Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 198: Big business

Tiego rode on the horse and wobbled with the horse's bumps. Sometimes when he heard someone shouting in front of him, he tried to lift his tired heavy eyelids to look forward, and closed his eyes again when there was nothing serious. Dumbfounded.

Tiego has been walking on this road for a long time. The rugged mountain road made him bitter, and the food on the road was unspeakable.

Although it is the season when spring is blooming, but Tiego can't feel the benefits brought by the spring.

He had n’t seen Maria de Luna in a long time. As long as he thought about the mature body of the Duchess, Thiegeau complained more than once about the chores that the Duke had arranged for himself.

He has n’t been idle since leaving Barialido, even if he returned to Valencia, he just hurriedly looked at the Duchess while he was waiting for his men to work, and the two could n’t wait to hurry up and intimate After a while, I was interrupted twice by someone halfway, almost letting Tiego release it before it was completely released.

Then he ignored the Duchess's disgruntled look and hurriedly left, followed by a long journey.

He first sailed south from Valencia, and then shored in the southern port of Kulje.

Then, he led people upstream along the Hukar River, the largest in the south of Aragon, and headed westward inland.

This road is the best way to find Tiego after careful planning, he was cautious when he set off, and even a little worried, because he did not know whether Queen Sicily was already in Mara after he entered the south of Castile Add login.

Because of this, Tiego knew he was very risky, or if there were any accidents, everything he had operated for a few years before might become a mess.

But he also knew that the duke ’s siblings had always spared no effort to support him just to let him play a role at this time, and this was also the key moment he had been looking forward to.

If successful, Tiego feels that he is even fully qualified to propose to Maria de Luna publicly without insulting her. It is just this to think that he can become the stepfather of the noble Duke of Gandino. One point is enough to make him worth everything for the hard work now.

As for his wife and children, Tiego can only apologize to them. He has planned to leave them with a large sum of money enough to live a prosperous future, but now is the time for him to think about his family Now, he feels that a noble duchess is more suitable for his future wife.

Tiego once wrote to the Duke privately for this purpose, hoping to get his support and understanding. He vaguely felt that the Duke although his life was more colorful than him, but he did not seem to approve of doing so.

Sure enough, although he did not expressly condemn his choice in the letter, Alexander still repeatedly told him to arrange his wife and children properly.

Tiego finally got the tacit consent of the Duke. He had decided to formally propose to Maria de Luna, but before that, he had to do this errand well.

Some people were noisy in front of them, and Tieggio looked up impatiently. He noticed that some strong Catalans were knocking down a guy who was shorter than them, and then added their fists and feet. After a full meal, this made Tiago feel a headache.

He was really fed up with these Catalans. These people are indeed the best mercenaries, but they are undoubtedly the most disgusting hooligans and ruffians. Their reputation for doing bad things is no worse than the heroism on the battlefield. Even less, and they are able to contend with the Swiss barbarians like mountain donkeys.

"Let go of that unlucky ghost, or I will let you eat the whip," Tiego shouted to the mercenaries, and seeing that they did not seem to intend to stop, he threatened again, "If I stop, I will All your commissions are deducted. "

This remark immediately worked. Although some of the mercenaries finally stopped their hands, they glared angrily at Tiego, but finally chose to retreat under his more annoying stare.

"Let that person stay away from them," Tiego told his men to notice, and he noticed a black piece of cloth tied to the beaten man's arm. "He is much more useful than the ruffians."

Nodded under his hand, he walked over and greeted the man to Tiege.

"Being a gunner?" Tiego poked the man's arm with a whip. "I think you have the armband that the gunner only had, or you took it casually. If so, I will give you to those people. They will take care of you. "

"I worked for the French in Rome," the man replied, touching the bloodshot lips. "But then the French lost me before they escaped."

Tiego was interested and he continued to ask: "What battle did you participate in?"

"Genoa, Alexandria, Siena and San Giraniano fought, I have all participated."

"That's really amazing. I heard that all French soldiers who can escape from the battle of smoking are favored by God."

Tiego laughed. He had an unusual admiration for the Queen ’s extraordinary performance in the Italian War, so no one else knew that he was not actually insulting this person.

"It is indeed God's favor," a trace of fear flashed in the man's eyes, as if remembering the terrible past. "The Neapolitan artillery is farther than us and more powerful, but what really is terrible is that they are very accurate. And the interval between each shot is much shorter than ours, and sometimes they are not like we just blindly attack the enemy queue, they regard the elimination of artillery as a more important thing. "

"But you still escaped. Your luck is good." Tiego nodded. He likes those who have good luck, just like most Iberians, although the church denounces it as heresy, but Tiego Also superstitious, he even quietly carved the idols of the duke and siblings into hiding because he thought the duke and siblings were auspicious symbols that brought him good luck.

"Are you going to take us to fight?" The gunner looked at the team in front. "I was ridiculed by those Catalan talents, but if you want to use me, just give me a few Artillery and some helpful folks, I can be more useful than them. "

"Okay, let me see your skills," Tiego asked the entourage next to give the man a horse and watched him roll over his horse with some difficulty. Tiego picked up his tattered clothes with a whip He looked at the hem and saw a few bruises on his ribs. Tiego took out the hip flask hanging in the saddle bag and threw it to him. "Drink a little pressure and hurt. If you are really as useful as you said, Believe me, you will be running soon. "

The big merchant Tiego has a lot of business. In addition to maritime trade and the coveted almost monopoly of the Valencia silk market, his "Catalan defense consulting company" business is also booming, and sometimes he even has to Personally battle with customers.

This time, Tiego took a big deal, according to what he said when he recruited those mercenaries in Valencia, this time he would personally lead these Catalan mercenaries to complete a very important The task, as to what to do, he did not explain.

Although this is not quite in line with the rules, it is understandable. After all, Valencias are talkative, and perhaps this single trade has some unknown secrets.

But according to the rules, this kind of business that can't directly explain where to go is obviously very dangerous, so the reward must be more generous.

In this respect, the reputation of the Catalan defense consulting company is very good. At least those Catalans who were sent to Pisa in large numbers during the Italian war experienced a brutal war, but they almost every Everyone earns a lot of money.

This time, the mercenary force led by Tiegeau personally recruited about 1,200 mercenaries, including Catalans. This is not only the largest business of the Catalan defense consulting company, but also other The peers also looked jealous.

However, the trip upstream from the Hukar River to the west was very hard, especially since they had to cross the two mountains on the way to enter the Guadalville River Basin. The difficult march almost brought down the dikes. Ge's body.

But he also knows that it is the most critical time. Although it is not clear whether the Queen has landed successfully, but according to the business he negotiated with the "customer", he must take this mercenary force to the place.

A high mountain in front seemed to never be able to climb, and Tiego had to be taken care of back and forth. He vowed that he would never do such a thing again after running this order, but think about it carefully. Perhaps this is the last time he has personally led the army.

Lord Duke should also know that I am not this piece of material, Tiego thought self-deprecatingly, but this time because of the importance, even he had to fight in person.

There was another loud noise in front, and soon two mercenaries came with him in his direction.

"Are you?" Tiego looked at the man.

"I'm a follower of Lord Duke Bavi," the man took out a letter and handed it to Thiegos. "As Lord Duke told me, I'm here to greet you. You can't go on the Guadalville River anymore, Gonza Luo ’s army has blocked the upper reaches of the river. "

"Oh, that's great, you really brought us good news," Tiegue said annoyed. "Do you want us to go all the way to Seville?"

"Maybe it's no longer necessary," the follower shrugged a little helplessly. "Actually, it's not so easy to find on land. You probably don't know that the Sicilians are here. They and the Wang Jun cut off all the routes to Seville. the way."

There was a trace of surprise on Thiegeau's face. Although he believed that the Queen would arrive as scheduled, when the news was heard from the follower of Tumbawi, Thiegos still seemed to be relieved as if he was suddenly relieved.

He knew he was actually very worried. When he accepted the order of the Duke and contacted Don Bavey, he did not know whether the coalition coach would hire Catalans as he hoped, after all He came from Aragon, and maybe Don Bavey would refuse him because of doubts.

In fact, at the beginning, Don Bavey did not worry about hiring Catalans to fight for himself, but as the situation became worse and worse, the 'Catalan defense consulting company' repeatedly showed rare Sincerity, he ultimately chose to accept the help of this mercenary merchant from Aragon.

"Where are the Sicilian people now?" Thiego seemed to care about the situation. "To be clear, I don't want my people to hit their positions on either side. We are here to fight to make money, not to die." "

The attendant immediately and carefully introduced the situation outside Seville to the mercenary businessman. When it was heard that the three parties had engaged in a battle near the two sister lakes in the east of Seville two days ago Tiego couldn't help but ask how the battle ended.

"The result was not good," the entourage said with some frustration. "The people of Gonzalo beat our cavalry one by one like a hare. We lost hundreds of people, and the Sicilian people were there to watch the lively, but tribute. Salo did n’t seem to dare to offend the Sicilian army easily. After winning, they retreated to the north bank of the Guadalville River, and now they are froze each other across the Guadalville River. "

Tiego breathed a sigh of relief. As an Iberian, he was more familiar with Gonzalo ’s name than the Sicilian, and because of this he was more worried about whether the Sicilian army could resist the Castilian attack. .

It now appears that at least the two sides have not yet actually confronted each other on the battlefield, or that both sides are looking for and waiting for an opportunity to defeat each other in one fell swoop, because after all, the noble coalition forces are still watching.

"We have to enter Seville as soon as possible. The Duke and Master have been waiting too long. Some of the nobles are already preparing to surrender or escape. If there is no good news, maybe they will wait for someone to attack Seville. Surrender."

The faithful follower could n’t help but urged him to watch the businessman ’s reaction with anxiety. Although the mercenary often kept the contract after receiving the deposit, it was said that the mercenary company ’s reputation was pretty good. The situation against Sevilla is really very unfavorable. If these Catalans have poor knowledge and break the contract, it is not impossible.

Fortunately, this time they met a credible businessman. Although they seemed hesitant, they eventually prevailed over the noble morality of being a contractual businessman.

"Then we have to hurry up," Tiegeau finally made up his mind. "I think there is an opportunity in front of us. While the two of them are deadlocked, we immediately proceeded along the south bank of the Guadaver River. , At least better than Gonzalo. "

The follower nodded somewhat blankly. In fact, he had no idea at this time. He was able to stay here and wait for these Catalan mercenaries. It was only because of his loyalty to the Duke and the Lord that he had been afraid to betray Escape this rebellious act alone.

But when he thought of going through the middle of the two enemy positions, the follower was still terrified and pale.

This made him almost follow the Catalan mercenaries in a daze, he did not even know how they cleverly avoided the interception from both sides from the narrow area between the two armies When he finally saw the walls of Seville, the attendant knelt down and kissed the dirt on the ground.

The sudden appearance of the Catalans caused a lot of suspicion from the Andalusian nobles. When they heard that a mercenary force had suddenly entered the city, many people immediately realized that it was Don Bavi who had been hiding them. means.

Obviously, Don Bavi, who had previously dominated the coalition, would be more reckless after receiving the support of this mercenary force, but despite knowing this, those nobles could only endure temporarily.

And with the emergence of this mercenary force, the comparison between the three forces has also changed, and for a time Andalusian nobles have new hopes to be able to hold Seville.

The arrival of the Catalan mercenaries was undoubtedly a huge surprise for Don Bavi. He even thought that these Catalans might not be willing to fulfil their contracts in this extremely unfavorable situation.

So when I heard that the Catalans arrived ~ ~ he made people push himself to greet the mercenary commander.

To his surprise, the businessman named Tiego actually came in person, which made Don Bavi feel surprised that this person was really courageous.

"Relax, you won't regret this investment. When we defeat Gonzalo and Sicilian, I will hire your mercenaries for a long time to become a standing army in Andalusia." Don Bavi promised Tiego, But he is really speaking, he can have such a brave army loyal to professional ethics, he does not care about spending more money.

"This is what we hope, so we would rather take the risk to complete the work on this contract." Thiego replied, he really looked like an authentic businessman at this time.

Don Bavey looked at the soldiers outside the window who were packing equipment and luggage and asked, "Tell me what your mercenary is called."

"Fourth regiment," Tiego smiled through his tired face. "They are the glorious Catalan regiment."

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