Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 169: Two Kings Battle (3) Herald

Earl Don Sanchod rode in the heart of the long and narrow bay looking at the distance again and again pondered the previous plan, until after confirming that nothing was missing, there was a trace of relief on his face.

This sea temperature, known locally as Moon Bay, is part of a seaside plain not far from Noto. This plain forms a small semi-arc-shaped basin around the bay, which slopes slightly inland and upward. The terrain has been extended far away, and the terrain gradually swelled upward.

Bypassing Moon Bay is the port of Noto, and now the Aragonese army and the port of Noto seem to be on two sharp corners of a meniscus.

"Sir, we came too soon," an officer said to Earl Don Sanchod with a laugh from the side. "The barbarians may not even think they are going to be unlucky."

Don Sanchod did n’t open his mouth and just smiled lightly in response, but the officer said well that the Wallachia might have received reports that they were marching, but never thought they would hurry up so quickly Arrived in Noto.

The speed of only one day and one night is even estimated to be the army led by Gonzalo. Don Sanchod thought about this idea in his heart. He knew that although Ferdinand was very disgusted with that Gonzalo, how much he hated meant the same appreciation. Ferdinand was angry that Gonzalo was reckless. He was arrogant and rude, but he believed in his ability.

In this way, many Aragonese generals are very uncomfortable. They feel that they are nowhere to be seen than that of the Castilian, so there has long been dissatisfaction with the king's emphasis on Gonzalo.

Don Sanchod is one of them. As Ferdinand ’s most trusted general, he often gave the King the responsibility of the Castilian, rather than his own Aragonese generals. An expedition to Sicily made Don Sanchod feel like a good opportunity to re-enable the king to see the abilities of these people.

The Aragonese army began to enter the basin of Moon Bay. Between the uplifted highlands on the left and the blue waves surging on the right, the Aragonese army was gradually expanding.

At this point, Count Don Sanchod would certainly not think that the enemy had not got the exact news that they had already arrived, so Count Don Sanchod first ordered the Aragonese army to form a formation and try to occupy the piece on the edge of the left highland. Hilly terrain.

"What if the adults of Wallachia don't go out of town to meet," the officer next to him suddenly remembered something, looking at Noto Port in the distance, the officer's face was slightly worried. "If we attack, we may have to attack the city directly. Now. "

Earl Don Sanchod looked at the port of Noto. He knew what the officer was worried about. The king had allowed them to freely decide whether the local Sicilians participated in this "shameful rebellion" after landing in Sicily, which meant As the commander of the expeditionary army, Earl Don Sanchod had the final authority over the Sicilian.

The result of this right is Ferdinand's acquiescence to the expeditionary forces' looting in this war.

Obviously, Ferdinand had to punish Sicilian betrayal in a more severe way than before.

It's just that in the eyes of the expeditionary forces, Sicily has become a good place for them to make a fortune, so if the Wallachia are really ready to get out of the city, for the Aragonese, even if they captured the port of Noto, The broken pots and pots became their own losses.

And if the other party really wants to rely on the city to delay time, this is unfavorable for the Aragonese who are trying to make a quick decision, because it is likely that the coalition forces who have received the news will come to the rescue.

Earl Don Sanchod looked at the port far away. The still quiet Port of Noto seems to indicate that the enemy may really want to keep the city out. Although it disappointed him a little, but he was very Soon he was relieved again.

"We are much faster than they thought. It will take at least 2 days for the Neapolitans to get to Noto. How long do you think it will take us to take down this port?" The count asked his subordinates while beckoning to summon the soldiers. " Command our left-wing troops to take the road to Port Noto. "

Following the order of Earl Don Sanchod, an Aragonese cavalry ran immediately along the gradually rising hills towards the vaguely visible avenue in the distance, which was the main road leading to the port of Noto. Unless you go by sea, there is no way to the mainland.

"Maybe these Wallachias will escape from the sea, but this is nothing. We must first make sure that these barbarians do not cause us trouble," Count Don Sanchod explained to his men. "We The enemy is the Neapolitans, or the Queen of Naples, and these Wallachians will not pose any threat to us even if they escape, because if they defeat the Queen, their fraternity will not collapse. "

The cavalry swiftly ran forward in the rugged field. Although the knights were proud of the horses with a few horses, but in addition to those expensive noble knights, the Aragon ’s army did not pay much attention to ordinary cavalry. Role in the military.

Their infantry is fierce and fierce, especially the Catalans. In many cases, even the mountainous Swiss barbarians have to be wary of them when they encounter them on the battlefield.

These cavalrymen were local mountain herdsmen from Andorth in the north of Aragon. Andort was the largest mountain pastoral area in the northern part of the Iberian Peninsula. The locals bred later the famous Spanish horses for Iberia. Before replacing the already backward trends on the battlefield, the Aragonese's view of cavalry was at best that of reconnaissance and containment with enemy cavalry.

The terrain in front was slightly steeper, and the cavalry rushing to the front paused slightly. Some of them looked back at the companion who had been thrown behind him, and after thinking about it, he clamped his feet again and urged the horse forward.

The avenue is at the highest point at the end of the hills. Because it is far away, it does not look very high from below, but the cavalry who is running forward knows that this road is not easy to walk. To climb to the top, you must run along the terrain. Just go back and forth.

As the front cavalrymen once again circled back and climbed up, they seemed to find some shaking figures appearing on the edge of the road above their heads.

This made them immediately alert. Someone had raised a spear with flags in their hands to warn the companions below, but that was all they could do.

When the first row of guns sounded, the first few cavalrymen just happened to advance parallel to the avenue, which made each of them a bright target.

The rifle shoots very fast, or simply said that the person who attacked them just wanted to shoot a large piece of lead in the direction of them, rather than intentionally hitting one of them.

However, due to the excessive density and level, almost all of the Andoraut cavalry rushed to the forefront had a varying number of projectiles.

The flesh and blood of the people and horses were smashed instantly. With a peculiar roar from the Wallachia, the bullets shot immediately in the second row even exploded in the second round of blood on the corpse that had not yet fallen. Screen.

The Andout cavalry who followed immediately were stunned by this unexpected situation, and then immediately burst out shouts. They pulled out their weapons and started to rush towards the slope, because they had found that the enemies who had just attacked them were in a hurry. Reload.

They are now close to each other. Although they still have to make a bend to reach the road because of the rugged road, it is just a blink of an eye for Andorra cavalry.

A turning moment appeared in front of the eyes, and Andorra cavalry had raised their unique tapered swords to prepare to rush to slash the enemy.

Just then, they saw several quiet carriages waiting there.

The person who ran at the front stayed for a moment. He instinctively felt that there was any danger, but he was too late.

He saw the muzzle of an artillery on the carriage. The artillery mounted on a chaise did not look big, but it was undoubtedly a terrible weapon that was deadly enough.

The cavalry wanted to drive the reins away to one side, but he only had time to twist the horse's head aside, and then he heard a roar through the eardrum.

The artillery shells screamed towards the Andorra cavalry who had just emerged. The huge impact first penetrated the slender horse neck directly. A large piece of torn pieces of minced meat and blood plasma hung in the air from the flying horse head, then The unstoppable giant projectile took the owner's upper body and continued to fly forward until it was drawn into an arc and fell to the low ground in the distance, and then rolled up and down the **** with the sticky flesh on it.

At this moment the attention of the Aragonese was attracted by everything that happened on the avenue.

"Yes, ambush?" When he said this, Earl Don Sandhud's tone was a little bit puzzled. He was not scared by this sudden change, but he was somewhat surprised.

Before marching into Noto, he had imagined that the Wallachia would probably delay the defense in order to wait for reinforcements after knowing that they were coming.

However, as far as he knows, this place of Noto is not conducive to fortification. The port of Noto is located at the lower part of Moon Bay, so as long as the Aragonites occupy the avenue leading to Port Noto on the high ground outside Moon Bay, they can not only cut them off The way to retreat inland, but also to conquer the port of Noto to attack.

It ’s just that Don Sanchod did n’t think that instead of defending, his enemies took the initiative to launch an attack on him. This made him a little surprised, but compared to the surprise that the Wallachia seemed to confront them head-on, Tang Sanchod felt that the Wallachia really helped him a lot.

"Let the left wing attack." The count said quietly. In fact, even now he still doubts whether he really has such good luck. After all, according to the information he got, the Wallachia's strength is Far less than him, which makes him very doubtful who gave the opposing enemy the courage to take the initiative under such a disadvantage.

So even though there were already enemies on the avenue, Earl Don Sanchod was still very cautious, only to let the left wing attack, and at the same time he led the main infantry-based main force to continue toward the direction of Port Noto.

But then another fierce gunfire caused Don Sanchod's suspicion, because he noticed that this time the gunfire seemed to be coming from another direction.

This made him wonder how many enemies he faced.

As far as he knows, no unit with artillery can move positions so quickly, which means that there are not as many enemies on the left wing as he thinks, and since the Wallachia can have so many Troops lay an ambush, so how many people are waiting for themselves in the front port of Noto?

Don Sanchod began to think that things might not be as simple as he thought, and as the left wing gradually advanced toward the high ground, he was surprised to hear more and more dense gunshots.

This gunshot was more intense than any battle he had in mind, and even when he wanted to come, even the model army proud of Gonzalo could not have so many guns.

Don Sanchod looked up unexpectedly at the high ground, and he saw the pieces of smoke rising from time to time, accompanied by the smoke of gunfire and the sound of cannon from time to time.

Don Sanchod hesitated. He looked at the port of Noto, which was not too far away. It looked quiet. Obviously, the civilians in the port had been hiding, and some houses could be seen vaguely behind. The silhouette of the man, but he never saw the trail of the enemy.

The count looked to the side. The team he had already started was still advancing, and the rightmost wing was slowly advancing near the beach.

The Earl raised his hand slightly, and he noticed that the Herald ’s gaze immediately looked at him, which made him unable to retract his arm. At this moment, the Earl suddenly felt that the quiet port opposite looked like a huge trap waiting. He threw himself into the net ~ ~ Suddenly, the gunshots on the left flared down, and Don Sanchod immediately looked to the high ground, and soon he saw his soldiers screaming and rushing up. The high ground then disappeared in the distance of the avenue, at the same time we can see that the enemies farther away are retreating one after another.

"It's just an ambush," an officer rushed over on a horse. Although it was winter, his head was dripping with sweat, and there was a big mouth on his forehead that couldn't stop bleeding, but he seemed very excited. "Those Vala Guineas probably put all their elite there, and now the port of Noto opens the door to you, my lord! "

Listening to the excited shouting of his men, Earl Don Sandhud laughed. He was ashamed of his short-term shaking and was also surprised by the boldness of the Wallachia.

"I heard that there was the female granddaughter among them," the count said to his opponents. "According to my order, if the female granddaughter is captured, she should be given the respect she deserves because her bravery has been respected by me." . "

After speaking, Don Sanchod raised his arms high and waved hard at the port of Noto: "Offense!"

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