Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 190: The war started like this

Palermo, compared to when he left a few years ago, Sophia did not feel any change in the city.

It was still the statue of Michelangelo who met Alexander on the street when he first entered the city. It is still the Palermo Cathedral connected by an aerial corridor across the street. Sophia is in There is too much to see here.

But when entering Palermo, Sophia was somewhat surprised.

Because she found that the Palermo people gave her the same excited cheers in addition to cheering their queen.

The voice of "Long live the Grand Duke" goes from far to near, and many people are eager to see what this legendary female Grand Duke looks like.

"It is said that the princess from the East is in the sideline of the bohemian juggling team to escape the Ottoman pursuit."

"It is said that this female grand duke was in exile in Sicily."

"It is said that she was once exiled from Sicily and had to travel to the mainland."

"It is said ..."

All kinds of rumors made the Sicilian infatuated with the female granddaughter.

They heard that the Sicilian nobles had mistreated the poor princess of the Eastern Empire and even drove her and her lover away from Sicily.

And now, the Bohemian girl, who has become the Grand Duke of Wallachia, comes back like a conqueror, but this time the Sicilians have to wait carefully with this compliment and courteous attitude. Sicilian girl now.

Sophia returned to the room where she and Alexander were on the second floor of Osborne's house.

What gratified her was that this room was mostly the same as before, with no major changes.

Open the window, you can see the familiar street outside. When looking out, Sophia even had the illusion that she had never left here. As long as she looked back at the door, Alexander, who had been working for a day, seemed to be able to walk through the door at any time. Walk in outside.

Sophia sighed silently. She sat down and stroked the gorgeous silk lining of her dress. At this moment, she suddenly missed Alexander.

Sophia rejected Ruosha's proposal to live in the palace because she wanted to recall her past and Alexander's past.

In fact, she had an inexplicable fear and aversion to the palace.

She couldn't forget the terrible experience she had been there, which made her resentful of the instinct of Palermo's palace.

Osborne closed his tailor's shop early to entertain the granddaughter. In fact, under the gaze of a large group of Wallachian Dragoons, he couldn't do much business.

When Osbourne knocked on the door and entered the room, he saw Sophia looking at the night on the street outside, and saw the tailor, Sophia asked him slightly.

"The Queen wants to see you," Osborne looked downstairs. He said he was also surprised that the Queen had suddenly visited at this time. "She came alone."

Sophia frowned and said that her eyebrows were originally thick and black, but then she thought about doing this after hearing that Roman women seemed to have the practice of shaving her eyebrows, but she was stopped by Alexander.

And she later discovered that it seemed that everyone did not like shaving her eyebrows, at least Ruosha did not, and Alexander seemed to disagree.

Ruosha walked into the room under the guidance of Sophia ’s slightly discerning servant lady. She first looked at the furnishings in the room, then walked to a chair and looked at it. Then she looked beautifully Put the box on the table and sat down immediately.

She noticed that Sophia didn't seem very happy about her move, but Ruo Sha didn't care.

She wondered about the chair that Alexander used to sit on before, because when she came in, she noticed that Sophia's chair was facing the chair, and that position seemed to be the owner's seat.

"I need you to help Alexander. Only you can do this."

Ruosha didn't waste time, but said her intention directly.


Sophia was a little surprised, she didn't expect this arrogant sister to say such things. In her impression, Ruosha was always so nasty and self-righteous, it seemed that she was the only one who understood and understood Alexander.

"I think you already know that Alexander declared himself as Prince of Castile in Lisbon."

Ruosha looked at Sophia, and after seeing this, she immediately lifted her over-full breasts, making it hard to notice that she raised her eyebrows.

For this wild girl, she always showed off her two mountains, intentionally or unintentionally, Ruosha was very annoying, but Alexander seemed to like it very much. .

"But as a friend, I advise you not to have any illusions," Russa, who can guess how much Sophia is thinking, said with a smile. "Although the future King of Castile and the Grand Duchess of Wallachia sound like this It ’s a good idea, but the Castilians will not accept a queen who believes in orthodoxy. "

Sophia's face was filled with anger. Her obvious expression made Ruosha a little surprised how the Wallachia would surrender in front of such a woman so easily influenced by emotions.

"Barendi would be his only wife," although he was equally complicated when he said this, but Ruosha quickly calmed down. "The situation is not very good for Alexander now, and Austria is likely to assist Ferdinand. Send troops so they may directly threaten the Principality of Alexandria. "

Sophia listened stunned, she didn't understand a lot of things, but she still understood what she meant.


Hearing Sophia's monophonic tone again, Ruosha suddenly wondered, wondering if the moan she made when she and Alexander were intimate was slightly different.

"Someone has to contain the Austrians," Zuosha said her purpose. "Alexander needs time, and only you can contain the Austrians?"

Hearing Ruosha's words, Sophia could not help showing a proud look on her face for a moment, but soon she stared at Ruosha suspiciously, as if wondering if she was digging a hole for herself.

"The Bohemians can threaten Emperor Maximian from the east. I believe that he will not be worried about King Ladisra, and this needs your help," said Zuosha, moving forward a little helplessly. Something like "Know your father Nashan and his mother ..." Zuosha made a helpless gesture "He should be in the Bohemian palace now, I think maybe he can help us do something, don't forget My mother is also the mother of Alexander. "

Ruosha's last words apparently worked. Sophia's original grief-stricken face instantly stiffened. She was dazed first, as if she wanted to clear everyone's somewhat chaotic relationship, and then she suddenly issued a slightly husky "Uh "Looked at Ruosha."

"If Bohemia can take action at this time, or even send troops directly, it may be a threat to the emperor, at least this can delay his time." Rusha explained patiently "and all you can do is to make this possible. Thing. "

Looking at Sophia's puzzled look, she seemed to want her to understand more clearly, and Ruosha had to continue, "I'm thinking, your son Auguste is cute."

Sophia immediately showed a wary look on her face, and she stared at Ruosha with fierce eyes, as if Ruosha was about to immediately become a terrible witch and **** her child away.

"If your son August can get engaged to the daughter of Ladislas II, this might be a very good idea, isn't it?"

Looking at Ruo Sha's smiling face, Sophia still looked cautiously, but when she saw Ruo Sha opening the box on the table and taking out a map from her, her eyes couldn't help but attract those places.

"The marriage between Prince Wallachia and Princess Bohemia, I think even Alexander will agree with this proposal," said Ruosha lightly on the map. "The gift of this marriage, I think I can choose this one. local."

Seeing Ruosha's finger passing by the place marked Hungary on the map, Sophia couldn't help but utter a slightly excited "Ah ~" whisper.

"It turned out to be like this, no wonder I like this girl so much," looking at Sophia who was flushed with excitement, Ruosha sighed inwardly, but then she sighed, "Brother, I did everything I could, the rest It ’s up to you. "

Europe is moving. Whether it is Italy or France, whether it is Wallachia or Bohemia in the east, with the news spread all over Europe, more and more countries seem to be involved in a possible spread to the whole of Europe During the war.

After sending a letter from the messenger of Ferdinand in the street, Maximian did not immediately reply, but closed the door with his courtiers to start a heated debate.

Maximian did not hesitate to help his relatives. Of course, he did not want anyone to shake the throne of his grandson. After all these years, he tried every means to gradually spread the influence of the Austrian Duke family to the marriage. In Europe, he didn't want an illegitimate child who didn't know where he came from broke his good deeds.

But the time of sending troops has become a big difference between him and his ministers.

According to Maximian ’s idea, he should take the opportunity to wage war in Italy at this time, because this can not only directly attack the Principality of Rome Theseia, but also take the opportunity to submit conditions to Ferdinand to fight for Milan. .

Most of his courtiers did not think so.

Perhaps the emperor himself had been in Western Europe for too long. Although the threats from the Ottomans frequently disturbed him, compared with his courtiers, Maximian obviously did not take the threats from the east seriously.

If he wants, he would like to compete with the Bohemian King Ladislas II. After all, he still misses the whole of Hungary.

The ministers of Maximian hoped that the emperor would put more energy and attention on the East. They believed that although the Ottomans had suffered a lot in the battle of Bucharest, it was clear that this did not make the Ottomans ambitions. Convergence, they even now Moldova again last year, and after successfully forcing Moldovan Grand Duke Stefan to finally call him Nagun, they even swept north, and the soldiers pointed directly at Poland and Bohemia.

This caused the Austrians to panic. They feared that the Ottomans might attack Austria from both the north and the south after conquering Poland and Bohemia. This forced them to speak to the emperor, hoping that Maximian would The safety of Vienna is of paramount importance, at least not until the agreement with the Balkan countries is reached, and it is not easy to get involved in the disputes far away on the Iberian Peninsula.

Wallachia plays a very important role in helping the Balkan countries help to block the Ottomans in order to protect Austria from the threat of heretics.

Bucharest's victory has made both the Principality of Wallachia and its female prince famous, and now Wallachia has become the banner of resistance to paganism in the Balkans, which makes Austrians want to build themselves together with Ottomans. The buffer zone between people is bound to deal with Wallachia.

"But that Sophia Alexandra was the lover of the Duke of Rome Theseia, they even had twins, and the grand duke did not even hide the idea of ​​letting their children inherit Wallachia, so If you invade Rome Thesia at this time, it may cause dissatisfaction in Wallachia. "

There are not many such comments, including some of the important ministers that Maximian cannot help but pay attention to, and when he heard that the emperor was about to wage war in Italy again, many nobles expressed their concerns and even dissatisfaction.

"The Ottomans may invade again at any time. Is it wise to get involved in the dispute of the thirsty throne at this time?" The question was raised by many people, which made Maximian feel a rare resistance, although he arrived later. The simple and tough announcement of an alliance with Castile is a decided decision, but on the question of when it is appropriate to send troops, the two sides are caught in a new entanglement.

Maximian did not know that among the nobles who opposed the sending of troops, or at least thought that they were open to question in time, many people more or less accepted the benefits from the Fugur family. Among them, it was the Qiangong that matched them. Kotschah.

At the same time, the movement of Bohemia also made the original preparations for the rapid dispatch of Maximian hesitant. After having a daughter, Ladislas II seemed to have become more excited at once, originally because of the When Maximilian's defeat in Hungary was slightly concessionary, he suddenly became active again. It is said that under the instigation of his queen, Ladislas II intended to regain half of Hungary occupied by the Austrians.

These changes have made Maximian have to seriously reconsider whether to send troops hurriedly at this time. However, while arguing with the ministers, Maximinian did not sit back. He sent someone to Ferdinand in reply He will send troops as soon as possible, while hinting that Ferdinand wanted him to support Austria in annexing Milan in return, and at the same time he also began to make diplomatic mediation in the Vatican.

Old Rovere felt the urgency. Since the end of the Italian War, the old Rovere felt that he saw hope.

Just last year, he let his son Constantine directly bring troops into Milan, but was soon ousted by the Austrians, which caused the relationship between the old Rovere and Maximian, who was originally invested in the Austrian side because of the evil with France. It was terrible, and what made him feel bad was that he found that in the matter of Constantine becoming the Duke of Milan, Barendi, as a daughter and sister, was not even more enthusiastic than Alexander, the son-in-law.

Old Luo Weilei felt that this girl was really white. Although he knew how much his father and son had done before, it was very cold for Barenti, but he did not feel that there was anything wrong with him. On the contrary, Barendi had changed a lot in his opinion. In other words, she hasn't changed much, but it seems to her that the interests of her husband's family have already surpassed the Luo Weilei family at this time.

But he still wrote to Barenti asking her to expressly support Constantine. After all, Southern Italy, now controlled by Roma Thesia, seems to be the most powerful force on the Apennine Peninsula, and Old Rovere is well aware of the huge potential of the trade union.

At this time, the old Rovere could not help thinking again whether Constantine should propose to Rosa, so that the Rovere family could control almost half of Italy without any effort, and then declare Lombardy in the name of the Duke of Milan, Old Rovere seems to have seen the emergence of a unified Italian kingdom.

What he didn't think of was that when he just revealed the idea a bit, the first one who stood out strongly opposed it was Barendi.

And what annoys him is that Barondi not only opposed this family matter, but even wrote in a very harsh tone in the letter: "If you cannot guarantee to stop this idea, I will suggest my husband to reconsider with Rowire Family relationship. "

Not only that, but perhaps worrying about what stupid things Constantine himself did, Barenti said bluntly in his letter to his brother: "Do n’t try to have this stupid fantasy, otherwise you will find that you will not only The Duke of Milan may even lose everything now. "

Balendi's intimidation really scared Constantine. His thoughts that had just been picked up by his dad immediately became honest, and because of fear that his father might insist on doing so, he wrote a letter to discourage old Rovere. Don't provoke Balendi.

Old Rovere obviously also knew that it was obviously unwise to destroy everything in front of him for an unrealistic purpose. He immediately wrote to Barendi to ensure that this kind of thing would not happen again, and he reminded Barendi again that She should not forget her support for Constantine.

"It's up to you whether the Luo Weilei family can be revived now, and I believe that you should also understand what role and benefits a strong family has for you, and know if your identity can be matched with your husband before. ~ ~ Now you ca n’t help but consider whether you are a queen. "

Old Rovere ’s letter made Barendi ’s just-improved mood suddenly worse, and she did have to seriously consider Constantine, and the result was that she had to admit that her father said Not unreasonable.

Just to support Constantine as the Duke of Milan is obviously not an easy task.

Once Maximian began to act, he showed his influence as the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Although he was still troubled by the disobedient German city-states, he still ordered the troops stationed near the border area to Rumba. First advance.

In mid-March, an Austrian striker went tentatively into Milan.

This move by the Austrians aroused the vigilance of the French army, and the French army stationed in Genoa began to gather in Milan.

Half a year after the armistice, the skies over Northern Italy were once again overcast.

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