Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 161: Burgess Massacre

The setting sun is falling like a huge and icy fireball. The sun slowly sinks on the surface of the river. When only half of it is exposed on the water, the entire surface of the river is filled with a layer of dark red as if it was boiled by this fireball. flame.

The evening scene of Burgos is beautiful, but this beauty is now stained with a shocking blood.

The French responded quickly. When they noticed that the situation was wrong, they immediately prepared to change their strategy, but the changes on the battlefield were not so easy to master.

The Castilian army did not retreat after being attacked as the French expected, although it did take Gonzalo a lot of energy, but he finally stabilized his position.

The fortifications built in the vineyard played a role in attracting French artillery. When a large number of shells hit the vineyard in a mess, the French troops on both sides also suffered from Castille prepared there early. Fierce shooting of Asians.

The French general who realized that the situation was wrong wanted to regroup the troops immediately, but his command seemed to be a little late. The French army that was attacking was already absorbed by the enemy ’s firepower when they tried to change the formation At that time, the Castilians seized this rare opportunity.

A platoon of phalanxes pushed like a forest of spears towards the French army that began to shake. When the distance between the two sides became closer and closer, it could be clearly seen that the enemy on the opposite side either gritted their teeth or shuddered. The musketeers who moved forward together began to shoot rows of bullets at a close distance towards them.

As the soldiers fell to the ground, the formation of the French army was finally chaotic. They began to try to retreat slightly back to reorganize the team, but once moved, the team that appeared more disordered was gradually ripped out.

The Castilians ’attack was firm. They were armed with sharp spears and lined up in two or three long lines towards the enemy. From time to time, lead shots from the team struck the armor and sent various kinds through the human body. Terrible sound.

The screams continued one after another, and the French army began to resist.

The battle ended before the sky was completely dark. The French should thank them for the short winter during the day that gave them a chance to retreat and also maintained a minimum of dignity.

Looking at the French army that had withdrawn from the battlefield and gradually disappeared into the dark, Gonzalo did not shout with joy like others, but took off his helmet and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

This was a lucky victory. The French did not suffer much loss. When they retreated, the formation was not chaotic. There were even some French cavalry who tried to turn their horses and the Castilians who were ready to pursue.

Gonzalo blocked his men's intention to continue the pursuit. He ordered the troops to re-arm and refocus on the small town behind the vineyard, and sent a scout near the city of Burgess to monitor the French troops who might be alone and looting the order. .

"It was a lucky victory," Gonzalo said to his officers. "If the French kept only two or three artillery pieces to deal with the queues on both sides, then the situation might be different now."

"But because you thought about this before, you placed your troops in front of the vineyard, didn't you? That means you are smarter than the French."

An officer smiled and complimented Gonzalo. In his opinion, after winning, he said in a humble tone that "this is a fluke" is actually just a boast in disguise, so this person is not stingy to compliment this queen ’s love .

Gonzalo glanced blankly at the officer. He knew that these people would compliment him more because he was favored by the queen. At least no one of them knew that his sentence was actually derived from Original intention.

Compared to his model army, the Castilian army in the north dissatisfied Gonzalo. Even the victory just seemed to him a group of crappy villagers to win another group of crappy ones. That's it.

The French's swift and swift behavior after the defeat in battle reminded Gonzalo of the war he had heard in Italy not long ago.

Whether they were the Agris of Rome Thesia or the Grenadier Corps of Naples, they had faced fierce attacks by the enemy, and according to some personal experience, both of these troops showed unusual tenacity, that kind of tenacity It sounds like it has nothing to do with courage. What they do is actually more of a result that almost never needs to be repeated.

It may seem incredible to others, but Gonzalo secretly sighed at the training of these two armies.

The early Roman legions could sweep Europe by virtue of strict discipline and honor as a Roman freeman. Later, the Romans became so vulnerable that they even needed to rely on barbarians to fight. At that time, the Romans no longer had discipline and Honorable.

Perhaps honor is worthless in this era, but discipline is still the key to victory on the battlefield, but just like the Roman legion, war has become a contest between large and small mercenary groups, and the mercenary ’s poor discipline It is the key that often leads to a battle that either inexplicably loses or inexplicably wins.

Gonzalo ’s model army has strict discipline, but now they are unable to withdraw from Andalusia ’s “the vast ocean of the people ’s war”. Those Andalusian nobles have created various Such harassment and destruction made it impossible for the model army to withdraw for a while.

"I hope that Don Bavey will reach an agreement with the queen quickly." Although Gonzalo was not interested in the court fight, the current situation made him have to be extremely concerned about the negotiations that were going on in Barriado.

Only by quelling the rebellion in the south as quickly as possible, the model army could quickly transfer troops to the north.

Gonzalo is very clear that although he defeated his opponents on two battlefields, it does not mean that he really has an advantage. Perhaps he did wipe out many enemies, but because the enemies occupy two northwest. On the front, this forced him to be exhausted on the nonstop battlefield, which was very unfavorable for him and his army and for Castile.

Gonzalo now hopes that his model army will be transferred to the north as soon as possible, at least so that he can deal with one enemy without worrying about being copied by another enemy.

The streets in Burgos are full of French soldiers who are down and down. The injured people are screaming on the side of the street. From time to time, one or two amputated amputated hands and feet are thrown into the ditch beside the road. Some French soldiers violently broke open the door of the connecting tenants and broke into the house to **** the wine or other things from the house.

Previously, it was just raging outside the city. In the city, there were still many converging French troops who became tyrannical because of this failure. For a time, Burgos was full of robbery, cursing, rebellion, and subsequent massacres.

Despite the anger and protest expressed by the Castilian nobles, the French commander did not want to stop this situation. The frustration of defeat on the battlefield caused a low morale and must have a vent. What else There is a better way than connivance to rob the city.

"We can't stay here for long," the commander said a little unwillingly. "It's just that this will disappoint the king. According to the king's order, we should at least stay in Burgess for the winter, and then return to Nava after the spring of next year. Pull."

"This is just a small failure. We can still hold on to the city," an officer expressed dissatisfaction with dissatisfaction. "Could it be because of such a small failure?"

The commander glanced at his stubborn face and said nothing. The French commander knew more than these soldiers.

He knew from the emissaries sent by the king that the rebellion in southern Castile may soon be subsided, so if they cannot defeat the existing Castilian defenders at the beginning, wait until the enemy is transferred from the south With more troops coming, the situation will inevitably change. By that time, it will be a question whether they can safely withdraw the other side of the Ebro River.

So he must not let the situation develop so badly before he considers to escape.

"But the king ordered us to contact the Portuguese, and the troops we sent were probably about to enter Galicia at this time. If they retreated at this time, they would have no retreat." The men said slightly worried, he did not understand why he encountered a setback. They were about to retreat, and the city of Burgos made them live comfortably. Here they are the Duke, the princes and the king, so they are very reluctant to leave the city.

"Of course not immediately, but we must be prepared." The commander thought about the reinforcements that the Castilians might send from the south, but he still comforted his men. "And the Galician nobles, Is n’t any of them willing to help us? Since our people can enter Portugal directly from Galicia, I mean if it ’s really that time. ”

The chaos in Burgess continued into the middle of the night. Under the cover of the night, more evil spread to the whole city in the dark. From time to time, the sound of screaming for help could be heard, and sometimes there was a dull sound of muskets Echoes in the night sky.

This terrible turmoil did not subside until dawn. No one could tell how much sinful things had happened during the night, just as no one could count how many corpses were loaded on the carriage and transported to the cemetery after the church.

Alexander looked out the street behind the window of an inconspicuous house. Just now a carriage was passing by the doorway to the cemetery. The carriage wobbled and seemed to be loaded with heavy things, flowing down through the gap between the boards. Blood pooled into scarlet spots in the puddles on the pothole road.

"It shouldn't be like this." Alexander sighed. What the French did this night was beyond his imagination. Although the war can allow a kind-hearted person to strip off his disguise to reveal his nature, the French's behavior is still the same. Make this behavior so cruel.

He did not come to Burgess City to witness what happened this terrible night, but he saw such a tragedy, which made Alexander feel like a traitor colluding with foreign enemies.

After the French occupied Burgess City, the purpose of dividing Galicia was very obvious. They wanted to form a blockade between Bariaridód and Galicia in the northwest with the Portuguese, and then they could take the opportunity to quickly occupy Galicia.

This idea is not ridiculous, because the inextricable links between Galicia and Portugal make the situation in this area very subtle.

If the French and Portuguese can really cut off the link between Galicia and Bariaridod, then the situation will become more complicated at least.

Only now, Alexander's mood is not very good.

What happened in Burgess City made him in a bad mood. The French's madness and brutality made him unexpected. He couldn't help but start to think about whether the next plan should be changed.

Cooperating with the French and then taking Castilla in one fell swoop, Alexander did plan this before, but now he feels he has to reconsider the pros and cons of this plan.

Alexander ’s goal is the Castile throne, which will never change.

For this he can cooperate with his enemies, just as the smoke from the battlefield has not dispersed, and the blood of the dead soldiers has not dried up, he can consider making peace with Louis XII.

But the French's behavior in Burgess completely angered him.

The war is cruel and terrible. Without a ruthless heart, you cannot live on the battlefield for too long.

Alexander remembers someone saying that "the most brutal and ruthless of all wars is the war of faith, because under the pretext of maintaining faith, human beings can do anything terrible."

Such a war will involve everyone, whether soldiers or civilians, whether men or women, no one can really avoid the terrible killing

But even so, if massacres of civilians are used as a means, it will be intolerable.

Another carriage passed by the door, watching the red blood stains that penetrated the blanket on the car, and Alexander couldn't help but burst from the bottom of his heart an unspeakable bitterness.

"It really shouldn't be this way," Alexander whispered again, knowing that if he continued this way, he would move further and further away from the crown.

He must make a choice.

Castile's throne is coveted, but if the French are allowed to continue to be so crazy, the accumulated public resentment is enough to cause him to declare the throne a big trouble,

I believe that by that time, he is likely to become a street mouse.

"Master?" Xieer whispered, although knowing that the master should not be disturbed at this time, Xiele came over and whispered, "There are some people, they want to see you."

Alexander nodded and signaled.

The people who came to see Alexander were a few elderly people who were still looking shocked. They were obviously frightened by the terrible things that happened the night before. Even when they saw Alexander, they were still in a state of fright. .

Seeing the scenes of these people in front of him, a strange expression flashed on Alexander's face. He knew the origin of these people. When he saw the "political heritage" left by Count Modillo, he In the numerous arrangements arranged by the Earl of Castile for many years, Alexander once marveled at Earl Modillo's foresight.

But these people still surprised him.

These people were all veterans who had fought to recover the landless wars, and some of them even fought with Gonzalo.

But that was a long time ago, and the last reclaimed Kingdom of Granada had also surrendered to the Isabella couple 10 years ago.

It was difficult for Alexander to imagine the role of these elderly people who had left the battlefield for too long. If he cooperated with the French, these people might be useful, but if he wanted to borrow these people from the French To seize Burgess would be whimsical.

"Master," a man with a lame foot stepped forward, and saw Sher staring at him immediately, and the man stopped to bow and faced Alexander with a slightly flattering smile. "We used to listen to Earl The master sent him. When the earl master followed the king to teach the Moors, we are all his soldiers. "

Alexander nodded slightly, he knew that Count Modillo had traveled to various courts in Iberia as the messenger of Naples, but Castile stayed the longest.

When deciding to exchange his sister for a vague opportunity, Count Modillo followed the then King Enrique IV to explore the remaining Moorish territories in the south.

It was just that the Moorish forces in Iberia were already in jeopardy. Except for the Kingdom of Granada, the only few Moorish strongholds located in the southern coastal cities of the peninsula had already collapsed during the Castilian attack .

So at that time Enrique's so-called expedition was all about making appearances, so that the accompanying Count Modillo naturally had no chance to prove whether his military capabilities could be compared with his conspiracy tactics.

So although Alexander knew that there were a number of pawns left by the earl in Burgos, he did not think these people would play a big role.

As for now ~ ~ he feels that maybe he should reconsider his plan, at least he can't clash with the French before he is sure.

Seeming to see the doubts in Alexander's expression, the man limped to the corner. He picked up a strip for ventilating the hearth, turned it upside down in his hand and seemed to be testing the weight. Twist the two ends of the bar hard!

With a dull "hum" coming out of the man's mouth, the strip was twisted together in one fell swoop, and under Alexander's surprised gaze, the man tried to straighten the strip again.

Standing on the side, Sher couldn't help but take a step forward, holding the saber handle in his waist with one hand, and the rifle handle with the other.

"Master, I have fought with Lord Earl," said the lame man, still nodding to Alexander, but his eyes flashed inscrutablely, saying that he looked at those standing beside him who looked honest Companion "All of us are."

Looking at this group of people, Alexander couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

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