Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 168: Two Kings Battle (2)

Elliott stood in a dazed white wilderness, feeling distressed.

The Viscount of Taranto is now the messenger of the Allied Forces in Wallachia. Before the first meeting of the Grand Duchess, Elliott had heard many legends about her, but it was not as good as after the meeting Shock and accident come strongly.

According to Elliott's later private account of his entourage, the grand duke would become the lover of the Duke of Thesia in Rome, and it was a miracle that the two were able to give birth to twins.

In Elliott ’s impression, Alexander is actually a very dull person. He seems to be organized in everything he does. It is difficult to see the duke showing a casual look. According to the passionate Italians, this It's a dull and boring person.

But the Grand Duke of Wallachia is completely different. Despite those brave or overly legendary stories about her bravery, the grand daddy is a little girl who seems to be spoiled. She obviously thinks everything Everything should be done according to her meaning, otherwise she will lose her temper.

Just as when the two sides discussed how to fight the Aragonese, Sophia showed unusual toughness. She demanded that the Wallachia should be the main attack on the Aragonese army, and she took the time to attack. It is scheduled for the day before Christmas.

This decision was a very difficult day for the coalition forces, but it did not matter to the Wallachia. The orthodox Christmas was more than this night, and Sophia would obviously choose this day to embarrass Laosha.

Elliot, who had always been worried that Russa would not agree, did not expect that the Queen of Naples just moved her eyebrows and nodded and agreed to this time. This made the Viscount, who originally thought it would cost a lot of tongues, a little disappointed.

On December 22, 1501, coalition troops marching from two directions, Palermo and Messina, to Kalibo in southern Sicily had arrived in Ragusa and Noto, not far from Kalibo.

Ragusa was regarded as a large city in the south in Sicily. This city was famous for its olive oil production in Roman times. It was also the business of olive oil that made Ragusa develop quickly. In the late Middle Ages, Ragusa already had The southern city of nearly 20,000 people.

And because it is far away from Palermo or Messina, which is inevitably involved in all kinds of disputes, Ragusa has gradually quietly become a trade center in southern Sicily, with fairly convenient waterway transportation. Here, it was quite prosperous for a while.

The arrival of the coalition forces caused a lot of commotion in Ragusa. Although it has long been known that the Aragonese army landed in Kalibo, and they also sent messengers to ask Ragusa to provide them with the various supplies they needed, but the local People did not take this matter too seriously.

They always believed that the war was still far away from themselves. No matter who ruled Sicily, they only needed to send a representative to swear allegiance in the past. As for which side to choose, the Ragusa did not have much interest from top to bottom.

Unlike Sicilians in other places, Ragusa people are more realistic and marketable. They can do business with anyone or make friends with anyone. They do n’t want it because someone in the family has become enemies with others. The whole family has to destroy the other party. If they can, they are more willing to give the other party a fatal blow in business, rather than solve the dispute by using a knife.

Ragusa is an alternative to Sicily, and because of this, they can't talk to people from other parts of Sicily.

The sudden arrival of the war made the Ragusa somewhat helpless, but they soon adapted to this change.

The Ragusa were smooth, and they sent a large amount of food, meat, olive oil, and wine to Kalibo, hoping to send away the greedy Aragonese as soon as possible.

But at the same time, they also reported the news to Palermo. From the Ragusa's point of view, they had already fulfilled their obligations, and other things were no longer relevant to them, so when the coalition suddenly appeared outside the city, Ragu The Sas didn't enter at a loss.

However, they immediately sent messengers to meet with the coalition forces. When they learned that Queen Naples personally drove, the Ragusa city officials immediately took the officials and local nobles to visit.

Ruosha kindly summoned the local noble squire in Ragusa. She knew that these people would need to take care of the city for her in the future, so although it was clear that Ragusa people did not welcome her, she Still showed the charm of a benevolent queen.

In Noto, Sophia obviously did n’t have so much trouble. She was led by the local guide whom the Messina found for her, and led the army to the Kalibo quickly along the coastline. When she reached Noto, Sophia Let people stop here temporarily, because she wants to know where Lu Sha is now.

Although she only knew the place where the two sides would meet, and did not clearly state that she would personally command, Sophia believed that just as she would definitely come, Ruo Sha would definitely be in the battlefield.

Her experience in Bucharest convinced Sophia that she has strengths on the battlefield that no one else can match. This once made her quite proud, because it is obviously impossible to compare with her in this respect without knowing Barenti or Lucrezia. Sha may be a bit troublesome, but she should not be stronger than she thought.

But after the news of the Italian war reached Wallachia, Sophia was a little bit uncomfortable. She knew that her role in Bucharest was more like a flag. This and Ruosha in Italy really replaced Alexander in command of a number of The wars in which each country participates are quite different.

Especially after the famous Siena battle, Zuo Sha was given the title of “Queen-in-chief” in the Queen ’s title, which almost no women have obtained since ancient times, which made Sophia feel as if she was eating her favorite. When sweet food, something bad was suddenly incorporated.

So she was anxious to prove her worth on the battlefield again, at least to let Ruosha understand that she was willing to go to Sicily for the expedition, but it was not for her to accompany her.

Noto is not well known in the port towns along the coast of Sicily, and this port town is not much larger than Kalibo in size.

In fact, in southern Sicily, both inland Ragusa and the coastal Victoria Harbor are more suitable for landing or garrison than Noto and Kalibo.

The reason why Earl Don Sanchod chose to land in Kalibo and stayed in this coastal port town without rushing to the inland was because he had carefully studied the deeds of the Queen of Naples before leaving.

The Earl did not despise the enemy because the opponent was a woman. He seriously asked some Catalans who had just returned to Aragon and had participated in the Italian War to learn about the queen, and he came to the "this The conclusion that women are not simple is not very optimistic.

Earl Don Sanchurd was worried that the Allied forces would attack him before the Aragonese fleet returned, but he was more worried that the enemy ’s fleet attacked his transport fleet at sea, so he let the fleet quickly leave Cary. Offshore to prevent being attacked by the coalition fleet, a large number of personnel were dispatched to investigate the coastal port terminal near Kalibo, ready to be prepared for transfer via other parts of Sicily by sea.

It was just that he did n’t expect that the sudden appearance of Wallachia in Messina undermined his original plan to advance towards the southeast coast of Sicily, and then to expand the occupation quickly in Sicily. The army seems to be in danger of being surrounded by the enemy.

If Ruosha was like a real queen in Ragusa, Sophia was like a foreign conqueror in Noto. She used a brutal way to force a large number of houses in Noto for her army, and at the same time The man proposed to collect various materials to supply her soldiers.

Sophia has always been very hostile to Sicily. She feels that the people in this place are her enemies. It is because of them that she was forced to separate from Alexander, or maybe they are now raising children in a corner of Sicily. Have a happy life.

When news of the Wallachia's presence in Noto reached Kalibo, Count Don Sanchod was drinking tea with the monastery.

Since the last conversation, the two have become good friends. Although the Earl did not know much about the past of the monastery who was said to have been sent from the Roman diocese, he learned from the dean and learned about it. Little about the Duke of Thesia in Rome.

Although it seemed strange that the dean seemed to understand the duke too much, he still wrote letters and sent them back to Aragon for reference by the king.

When he heard that the Wallachia had arrived, Count Don Santiud noticed that the abbey seemed to have a strange look. This was the first time the count had seen the dean's gaffe.

"Relax dean, those Orthodox people will not invade your sacred monastery, because I will not allow this to happen." Count Don Sanchurd comforted the monastery and immediately ordered the summoning of all the officers. He looked somewhat Excited and even faintly happy "This is faster than I thought, but it doesn't matter, they just came."

Looking at the men who came soon, Earl Don Santhurd rarely showed a smile. This was the first time he had appeared so relaxed after he came to Sicily. Before that, he always seemed confident. He always acted very cautiously in the face of a strong enemy.

This relaxed look made his men a little unclear, because according to the count ’s plan, they had already made a route to march northeast along the coastline. Now the appearance of the Wallachia has disrupted the original plan. So why did the count show such a look?

"This is a very favorable situation for us, isn't it," Don Sangqiud said excitedly to the generals in front of him. "Now our enemies have not converged together. This is a rare opportunity for us. I have been worried that the Naples would let their fleet attack our ships. If so, maybe we will have a lot of trouble, but our enemies are too anxious, the Naples are in Ragusa, and the Wallachia are in Nuo. Please, do you know what this means, "said Count Don Santhurd, looking at the officers in front of him and asking excitedly," This is our opportunity, a good opportunity to break each enemy. "

The Earl's words made the officers equally excited.

Although the Aragonese army is very strong, this expedition away from the homeland still makes them unavoidable. After all, unlike the previous participation in the Italian war and even the engagement with the Ottomans, they did not have any support in Sicily, but their enemies could The local people on the continent get enough help in time.

It can be said that before the return of the Aragonese Fleet, the expeditionary force of Earl Don Sanchod was not very good.

But now, as the earl said, an excellent opportunity to break each one appeared in front of them.

"But Christmas is coming soon, sir." An officer said hesitantly. "It doesn't seem like a good idea to start a war on this holy day."

"But those Wallachias are Orthodox."

"But here is Sicily."

The officers could not help arguing. They kept talking until they realized that the count had not spoken.

"Prepare for the promotion!" Don Sangqiud didn't explain anything, but issued an order directly to the officers. "Throw away all unnecessary things and only bring enough dry food. We have to get ahead before the Naples have not responded." Arrived to Noto to meet the Wallachia. "

It was only a short silence, and then there was a sudden burst of cheers in the room. Since the landing, the feeling of uneasiness was finally relaxed at this moment with Tang Sangqiude's determination to fight.

The Aragonese army was extremely fast once it started to move. Although the army trained from the war to recover the lost ground has passed for many years, the strong style that can still be maintained is fully demonstrated at this time. A team of God The noise of the armor friction when the Gong people hurriedly passed on the street, and the cold cold light brought by the weapon in the winter enveloped Kalibo.

This caused many locals to run into churches in the city because of their anxiety, praying not to let themselves get involved in this sudden war.

Snow flakes floating on the sea, the forest outside Noto has been covered with a thin layer of hoarfrost.

Sophia wrapped herself in a very thick fur coat and tightened her body, only showing a face that had got rid of baby fat and had shown the unique charm of the young woman.

Her eyebrows are much thinner than before, and she always seems to be gentle with a lively vigor that will never run out.

But now Sophia has somewhat ruined this rare and beautiful image because of her bulging cheeks.

Especially when she put a sticky gum in her mouth, she looked like a fat groundhog with her mouth moving.

A local man secretly looked at Sophia. This was a guide. When he was half-forced to be brought to Sophia by the Wallachia, this man originally thought he was going to be the food of some terrible cruel pagan demon.

What he didn't expect was that he saw a young woman who was so stunned that she was still a female duke.

It's just that the female prince's greedy eating of sweets somewhat disappointed the guide. Knowing that when she just saw her, the man even thought that he had seen the goddess of hunting in ancient Roman legend Diana.

This man would think so at that time because he saw Sophia shot a dog barking at her with a delicate hand crossbow, which made some Noto who were complaining to her at that time. The officer immediately sighed.

Sophia then let her army station in Noto, but she did not rush to find a place to rest, but took a group of officers and guides to the outskirts of Noto.

"This is really a good place," Elliott sighed as he looked at the rolling terrain and then sloped down to the side of the coast. Then he returned to his head and kept trying to ask Sophia with caramel in his mouth. Your Highness, are you going to fight the Aragonese here? "

Sophia tilted her head slightly and thought about it for a while, then waved her hand casually, seemingly perfunctoryly saying, "This is it."

She made Elliott stunned for a while, especially when he remembered Rusha's instructions before, and he felt even more uneasy.

"Your Majesty believes that the Aragonese will take the initiative to attack us," Elliott felt it necessary to re-warn the seriousness of the Grand Duke's situation. "Count Don Sanchide is a powerful general under Ferdinand. 'S performance is excellent, and he is a soldier who is not easy to deal with. "

Sophia glanced at Oriot, then took two pieces of gum from the bag held by the maid next to her and put it in her mouth. With a slightly sour sweet taste spreading in her mouth, Sophia The big eyes immediately satiated two crescents.

Elliott patiently continued to explain to Sophia the situation in front of him. The Wallachia were about 2000, the coalition was about 4500, and the Aragonese had a strength of 6000.

This is actually a situation where both sides are evenly matched, both in terms of strength and situation.

The Aragonese fleet may soon return to the west coast of the Mediterranean and block Sicily to cut off the retreat of the Allied Forces, while the Allied fleet can be ready to attack the Aragonese troop fleet at any time, leaving the expeditionary forces helpless.

At this time, for both sides, the battle between sea and land has become extremely important, and any defeat may lead to the change of Sicilian rule.

The situation is now grim for the coalition forces that have not yet met.

"If the Wallachia landed in Palermo ..."

This idea has appeared in Elliott's heart more than once, but he also knows that this can only be if after all.

The fact is that, according to intelligence, the Aragonese army has taken the initiative from Kalibo to approach Noto, and it is clear that Don Sanchiud ’s intention was to break each one before the coalition.

The target he chose ~ ~ is the Wallachia who are clearly at a disadvantage.

"His Highness, for two days, we can wait for Her Majesty's reinforcements as long as we stay for two days." Elliott said patiently to Lao Sha. Although the Aragonese came in fiercely, it shouldn't be very important when he wanted to stick to the two days. hard.

But he didn't notice listening to him. Sophia's face, which had originally smiled because of the smell of gum, had gradually lost her smile. Her eyes were fixed on the front plain to the south, and suddenly she raised her hands and patted hard. Shot.

An attendant immediately came over, and under Elliott ’s inexplicable gaze, Sophia pulled out a piece of paper from the small wooden office box opened by the attendant and wrote a few words crookedly, and then she took it from her neck Take off the ring seal hanging on it, and press it **** the paper with ink.

Elliott glanced at the rather ugly handwriting, and then his face became difficult to look at.


This is the only word on that paper.

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