Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 157: One Thousand and Five One

The fat tax collectors at the Constanta Port habitually stomped the planks under their feet with their fat feet. Hearing the sound of the solid planks, he cracked his mouth and smiled.

In the eyes of the big aristocracy, the local tax collectors are little bureaucrats, but for the locals or those businessmen, the tax collectors can be said to be the half gods that determine their destiny.

When the tax collector is happy, he may only be greedy for a little money, and will let you go smoothly, but if he has a bad temper or because of all kinds of troubles at home, he will hit the person who hit them. Almost all have to be peeled into a layer of skin to pass the level.

The fat tax collector at the Constanta port terminal is in a good mood today. He has just bet on winning money, and now his pockets are still bulging, which makes him see that the boats on the terminal are also more pleasing than usual, although there are a few of them It seems that it is not a good way, but when the mood is good, the tax collector master decides to raise his hand, and just let those people strike them and let them go.

A large paddle sailboat full of various cargo is slowly approaching the pier, the sails have completely fallen, and most of the oars have also been retracted into the bilge. When the anti-collision wood on the bow touches the pier, the ship is slightly A meal then slowly leaned against the wharf under the sliding of two large paddles.

The tax collector hastened his pace quickly, and every ship was a small income for him, especially the kind of ship that should not be understood at first glance, would definitely make him earn more.

The springboard had been put down, and a pair of travelers who looked like masters and servants first got off the boat. It was at this time that the tax collector walked in front of them, carrying a fat and fat face, and the tax collector quickly looked at the two. personal.

Then, after confirming that the two men didn't seem to be in trouble, the tax collector used to extend his hand to the man in front of him.

In exchange for a few heavy gold coins, the pair of masters and servants went away without leaving any registration records in the port of Constanta, and soon the pair of masters and servants were replaced in Constanta. The carriage hurried towards Bucharest in a hurry.

The little episode in Constanta did not attract anyone's attention. Even the tax collector himself quickly forgot the incident with the few gold coins lost at the gambling table.

Constanta port still welcomes merchant ships from all over the world every day, and the tax collector is still the lord every day, and he collects some taxes for himself. Everything is so normal.

The situation in the Balkan peninsula in 1501 still seemed erratic, and the fragile balance between the two Bosnian kingdoms was broken this early spring.

The first call to the "unified Bosnian Kingdom" was the king of North Bosnia, Hurva.

Facing the kingdom of South Bosnia supported by the Ottomans, Helva showed a tough attitude. The purpose of this is to unify Bosnia and to show his strength to the Balkan countries.

Especially in Wallachia, Helva was very dissatisfied with the young grand duke who appeared in front of others as the protector of the Balkan countries. He wanted to let everyone know that he, as the Kingdom of Bosnia, also had such rights.

What disappointed Hurva was that the Battle of Bosnia ’s unification did not cause much disturbance in the Balkans. Even if he thought he might support the Ottomans in southern Bosnia, he only provided an army as support, but did not Launch a larger scale reinforcement operation.

Although this made Hurva's difficulties much smaller, it also made his expedition seem insignificant, which completely lost his original idea that he could fight a grand battle that was not lost to the battle of Bucharest. Moreover, he thought that the idea of ​​winning South Bosnia without difficulty had encountered many setbacks in reality.

In the northern Balkans, the Hungarians did not stop.

Because of the abolition of the Black Army, the result of the unemployment of a large number of Hungarian soldiers is the chaos of banditry in many places.

A large number of Hungarian soldiers moved around the Balkan countries in order to make ends meet. They provoked incidents everywhere on the road. This was done to solve their problem of eating, but also to catch the attention of the lords after the trouble.

As a result of this, these Black Army soldiers successfully attracted the attention of the Grand Duchess of Wallachia. Under the order of Sofia, the Royal Army of Wallachia taught a strong beam in the country. The gangsters, with their almost overwhelming and powerful firepower, the Wallachian army not only killed most of the gangsters in their own country, but also entered Bosnia and Hungary several times in the name of fighting robbers. Once in the distance, Wallachian's "Dragon Cavalry" even reached the suburbs not far from the Hungarian border city of Sosbourg.

"Dragon Cavalry" is Sophia's triumphant work. This cavalry troop with short muskets and sabers is her elite. Although the number is less than 4,000, it is an ace that Sophia has high hopes for.

The reason why Sophia will build this unit is actually very simple. Ruosha ’s "First Grenadier Company" left a very deep impression on her, whether it ’s their powerful firepower, or always on the battlefield. The unyielding tenacity left Sophia with too many impressions, but what made her most concerned was not the strength of the army, but Alexander seemed to be satisfied with the kind that Russa had established.

This made Sophia very upset. After getting the large amount of arms and weapons that Ruosha provided to her, even if she knew that the nasty sister had no good intentions, Sophia still did not resist the temptation and invested heavily to build this "Dragon "Cavalry" troops.

The attack on the robbers made the Wallachia cheer for the indomitability of the Grand Duchess. While gaining popular support, Sophia did not blindly pursue the robbers.

She accepted the advice of her Greek adviser and showed the kindness of the former Black Army soldiers that they were willing to accept them.

However, Sophia ’s conditions are very harsh. She explicitly rejected the employment requirements of some Black Army soldiers. Her condition was that she must publicly swear allegiance to her instead of just accepting employment. At the same time, she promised to the Black Army soldiers that their loyalty In exchange for or being given the honor of land and title.

Such conditions are undoubtedly tempting for the black soldiers who are in the middle of displacement. The title may not be of interest to everyone, but the land is enough to attract a large number of people.

In addition, the first batch of veterans of the Balkan regiment who had retired from the Principality of Rome Thesia have also become the main source of Sofia ’s establishment of a new army. These experienced soldiers have mastered more exquisite battles than the bottom officers of other armies. Skilled veterans naturally became the backbone of the Wallachian new army.

Batches of such black soldiers and retired veterans of the Balkan regiment quickly took root in the Wallachia army, and the elite selected from them were expanded into the "Dragon Cavalry" troops by Sophia.

The scale of the "Dragon Cavalry" expanded rapidly, and Sophia's patience with Moldovan Stefan was gradually polished.

Stefan ’s move to contain Roois has made Sophia very dissatisfied. Although she is not as hostile to Rowa as Hurva, she even secretly subsidized from time to time according to Alexander ’s instructions. Roy, but the compromise and alliance between Stefan and the Ottomans threatened the security of eastern Wallachia.

For Wallachia, the port of Constanta is the most important port in Wallachia now, because whether it is weapons from Naples or merchant ships of the trade union, many have to be transported through the port of Constanta to the east of Europe.

However, the collusion between Moldova and the Ottomans has threatened Constanta ’s security to some extent. After nearly a year of tolerance, when Stefan was seriously ill, his two sons might have infighted in order to compete for the Grand Duke. Afterwards, Sophia finally decided to make the Moldovans honest.

This was Sophia ’s first active war since she became the Grand Duke of Wallachia, and the result of this modest war was that as the Moldovans had to retreat far east, Constanta ’s threat finally Temporarily lifted.

It can be said that it was temporarily lifted because Moldova soon made a request for assistance to the Ottomans who were actively preparing to attack Poland, which made the atmosphere on the eastern border of Wallachia a bit tense for a while.

In short, Sophia's life in 1501 is very fulfilling. She has gradually begun to learn how to be a grand prince. Her temperament, which is sometimes moody because of being too irritable, has become a good protective color, which has made the nobles of Wallachia I can't always guess what Dagong was thinking. Even her silence because of her inability to speak has become speculative, and her new army has quickly become the backbone of the kingdom.

Although the Ottomans still have a formidable strength in the Balkans, and they are still actively seeking a second invasion of the European continent, Wallachia is rapidly becoming stronger.

But Sophia's "peaceful life" was destroyed with the arrival of a secret clerk from Italy.

In the court of Bucharest, although the relationship between the Wallachia nobles and the Greeks has not reached a point of tit-for-tat, it is definitely not rapport.

So when the Grand Duke summoned the ministers to discuss a decision that might be crucial to Wallachia, the Yuqian meeting immediately turned into a gunpowder debate.

After expressing their views, the two sides immediately challenged each other.

Sophia listened silently, she remembered Alexander's instructions, so she would not reveal her thoughts to others until the end, but these people seemed to have never ceased quarreling and blaming each other had already exhausted her patience. .

Finally, Sophia knocked **** the table with a scepter that was much heavier than the other monarchs. He heard the "popping" muffled sound, and the ministers immediately stopped the quarrel and looked to their Grand Duke .

Sophia looked down at the map spread on the table, which was more accurate than many maps, which made her quickly find the place she was looking for.

Her hand began to draw gently on the map, and then her finger suddenly poked hard at a place.

On the table, I remembered a "bang", and everyone's eyes could not help but fall on the place where Dagong's finger was pointing.

The faces on the people's faces were different, but they all found Sophia looking at that place with a proud, or a mischievous smile.

For a time, everyone's mind could not help flashing the idea of ​​"His Grand Duke, this is another matter."

In the corner of the palace, the envoy from Naples hid in his room properly. He had been reminded by Ruosha before coming, so he knew that the female granddad and his queen were not very harmonious, and it was said that the female The Grand Duke was not able to become the Duchess of Rome Thesia because of her bad temper, which made the secret clerk more cautious, because as far as he knew, the relationship between the Queen and the Duchess was very good, which made him wonder why he might Because of this, the Wallachia granddad cut off her head.

Sophia's sudden arrival prompted the envoy to stand up respectfully. At the same time, he looked at the few people who accompanied the granddaughter. He knew that for some inconvenient reasons, he could only deal directly with these people.

"His Royal Highness wants to know what you can offer us?"

Hearing this inquiry, the messenger immediately stated the conditions that Ruo Sha had prepared for him, even though he already knew the contents, but when he spoke it himself, the messenger was still shocked.

And she knew that this was only a part of the condition put forward by the queen, which even made the messenger herself doubt the authenticity of such a condition.

And he saw the same question in the eyes of those Wallachia ministers. Sophia suddenly nodded solemnly when he began to worry that these unreliable conditions would make this mission fail. .

Sophia's action immediately attracted everyone's attention, and the eyes of both sides were concentrated on her body, waiting for an important decision.

Sophia waved to the person who followed, and someone immediately spread out the map she brought, and then she signaled the messenger to look at some of the labels above.

Looking at the ugly signs that hardly recognized the handwriting, the messenger gradually understood what Sophia wanted him to see, which made him surprised first, and then couldn't help looking at the grandpa in front of him with surprise.

The messenger believed that he had never disclosed any details about the negotiations, but the signs on the map clearly proved that the conditions to be proposed by the female prince were very similar to the other promises of the queen he had not disclosed, which covered Crete. The obvious mark means everything.

"Do you want Crete?" The messenger tentatively asked, in fact he was not sure that Sophia really wanted the island of Crete. After all, the entire eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea is now almost completely occupied by the Ottoman Navy, and he could not imagine this How could a female granddaughter occupy Crete with whimsical hopes.

But Sophia's nodded seriousness made him quickly understand that he did not guess wrong, and what surprised him even more was that before she arrived, Ruosha once told him that if Sophia was not satisfied with the conditions she proposed, she could promise to give up Ritter in exchange.

The messenger was too late to express emotion for the "heart-to-heart" of the two female monarchs. He immediately cautiously bargained with the female prince.

The messenger soon discovered that the female grandfather ’s ideas were sometimes really confusing, but the purpose of her request for Cretans revealed during the negotiations seemed to be just to make herself available in Crete. In the palace, although the messenger did not want to believe that this was the truth, Sophia always insisted that she must have this privilege on that island.

As for the others, she threw everything directly to the ministers around her, and even soon afterwards she began to appear impatient, and later she simply took the waitresses out of the room.

"The trade union must ensure that we can pass safely at sea."

"Wallachia must ensure that the troops it sends are sufficient."

"The time reserved for us is too hasty. It must be much more expensive than usual to prepare for it. You will have to pay the money."

"Then you must ensure that the troops can be dispatched on time without delay."

Both of you come and go are arguing for even a little benefit for yourself, while Sophia has already got on the carriage and left the palace.

Her destination is a new military barracks built in a wetland outside the city.

According to Alexander's suggestion, Sophia gradually promoted the alternation of the old and new armies in Wallachia. If the rifle gradually became an important weapon of the army is a feature of the distinction between the old and the new army, then the establishment of Sophia's four-cornered cross flag is the only military flag It became another important symbol to distinguish the new army from the old nobles of Wallachia.

So when she saw the flag flying over the barracks from afar, Sophia laughed at once. Her joy of not covering her emotions immediately infected the people around her. People knew that the Grand Duke should be happy now.

Negotiations in the palace continued, and Sophia was already eager to prepare her army.

After all, there is far too much to prepare for an expedition that requires a long sea trip. If you think of it this way, maybe they may not be fully prepared before the arrival of 1502.

At the shooting range, Sophia watched the horses running back and forth from time to time, shooting at a distant target with a short lance in her hand, and then immediately wielded a saber to kill the past Dragon Cavalry. She proudly raised the corner of her mouth.

She really wanted to immediately let Ruosha, who always urged her in front of her, to see how sturdy her dragon cavalry was, and she was also thinking about it, not knowing whether the army she built with a large price could be The enemies confronted contend.

But these worries did not affect her good mood. Although there were continuous gunshots and cries of killing on the shooting range, Sophia's mind had already flown to a distant place.

No one knows, Sophia is shouting in his heart at this time: "Alexander, I am finally coming back!"

In November 1501, the Navalese Navy-based Trade Union Fleet suddenly declared military punishment for Sicily on the way of encircling and suppressing pirates on the grounds of "hostility caused by an unfair trading attitude".

On the 19th, the Union Fleet crossed the lighthouse on the Lipari Islands, marking the boundary between the two Sicilies, and headed towards Sicily.

On the 20th ~ ~ The alliance fleet arrived in Palermo and immediately landed on the coast to attack the coastal city.

On the 21st, many local nobles in Palermo rioted, and they suddenly attacked the Aragonese army that was defending the city, and then put the alliance into the team to enter the port.

Palermo city fell.

It was a week after Ferdinand got the news, which made him angry but could only pin his hopes on the Aragonese fleet that was gangsters on the Mediterranean.

At that moment, Sophia, the Grand Duchess of Wallachia in the Balkans, suddenly announced that she would send an expeditionary force to Sicily at the request of the Trade Union.

In the East, a riot that was brewing for a long time finally broke out on the eastern border of the Ottoman Empire.

It was at such a time that 1501 ushered in its last month.

Nine Heavens Emperor

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