Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 156: Eastern Chaos

The cold wind of the early winter caused a ripple in the blue lake water, and a ravening crow came from the shore. A small boat in the lake slowly drifted along with the slow current, and the bottom of the small boat gradually touched the shore Stones.

The person sitting on the boat moved slightly as the boat swayed, tightening the thick wool blanket wrapped around him a little tighter.

Several servants with high red hoods immediately dragged the boat ashore with their hands and feet, and fixed the cable to the stone. Then they stood aside and looked at the hostess on the boat.

Mrs. Connie looked at the servants who were waiting on the shore. These men were sent by the Safavid leader to serve her, or should be said to be the monarch of the Safavid dynasty.

Just a year ago, the little fart boy who had claimed to be the lord of Safavid finally completely wiped out the Aries dynasty that threatened his sect.

This is a lot earlier than the time in history, and it is entirely due to the huge and powerful sharp firearms obtained by the Safavid army in time. During the war in Farsabad, the Ismaili ’s army responded to the original Enemies with superior military strength have carried out devastating strikes, even with semi-nomadic cavalry with flexible maneuverability, but due to the terrain, the Aries dynasty's army can only tear Isma back and forth with a desperate charge apostle. The powerful firepower network under the instrument arrangement.

But as a result, more and more deaths caused his enemies to finally collapse. The new Persian empire established by the Safavid Order seems to have begun to show signs.

Thinking of these Mrs. Connie ’s brows, she could n’t help but frown. This was because she had been a little confused. She could n’t understand why the Alexandria was so familiar with this church in Azerbaijan. He even vowed to Mrs. Connie ’s. : "If you want to use that Cardron, but do not want to be hunted down by the Ottomans, you must help the young headmaster."

When she first heard this, Connie was doubtful, but looking at the weapons and money provided by Alexander, she was not opposed to trying it.

Just when I saw Ismael again, Connie really wanted to turn around and walk away. If it was n’t for Alexandria, he really took the matter seriously, and it did send them what they needed in time. In all kinds of materials, Connie can't believe how this little fart kid can really do such a big thing.

Then it turned out that she was clearly wrong.

The little fart boy not only did it but also succeeded.

When he was only 14 years old, the Aries dynasty was destroyed.

Now his goal is the Eastern Territory of the Ottoman Empire.

Lake Urmier is less than 30 miles from Tabriz. The whole lake runs north-south like a long spindle. The east bank of the lake belongs to the current Safavid Persian Empire, while the west bank is the eastern border of the Ottoman Empire. .

The two sides have a tacit understanding of using the midline of Lake Urmier as a buffer zone, and the two sides of the straits are facing each other across the lake. This situation has been formed almost two years ago.

It is just now that with the demise of the Aries, Ismaili was able to mobilize the army towards the east. This made the border between the two countries, which had been temporarily peaceful despite the constant conflicts, for a time, and the smell of war was pervading. Over the Urmier Lake.

While acknowledging the unusually keen sense of Alexander's sense of the situation in the East, Mrs. Connie was indeed shocked by Ismaili.

She could not have imagined that this young kid, who was less than 16 years old, actually did such a near miracle. He established a country, a country that perished, and then wanted to compete with another of the most powerful in the world. The country contests.

Now Connie even thinks that if she can, she is willing to throw all her blood on this Mao child, because she can't imagine what a shocking event this little boy will do in 10 years.

But this is just thinking, she knows that these Persians will not meet her, just like the servants around him, while watching, she is also closely monitoring her, and she can also feel like the Ottomans Than, as a woman in this country, she will not achieve anything after all.

So Connie still decided to implement the previous plan faithfully, especially with the arrival of Cardron, she felt it was time for her to show her talents.

For the Ottomans, the Battle of Bucharest was a loss that did not hurt.

The Ottoman Empire still has the most powerful army and navy in the world. Even if they temporarily retreated from the western Balkans, they still have a large conquered land in Europe. Even in the Balkans, Bulgaria and Greece are still subject to Ottoman rule under.

In the farther east, Moldova was once again forced to vassalize the Ottoman Empire, and the Empire's army once again defeated the counterattack from Poland.

At sea, the Ottoman navy has almost completely expelled the Venetians from the eastern Mediterranean. Except for the two stubborn places of Rhode Island and Crete, the entire eastern Mediterranean has completely fallen into the hands of the Ottomans.

The Venetians lost their last colony on the Mediterranean Sea. The Ottoman navy even drove straight from the Niony Sea to the Adriatic Sea. Venice was under threat from the Ottoman navy at any time.

All this seems to indicate that Bucharest's defeat was so insignificant that the pace of Ottoman conquest was not even slowed down by this small setback.

But in fact it is another way.

The battle of Bucharest truly frightened the Ottomans was the turmoil caused by the severe injury of Bayesert II.

Compared with the casualties of the army and the loss of materials discarded during the large retreat, the turbulent situation caused by the two princes in Sudan due to serious injuries in order to fight for the inheritance of the empire makes the Ottoman Empire, which still looks extremely powerful, actually in a delicate split. status.

Mahmoud used the opportunity of the expedition to Mamluk to firmly control the vast provinces in the western part of the empire, and in the east that bordered on Safavid Perse, Selim stayed at his feet, ready to compete with his brother at any time.

In Constantinople, the great nobles who were still loyal to Sultan Bayesert II or who were temporarily watching the situation watched the huge storm caused by the two princes in a cold attitude that did not want to help.

As for the many tribes and nobles far away from the capital and those remote high-ranking officials, most of them showed a completely unrelated appearance.

But these are only illusions. Everyone is trying their best to make them look less noticeable, and at the same time, they are doing their best to be under the armed forces. For a time, the entire Ottoman Empire was shrouded in a strange atmosphere of hits.

The Ottoman Empire was suddenly on the verge of a split. At the same time, in addition to the continuous war between Ottomans and their enemies in Europe and Egypt, the rise of Safavid Persian also aroused Selim's vigilance.

As early as two years ago, the Safavid Order had severely taught Selim, who was then the governor of the border province, at the Ottoman border. This made Bayesert II angry, but because he was in At the critical moment in the Battle of Bucharest, he had to blame his son for his incompetence, and at the same time warned Selim not to take advantage of it at this time.

However, the rapid expansion of the Safavid Order in the next two years gradually began to disturb Selim, especially after the complete annihilation of the Aries dynasty a year ago. With the increase in strength, Ismail I began to turn his attention. Neighbors on the western border.

A war seems to be inevitable. The emerging Safavid Persian and the Ottoman Empire, which is heading to its heyday, are like two giant giants. When they met on the shore of Lake Urmier, these two giants appeared to each other. In addition to strong muscles, he also revealed his willingness to spare no effort.

For Selim, his desire to beat his opponent is stronger than that of Mahmoud, who is far away in Egypt.

This is not because he wanted to be ashamed of being beaten up by a 13-year-old Mao child because of ignoring the enemy's intentions before Yixue, but also because he wanted to use a real major victory to deter the tribal nobles in the east. .

He didn't get any benefit from the previous battle with Ismaili I. As Safawibos became stronger, some tribes that were originally forced to yield by the force of Ottoman became eager to move.

This situation is very unfavorable to Selim. He knows that although Mahmud also has to deal with Mamluk in Egypt, because of the intricate relationship between the numerous tribes in the east and the Ottoman Empire, compared to Mahamay Instead, the difficulties facing Germany are much better solved.

The news from Constantinople made Selim very uneasy. The body of Bayestet II was getting worse. The battle of Bucharest not only hurt his body, but also seemed to destroy his spirit.

The Sudan became suspicious, because of the increasingly moody temper paralyzed in bed for so long, the people around them were accompanied by a violent sick lion all day long.

To make matters worse, he began to worry that someone would betray him. No matter whether he was a minister or a close friend, he no longer believed, and those who listened to the movement in Constantinople reported that the Sudan was now worried that his two sons would be soldiers. Rebellion.

This caused Selim to start worrying about himself. He knew that once Bayeset II was suspicious, even if he was the son of Sudan, what would be waiting for him would be a terrible ending, and the only thing that would get him out of the immediate predicament It is to settle the eastern border as soon as possible, and then take the opportunity to wave the division and refer to Constantinople.

As long as he conquered Constantinople first, Mahmoud would be defeated.

Selim mobilized a large number of troops to the border. He knew that there was not much time left for him. Before Bayesert II was not completely crazy, he had to build a stable rear for himself.

Mrs. Connie was sitting in the carriage and looked at the vast lake of Urmier. The winter lake seemed very quiet, and no waterfowl skimmed the water for predation. Even though she used to go boating on the lake before, it seems quiet now. It's a bit scary.

In the distance, a person ran towards them on a horse. From afar, he could hear the person shouting loudly to explain his intentions. There was a look of concern.

The servants looked at the person vigilantly and noticed the black dress on the other side and the white felt hat on their head.

"Ma'am, I was ordered to meet you." The lay man bowed half cautiously. He dared not look at the eyes of those servants, trying to make him look less attractive.

"Shane allowed me to meet my friends casually." Connie said to the servants, and when they saw that their faces were ugly, they let them aside, Connie said secretly.

The hatred and brutality of heretics is more terrible than that of pagans. This does not seem to be unique to the West. In the East, the civil unrest that broke out due to different understandings of doctrine also flooded this land with blood from fellow believers.

"Ma'am, we have delivered the 'that' to the place safely," the whispering whispered in front of the carriage. "The tribes of Diyarbakir received him very diligently, and now he is their VIP. "

"Really, that's great," Mrs. Connie said with a little excitement. At first, she heard the legend about the man and she did not hesitate to find him. She paid too much for this purpose. Now Those efforts finally saw the shadow of reward. "Let's make sure that the person we are watching is focused on that person. I believe someone must be hitting him. We must be more careful at this time."

The people here listened carefully. Although this woman was a pagan, she really did something big that none of them thought of. When she thought of the tribes and nobles, they heard about the son of Mohammed II ’s son Jem. The kind of ecstatic look when future generations came back, this person felt that maybe the woman in front of him could really change the future of the Ottoman Empire.

The comrades did not stay long, although the Safavid Sufi sect led by Ismaili was not so terrible and terrible compared to those overly radical denominations, but the strong sense of insecurity on the pagan sites was still Let him leave quickly.

But he has already received very important revelations from Connie, including her promise to encourage the nobles of Diyarbakir to "let go".

Diyarbakir was a gathering place of tribes in the southeast of the Ottoman Empire. When the Ottomans did not occupy the Anatolian plateau, these tribes formed a large and small alliance. Then in the war to conquer East Rome, these tribes became The power that cannot be ignored in the Ottoman Empire.

The son of Muhammad II, Jim, had the support of the Diyarbakir clan when he conquered the throne of Sudan with Bayesert II.

After Jem fled to Europe, although the tribes and nobles vowed to loyalty to Bayesert II, Bayesett II was always bitter and could not dispel the suspicion of them in the hearts of Sudan.

When news of Jem ’s death in Naples prison was returned to Ottoman, Bayese ’s II had specially sent people to Diyarbakir. He wanted to let the tribes and nobles who still miss Jem completely die, just despite the tribes The nobles seemed to have finally died because of Jim's business, but Bayesert II was always unable to let go of their vigilance.

Because of this, Bayesert II sent his son Selim to guard the eastern part of the empire for him, which was also to deter those eastern tribes who were always hostile to him.

What Conde returned meant to Diyarbakir ’s tribes, Connie was very clear, so she had proposed to see “Shane” just after the person who sent the letter left, in order to see him as soon as possible The talented young monarch, she said to Ismaili ’s neighbors: “Please tell Shane that he must be willing to hear that Ottoman may have a rebellion.”

The news clearly aroused the interest of Shane Ismaili of Safavid Persian, and soon Connie was allowed to enter the palace to meet the king.

Shane Ismaili Ibn Heydar, 14 years old this year.

Whether it was from his age or from his premature aging, and even a layer of fluff on his lips that was not a beard, Alexander was right, he is indeed a little ass.

Ismaili, who already has two wives, likes to wear colorful clothes, which can make him look older. A huge headband covered with precious stones and pearls has a straight plug on the top. Peacock Ling, when he moves his head a little, Peacock Ling will shake quickly, which makes the little fart child look less dignified, but slightly funny.

But now no one dares to despise him, because it is this 14-year-old who completely defeated the Aries dynasty in two consecutive battles. Just two months ago, he was established by the Safavid Order as the newly established Sa Shane of the Fabios Empire, that is, the king, and that day he just had his 14th birthday.

"You mean those Ottomans might judge?" Ismaili asked with some curiosity, perhaps because of his young age. He was obviously not tempted by Connie's appearance, and the young monarch full of energy was eager for now. It's just to open up the territory, and now there is such a good opportunity before him, Isma Yi can't help but be moved.

"Jem's son is back." Seeing the surprise on Ismael's old-fashioned face, Connie nodded to him. "The tribes and nobles of Diyarbakir are preparing, I believe Soon there will be rebellion in Ottoman territory. "

"Oh, oh." Ismail I gave two responses in his mouth, and then there was no sound. He began to move back and forth on the steps, and the peacock feather on his head kept moving in the air with his movements. Shaking.

After a while, he finally stopped and stared at Connie: "You know that the firearms of the Ottoman army are very powerful. Although we now have such weapons, they are still much worse than Selim's army. "

Connie was a little silent, she knew that Ismaili was right ~ ~ Despite the large amount of funding, Safavibos's firearms still cannot compare with the well-equipped Altman army If it is defense, the gap may not be large, but if it is actively attacked, it will expose the weakness of the Russian army.

"I will find ways to get more equipment for your army, but you have to respond accordingly."

"Of course," Ismaili laughed. He looked at Connie like a naughty child and seemed to be happy that he was about to get a new toy. "Tell those of your friends that they can provide me How much help I can give to them, which is fair to all of us. "

Connie Omer nodded silently and frowned secretly.

Although Ismaili was only 14 years old, she felt that this little fart boy was really very difficult to deal with.

In the early winter of 1501, a shocking rumor began to spread on the land of Ottomans that the descendants of Mohammed II ’s son Jem appeared in the eastern part of the empire. He wanted to lead the Ottomans who were loyal to him to Bayestet II Shi and his sons challenged!

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