Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 222: Chaos

The Kovones River is unusually quiet.

Originally this season there will always be animals of all sizes coming to the river to drink water. At the turn of spring and summer is also the time for animals to mate, whether it is a hare fox running on the shore, or fish and shrimp in the water, this time will become Lively.

So by this time in previous years, the Kovones River will become very lively.

But this year, there were no small animals running back and forth on the banks of the river. Whether the fish that jumped out of the water was gone.

Quiet by the river, only the sound of rumbling guns in the distance, and the smoke and **** smell of the wind blowing in the wind.

Whether an army can stand the test of the battlefield has a lot to do with the usual training.

Strict training allows a soldier to obey orders, and dull, nearly impersonal repetitive movements may make a person completely forget what he is doing, but habits will instinctively complete a series of movements.

The Grenadier is the same, as is the Model Army.

Although these are slightly different, they have been completely different from any other army since the establishment of the army.

More complicated training than any other country's army gives them more exquisite fighting skills than their counterparts.

We must know that the troops that can be specially trained for a few weeks in this era are already elite, and the vast majority of the army even sent soldiers to the battlefield just to let the soldiers distinguish between the enemy and the enemy.

Therefore, when the Castilian army and other Sicilian troops have been overwhelmed by hard work, and some have begun to collapse, the battle between the elite of the two sides has become the key to the victory of this battle.

Just as it was discussed in advance, the two sides unanimously put their elite troops into the battlefield.

The seemingly indestructible spear phalanx and a uniform battle formation launched a fierce fight.

This is the first time the Grenadier has faced an opponent that is evenly matched in the true sense. Compared with the model army on the opposite side, even the French army has become insignificant.

The power of the spear phalanx was revealed at this moment, although it was slow but unstoppable crushing all enemies, and several Sicilian troops even turned their heads and fled back because they were crushed, almost hitting the grenadiers behind.

This made the generals have to order all the troops to retreat to both sides, to let the grenadiers out of the boundary, and at the same time protect the flanks of the grenadiers on the side of the front.

The attention of both parties is concentrated in the center of the front, because the outcome here determines the outcome of the entire battle.

Ruosha has come to the forefront, in front of her is a group of grenadier firepower arranged deep and deep, and in front is the model army of Gonzalo.

The officers were half surrounded by the uneasy half, and they stared around with vigilance, ready to protect the queen whenever necessary.

Ruosha reluctantly moved, and she twisted her body slightly in disgust, so that the armor on her body was not wrapped so uncomfortably.

In fact, she didn't like wearing it like this at all. This is why she never understood why Sophia should wear a heavy armor as a lady's dress.

I remember when I was in Sicily, Sophia saw her body armor every time she saw her, and even before seeing anyone, she could first hear the sound of the tooth-rubbing nail rubbing.

Using these cranky thoughts to force the distracted Ruosha to look forward, the two companies of 600 grenadiers formed a huge frontal 60-person shooting pattern with a total of 10 rows in depth.

The power of this formation is to ensure that the wide front is concentrated as much as possible while at the same time, it can also shoot through the rows between the rows to ensure uninterrupted fire suppression of the enemy.

However, Alexander seems to be not very satisfied with this type of combat. He proposed that once the enemy attacked the flank, this formation may be chaotic due to heavy inconvenience. This is the same as the square of the enemy opposite. If there is a maneuver at this time The flexible troops quickly inserted into the enemy flank, and the Castile phalanx was facing a big crisis.

Gonzalo obviously considered this too, so he placed a small square on each corner of the square, which effectively prevented the enemy’s threat of penetrating the flanks, and they also had cavalry from time to time in each square. Cruising back and forth from time to time, ready to meet the enemy trying to break through.


Ruosha whispered to herself, she had seen the general, but she was still the Countess of Cosenza at that time, and neither side thought that they would meet on the battlefield one day.

Thinking of flanking, Ruo Sha's heart was another irritability. She kept forcing herself not to think about extra things, otherwise it would only make the situation in front of her worse.

But Alexander has led the Catalans to attack the Castilians for a long time, but there is still no news so far, which makes Rusha have to worry about his brother's safety.

"I won't let you go."

Ruosha secretly murmured to her, and she didn't know who this sentence was meant for, whether it was Gonzalo who had revenge at all costs if his brother was in an unexpected situation, or Alexander who would act arrogantly.

"Your Majesty, the enemy's shelling seems to be a lot less." An attendant staff reminded Ruosha in a timely manner. "We have just discovered that the enemy's artillery did not shoot at us."

Hearing this, Ruosha's body shuddered instantly, and she secretly blamed herself for ignoring this trivial matter.

Although the enemy artillery suffered heavy losses due to the violent suppression of Sicilian artillery, but because the artillery positions were widely distributed, they were not completely annihilated.

In particular, the enemy's left-wing artillery did not suffer much loss because of its range.

Now you can still hear the rumbling of the artillery from time to time on the enemy artillery position, but the shells that landed on your front obviously did not match the speed of the shelling.


Almost without thinking, Ruosha quickly realized what the enemy artillery was shooting!

"Where is my brother now?!"

The Queen's slightly anxious voice attracted the attention of the attendants around. Someone hurriedly took the map, but Ruosha couldn't be bothered.

Calm down Shasa, calm down, you are not that bohemian wild girl with only chest and no brains, nor Lucrezia that stupid woman who can only be coquettish, even Barenti, you have never put her in the eye Are you here, you are Queen of Sicily, the only one who can help Alexander, so be sure to calm down.

Ruosha forced herself to calm down. She knew that if her head was hot at this time, not only would she not be able to help Alexander, she might even have to get in.

What they want is to win, and to replace the couple who are destined to be ousted with the siblings.

So be sure to calm down!

"My brother should be trying to break through the enemy's left wing at this time, and once he succeeds, he can form an angle with us," Zuo Sha remembered when he heard the Master Maldino who was building the Marino Palace for them in Rome. After that, the most ideal angle shooting in the castle defense "so Gonzalo will concentrate all the artillery on his left wing, because he has realized the danger."

Ruosha completely disregarded the expressions of the people around her that looked at each other, and she said that she was self-serving. At the same time, her face that was red with tension and calmed down gradually.

"My brother is right, as long as he breaks through from the left of the Castilians, he can directly threaten the entire side of Gonzalo."

"Then do we have to insist on the news from the Duke?" The officers around me stared at the two sides who were fighting each other across the front line. "However, Your Majesty, the situation is a bit detrimental to us now. Except for grenadiers, other troops may Can't resist the enemy's attack."

The subordinate's concerns did not seem to affect Ruosha. She looked at the map, looked up at the battlefield, and then looked down at the map again. Then she handed the baton she had been holding in her hand to the person next to her.

"Ready to attack."

Everyone was stunned by the Queen's sudden order, and they began to think they had heard it wrong, but from the same surprised expression of others, they immediately knew that the Queen had indeed issued the order of attack.

"I have to attract enough enemies for my brother, and even force Gonzalo to send reinforcements from the flank in order to keep the Central Front," Ruosha said and looked at his left wing again. "Order the first two or three grenadiers." The company stopped the pursuit and turned to attack the enemy's center as soon as possible. It ordered the fourth company and the company to defend against the enemy cavalry's counterattack and told them to block the enemy's right wing at all costs."

A series of commands forced the attendants around to repeat, and the generals looked more and more dignified as they listened to these commands.

"I will take my grenadier to the forefront."

Ruosha said quietly to the people around her, that tone seemed to be just preparing for the ball.

"Your Majesty, this is too dangerous."

The people around were helplessly dissuaded, but they also knew that it seemed useless.

"My brother is facing even greater dangers. I sent someone to find him and told him that I hope he can come back to see me alive instead of being wrapped up in a military flag. I don't want to give him a grand funeral."

Someone hurried away, and Ruosha was ready now.

She carefully inspected the weapons around her. Although she knew that she was not required to fight the enemy in person, she was always prepared.

Seeing how worried the officers around her were, she waved to them.

"Although the situation is not good, all this is still in our plan. Okay generals, let us see who is the most powerful army in Europe."

Ruosha's words excite the men's original uneasiness.

They knew what the queen said.

If this battle fails, of course their ending will be very miserable.

But if they succeed, they will not only contribute to the unification of the Sicilian Kingdom, they may even be the newcomers of the Kingdom of Aragon.

At that time, even the whole of Europe will bow their heads in front of them.

"For the queen!"

"For Sicily!"

The generals shouted excitedly, they knew that the next thing was to lose a battle, and there was no room for retreat.

"For you, my Alexander."

Ruosha secretly whispered in her heart, whether in front of people or alone, she always called Alexander "my brother".

This is because she knows that they are safe only if they are always vigilant not to reveal the true relationship between the two.

But in his heart, Zuosha shouted "My Alexander" more than once.

Now, in the face of a strong enemy, she decided to do whatever it takes.

Although she still can't declare it to her lips, she still uttered "My Alexander" in her heart.

"Grenadiers are on par~ array, move on!"

The drums were fast, the gunshots were loud, and the Grenadier Company on the entire front began to walk slowly but firmly towards the Phalanx.

Several soldiers carrying heavy muskets came out of the queue.

Set up the bracket, install the musket, and then tilt the muzzle to tuck the gunpowder and the huge projectile into the muzzle. When tamping it with a straight bar, you still need to use enough strength.

The waiting time after igniting the matchlock seemed so long.


There was a loud noise, and the heavy recoil hit the shooter’s shoulder suddenly, even if it was wearing a leather shoulder armor specially used for unloading, and the **** was still covered with very thick leather. Nor can it last long.

Although flintlocks have been equipped in large numbers, in addition to grenadiers, there are still many soldiers in the Sicilian army using the old matchlock.

All heavy muskets are also matchlock guns.

Because of the huge impulse generated when shooting, today's flintlocks also have slightly rough mechanical parts that often cannot withstand the failure caused by vibration.

In view of this situation, the Sicilian army's heavy muskets still use the method of firing.

The loading and firing rate of heavy muskets are extremely slow, but the great power is the nightmare and **** of everyone standing in front of them.

The knight hit by the musket did not feel pain, because his helmet instantly deformed, and the recessed helmet face directly fell into the forehead that had been smashed by a huge impact.

The knight's body fell backwards and hit the ground, lifting a small piece of turf.

The knight's death caused a brief commotion, and the Phalanx soldiers he led seemed to have no idea what to do for a while.

But it was only a moment, the panic caused by the subsequent heavy firearm shooting, and the chaos caused by the subsequent counterattack, quickly annihilated the traces that this noble Castilian knight had originally left.

The hot sun above the head makes people dry, and the constant fighting has exhausted many soldiers.

The sound of guns in the distance was still rumbling, and the grenadiers moved forward in a weary pace.

The ground was covered with the bodies of the soldiers of both sides, and some Castile soldiers who had no chance to breathe out a weak moan and call for help, but then the Sicilian soldiers who were heard by the sound of the Sicilian soldiers pierced mercilessly with a spear. Pour in the pool of blood.

Disgusting in the air were disgusting **** smells.

At this time, there is no mercy in this place.

The former team of Castilian soldiers is retreating in a hurry. Their formation is chaotic and unruly. When they keep retreating, even the team flags slowly fall.

"Prepare to charge," the team officer shouted with his hands with his sword in his already hoarse voice. Seeing the soldiers pulled out long swords from their waists, the team officer looked up and ran away slightly away from those with tired eyes. 'S enemies looked at "Catch up and kill them all!"

The officer's words drew a shout, and the Sicilians started their spirits and began to pursue the enemy. They did not find it, but they were not far from the side. Another team of enemies was running towards them.

On the other side, the two sides who were evenly matched against the white-blade fight, but the situation has changed due to the accidental joining of a dozen grenadiers who were scattered by the enemy.

The firepower of the grenadier's concentrated shooting made a gap in the side of the enemy formation, and the Sicilian army immediately rushed at the enemy and launched a fierce fighting.

Every corner of the front where the teeth are intertwined, every moment someone fell down and died.

Ruosha stepped over the already darkened blood stains in front of her, and she was followed by a team of armed guards grenadiers.

These soldiers are not only equipped with the latest one-shot short-barrel hammer-type muskets, but each person is equipped with two short guns and specialized sabers.

These saber swords are short and wide, but they have sharp tapered spikes that can pierce ordinary breastplates, and are a weapon for close combat.

Someone in the front team was shot down and caused tension to the guards.

They surrounded the queen tightly, staring at the movements near the battlefield with vigilance, ready to deal with possible enemies.

The sound of gunfire from the right wing kept Ruo Sha's heart heavy, but she knew her position was here, in the middle of the front.

All she had to do was to put pressure on the opposite Gonzalo. Even if he could not force him to mobilize the right wing reinforcements, he must never let him mobilize a soldier to the right.

"Another attack."

Ruo Sha issued an order, and then he noticed the strange look of the officers around him.

"Your Majesty, our troops may not be able to hold on, and the soldiers are too tired."

A blood-stained officer panted to Ruosha and said that he even took off his armor, which was originally considered proud. Now, apart from a rumpled trouser, this man has even ripped off his coat, revealing the smoke Blackened chest.

"But the enemy is also very tired," Ruosha resisted reaching out to wipe the sweat on her face, and sternly reprimanded the people around her. "I want you to remember that any shaking after the battle begins is the culprit of failure. The only thing you have to do is to execute the orders firmly, and now I want you to attack again!"

"Your Majesty."

The officers went away in response. Only the previous officer stood in the same place and hesitated for a while, but finally turned his teeth and turned away.

Ruosha looked at the troops moving slowly forward. She knew that by this time it had almost reached the limits of both armies.

At this time, the front lines of the two sides are like two completely tight strings. As long as you use a little more force, it will break instantly!

"Brother, all I can do is this, and the rest is up to you."

Ruosha's hand clenched the baton hard.

Pagasos was very angry.

Or it feels offended.

Just now, a cannonball landed not far from it, and the gravel turf that was lifted for a time hit it like raindrops.

Its beautiful fur was beaten, and even a sharp stone cut off a skin on its butt.

This made Pagasus jump like a thunder.

It has never been so angry since the sad day that made it lose its happiness as a male forever.

So Pagasus rushed towards the enemy's position with a frenzy that made everyone jaw-dropping.

Before Schell had time to keep up, and when the Castilian soldiers did not respond, it had rushed very close to the enemy's position.

Alexander was also surprised, or stunned because the scene before him was too familiar.

But at this time he had no other choice. While the opposite Castilla was at a loss for a while because of his completely unexpected move, he raised his musket, while aiming at the enemy without even aiming. The gun machine shouted loudly at the same time: "Follow me to hunt the guards and rush up!"

The roar of Alexandria made the Balkans who followed him madly growl, and in a frantic shout "Keep up with the master!", the Balkans charged towards the enemy in front of them.

Another shell fell, and although it did not pose any threat, the sludge in the puddle splashed by the shell was to make a Catalan mercenary captain stunned.

This finally completely angered the Catalans.

Led by the captain, the Catalans desperately rushed towards the enemy's artillery position.

The commander of Castilla, who discovered this change, immediately ordered the Catalans to intercept the attack, but his order was disrupted by the generals who suddenly rushed into their own formation.

The Balkan hunting guards who followed Alexandria, or simply Pagasos, rampaged through the Castella formation.

Enemies that are farther away will shoot with a musket, while those who are nearer will be chopped with a saber. They come and go like the wind. Whenever the Castilians try to surround them, they can walk away from the enemy with unexpected coquetry Of the siege.

The most important thing is that the Castilians found that this enemy army seemed to be purely rushing with no purpose at all, so that sometimes they just rushed in front of a team of enemy troops, but they could not wait With a sigh of relief, he suddenly rushed back inexplicably.

The chaos on the flanks made Gonzalo worried. He guessed that it was Alexander who was trying to break through his left wing.

And the sudden counterattack launched by the Queen of Sicily in front of him also proved this speculation.

"Adult, the Sicilian is attacking us. Our people have been killed and wounded for almost half. The front line will not be able to hold on," a knight ran from the horse, one of his arms drooping weakly, and one on his shoulder armor. The dent that looks shocking, looks like it has just been hit hard by something "We need reinforcements."

"I have no reinforcements," Gonzalo said quietly. "To tell your captain, either victory or sacrifice."

The knight looked at Gonzalo stunnedly, and then he let out a desperate sigh and turned his horse head toward the battlefield.

Looking at the knight who ran away, Gonzalo looked gloomy. He lowered his voice and said to the knight Don de Cialar, "We must stabilize the front, otherwise we will be over."

"Maybe some troops can be transferred from the left..."

"No, that's exactly what Gumbre wanted me to do." Gonzalo stubbornly rejected Don De Cliar's suggestion. "I have to admit that I underestimated the queen. I thought it would be Gumbre. Stay in the center of the front, because this is the key to winning or losing."

"I go."

Don De Cryal Knight suddenly said: "I go to the left to resist the Duke of Rome Theseia But you must defeat the queen's troops in the center, otherwise we will all be over."

Gonzalo glanced at the Don de Cialal knight and then nodded slightly: "Sandro, this is our last strength. You know what it means to us if we can't block Gombray."

"Yes, lord."

After answering the call, Don De Clairar called the attendant to lift him on the mount.

"It's either honor or death." The Cavaliers of Don Deglial immediately waved at Gonzalo, and then took the lead toward the fierce left wing.

Opposite the front line, vaguely saw the movement of Ruosha's heart in the enemy position.

At the same time, on the left side of Castilla, which had become very chaotic, Alexander finally led the Balkans into the enemy artillery position.


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