Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 160: The war of Gonzalo

Between the two church villages and the Coa Valley, a river separates the land of Portugal and Castilla on both sides of the river.

The Coa River flows from south to north across the border between the two countries, and then flows into the Douro River in northern Castile.

The terrain of the Coa River Valley is very high, which makes the downstream water situation extremely turbulent. Except for some specific water banks, most places on both sides of the Coa River are not suitable for ferry.

This terrain is very popular with defenders during the war, and the attacking side is not so happy.

Now Gonzalo looked a little sullen, looking at the raging northward river, Gonzalo felt that God no longer seemed to spoil him.

The Portuguese's brash attack brought them a lot of trouble. The Portuguese army that attacked Castilla was attacked by Gonzalo, who had already prepared, and used the strong firepower network formed by fortifications and muskets. Gonzalo caused the Portuguese to lose nearly 600 people in a single day.

This was almost a disaster for the Portuguese army, but the Castilian army's counterattack was even worse until they finally fled back to the opposite side of the Coa River. The Portuguese attack lost a total of nearly 1400 people.

Such a disastrous defeat left all Portuguese people, including Manuel, in an uproar. Even the victory over the Castile navy at sea did not free them from the panic of failure.

Gonzalez, who was chasing after the victory, once wanted to cross the Coa River, but the rough terrain of the river also caused him the same setbacks as the Portuguese.

Gonzalo had to temporarily abandon his plan to make a big offensive, and the French threat from the north also forced him to temporarily defend himself against the Portuguese.

According to Gonzalo's original plan, he had already made the decision to move from north to west. If it was not the Portuguese who suddenly went crazy and attacked first, he had already rushed to the northern battlefield in advance.

In Gonzalo's opinion, the Portuguese were not afraid, and what really caught the attention was the movement of the French.

Although the French were wanted in Italy, Gonzalo was well aware of the strength of this European power, so he planned to concentrate all his strength while defeating the Portuguese, and he had not established a foothold just after crossing the Ebro River. French army.

Then turned around and had a good match with Manuel.

It ’s just that the Portuguese ’s active offensive disrupted his plan, because the Portuguese invasion was not far from Valladolid. In order to eliminate this, it may threaten the capital ’s danger, and Gonzalo had to first Fight the Portuguese.

It's just that although he hit the opponent fiercely, it also delayed his time to mobilize his troops.

The French army that crossed the Ebro River quickly moved towards Burgess, the important town in the north of Castile, while a French army quickly advanced along the Ebro River to the west of the west. Leah northwest will be a teacher, and then with the Spaniard the meaning of victory or defeat.

And this is exactly what Gonzalo doesn't want to see.

Gonzalo is an out-and-out soldier, but this does not mean that he is so unfamiliar with the tricks in the court.

He has also heard of the ambiguous relationship between the aristocrats in the northwest of Castile and the Portuguese for many years. Gonzalo is very clear that if Portugal and the French are allowed to meet in the northwest, they will cut off Castilla. With the links between the northwestern Galicia and Astoria regions, these two places are likely to undergo major changes over time.

So Gonzalo decided not to let this enemy's intention succeed.

Taking advantage, Gonzalo ordered the construction of a temporary fortification on the east bank of the Coa River. He ordered that several places where the river could be crossed were tightly blocked, leaving enough troops to defend the river bank. Gonzalo immediately took The soldiers rushed north to meet the French.

The French attack was very sudden, because without adequate preparation, the defenders of Castile almost collapsed, and the French knights could finally show their bravery again.

From the Ebro River to the vicinity of Burgos, the French almost moved south without stopping. Although the defenders of Burgos showed a very tenacious performance, they only gave up the city for a short two days.

When the French flag fluttered at the head of Burgos, Gonzalo had just left from Coa and the east bank. He had little time and fewer troops.

Although the Castilian army fought bravely and bravely, the situation changed too suddenly. For a time, the entire northern part of Castile appeared to be in jeopardy, and unfavorable news was spread to Barrialdod one after another.

Gonzalo was worried about the current situation. Although he did train an army that gave him confidence, the army was taken to the south to calm the noble rebels in Andalusia. In the ace of the new army he called the model army, he could only gather as many forces as he could to mobilize him to resist the invading French army.

The fall of the city of Burgess was a great shock to the Castilians, which is no less than the shock that the Portuguese felt about the loss due to the offensive defeat.

Burgess is an important town in the north of Castile, and more importantly, it is known as the granary in the north of Castile.

The Pyrenees blocked the road to France, but here the mountains blocked the formation of a large plain with fertile soil and abundant water.

Just as Valencia is the granary of Aragon, the plains near Burgos provide Castilla with abundant food.

Because of this, Burgess has a very important position in Castile, and in the past, because of the blocking of the Pyrenees, the French never tried to threaten this land.

But suddenly everything seemed to change overnight, the French occupied Burgess, and at the same time they quickly dispatched small units to search in the countryside. Obviously the French knew that the Castilians would not give up, they had already done Be prepared to meet here.

The army constantly sent from France seems to explain that this time the French king may not be so easy to retreat from Iberia. Maybe he just wanted to intervene in the dispute between the two countries to benefit from it, but with Burgess ’s After the fall, the French's intentions also began to change.

When Gonzalo arrived in Burgess, the French had just transported all the food they could find into the city, leaving Gonzalo with villages that had just been looted and empty granaries.

The French are well aware that they have now penetrated into the enemy's borders, so they are ruthlessly looting everywhere on the ground, and they have no fear that this may lead to local anger and resistance.

The arrival of Gonzalo delighted the locals. The record of the famous general in front of the queen in continental Europe is already known. Especially his feat of defeating the French made the locals believe that the general will soon be able to put Those nasty Frenchmen hurried back to their hometown.

But what people did not expect was that after going to the frontline to observe the French defense, Gonzalo ordered the troops not to attack for the time being.

Gonzalo's decision angered many people. Except for some nobles who asked him when to attack in person, more people wrote to Bariari Dodd, asking the queen to put pressure on him.

But the person sent by Isabella gave them the answer: "General Gonzalo is the soldier I trust and respect the most. His feats on the battlefield are obvious to all, so I support his decision."

The Queen ’s support shut up those who talked about it, and Gonzalo was not idle at this time.

Before observing the French defense, he realized that the French seemed to be preparing for a protracted war. After they occupied Burgos, they did not continue to expand in the game, but immediately strengthened the city defense. Obviously They wanted to continue to look forward to Burgess.

Noting this, Gonzalo decided to lure the French from the city. The victory of the position defense in the battle of the Coa River made Gonzalo aware of the huge advantage displayed by the firearms under the field work, so he let him Decided to reproduce this feat in Burgess.

In addition, his current army also makes him worry about whether he can undertake the task of siege. Although he has asked the Queen to allow the model army in the south to go north quickly, it is clear that the war situation does not allow him to prolong such a long delay.

Gonzalo hopes to draw the French army out of the city, and then use the long-term power of fortifications and firearms in the field to consume the French troops.

For this he chose a vineyard as his expected position.

Gonzalo didn't know that his decision was exactly the same as Ruosha's way of attacking Caesar's pope army. They even chose the vineyard as their position.

The vineyards in winter are lonely, and the large strips of bare grapes are dotted with yellow and shriveled leaves. From the height, the whole vineyard is located at the end of a flat land. Behind the vineyard is a small town , According to the terrain to form a semi-circular east high west low, which happens to surround the vineyard faintly.

In front of the vineyard is a slightly low-lying open field. In some depressions that have just rained not long ago, the shallow pits that have not yet dried up will step on the wet mud and submerge the feet.

However, this is indeed an ideal battlefield, especially for the French with the advantage of artillery. Although they did not carry heavy artillery, some light artillery can easily hit the enemy in such terrain.

So when he heard that Gonzalo had placed his troops near the vineyard, the French generals were both surprised and happy. They considered whether they should take the opportunity to teach this arrogant Castilian soldier, but they did not wait for them to discuss As a result, Gonzalo has already made a decision for them.

A French army looted from the city unfortunately fell into the siege of the Castilian army.

Although the French army was still annihilated after some hard work, Gonzalo simply ordered the people to erect a gallows, and then hang all the captured French troops, whether they are noble officers or ordinary soldiers and servicemen. He died on the gallows by the road.

The stiff French corpse could not be shaken in the cold wind. The terrible scene scared the French people who saw this scene.

Gonzalo's move completely angered the French generals. At this time, it was no longer necessary to discuss whether to send troops. The French army rushed out of the city of Burgess, and the left and right teams were facing the Castilians. The position forced.

Gonzalo was surprised by this arrangement of the French. He knew that the French seemed to have sensed his intention to introduce the French into the middle of the town so as to destroy them from positions on both sides of the vineyard.

But this did not disturb Gonzalo. Although the French seemed to be much more cunning, he believed that after the first match, the French would still be arranged according to his intentions.

Sure enough, the French army on the open side was first hit hard by the Castilian firearms arranged in the vineyard.

The Castilian Musketeers were hiding behind the simple fortifications made of stone walls and grapes and kept firing at the French soldiers. Although this distance is more likely to be hit, it is more by luck than skill. However, there was always someone who was haplessly hit by a scream and fell to the ground. After the two sides stalemate for a while, they finally broke the deadlock with the French's intolerance.

The first to attack was still the French knights. With their heavy armor and siege hammer shocking impact, the knights first rushed into Castile in front of the vineyard after a sudden run Among the sub-strategies.

Although someone was shot, the nearly extreme protection of heavy armored cavalry played some role. The bullets jingled on the armor, and the scene of Martians scared the Castiles, even when the French rushed into the formation The Castilian spearmen only stabbed a few French cavalry who rushed to the front, and then the Castilians were knocked out by the following French cavalry.

The Castilians began to retreat. Although they could maintain their formation, as the French approached, the two squares threatened ahead had to slowly retreat deep into the vineyard.

The French did not immediately attack, they stopped in the middle of the open field for a while, and at the same time they pushed their proud artillery to the front of the position. After another slow preparation, the 12 artillery began to move towards the town and The vineyards in front shot a huge destructive stone bomb.

The stone wall was knocked down, the large vine racks on the ground bounced and rolled on the ground, and the stone bombs hit the ground. The Castilian musketeers who were hiding in the vineyard were forced to continue to retreat.

The French generals could n’t help but laugh when they were hit with a hole full of holes ~ ~ sometimes they were hit by the wooden house where the winter grapes were stored, and even could smell the sweet and sour smell. .

He issued an order to the French army at the other end, and the two French troops surrounded the vineyard from both sides.

The French general ’s intention was simple. He used an artillery to drive the Castilians out of the vineyard, and at the same time launched attacks from both sides to force the Castilians to evacuate from the original position, so that the enemy would either flee. On the battlefield, either obediently engage in a battle without suspense.

Looking at the approaching French army, Gonzalo, who was standing on a high ground in the town, also gave a smug laugh.

"The French are defeated," he said to the officers around him.

"The French were defeated," meanwhile, on a high **** far away from the open ground, looking at the battlefield on the open ground, Alexander said the same to the people next to him, and when he had finished, he dragged the reins and turned towards Bourg Sicheng walked.

Nine Heavens Emperor

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