quick action. For them, the French on the opposite side seemed to be in front of their muzzles. The only thing to do was to shoot.

The grenadiers responded unassumingly to the French's kind invitation. With the order, they raised their rifles neatly in the manner of training, and then the sharp whistle sounded, the gunshots immediately covered up and were still in the ears Echoing whistle.

When the first row of French soldiers fell, no one realized what was happening. Although the whole team seemed to be beaten by an invisible enemy, they could not help but continue to move forward without stopping. go ahead.

Then, the second shot sounded, which came from behind the chest wall on the other side of the church. Because the terrain on the other side of the church was high, the grenadier standing behind the wall could even shoot the bullet directly behind the French formation .

With the wind whizzing overhead, the French found themselves screaming one after another.

The French in the front could not hold on. They erected shields to resist the oncoming bullets, but those bullets were obviously much more terrible than the crossbow arrows. They were not only extremely powerful, but also flew debris on the shield. What is terrible is that the huge penetrating power often directly penetrates the shield, and then the people hiding behind are smashed, and the casualties are heavy.

The French generals were a little ignorant for a while. They did not fight against the opponents who possessed firearms. In their view, the firearms, although fierce, were as powerful as crossbows at a great distance. Once the enemy rushed forward, Like firearms, firearms will be useless.

So although the enemy ’s firearms seem to be a lot, it ’s not a big deal, but after the battle, they discovered that the power of these enemy firearms not only exceeded their expectations, because the enemy was completely hiding behind the fortifications, and they faced cruelty The situation of the massacre.

To rush over, as long as the rush past, the French general kept telling himself this way, in their view, the closest soldier was so close to the trench, as long as they could fully rush to it.

Then a loud trumpet sounded, and the French soldiers started the assault that didn't seem far away.

The grenadiers were a little numb, some had blocked their ears with strips of cloth torn from their clothes, and some had simply lost consciousness to the repeated sounds in their ears.

Many people's shoulders are so numb that they are no longer obedient. It is caused by different exchanges, shoulders and shooting from the back seat.

A burst of sound rang out in the trench not far away, and at the same time there was a series of screams. The people nearby bent down instinctively and then looked in the direction of the sound.

It was a soldier with a rifle exploded in his hand. At the moment when the hammer hit the anvil, although Mars ignited the gunpowder in the medicine tank, the projectile in the gun barrel was not pushed out of the barrel by the explosive powder but was not Knowing where it was splashing, the blasted fragments of the gun directly pulled away the cheek of the soldier who was close to his cheek, and then flicked a small portion of his nose to the wall of the trench.

The blood-stained soldier screamed with a hug in his face. Someone had already pressed him from the side, and then dragged him out of the trench.

Blood splashed on the person next to him, but the soldier just looked down and turned around. As a result, the rifle passed by the loader in the back was shouldered, aimed, and shot as ordered!

The distance to the trench seemed not far away, but it seemed to the French soldiers that he could never rush in front of it.

Although it seemed to be a success at one time, someone stepped on the corpse of the companion, and someone has rushed to the low wall. As long as you work harder, you can rush through the low wall and launch it from behind the low wall when a revenge massacre is launched A very scary thing appeared in front of the French.

The people who rushed to the front instinctively realized the danger and stopped, but this did not allow them to escape their terrible fate.

Accompanied by dense noises, sky-high projectiles spewed out simultaneously from those bellow-like machines, and a large number of French soldiers were taken away even before they could see clearly what killed them.

The French army finally started to shake. Some people stepped back without listening to the order, and once a defeat occurred, this terrifying fear began to spread in the ranks.

The generals kept screaming louder and louder, and later they had to pull out their swords to threaten the retreating soldiers, but the slightly hesitant soldiers were immediately knocked down by bullets shot from behind, which caused the French army to completely collapse. The last straw.

A soldier summoned the courage to hit the chin of the officer threatened with a sword with his shoulder, and then ran forward while he fell down, so all the people began to run behind him without regard.

The officers could no longer stop more and more soldiers who had fled the battlefield. When they saw some companions even trying to prevent the deserters from being cut to the ground, these French generals finally knew that the general trend was gone.

They also began to retreat. For them, the battle under the sun was over. What they had to do now was to recollect the chaotic army immediately after retreating.

What worries them is that the Naples will pursue them all the way without waiting for them to regroup, so the French immediately retreat in the direction of Naples. They must get rid of the possible pursuit and at the same time quickly re-block the counterattack.

But they seemed to be over-considered. The Neapolitans didn't seem to want to chase them down. This made the French commander, fortunately, worried that it was a Neapolitan conspiracy.

And this speculation was quickly proved. Just after running out of a few miles, and finally slowing down to collect the army, the French heard a shout that made them tremble. It was a kind of sound that many of them had never heard of. It's like a roar from a barbaric talent from a wild land.

Then they saw a team of troops that they had never seen before and rushed at them crazy!

Alexander invested in his Balkans, and the timing was precisely when the French had just stopped, but had not yet had time to reorganize the gap in the army.

The French had to start fleeing again. They kept running towards the city of Naples. When they stopped a little along the way, they were chased by the enemies behind them. The Balkans, the army led by the Knights of Cosenza, and later even the Naples army. It also began to drive the retreating enemies towards the city of Naples as the French did before.

When the French army finally fled to the city of Naples, the casualties along the way had caused the French army with 3,000 people to suffer heavy losses, and almost no army.

Charlene, who had received the report before, sent a team of troops to respond to these French troops. Although everyone was angry at the Naples raid, Charlene was calm except for surprise.

He knew that he was fooled or used, but in this situation, anger and hatred could not solve all these troubles.

What he hoped now was to rescue the French army that was about to be beaten back to Naples as soon as possible. At the same time, he wanted to inquire from those people as soon as possible how many troops the Naples army had, so that he could completely defeat the 3000 French army in one day.

But what Charlene did not expect was that the reinforcements he sent were attacked shortly after leaving the city, and the losses were huge!

It was only then that Charlene realized why the Naples army was chasing behind the French army along the way.

They are buying time for their companions preparing to ambush the city.

By this time ~ ~ Charlene knew that his strength advantage had disappeared with these two losses.

Sure enough, from October 31st, the Naples army began a fierce attack on the city of Naples, which was guarded by the French. What surprised Sharren was that the Naples army actually looked more than he had guessed before. want more.

But even so, Charlene still didn't think that the Naples could break the city. Until November 2 two days later, with the sudden riots that broke out in different places at the same time in the city of Naples, the French finally fell into chaos in the city of Naples.

On the afternoon of November 2nd, the Naples army bombarded Naples Fort Naples with artillery. At the same time, with the help of the rioters in the city and outside cooperation, they captured the Naples Fort in the evening of the same day. Launch an attack on the whole city.

Naples, "fall"!

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