Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 197: Who will control the fate of Andalusia?

A few white clouds floated on the clear sky, and it was about to enter the early summer. It was cool and comfortable. The wind blew in from the very wide cuffs and swelled the sleeves.

Ruosha stood on the shore of a blue lake with large waves. A large area of ​​blue reeds swayed in the wind not far in front of her. The water flapped its wings and flew to the sky.

The scenery here is beautiful, but Ruosha did not come to relax, she looked back to the distant shore, and some cavalry were running back and forth in the open space between the lake shore and the forest further behind.

Napoli ’s royal grenadiers did not have much cavalry. According to the description of Alexander and the actual situation of the Kingdom of Naples, she did not pay much attention to the role of cavalry like the Principality of Romagna-Tuscany. Laguia spends a lot of money to build a dragon cavalry. The Naple Grenadier is more of a musket infantry, although it is not very mobile.

However, this is not to say that Naples has no cavalry. On the contrary, Ruosha has a relatively light but elite light cavalry. Their mission is not to face the enemy on the battlefield, but to investigate before the war and harassment behind the enemy. At that time, they will participate in the pursuit of the enemy when the battle is nearing the end, but head-on confrontation is obviously not their strong point.

This time, there were three regiments that landed in Málaga with Ruosha. In addition to the royal grenadier regiment directly under the Queen, the Naples regiment and the Cosenza regiment also participated in this unexpected landing battle.

Like the army of Roman Thesia, Naples and even the Wallachia army are gradually changing towards a new type of organization. Although this change cannot be achieved overnight, at least compared with the current army of other countries, the "Alexander Empire" The army is carrying out some unprecedented attempts to change.

Ruosha will bring these cavalrymen to the lake, because here has actually crossed the default boundary of the three parties.

After the Sicilian army set off from Malaga, they advanced north along the east bank of the Kovones River. Their speed was very fast. Within two days, the forward troops had arrived near the city of Comona, not far from Bingolola, just Instead of crossing the river, the Sicilian army established a line of defense on the east bank of the river, protected by the Kovones and Henir rivers.

This somewhat relieved the coalition and Gonzalo, but unlike the Andalusian nobles, Gonzalo did not send people to contact the Sicilian army.

His attitude seemed to be more indifferent to the sudden appearance of the "enemy", which somewhat made the Sicilian officers feel anxious.

To Gonzalo, Sicilian officers are no strangers. This person's performance in the Italian war was deeply imprinted in the minds of almost all Neapolitans, so even today's Sicilian army is very different from the original, but it is mentioned This Castilian star, the officers who were mostly from Naples, couldn't help but feel a little fear in his heart.

She is very clear about the thoughts of her men, and she always remembers that Alexander mentioned more than once that Gonzalo may cause him trouble in the future.

So Rusha was not at all relaxed about this person. The first thing she asked the Sicilian army to do was to establish a defense instead of preparing for an offensive. At the same time, she was already prepared for an unprecedented hard fight.

Ruosha had learned from the scout before that, while the Sicilian army was building a line of defense between the two rivers, Gonzalo was not idle. He also quickly built a fortification on the northern bank of the Guadavier River, and then established it on the upper reaches There was a line of defense along the river from Bingolola to Bingolbermo.

In this way, around the city of Seville, the three-party army formed a rather strange triangle confrontation posture.

The situation today is very clear. Both the Castiles and Sicilians regard the seizure of Sevilla as the key to mastering the south of Castile, and for Gonzalo this battle is even more critical. Same as general meaning.

If he can successfully seize Seville, then he has a bargaining chip with anyone.

If the failure to wait for him may be a sad exit after being sacked, it may be a worse ending.

This battle is not easy to fight, Ruosha secretly told herself.

In fact, not only those Sicilian officers, but Ruosha himself was secretly nervous about going to fight with that Gonzalo.

So delay is certainly good for Gonzalo, but it is also undesirable for Ruo Sha.

A cavalry ran quickly, and the soldier Lisso, who was not far from the queen, jumped off the horse and reported loudly: "Your Majesty, the Andalusians are gathering troops across the lake. It looks like there are about 300 people."

"Your Majesty, you should leave here immediately." Hearing the report of the scout, the staff attendant who was always worried about it immediately dissuaded the queen, and the queen insisted on taking her guard cavalry across the Corvines River to Sevi. Leah is very close to the east bank of the Two Sisters Lake. It is indeed very close to the position of the noble coalition. Even if you waded through the shallowest beach connecting the Two Sisters Lake, you can directly reach the nobles. In front of the coalition positions.

"The scenery here is very nice," Ruosha, who seemed to have not listened to the staff servant, said with interest, she raised her finger to the small island on the shallows between the two sister lakes. Very interested to say, "If you build a villa there, it must be a pleasure to escape the heat during this season."

"Your Majesty ~"

The staff attendant shouted ugly, and after seeing Ruosha, she turned her head and looked over with innocent and unexpected eyes. The attendant couldn't help but his face flushed, he could only look towards him with helpless dissatisfied eyes Omo, who had never spoken on the side, trusted the queen quite a bit, but at this time, he did not want to persuade the Balkans of the queen. He was somewhat annoyed.

Aware of the somewhat unpleasant look of the staff servants, Omo smiled and whispered, "Relax, your majesty knows what to do, and if it is really in danger, she will not joke about her safety."

The staff servant gave a helpless wry smile. Although he knew that Omo was right, it might be because he was too concerned about the queen, so he always worried about her involuntarily, but it might make the queen bored after a long time.

The Balkan man next to him is very clever. People sometimes even ignore its existence when he is not needed, but he knows when to speak.

"Omo, how much time do you think it will take to break into the city of Seville?" Rausa asked suddenly.

"Your Majesty, it might not be very difficult if we were to face those Andalusian troops alone, but Gonzalo ..."

Omo did not go on, he knew the queen understood what he meant.

This situation is now too subtle. The three armed forces confront each other with the Guadarville River as a boundary. Any one party is worried that they may be hit by the other two parties. This is also why Gonzalo has taken advantage of the battlefield. There is still no reason to act rashly.

It ’s just that this stalemate needs to be broken. The goal of attacking Sevilla is to achieve both the forces of Castile and Sicily. Everyone knows this well, so the only question is when will the attack be launched first? .

The Andalusian nobles obviously also knew the current situation, so many nobles quietly wrote to the people on both sides, hoping to either get asylum or be allowed to leave this right and wrong, and some hope to be able to take advantage of both sides. I just want to see who can bid higher.

As Gonzalo never sent someone to contact herself, Ruosha was not disappointed. She knew that with Alexander ’s public announcement of the demand for the Castile throne, he and Ferdinand had no escape route. The place is the same as she did not retreat with Ferdinand.

In this way, Gonzalo, who is armed with heavy troops, has obviously become an important role that several parties are fighting for. It can be said that Gonzalo announced who he supports, which will play a role in the successful reunification of the Iberian Peninsula. Important role.

So it's not surprising that Gonzalo would look down on the sidelines at this time.

There was another scout who drove the horse and had n’t had time to jump off the horse. The soldier had already hurriedly shouted: "Your Majesty, the Andalusian cavalry is bypassing the north side of the lake. They seem to be attacking from our flanks. "

The look of the staff servants changed again. If the Andalusian cavalry really detoured from the north back to cut off the eastward exit, their only way out was to retreat south.

The southern terrain of the Two Sisters Lake is complicated. Although it is not the kind of difficult terrain for the cavalry, if it is attacked from behind, it is likely to suffer losses because it cannot be evacuated in time.

If there is no queen, maybe they are not afraid of those Andalusian cavalry, but now they cannot take risks.

For the Sicilian, Ruo Sa is no longer the original Countess, who was able to enter the battle with Ottoman outside Bucharest with only a few hundred grenadier companies. She now needs to shoulder the mission and There are already too many people involved in huge interests. If Alexander is a symbol of the future "Alexander Empire", then Ruosha is maintaining the silk thread inside this empire through a trade union. The two people become 16 in one table and one table. The pillar and core of Europe ’s largest interest group in the early 2000s.

"Your Majesty, you must leave immediately!" The staff servant shouted to Ruosha desperately, and his face was even a little bit daunting.

"Oh." Ruosha did not object this time. She just frowned as if looking unexpectedly to the north. It was just that the two sisters' lakes were really big. She clearly couldn't see what was happening there.

The cavalrymen waiting on the shore quickly mounted one after another. In fact, they were already prepared. The flint on the musket was not removed. Some of them had already been filled with bullets in the barrel of the gun in advance. Commanded that some cavalry soldiers who had been waiting to go north first, while others quickly filled the rifle with bullets.

Rasa did not wear inconvenient armor today, but wore a convenient riding skirt, with a row of holsters on each side of her saddle, with three special riding guns inserted side by side.

At this time, Ruosha had turned her horse. She bent slightly and pulled out a long-handled short barrel from the holster to fiddle with the gun, and at the same time seemed to whisper something strangely.

Gunshots sounded in the distance, although it was only a short one or two, but it already made the people around Rusha nervous.

Even Omo, who had always understood how to speak, couldn't help but stretch his hand to hold the scimitar around his waist. He glanced at the staff attendant next to him and quietly made a look.

The attendant turned his horse a little bit and came to Rusha. Just when he thought about whether to immediately pull the Queen's mount and turn to run, Rusha suddenly shook her head at him.

"If you don't want to kill me, let me run by myself. Believe me. I have been able to ride my horse since I was 9 years old." Luo Sha finished her horse head, but she didn't turn around immediately, but she still looked up The direction from the north side, while puzzled eyes flashed in his eyes.

There were a few more gunshots, but this time the gunfire came from a more eastward direction. Obviously the coalition cavalry was planning to continue to cut the Sicilian retreat eastward, and because of the large number of enemies, those Sicilian cavalry did not succeed. Stop them.

"Your Majesty should go."

This time it was Omo who spoke. He stretched out his hand to hold the horse rein in Ruosha's hand and snatched it a little bit arrogantly. He knew that this time he would not be punished even if it was so unreasonable, so he simply did not expect to hesitate anymore. Yu's staff servant, he himself started.


Ruosha did not insist on perseverance. She was very clear that insisting on her own opinion and blind stubbornness are two different things. Under the obvious judgment error, she was stubborn and refused to listen to others in order to maintain the so-called face. This is not the character of a smart monarch. And on the battlefield, this blind stubbornness is more likely to kill.

But even so, Ruosha was a little surprised when she left. She didn't think she had made a mistake, but now the coalition is attacking her guard.

Until she ran out for a long time under the protection of cavalry, Ruosha was still a little unwilling.

She was annoyed by her mistakes, although this was only one of her few mistakes, but it still made her feel a little unwilling.

The retreating team was not in a hurry. The cavalry guarded the queen to retreat all the way to the southeast. Although the Sicilians had not yet fully controlled the Kovones River, they had established a stronghold in Hexi, from where they could put The queen sent across the river safely.

There was a rush of gunshots coming from behind, and the gunshots were obviously much denser than before, which made the followers around Ruosha somewhat surprised.

The number of cavalry sent to intercept the Andalusians is not large. Their task is actually to harass and lure the enemy to pursue, so the number is not large, and they will not specifically stop to fight the enemy, but the gunshots now seem to be It shows that the two sides are engaged in a fierce battle.


Suosha suddenly ordered, she pulled the reins to stop the horse, and then looked back to the north.

Although the sound of the guns was intermittent, but it could be heard from time to time that a dull but neat volley of sound suppressed all the sounds.

Ruosha listened carefully to the gunshot, and a smile appeared on her face, then she suddenly turned the horse's head and legs to clamp the horse's abdomen, and suddenly flew northward in the exclamation of the followers.

"Follow up ~ Follow the queen!" The entourage shouted and chased after the horse, and the whole team was even a little confused for a while.

Fortunately, Lusha didn't run far, she urged the horse to climb up to a raised highland and stopped, looking at the smoke that seemed to rise from time to time on the north side, Lusha made a childlike naive laughter .

"They're here." She turned back to the officers who had already chased them, and raised her finger to the distance to signal them.

"That's ..." The staff attendant looked at Omo somewhat uncertainly.

"Army of Castilla." Omar nodded with certainty. He noticed the Queen's applauded look and paid tribute to Ruosha. "Your Majesty, you obviously guessed it all."

Listening to this simple but straightforward compliment, Ruosha said a little helplessly: "But I didn't expect that Gonzalo would be so calm."

"He shouldn't know that you are here, otherwise he might have sent troops long ago," Omo pondered. "Seeing the Andalusians attack us, maybe he hopes this battle will be more intense."

"Of course he hopes so, maybe he wants us to attack Seville first," Ruosha looked at the north direction, but at this time her attention was no longer that the kings who were suddenly joining the battle were in a hard fight Of the coalition, but Bingolola further north.

Gonzalo has a king army of about 4,700 people there. This force is not very large ~ ~ but this army is a model army that he has personally trained.

"Your Majesty, if we are going to attack Seville, we must be alert to the Castilian army. Too much force may cause our flanks to be exposed to the Castilians, which is very dangerous," Omo wrinkled. He raised his eyebrows, and unlike his elder brother Kurash who served in the Queen ’s Army, he was a staff servant. His job was to consider more than the battlefield, and he had to deal with possible dangers. He Hidden made it clear to the coach that even if these were pure speculations, "Which one of your three regiments will attack Seville?"

Looking at Omor's slightly worried expression, Ruosha smiled slightly, and she reached out to gather the hair that was blown slightly by the wind to her ears. City silhouette.

"Fourth regiment," Zuosha said, "Trust me, the battle in Seville is not the end of the Andalusians, but the beginning of the future between Castile and Aragon."

In April 1503, the model army led by Gonzalo and the new army of the Kingdom of Sicily encountered under the city of Seville. A battle for Andalusia was about to begin.

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