Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 136: Hero return

Juana ’s disappearance is beyond everyone ’s expectation. According to the people in the castle, the princess suddenly became quieter during this time. She no longer loses her temper easily, and her mood has improved, although Philip ’s illness still worried her. But as if suddenly there was hope, Juana became less crazy.

This was originally a good thing, and it should have been reported to the king and his wife long ago, but because of her moodiness, the people under her staff dared not tell the Isabella husband and wife of this change. After all, if the queen is full of hope, The rude and manic daughter I saw was still likely to make Isabella trouble them because of disappointment and anger.

So the person in charge of caring for the troubled couple in the castle is still just watching them carefully. Their only purpose is to prevent the princess from doing anything extraordinary, and pay attention to Philip's situation at all times.

When the news of the Queen ’s serious illness came, the people who were guarding the Highland Castle did notice something strange. They found that the princess ’s mood suddenly became unstable at these times. They thought that Juana was worried about her mother ’s health. Unexpectedly, on the morning of the next day, shortly after the first batch of delivery teams to the castle left, these talents discovered that the Huanna and her husband were suddenly gone.

They searched the entire castle. After making sure they were not here, the people looked at each other for fear.

They knew that they were going to be in trouble, and the king's severe punishment was waiting for them, so in addition to the two castle officials who could not escape, others hurriedly fled the Highland Castle.

The two uneasy officials had not had time to make up their minds to report to the king that Ferdinand's people had arrived at the Highland Castle, and then this amazing news quickly spread to Bariari Dodd.

When Ferdinand heard that Juana was missing, he was surprised first, then there was a moment of joy, and then he was overwhelmed with great anxiety.

His emotions changed so fast that no one noticed that the king had so many thoughts in a flash, but Ferdinand knew that his trouble was coming this time.

He immediately ordered the dispatch of a large number of people to find the whereabouts of Juana and his wife, while waiting for the storm that would appear in front of him at any time,

Sure enough, the uproar caused by the disappearance of Juana almost overwhelmed Bariari Dodd on Qingkou Street. Various speculations and sounds seem to be justified, but most of them are just frantic guesses flying around the city for a while.

However, in all the guesses, almost everyone's eyes turned to Ferdinand. People agreed that this was actually a trick played by the king, especially for some nobles. They knew Ferdinand to Casti The coveted heart of Leah's throne.

It is speculated that it is likely that the princess and her husband have fallen into Ferdinand's hands. He imprisoned them in a secret place, and at this time, as long as they control Princess Juana, it is also equivalent to controlling the Kingdom of Castile.

Ferdinand was obviously aware of such speculations, so he was anxious to find his daughter to prove his "innocence", but the Huanna couples were like water droplets falling into the sea.

When the officials sent to investigate the whereabouts of the princess finally found out from the clues of those who delivered goods to the Highland Castle each time, they found that several of them did not disappear on the day that Juana disappeared.

Obviously, whether or not they wanted, the Huanna couple should have been secretly taken away by these people, only to learn from the people who stayed behind, it seems that Huanna does have some connection with these people.

Because Juana, who used to ignore people outside, seemed interested in those who came to deliver goods some other time, she often asked them for news, which made the people who guarded them think it was The princess stayed in the castle for too long and wanted to know what was happening outside, but now it seems that things are not like that. Those people are likely to secretly contact Juana, although they do not know what they promised, but that is enough for Juana to be willing. And they left the castle and even brought Philip, who was seriously ill.


Ferdinand, who was listening to the report, suddenly realized what he knew about his daughter. Juana ’s paranoia made them both extremely upset. Isabella was thinking about her daughter. Ferdinand was worried about Philip ’s hugeness. The impact may make Juana fight him one day.

Now Juana left the highland castle with Philip, who was seriously ill. Ferdinand immediately thought that this might be related to Philip, because for Juana there is nothing more important in the world than Philip.

"But she can't go far with a patient. Someone who helps him escape must know them and check! No matter what method is used, I want to know who sent them."

Ferdinand issued an order angrily, and this brought a **** storm in the city of Barriado.

Ferdinand's people began to arbitrarily arrest those who may be related to the disappearance of the Juana couple. As long as they knew the suspicious elements, they were not spared. They were imprisoned in castles and dungeons. These people were not allowed under various tortures. Without exposing all the useful or useless things they knew, the officials started a new round of arrests based on the confessions of these people.

For a time, the people of the city of Barialedo panicked, and no one knew whether they were inexplicably involved in this terrible thing, and as more and more people were involved, it was originally just arrested among the civilians. The action finally developed towards the nobles.

This caused a larger uproar, many nobles accused Ferdinand of taking advantage of the opportunity to eradicate his enemies, but because this involved Juana ’s whereabouts, and now Isabella is seriously ill in bed, so even if it is angry, Facing such a situation, the nobles were at a loss.

Gonzalo returned to Barrialdod at this time.

When I heard that Gonzalo had returned, Ferdinand, who had always wanted to recruit him back, was not happy because he had finally returned, because the timing of his return was too bad.

Quite the contrary, the nobles of Barialidod rejoiced at the return of Gonzalo. The joy was even more intense and enthusiastic than when the Pope came.

They completely disregarded the possibility of irritating Ferdinand toward the outside of the city, and then ushered Gonzalo into the city like a hero of triumph.

And Gonzalo Cordova is indeed a hero, and he has a great record in the war of regaining the lost ground, and in the Italian war a few years ago, he taught the arrogant King Charles VIII fiercely, even It was in the battle between Crete and the Ottomans, although because of the frequent defeat of the Venetian Navy, he eventually had to withdraw from Crete, but if it was only in terms of land war, he still played well.

And this series of victories gave Castilla and Aragon great benefits and generous trophies. The art treasures that were snatched from Naples at that time filled the rooms of the palace of Zaragoza. The large amount of sucrose that Ritter shipped back made the businessmen of all countries regard Iberia as an important market.

Now the general hurried back from the south, and this time he brought not wealth, but an opportunity that could change the situation in Castile,

It was precisely because of this that the Castilian nobles had great expectations for the return of Gonzalo. They were afraid of Ferdinand ’s rule and thought that they might have been under the shadow of this man in the future. The Castilians are desperate.

Now that Gonzalo is back, they put all their hopes on this queen, who dares to rebuke the pope openly and does not fear Ferdinand.

After going into the city, Gonzalo went directly to the palace. The rumors heard along the way shocked him. On the way, he even wondered whether the queen had unfortunately been called, even after entering the city, before he saw the queen himself. Not at ease, so under his leadership a large number of Castilian nobles swarmed towards the palace.

This immediately disturbed Ferdinand, who immediately mobilized the palace guard to guard the gate, and at the same time, after considering and deciding to send Isabella's treasury officer to the nobles who had already arrived outside the palace.

Don Marcos Byrne accepted this mission. He squeezed out of the gap of the slightly opened gate of the palace alone, and then stood in the open space under the gate to watch those who heard news from all directions and gradually gathered on the square in front of the palace The Bariari Dodds.

In the front of these people, a group of nobles approached Gonzalo and approached him. After seeing the reflections of the faintly shaking figures and weapons on the walls of the palace, Gonzalo raised his right arm high.

The crowd stopped slowly, and people whispered to each other while standing on tiptoes and looking as far forward as possible.

Don Marcos Byrne saw someone behind him jumped on the roof not far away, he frowned slightly, and then gave a helpless smile to Gonzalo who came out of the crowd.

Gonzalo opened his arms, and while embracing the treasury officer, he took the opportunity to whisper, "For God's sake, tell me the truth what happened to the queen?"

"Not very good, really not very good," Don Mark Lose Byrne sighed. He looked at the servant soldier in front of him, and saw his ragged clothes and two awkward like bifurcations. With the legs open, the treasurer can imagine how hard he rushed back along the way. "We only have prayers left now. Sometimes I even wonder if God has abandoned us. Know that Juana is gone. , This is the most troublesome. "

Gonzalo nodded silently. He had heard the news of the disappearance of the Juana couple. At that time, his first thought was that this was Ferdinand's trick. Although he still thinks so now, it's just that he is clever.

But Don Macrosbine had already guessed what he was thinking from Gonzalo's expression, which made the treasurer secretly worried.

As Isabella ’s most trusted and trusted minister, Mark Lose Byrne knows the contradiction between the two kings and the couple, and because he has been with the sick queen all the time, he is more than anyone Be aware of the current situation.

If Isabella ’s condition deteriorated and she could no longer continue to rule or even be dying, Juana became the key to all this.

She will be officially announced as the Kingdom Regent, and once the Queen is unfortunately called, she will be the next Queen of Castile.

Juana's identity suddenly became very important.

But at this time, she was missing. For the Castilians, it is tantamount to Isabella's illness. It is an unbearable blow.

"Is it Ferdinand?" Gonzalo doubted the King of Aragon almost without hesitation, and although Don Markrosby didn't answer, the look on his face already showed that he had the same idea.

"I'm going to see the queen." Gonzalo lowered his voice. He looked back at the black crowd behind him and whispered to Marcos Byrne. "I want to know what the queen is like now."

The treasurer nodded silently, knowing that it would be useless to persuade Gonzalo at this time, and that the Queen ’s situation is so dangerous now that perhaps it was time to make the necessary decision.

"The pope is ready."

Don, Marcos Byrne ’s words shocked Gonzalo secretly. He knew that the treasury officer was suggesting that his queen might need to make a confession of death. This made him finally realize that maybe Isabella might be called at any time. .

Gonzalo turned around and raised his hands high to the crowd. After seeing the crowd a little quiet because of his movement, Gonzalo said to the nobles who accompanied him: "Wait here, I will go to see the queen now. . "

The nobles immediately became tumultuously youthful. Since the bad news of Isabella ’s illness, except for some important ministers, Ferdinand banned them from seeing Isabella on the grounds that the Queen needed treatment, which made these small and medium nobles even more Uneasy.

Now Gonzalo became their only hope. For a time, all he looked at the queen's love with expectant eyes.

"Dear Cordoba, this may be the most difficult moment we will face," walking in the palace, Don Marcos Byrne said quietly to Gonzalo as he walked, "We must do the worst In preparation, Juana ’s disappearance has made all of us passive, and there may even be riots. We must try our best to ensure that this does not happen. "

Gonzalo shook his head when he heard it, and he was also worried. "But if Juana's disappearance is related to Ferdinand, then not only will there be riots, but a war may break out."

"So you must stop this kind of thing," Don Mark Lose Byrne said in a vicious tone. "Now this situation is just the end of the end. If we can't find Juana as soon as possible, maybe what is waiting for us may really be A disaster. "

"So what do you want to do?" Gonzalo whispered, he could feel that the treasury officer seemed to have some plans, but obviously he needed someone to support him now.

"I'm thinking about a worse possibility," Don Macrosbyn's face looked uncertain, and he seemed to be considering whether to make it clearer. "If you can't find Juana in time, or what happened to the princess, you What should I do? "

Gonzalo, who was walking forward, stopped suddenly. He looked at Don Macrosbine with a somber look. After a while, he slowly asked: "So what do you think should be done, Treasury Officer?"

Although he heard the sarcasm in Gonzalo's tone, there was no displeasure in Don Macrosbyn's expression. He stepped closer to Gonzalo and whispered in his ear, "Trust me if you know this time What happens in the court, you will understand the meaning of these words. "

After that he walked forward alone.

Because the news that the Queen was seriously ill has spread that no longer needs to be kept secret, Isabella is now placed in her living room.

In a large room occupied by a group of doctors, people whispered and argued, almost everyone was expressing their views on the Queen ’s condition, but they could not convince others. This situation has made Ferdinand ’s anger almost to be controlled. Can't live.

The man he sent to find Juana had almost turned the city of Barrialdo up, but the young couple was still missing. Ferdinand suspected that Juana might no longer be in Bariaridod. But he couldn't figure out who helped or kidnapped them and left the Highland Castle.

The figure appeared at the door caused the attention of the doctors in the room. The doctors who originally thought they were new colleagues and showed their provocative eyes had quieted down immediately after seeing Gonzalo. Will, but know that those who can appear in this room must be distinguished big figures.

Sure enough, they saw the king who had been sitting silently in the corner suddenly stood up, and the man who had just entered came across the room without a squint and walked to Ferdinand.

"I want to see your majesty."

Gonzalo's polite attitude irritated Ferdinand, but he knew this was not the time to get angry, and the cries of a large number of people gathered outside from time to time came in, which made Ferdinand know that if he continued to block May cause a disturbance.

"Don't take too long," Ferdinand added with a gloomy expression. "Don't tell her about things that upset her. Now she needs treatment and quiet cultivation."

Gonzalo's prominent chin lifted forward slightly, as if provoking Ferdinand in front of him, and asked: "I would like to ask you what the annoying thing is, is Princess Juana's whereabouts now unknown?"

Ferdinand's complexion instantly turned blue. He took a step forward and grabbed Gonzalo's arm. His fingers were almost completely caught in the gap of Gonzalo's wide coat sleeve. At the same time, he was angry with the sound that only two people could hear. Shouted: "For God's sake, don't make this worse. Go ahead and make her at least get better now. If you must fight against me in this matter, then wait for it. After everything has passed. "

Gonzalo stared at Ferdinand for a while, and he could feel that Ferdinand was indeed worrying about the situation in front of him, and he could not help wondering whether Juana's things had nothing to do with Ferdinand?

But he also knew that Ferdinand was right. Now Isabella really should not be tortured by all these worries.

Gonzalo finally made a concession and bowed slightly to Ferdinand ~ ~ and then he walked toward the corridor leading to the queen's bedroom.

It ’s a corridor, it ’s actually a long aisle room, and behind the door at the end of the room is Isabella ’s bedroom. Now the bedroom door is half open, and the queen ’s close attendant stands in the half-covered room. In front of the room.

But before crossing the corridor, Gonzalo saw two acquaintances.

When he saw the two men's faces with very different expressions on their faces, he nodded slightly to them, and then walked to the door of the room accompanied by a welcoming female officer.

The tall Moor Attendant gave him a glance and looked away.

Looking at the back of Gonzalo that disappeared in the door, the gloom and resentment of Pope Alexander VI's face only faded slightly.

"Gonzalo is back."

Alexander next to the Pope whispered to himself, and when he saw the Pope looking at him, Alexander continued to look solemnly and whispered to the Pope, "Who do you think has taken Juana?"

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