Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 223: Battle of decisions

When Alexander led the Balkan hunting guards into the enemy artillery position, an artillery bumped into the rammed retreat ditch.

The smoke was thick, and the main gunner's mouth was screaming and scolding, so that his deputies cleared the artillery as soon as possible.

At this moment, the Balkans rushed out of the thick smoke and waved a terrible saber at them.

The artillerymen did not know that the troops protecting them had been slammed by the Balkans.

It was through this opportunity that Alexander could suddenly attack them with dozens of hunting guards.

The power of artillery lies in the ability to kill enemies at a distance, but this does not mean that people who use artillery can also fight.

The fierceness of the Balkans was fully demonstrated at this moment. They did not even give those who tried to surrender a chance. Although Alexander wanted to stop their killing, in such a rapidly changing battlefield, this is probably the only insurance method. .

Even after a few centuries, artillery with skillful skills are still regarded as talents, but now it is obviously too late to recruit them.

Seeing that he threw himself on an artillery, and blood flowed down the body to the Castilian gunner, Alexander began to wonder whether he should establish some specialized military branches in the University of Bologna as soon as possible.

For example, specialized cavalry and artillery subjects and even specialized classes, because as the scale of war grows, general military disciplines are no longer adapted to changes in war.

Of course, these thoughts just passed on the battlefield, and he didn't know if he would inadvertently train a great artillery ensign one day.

The Catalans in the distance cheered, and the casualties caused by the continuous shelling made them angry.

Now the enemies stopped the bombardment inexplicably, facing the artillery positions that saw that they had occupied the enemy, which caused the Catalans to let out a catharsis.

A team of Catalan mercenaries immediately rushed towards the artillery position. When they were far away, they cheered to the Balkans. The previous disdain for these eastern barbarians has now become a comrade. Admiration and gratitude.

At the same time, the Balkan hunting guards divided into several teams quickly concentrated towards the artillery positions.

This rush killed many of them and many of them failed to return.

But the chaos caused by the continuous impact on Castilla's left wing has been enough to offset the cost of casualties.

So when the troops of the Don de Cliar knight appeared in a highland not far away that had been ordered by the Catalans, what he saw was that the chaos was sparsely running towards him A group of remnants.

"The Sicilian snatched the artillery?"

The Cavaliers of Don De Cryal questioned a squad officer standing in front of his horse in surprise.

Just before the squad officer had time to report, a burst of gunfire suddenly came from the direction of the highlands.

Cavaliers Don De Cryal looked in surprise in the direction where the gunfire sounded, and then heard a dull whistling sound.

A cannonball landed in a bush on his left.

A cloud of smoke immediately rose above the bushes that were smashed with branches.

Then there was another roar coming from nowhere, another shell flew over the team's head and disappeared directly into a mud puddle.

These two cannonballs, which had no target at all, were purely fired indiscriminately, but they made Don De Cliar knight cold.

He had now believed that the artillery had been taken by the enemy, and it was clear that the Sicilians were using the captured artillery to shoot them.

Fortunately, it seems that there are no skilled gunners among the enemies, otherwise they may face huge casualties.

"Recapture the artillery," the Cavaliers of Don Deglial gave orders to his men. "Seeing that they have not caused more casualties to us, recapture or simply destroy the artillery."

The Knight of Don De Clair said that he first urged the horse to rush towards the highlands that were already occupied by the enemy.

The Sicilians broke the left wing, which was a really bad situation, but the Cavaliers of Don De Clair believed he could save the situation before the situation became more critical.

The Sicilians obviously suffered a lot of casualties during the offensive, so as long as the enemy hasn't had time to organize the offensive again to drive them back, they may still be able to take advantage of the opportunity to defeat the Sicilian right wing.

After the Don de Cliard Knight is a man with an adventurous spirit, he admires the use of offense in exchange for an advantage on the battlefield, and he is not reckless, and often knows when to be bold and steady.

It was because Gonzalo knew him that he was sent to the left.

This is not just to save the precarious left front, but to hope that he can seize the fighter and fight back.

The Knight of Don Deglial did take a chance, he did not seem to see much of the enemy’s troops occupying the artillery position.

Except for some light cavalry who seem to move quickly, but should not be difficult to deal with, most of the enemies are advancing north of the highlands.

"The attempt of the Duke of Rome Thesia is not small," the Don de Cliar knight who saw the situation was surprised by the opponent's appetite. "He is making the Catalans march behind us."

"Sir, would the Duke threaten our rear to force us to retreat?" an officer asked puzzled.

"No, he didn't mean to force us to retreat," Cavalier Don de Cliar took a deep breath. "He's trying to wipe us out here."

Don De Cliar had a grunt in his nose. Although he thought he didn't have the usual duke, the other party's ambitions made him surprised.

In a situation of considerable strength, the Sicilians wanted to annihilate the largest group of Castilian troops in the south.

This made the Cavaliers of Don De Clairar be surprised by the ambition of his brother and sister.

"Initiate an attack on the artillery position."

The knight issued an order, and although he saw the Sicilian attempt, his task was to recapture the left wing, and to counterattack when there was a chance. As for the decision of the Sicilian army, it was Gonzalo's business.

The Knight of Don de Cliar rushed towards the artillery position first. What he had to do was to drive away the light cavalry, and then completely destroy the artillery, so that they would not threaten the Central Front.

Finally the light cavalrymen, he was not worried that they might entangle Catalans for too long.

He was confident that before the Catalans arrived, the light cavalry would be driven out of position.

Following the Cavaliers of Don de Cliar is his heavy cavalry. Although these cavalry are not knights, they are all covered in heavy armor. When charging, such cavalry is daunting.

What surprised the Cavaliers of Don de Cliar and his cavalry was that the light cavalry did not seem to plan to escape in the face of their brave attack.

They actually lined up in two columns.

Seeing this scene, the knight of Don de Cliar gave a cry, but he was not angry but showed respect.

Obviously the enemy was ready to confront them head-on, which made him respect the brave light cavalry.

Only when they were approaching, he found that the array of enemies seemed strange.

It seems that when the seemingly parallel horizontal teams approached, they were actually divided into two teams with the middle as the boundary. All the cavalry were almost all half of the body, and they raised their muskets at the same time.

"Prepare, let go~"

There was a password in the queue that had been memorized, but the Balkans were not used to it.

But Alexander insisted that the Balkans must understand these Italian passwords.

In fact, not only the Balkans, not even the Roman Thesias. With the expansion of the war, Alexander is gradually planning to require that the military common language of all future "Alexander Empire" troops must be in this Florentine Italian Under the unification of standards.

The rifle used by the Balkans was conceived by Alexander, operated by Ruo Sha himself, and then designed and produced by the Agri Arsenal.

Whether in the Roman Thesia or Sicilian army, this rifle has not been widely used.

On the contrary, it was Sophia. Because of her dragon cavalry, the popularity of this kind of cavalry was wider among her new Wallachia army.

The short tube and long handle design allows the light cavalry to use their weapons more comfortably and accurately. In addition, in order to exert the power of one-shot shooting, this riding gun is not good in craftsmanship or materials when it is manufactured. A lot of work.

The result of this is that the barrel of this riding gun is more durable, and at the same time it is more suitable for shooting shotguns.

When the first row of Balkan cavalry fired a projectile and quickly moved to the sides, the Balkans behind raised their muskets.

However, the previous companions are different. They are not using ordinary projectiles, but bullets specially prepared for large-scale killing at close range.

The shotguns wrapped in hard paper shells spread into a wave like iron rain at the moment of shooting.

It hasn't been time to see the partner who was hit by the first row of ammunition, and then the second row of bullets has already come.

Although the jingling sound of bullets hitting the armor this time was terrible, it was obvious that the power of these bullets was much worse than before.

It's just that it didn't make those cavalry feel lucky, because the oncoming bullet rain target besides them, and the horses under their seat.

This shotgun was originally intended to deal with heavy armored cavalry mounts.

Unless it is a knight with a man and a horse completely wrapped in armor, the ordinary cavalry warhorse is the best target for this shotgun.

He was really angry at the knight of Don De Cullar listening to the sound of bullets and the painful hissing of cavalry mounts from time to time.

For a knight, the goal of war horses cannot be tolerated, but the enemy on the opposite side does not seem to be in these.

And he now finds that while the enemy cavalry is detouring to both sides, he still keeps firing from a distance.

Unable to stop, the Knight of Don de Cliar realized that he could not delay the time because of the entanglement of this enemy light cavalry, he still desperately rushed towards the artillery position, trying to rush there before the enemy caused more casualties , Destroy those artillery in one fell swoop.

But the Balkans obviously did not want to give him this opportunity. They kept shooting in the distance. Although they were not as fast as bows and arrows, the much more powerful muskets caused huge casualties to the Don de Cliar knights.

However, after some entanglement, he finally rushed out of the encirclement of the enemy, and the artillery position was in front of him.

The Cavalier Don De Cryal gasped hard, raising his already sore arm and forcing his hand forward to follow.

It's just that he didn't get used to hearing the cheers of his men because of this encouragement, but a cry of panic and daze.

The Cavaliers of Don Deglial suddenly realized what he was doing. He turned his head sharply and looked to the side, then there was an accident flashing in his eyes, and a trace of despair.

Catalans have appeared on their backs.

By this time, the Knight of Don Deglial knew that destroying the artillery position had no meaning. As his last hope to save the left line of defense, his troops had been surrounded.

Although the left is critical, Gonzalo's attention has always been central.

He found that the Sicilian offensive suddenly became more violent, and many places on the front were almost irresistible.

But this did not cause him to panic, instead Gonzalo gave his first relaxed smile after the war.

He knew that the Queen of Sicily would not be able to persevere, and at this time, the two sides fight for who can persevere.

And the Sicilian army took the initiative to attack at this time, which means that they are already the end of the crossbow.

Looking at the empty grass around him, Gonzalo could not help touching his nose.

In fact, his situation is not much better than his opponents. Both sides have already invested in the final reserve team. At this time, it can be said that they have reached the point of exhaustion.

Gonzalo secretly lamented that he wanted to meet the Queen of Sicily.

Although he had seen the queen once, he had no impression, and now has a strong curiosity about the queen.

In his experience so far, no general has been able to force him to this point on the battlefield. Although it is always believed that the Sicilian is actually commanding Alexander, the performance of the queen is enough to make Gonzalo feel difficult. Believed.

"Who can think of a woman who can do this?"

Gonzalo did not know whether to praise his opponent or to sneer at himself, and at the same time he looked at the left wing.

The artillery hasn't moved for a long time, which makes him a little worried. Although it is believed that the Cavaliers of Don De Clair can stabilize the flanks, the artillery hasn't fired for a long time but it seems somewhat abnormal.

The movement of the left wing has always involved Gonzalo's heart. He knows that the real battlefield is on the front. As long as he can defeat the elite troops of the Queen of Sicily on the front, even if he wins on the left, there is no sense for the Sicilian.

But if the left wing is defeated by the enemy before the frontal Sicilian army is defeated, the fate of the Castilian army becomes dangerous.

He trusts the Don de Cialar knight Gonzalo. He knows that this knight who likes to dress up is actually a rare military talent, especially he is good at having such unbending tenacity in this rapidly changing battle. Uncompromising will, sometimes this will is more valuable than combat skills.

But now the artillery on the left wing has been stopped for so long, then it is likely that either the artillery position has been occupied by the enemy, or that the artillery has been destroyed by its own army.

But Don De Clairar, why there is no news till now.

A faint restlessness cast a shadow over Gonzalo's otherwise relaxed heart. Looking at the soldiers on the battlefield who were so tired that they could hardly move at all, Gonzalo pondered and gave orders to the flag officer next to him. .

"The military flag is moving forward."

"grown ups?"

Several attendants looked at Gonzalo in surprise.

They are all experienced soldiers, and they have also seen that the Sicilian offense is actually the final struggle.

Just stick to it, maybe it's only a short while at the end, the victory belongs to them completely.

But at this time Gonzalo not only ordered an active offensive, and even ordered the military flag to move forward, which surprised his men.

"It must be quick and quick."

Gonzalo whispered in a low voice that only he could hear, and he didn't know why he couldn't wait for a short while.

And a faint shadow in his heart gradually enveloped him.

When she saw the Castile flag moving forward, Ruosha was desperate for a moment.

She is actually more aware of the situation of her army at this time than Gonzalo.

The tight string already shows signs of breaking, and even if the enemy can stick to it for a little while, then she doesn't know when, her people may be defeated by exhausting their final will.

What Rusha is now looking forward to is just being able to persevere again, even if only for a little while.

Can see that the Castilians began to fight back, Ruo Sha's heart gradually sinking.

How long can it last? She secretly asked herself.

She noticed that the entourage around her had begun quietly preparing for various retreats.

After all, they are now on the enemy's territory. Once defeated, they must consider that they may encounter attacks and hostility from the enemy's people on the way to retreat.

So when necessary, the queen must act anonymously, and even retreat in disguise.

In that case, various preparations must be made in advance.

Ruosha sighed lightly. She was not so stubborn. When the battlefield situation was not good, she would not make sacrifices blindly. At this time, she should consider how to lead her army to safely withdraw from the enemy's territory. .

Just before that, she had to make sure that her brother could retreat as safely as she did.

"Go tell my brother to ask him to come back," Zuo Sha ordered the cronies and followers around him, and then lowered his voice, "Tell him not to control the Catalans, as long as he can come back safely on his own."

The entourage glanced deeply at the queen. Of course, not many people knew about the unusual relationship between the brothers and sisters, but as the queen’s most beloved, she could still see something.

A close friend nodded and nodded to signal that he understood that he turned and jumped on the mount, ready to venture around the front to find the Duke.

But when the man's mount didn't run a few steps, the sound of a shell hitting the ground made him look back.

Then there is the second and third.

Even as a layman, it can be seen from the landing points of those shells that it is obviously the result of blind shooting without targets.

But despite the fact that these shells pose little threat, the officers around Ruosha suddenly regained their spirits from the dullness of despair.


Ruosha reacted for the first time. She turned around and shouted the followers who hadn't run far, then stared at the battlefield with shortness of breath.

Those shells did not hit any targets, but this is not the key.

The important thing is that the shells fell behind the Castilian army, and the Sicilian artillery position could not be reached there.

So where did these shells come from?

Ruosha clenched the sword handle around her waist, and at this moment she felt that the blood in her body was boiling.

Gonzalo also noticed the shells.

In fact, the place where one of the shells fell was almost close to where he was before. If he is still standing there, he may be caught.

Gonzalo was not thankful for his luck. Contrary to Ruosha, he felt his heart suddenly cool.

If the first shell was just a fluke then when the next shell fell, Gonzalo already knew what had happened.

His face suddenly became very ugly, and waiting for the people around him to speak, he had already hurriedly ordered: "Order the right wing cavalry to reinforce! Don't care about their enemies, reinforce the left wing!"

Even as much as possible to keep calm, seeing the momentary change in general's emotions made people around Gonzalo realize that the situation might have changed.

They immediately ordered one after another, and for a while, there was a little confusion.

At the same time, Ruosha, who had been closely watching the changes in the front, finally gave a short and excited whisper. Her eyes quickly swept across the front and immediately began to issue orders:

"Order the left to attack, give me the cavalry who bit the Castilians, and order the kingdom army to move forward!"

Speaking of which, Luo Sha took a deep breath: "Order the Wang Family Grenadier Regiment to launch an assault!"


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