Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 135: Castile change

The summer of Catalonia is like a happy and unrestrained girl, full of passion and love that ca n’t be left. Walking on the country road of Valencia, you can feel the bright sunshine, lazy afternoon and fullness The waves of relaxation caused by the floral smoke.

Several men with scattered pieces of them walked on the road with their heads struggling. They were either tall or short and sturdy, but each face showed obvious rebelliousness.

These people are mercenaries. The Catalans have a fierce personality, which made them famous mercenaries during the Roman period. The brave Roman legion did not lose their losses, but the Romans also hired them Ruthlessly taught his enemies.

Even after centuries, Catalonia is still one of the most famous sources of mercenaries. Their fierce reputation is not inferior to the Swiss. Employers have a headache, but their performance on the battlefield makes up for their bad reputation.

Catalans tend to join the mercenary team together as a village, and the result is that they are more in a group, which is very important on the battlefield, whether it is to charge together, kill the enemy together, or loot the loot together or Escape, they are mainly based on their own small groups.

The advantage of this result is that the Catalans can exert their power to a greater extent on the battlefield, but there is also a lot of trouble. When they have a negative salary increase, they may see that the situation is not good. When they are about to turn around and escape, they often go together and retreat.

But now Tiegeau is very willing to see this group of Catalans.

The business of the "East India Company Valencia Office" is very hot, but the most striking thing about the owner of this office is not his wealth, but the scandal of his widow ’s mother with the Duke of Gandino.

What surprised many people was that while people were still speculating about the relationship between the two, Thiego and Maria de Luna revealed their relationship unexpectedly.

What surprised many people is that the pope is said to have no interference with his daughter-in-law and the merchant, and the pope ’s son-in-law not only called Tiego his friend, but also treated him and Maria de Luna congratulated.

This made many Valencian aristocrats secretly criticized, but for a while, they could n’t bear the abacus that the businessman was going to make a stalk from, and watched the businessman begin to enter and leave the Duke ’s villa in public, and a lot of them Spending money on various luxury gifts for the Duchess of Gandino, even the young Duke of Gandino began to call Tiego "My Father", and those nobles could only vent their anger while jealous. Say: "The dignity of the nobles was finally defeated by gold."

The "East India Company Valencia Office" has a lot of business. Often, as long as they can make money, they have to join in. And because of their wealth, this is said to be the three thriving trade unions in Europe in Liberia. One of the main branches made a lot of money in Valencia.

However, I don't know what the reason is. Tiego, who is in the two scenes of the shopping mall, suddenly gave a lot of money-making business to others. Then he plunged into the mercenary company, which in some people's view was not so profitable.

Next to his office, Tiegote deliberately launched a "Catalan defense consulting company", one of the main business of this novel name company is the large number of experienced Catalan people, after After some short training, they were sent to the battlefield.

Generous commissions and loot on the battlefield have made many Catalans want to be mercenaries. The local sturdy folk customs have also contributed to this trend, so the "Catalan Defense Consulting Company" has just When it opened, the company's door was almost squeezed.

Thiago's good reputation in Valencia at this time helped him a lot. No one doubted that the rich man would default on their wages, and the relationship between the Duchess of Gandino and many other powerful people also made people believe that he was sure There are so many ways to worry about, no business,

Facts have proved that this guess is correct. Although a large number of mercenaries were also hired before, it was just sent to Thiego on the Italian battlefield, but this time it was flagrantly starting to announce the establishment of a permanent army. He lobbied everywhere to hope that from Valen West Asia City Hall obtained the permit, but once the permit was obtained, he was not satisfied with the quota of the maximum limit of 2400 people set above.

"We want to organize a phalanx, cavalry, artillery and even a heavy transport team. We don't just provide a little mercenary for our employers, but we want to provide a full-service whole army. How can this be enough, dear Ma? Leah, "After being a real dad for the young Duke of Gandino, Thiego wiped the sweat from his body while enlightening Maria de Luna" and if we want to It takes a lot of ships to transport our soldiers farther away, so maybe we have to build our own navy, which of course seems a bit far away, but knowing that the colony has enough wealth to let us Invest this cost. "

Tiego ’s ambitions really touched Maria de Luna, and she now knows that her lover is by no means a simple businessman. If you look into it, he and the Duke of Rome Theseia do good things If the people of Zaragoza knew enough to hang him, now she knew clearly that not only had she been involved, but also the kind of big trouble that had not retreated.

So what she can do is try not to make this trouble so early that they become fatal injuries, but if the only way to do this is to increase their strength, as Tego said, until one day , They really have an army.

For this, Maria de Luna had to put up the spirit to help Tiego clear up and down, and at the same time the business of the Catalan defense consulting company has been launched in Andalusia.

Still in the summer, the army commanded by Gonzalo had approached Sevilla, where the Andean rebels were preoccupied. This made many people think that the rebellion would soon be quelled, but almost two months later , Gonzalo is still confronting the rebels.

This made some people start to wonder if he was raising self-respect and self-respect, and then think about the rumours of some queens, people even believe that Gonzalo seems to have his own abacus.

At least Ferdinand had no doubts about this, so he sent several envoys to Andalusia in succession, each with different reasons. Some told Gonzalo that the French might interfere in the Iberian dispute, some It means that the king hopes that he can bring his troops back to Italy.

In short, Ferdinand wanted to recall Gonzalo as soon as possible to Bariari Dodd, at least to keep him away from his army.

Even some very close friends think that Gonzalo is using the rebels to highlight his importance, but they generally think that it is necessary to do so, because just after entering August, the queen who appeared to be in poor health was sick again. inverted.

And this time, even Ferdinand appeared confused because he was caught off guard.

After entering August, the relationship between Portugal and Castile became more tense. The navies of the two sides continued to provoke each other at sea, and although the Castilla soldiers were on the land, the Portuguese did not show weakness.

To make matters worse, there was bad news in Lisbon. The Queen of Portugal, Maria, was sent to the Convent of the Virgin Mary in the name of praying for the soul of her child. Lived in São Jorge Castle in public.

This strong signal sent Castilla into an uproar. It is clear that Manuel has completely torn the already fragile and flat yarn between the two kings, and the strong smell of gunpowder has filled the entire Iberian peninsula.

Isabella was both surprised and angry because of her daughter ’s experience. Although they all lived in the same palace, she still had to suspend the plan to officially see the pope, and then summoned the Portuguese embassy in Castile. ambassador.

Facing the sleek Portuguese, Isabella warned him impolitely that if Manuel tried to challenge Castile ’s majesty, she would “immediately let him know how stupid she did.” thing."

Isabella, who issued such a severe warning, immediately changed her attitude. As a private friend, she asked the ambassador to give her a message to Maria, and asked the master to take care of her poor daughter.

Although the Portuguese ambassador is very old, but he has been struggling to cope with the queen's hard and soft, he had to do his best to assure the queen that her concerns are superfluous. Portugal always regards their in-laws as the most reliable allies.

Of course Isabella would n’t take the ambassador ’s open-mouthed nonsense seriously, but she took the opportunity to express her desire to ease relations with Portugal.

It's just that both sides know that this is just a trick for everyone to slow down. As the conflict between the navies of the two sides in the Azores becomes more and more intense, the final war will be inevitable.

Ferdinand ’s desire to recall Gonzalo at this time is even stronger, whether it is to prevent the highly respected Queen ’s petty minister from holding his own troops or indeed needing him to stabilize the situation in the north, Ferdinand has sent people again and again. Trying to convince Gonzalo.

It ’s just that he did n’t know that Gonzalo had n’t had a good time at this time. It seemed that the noble coalition, who had been defeated all the time, suddenly received some support. Whether it was weaponry or supply, they were quickly replenished after the loss. Even the army that was disbanded and eliminated was quickly strengthened.

And the convenient transportation in Seville has caused great difficulties for Gonzalo to surround the city.

Gonzalo, who sent an army to cut off the traffic between the coastal port on the lower Gwadar and Seville as early as July, found that his action was not very effective. It was located at the confluence of many rivers in Andalusia. Sevilla quickly found a new way to communicate with the outside world after the initial panic due to the Gwadar River being cut off.

They no longer transport supplies and goods from ports on the Atlantic coast, but get help from ports on the Mediterranean coast such as Malaga or Cape Aloki.

What made Gonzalo suspicious was that the Andalusian noble coalition was clearly supported by a powerful and powerful force. They not only provided neighbors with weapons and money, but also sent them a large number of mercenaries, while on the battlefield. When fighting hard against the fierce Catalans, Gonzalo even suspected that those Catalans were sent by him if he did not know that Ferdinand had no reason to support these rebels.

The headaches are more than that. The continuous failures have made the aristocratic coalition more intelligent. They know that their frontal battlefield can't confront Gonzalo, so they start to change from stubborn frontal combat to harassment With roundabout.

In this way, the advantage of the coalition's local operations is manifested. They often get information about the other party's actions earlier than the king. At the same time, they use their familiarity with the local terrain. Luo launched a guerrilla war.

After several entangled battles, Gonzalo quickly realized the enemy's intentions, and he decided to simply send troops to seize Seville to prove his victory in quelling the rebellion.

This hand did seem to scare the reinforcements, and they gathered in Seville to defend this city that they regarded as the spirit.

Seeing his plan going smoothly, Gonzalo was quite pleased. He also felt that the war had been dragged on for too long, which not only disappointed the Queen but also made his own face look bad, so he decided to take the plug with one blow. Villa, then took the opportunity to eliminate the noble coalition who tried to aid.

Everything was ready. Gonzalo ’s army marched towards Seville. They quickly crossed the Tentertu plain in the northern suburbs of the city, in front of the famous clock tower spire of Seville. , Wang Jun has defeated several coalition forces along the way trying to return to the city to support.

Gonzalo finally breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that the war was over.

Don Bavi may escape from Seville and continue to resist with his rebel forces, but the Andalusians who have lost Seville are just like the trees that have lost their water and foundation, and will eventually Withered gradually.

The Andalusian nobles also clearly realized that their failure was already in sight, so some people simply fled the battlefield quietly, and some have begun to wonder how to ask the Queen for forgiveness after the failure.

At this time, a bad news caused Gonzalo's plan to be completely disrupted.

Queen Isabella fell ill.

The Queen suddenly fainted while meeting Pope Alexander VI.

Unexpected accidents made the court of Bariaridot suddenly fall into a panic.

At that time, many people who saw the Queen fall down even forgot what to do because of tension.

They yelled in a mess, and some people even ran to the pope and asked him to pray for the miracle to save the queen.

In short, if it was not for Alexander, who was standing not far away, Ferdinand was also frightened by this sudden accident.

Then the king hugged the queen desperately, surrounded by the same panicked ministers, and swarmed out of the rose horn palace where the pope was.

Ferdinand can no longer conceal the fact that Isabella ’s health is already terrible. He has to admit that the Queen ’s situation is bad in front of the many Castilian nobles who are thundering because of accidents and anger. The Castilians demanded an offer to immediately take Juana back to the court.

The news about the Queen's physical discomfort was immediately sent to all parts of the kingdom, although Gonzalo knew it was a little late, but he was the earliest person notified by the nobility.

Hearing the bad news, Gonzalo immediately left his army. Although he knew that his departure would definitely have a great impact on the rebellion, it might even make the situation unstoppable, but Gonzalo was really Don't care about these.

He knew how much trouble this would have meant for Isabella if there were any accidents, and he was more worried that Ferdinand would take the opportunity to make a big move in Barriado.

After he handed over the command to his deputy, he took the guard desperately and hurried to Bariari Dodd. Along the way, he kept inquiring about all kinds of news that might come from the capital.

It's just that all signs indicate that things may be much worse than he thought.

The sudden departure of Gonzalo caused a great change in the war in Andalusia. The aristocratic coalition quickly used this opportunity to launch a counterattack against the king. Don Bavi, despite the physical inconvenience, came to the battlefield to recover the lost ground. Under the leadership of the veteran in the war, the noble coalition forces took advantage of the situation to attack again and again, and for a time Andalusia's war fell into stalemate.

But these are no longer important to Gonzalo. He has never expected that there will be such a day, or he always thinks that this day is still far away.

So when I suddenly heard that Isabella fell ill, Gonzalo completely gave up his opponent on the battlefield because of anxiety, and immediately rushed to Valladolid.

Although in a state of anxiety, Gonzalo, who was almost non-stop, rushed back to Valladolid only a few days later, and before that he had heard the latest news about the Queen's condition.

Isabella ’s illness was unexpected by many people ~ ~ When she saw that the queen kept coughing and her face was red and her body was hot, the doctor who heard the news only hesitated a little. Immediately given a prescription for the Queen's treatment.

"It is still necessary to bleed. This fever has been tormenting your majesty for a long time. Believe me this is the best way now. It must be more gentle than the terrible method of using the red hot iron to burn the feet of the patients in Britain. . "

The doctor's words really frightened Ferdinand. He immediately couldn't wait to ask the doctor to rescue him as soon as possible, watching a thin reed rod inserted into Isabella's wrist with a cut, and the red blood flowed down. The reed rods flowed into the silver basin on the floor beside the bed, and Ferdinand finally relaxed.

Then he thought about the various changes that might be caused by Isabella's sudden onset.

Ferdinand immediately sent someone to the Highland Castle, and now Juana has become an important bargaining chip in his hands. He wants to control Juana before others may affect his daughter.

But Ferdinand had never imagined that what was waiting for him was an empty castle.

Juana and Philip, who had been dying, had no idea where he was.

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