Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 191: Imagination in the age of great navigation

Throughout March, Alexander has been in Lisbon. He has too much to do, but the Portuguese nobles have made him unable to get away.

Not everyone is optimistic about the sudden emergence of the prince of Castilla. Many elderly Portuguese nobles have not forgotten the consequences of the war with Spain.

In order to support Juana, he had a fierce battle for a year and a half with the coalition forces of Castile and Aragon. As a result, Juana was not only forced to give up the fight for the throne of Castile, but Portugal also could not Not forced to accept one queen followed by two Spanish princesses.

The old Portuguese nobles obviously do n’t want to see this happen again, so although they can barely accept Manuel ’s dissolution of his marriage with Maria, they even endured the king ’s marriage to Juana, which was obviously irritated. The Spanish move, but when Manoaire publicly declared support for the Duke of Rome Theseia, the Portuguese nobles finally couldn't sit still.

These people have spoken to the king in hopes of dissuading Manoel from such a near-crazy move. In their view, the neighbor of Portugal is a behemoth, and the king seems to be frantically tempting on the edge of death. It was a complete outrage to the terrible enemy who was always looking for an opportunity to try to devour Portugal.

So for the Duke of Rome Theseias, those Portuguese behaved very unfriendly, and even shortly after Alexandria participated in the welcome ceremony held by Manuel for him at the Castle of Saint John, an assassination that was not very cleverly planned took place. Too.

The result of this assassination was that several Portuguese nobles were jailed, and this also made those nobles who were still watching to realize that the king had made up his mind.

In fact, what made Manuel to make such a decision is not because of "the obligation and mission of the orthodox inheritance of the Castile throne" as he said. After all, if you seriously say Qiao Modillo · Astamara is just an illegitimate child.

It was the exciting news from the new colony that really made him determined to prepare to die with Spain.

On November 14, 1502, an expedition led by Columbus went to the new colony again, but this time they did not operate in the familiar area of ​​San Salvador, but after they determined that they were not far from the new colony, they began to Southwest sailing.

It was almost the last few days of December. The crew took the sacrament on board, then had a very rich Christmas dinner, and then they began to approach the shore.

Two days later, they arrived at a new place, which was slightly cooler than San Salvador they discovered at the time, but the sea waves were unusually huge. Many people thought that they might be in disaster. They began to pray to God to prepare for the final judgment, but Then they miraculously broke through the wind and waves and entered a quite tranquil sea.

According to the signs of seagull flight, the explorers found that they seemed to be surrounded by a huge bay, because the seagulls not only came from the west, and sometimes large and unprecedented exotic seabirds would fly from all directions to their Boats, some will treat the boat as a floating island and temporarily rest, while some are stupid as a dead large marine fish, so those seabirds will dive towards the hull, slender and sharp beak poke the hull deck "Dump" sounded, and some troublesome people simply flew between the sails, and finally hit the cloth sail and fell down to become a delicious meal for the crew.

This scenario inspired experienced seafarers, and Columbus finally sighed with relief. After all, the crew were very resentful when sailing north from the wonderful ground of San Salvador. If they can no longer be found as soon as possible, they can let them On the land next to the shore, there may be riots on the ship.

In early January, Columbus ’s new diary read, “This is a memorable day. I saw one of the most beautiful coastlines, where it stretches and bends like beautiful curves of beautiful women. By this time I am finally sure that the Duke ’s conjecture is correct".

In the following days of exploration, Columbus was more certain that it was indeed a rather wide bay, and that the area of ​​the vast bay was even more imaginative, even the area of ​​the Mediterranean Sea in his impression seemed unnecessary. Bigger than here.

What fascinated Columbus was that all the local indigenous people encountered here had no similarities with the descriptions of Indian natives brought to him by the Duke of Rome Thesia, which finally made him seriously consider the Duke's That whimsical and bold guess.

A brand new, new land that has never been discovered before, this idea just needs to think about and makes Columbus awake all night.

And he knew that the news must be brought back to Europe as soon as possible, because as far as he knew, the Duke was ready to send another expedition to sail westward from the Azores instead of diverting the piece he discovered. "Indian Islands" plan,

If he does not want to give away the honor and opportunity of making a new land, he must return to Europe as soon as possible, and then do his utmost to persuade the Duke to support him in a more thorough exploration of the land.

On March 9, 1503, just three days after Alexandria entered Lisbon, a two-masted spinnaker Caravel sailing Oruben staggered into the port of Cape Albrata.

Despite the enthusiasm for the ships from the new colony, the people on this ship were obviously unlucky. They did not bring back much wealth. On the contrary, the people on the ship were tired and a little sick.

However, these people seemed very excited. They ignored the port management officials ’strict order to quarantine the 10-day ban, but stubbornly demanded to go ashore immediately. When the port officials sent someone to force them back to the ship, the captain of the ship Shouted loudly to "sue you to the king".

The return of the Oulu Ben did not get people ’s attention. After all, everyone ’s eyes are now on the prince of Castile, his gorgeous costumes, the neat and mighty military uniforms of the guards, and the prince. His legendary story and his life experience have become the most fashionable topic in Lisbon today.

The only one who paid special attention to the arrival of the ship was Don Antonio, the chief of the nautical office and the Minister of Maritime Affairs.

After hearing the news that the Oulu Ben docked, Don Antonio, who was talking to Alexander at the time, completely ignored the etiquette and just left in a hurry. He was in a hurry at the time so that he did not know what happened. The nobles of the country probably had an accident, and some people even speculated secretly whether there was an accident in the Portuguese fleet that was fighting the Spanish.

Alexander was also very concerned about this matter. He immediately sent someone to the port. When he heard that the Ouluben had brought back the important results of this expedition, Alexander was so excited that he could not help but clenched his fists!

After several years of operation and years of hard work, everything has finally come to fruition!

At this moment, Alexander had a relaxed feeling of suddenly relaxing.

Even though I knew everything about the new continent in advance, Alexandria knew very well that without a strong nautical power as a backing, the Italians ’existing resources could not support the feat of developing the new continent, not to mention the special geographical location of the Mediterranean. The countries imprisoned in it cannot compete with the nautical powers on the verge of the Atlantic for a new world.

A Strait of Gibraltar choked the throats of the Mediterranean countries towards the ocean, so in the future, those countries that are on the verge of the ocean can take the initiative to open up new continents.

This is the fundamental reason why he wants to sing the crown of Castile at all costs.

Now because of his reasons, it was first discovered that the true value of the New World became the Portuguese, but Alexander did not mind the change that did not make much sense to him.

As the first to send back the news, the Oulu Ben brought not much wealth. Their original mission was not to find gold, but the huge records of the land they brought back were Real priceless treasure.

Then, two days later, the new expedition led by Columbus finally docked in Lisbon.

Columbus was not very concerned about the Duke telling them not to return to Castile but to Portugal before leaving.

For him, it was enough to find a new piece of land and get a huge amount of compensation. As for who paid for it, he did not care.

Although the arrival of the Columbus Expedition has also attracted a lot of attention, not many people really know what the significance of their voyage lasting more than three months.

Manuel was thrilled. When the Ouluben arrived in Lisbon, he was too excited to sleep. After two hard days, as the expedition arrived, Manuel was even more difficult. Concealed his head and excited when Columbus just landed, he could not wait to summon him.

Listening to Columbus's report, Manuel seemed to see a whole new world. How did he not expect that the Genoese who had been rejected by him before finally had such an amazing discovery with the support of Isabella, He couldn't help but feel annoyed by his original view.

However, Manuel also knew that with the strength of Portugal, it was impossible to send two expeditions at the same time, so it is not wrong to look for a new route to the east.

And the importance of the new Eastern route is at least as good as the discovery of the new colony, but now, Manuel ’s heart has become hot again.

Alexander ’s description of the mysterious land aroused great interest in Manuel, and according to Alexander, the area of ​​the land is likely to be much larger than people think today, which can not help evoke Mannu El's ambition.

Alexander also summoned Columbus. He carefully listened to Columbus's report. After reading the nautical diary repeatedly, he roughly confirmed the newly discovered places of the expedition and their landing positions.

That obviously should be the east coast of South America. According to a more detailed description in the nautical diary, Alexander felt that Columbus and they had actually come into contact with the South American continent nearly 10 years earlier than the Spanish in history.

This discovery is huge and profound.

Although the Portuguese joined the development of the new continent earlier than in history, it is another matter to really explore deeper into the continent.

Until many years later, most of the European colonists established their strongholds and trading posts in the coastal areas. To build a real city in the South American continent, it will take another 30 years.

At this time, another more ambitious and stronger competitor will gradually show strength, especially with the emergence of a childlike queen, a more powerful world empire will appear in front of the world.

Alexander believed that at least his current influence could not reach the British Isles, and even if he could destroy the current alliance between Britain and Spain, he could not control the future lower body of Henry VIII, so of course Unable to stop the birth of Elizabeth I.

In other words, even if there was no Elizabeth I in history, the expansion of the ocean by the British's emphasis on the ocean is an inevitable result.

So if you want to find a way to eliminate the threat posed by that strong enemy in the future, the only way is to cultivate a strong opponent for the British from the beginning.

Alexander believed that Manuel ’s ambitions and the historical achievements of the Portuguese in the era of the great voyage were not only enough to be able to play the role of this opponent, but perhaps they could do better.

As for the future that Portugal may become a rival of Spain, Alexander feels that at least Portugal should deal better with the British than the intricate relationship between the two countries or the geographical location of the two countries.

Even at this time, Alexander had a vague plan, although it was still immature, but had a slightly outlined plan. If this plan is successful, perhaps the future Iberian Peninsula is another scene.

Alexander looked at Columbus sitting opposite, and he found that Columbus's face was a little bad. It was not because of the wind and sun in the sea all year round, but a very abnormal gray.

The wrinkles on his face, which were much thinner than before, seemed to be more obvious. Compared with his slightly fatter appearance, the adventurer's body should not be very optimistic.

This reminded Alexander of the posterity that Columbus might have died from septicemia.

As Alexander wondered whether he should remind the greatest explorer of this era that he should pay more attention to his body, Columbus suddenly spoke.

"I heard that James fought a pretty naval battle in the Azores," Columbus stared at his face silently after seeing Alexander nodding silently. After discovering that the Duke did not seem to suggest anything, Columbus After thinking about it, I finally asked, "Who are you going to lead the fleet to the north?"

Alexander looked at the look that he didn't seem to care about, but he could still perceive Columbus vaguely concerned, thinking a little and asking, "Then who do you think is more appropriate? I think your experience and The vision must be able to select a competent commander for me. "

Columbus's face collapsed slightly, and he realized that Alexander didn't seem to want him to continue as the commander of the Northbound Expedition, which made his mood suddenly down.

"What do you think of James?" Alexander suddenly asked. "As you said, he did well in the Azores, and he is not only experienced in the sea, but also has a way to control those who are not obedient. Crew, I foresee that the expedition in the north will be much harder. This requires a reliable person to complete this adventure. "

Columbus shrugged slightly helplessly. He knew that Alexander had already made a decision. Although this made him somewhat unwilling, the experience with the duke for a long time told him that this young man was obviously better than him. Reinforcement.

"But I also have a new arrangement for you," Alexander pushed Columbus's voyage diary back in front of him. "If I can, I hope you will continue to sail south along the coastline you have found now, because according to our current control Depending on the situation, perhaps we will have more important discoveries. "

Columbus nodded thoughtfully. He knew that Alexandria's words still made sense. He is now very familiar with the vast sea that can be explored. He even thought that if he could go south along the coastline, as long as he could get Supply, he would like to see where this land will extend.

Watching Columbus's originally gloomy look slightly clear, Alexander did not smile secretly in his heart. He knew that this person thought of adventure as a good opportunity to get rich. Christopher Columbus, who was called the greatest navigator in later generations, If it is said in detail, it is really just a local businessman, but he sells only his discoveries.

The original ecology did not intend to let Columbus blend into the northern expedition, because he had decided to suppress the Portuguese forces in South America as much as possible, and the vast land in the north was for his Castile and Aragon. Prepared by the future empire.

As for the British, Alexander felt the need to let Manuel share some of the pressure of this future world empire.

And he believes Manuel must be happy to help others in this matter.

In fact, the Portuguese had landed in the eastern part of the South American continent two years ago, but at that time the Portuguese did not pay much attention to this huge discovery. They even thought that the land was just a larger island, just like Columbus. With the opening of the Eastern route, the Portuguese all turned their eyes to the new route, so it was not until 30 years later that they established the first truly permanent permanent base on the land they occupied, and it passed. It was almost 20 years before they formally appointed the governor of that land.

At that time, the contradiction between Spain and the British had reached a time when they must meet together.

It was at that time that the Portuguese took advantage of the constant struggle between the two maritime powers and ignored the other good opportunities. Although they later occupied the upper class, they quickly expanded their territory on the South American continent.

Later, with the defeat of Spain and the British, the Portuguese took the opportunity to eat up many Spanish colonies in South America.

Of course, Alexander did not want this kind of thing to happen again ~ ~ And in his opinion Iberian countries should also love each other more, so he decided that even if he was pulling hard, he should let Portugal advance into this destiny. In the battle for the times.

"Please rest assured, Commander, I will satisfy your thirst for wealth, and all I want you to do is open the door to the new world for me." Alexander comforted Columbus, who seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied.

But by this time his thoughts had already reached Italy far away in Apennine.

In mid-March, according to the instructions issued by Alexandria, the Eastern Army of Roman Thesia, under the command of Gompati, began to advance towards Genoa and Verona, while Ofrei led the Western Army to the south bank of the Po River.

When the army of Roman Thesia arrived, Skopé, Earl of Verona, first announced his joining the coalition, and then Constantine, who had been outside of Milan, announced his joining in the name of the Duke of Milan.

Almost at the same time, the French troops stationed in Genoa also began to act.

The second Italian war was triggered.

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