Chapter 208

Episode 208: Water and Fish (5)

A small office full of people.

[Symbol No. 2 Deok-Hyun Yoo] I set foot in the place where there were election posters and short slogans.


“CEO Kim. Come this way.”

A man who is reminiscent of the King of Jiguk, with his beaky eyes, raised black eyebrows and a wide red mouth that seemed to pop out at any moment. Chanwoon started introducing people to me.

“This is the sponsor. And this is the head of the election countermeasures committee, and this is the head of the situation headquarters… Oh, and the person coming over there is the Chairman of the Election Policy Committee.”

After the brief introduction of the majestic luck, people of all ages, men and women, men and women, who seemed to have no commonality at first glance, flocked to me and greeted me.

“Hello. I’ve heard a lot from the candidate’s side. My name is OO, the chairman of the sponsorship.”

“Wow, you look longer than what you saw on TV. I am OO Choi, the head of the situation headquarters.”

“My name is OO Park, who is in charge of the election policy committee. Haha, welcome to CEO Junyoung Kim.”

I bowed my head slowly toward those who looked at me with their twinkling eyes.

“nice to see you. This time, my name is Kim Jun-young, a new consultant to the Yu Deok-hyeon election camp.”

yesterday yesterday.

‘no. The representative will not refuse. It will never be a detrimental deal to the CEO.’

When I heard from Candidate Deok-Hyun Yoo at the dessert cafe I went to with the students. I couldn’t hide my curiosity.

It was because of him that was completely different from when he first came to me before that.

‘Yes? What is that?’

I questioned his confident attitude, as if he had something to hide.

Then he opened his mouth with a faint smile as if he knew everything.

‘I know what the CEO is worried about. Isn’t my policy of normalizing public education a burden on your business?’

For a moment, I couldn’t easily answer.

Because what he said was the real reason I turned down his offer.

‘… … .’

In general, the talk of the normalization of public education could be seen to be in line with the reduction of private education.

Because public education has lost its value, it is private education that occupies the vacant place, and private schools are the ones that make their mark through them.

So, the banner of Yoo Deok-hyun. The slogan that Deok-Hyun Yoo raised was actually poison to someone like me, who runs a private education business.

Because when someone loses, someone benefits, and as public education is disrupted, peace will come to the private education market.

‘It’s like Japan, which enjoyed special economic benefits in the Korean War and the Vietnam War.’

Of course, I was not against the normalization of public education.

If so… … .

‘It must have been impossible to collaborate with Dok Go-kyung before that,’

However, the case of Dok Go-kyung and Yoo Deok-hyun was different.

While Dok Go-kyung was a government spokesperson who could properly coordinate with the real market, the person I knew was Deok-hyeon Yoo… A person like a burning flame. He was a person who devoted himself to work under the banner of normalization of public education.So, for me, there was no need to empower someone who was supposed to be an enemy.

‘Because there is no reason to go ahead and put the head in the tiger’s jaw.’

When I looked at him with curious eyes, he looked at me with a neat posture.

‘CEO, as I said before, I will always be the one who opens the door. But to do that… There must be quite a few mountains to climb.’

That was correct. Obviously, even if he succeeds in the election this time, there are opponents that are more difficult than the election, such as the office of education with unstable welfare, a corrupt foundation, and a hardened school organization before his eyes.

‘For the time being, it will be overwhelming just to solidify your position.’

As I nodded in agreement, he opened his mouth with a bitter smile.

‘So I will do anything to get over all those mountains. Whether it’s licking your gallbladder over thorns, it’s all.’

Then he paused for a moment as if thinking about something, then looked at me as if he had finished his thoughts and continued talking.

‘I will give you the authority to oversee everything in my camp. It means that I am not only raising my name as a consultant, but that I will entrust everything to the CEO. So, representative. If the representative accepts my offer and… If I get elected, the ball will be completely yours.’

For a moment, I couldn’t help but panic.

It was because the words he put into his mouth were either a declaration or an absurd statement that he would entrust his lifeline to me.

‘No, this person. Do you know what I can do?’

But at the same time, it was also true that his heart was preempted. That he brought up these words also meant that he believed in me and my abilities.

‘… Are you serious?’

when i ask He nodded his head with a determined face.

‘I’m serious. so… So please use me. No, please use me. I will be your fish.’

Then he looked at me with eyes full of anger.

‘… … .’


‘all right. I will accept your proposal.’

I decided to accept his offer.

It was because he could not ignore the benefits of his proposal and the power of the name of creating a superintendent.

‘If it can be fully used, it is a greater power than anything else.’

I raised my head.

Then, in front of me, I saw that there were many other people waiting to greet me besides the supporter president, the election committee chairperson, and the election policy chairperson who had just finished greetings.

Following Minister Yun’s introduction, I made eye contact with each one and grabbed his hand and walked out.

In a way, I am a rolled stone. In order to enter into their beliefs, they had to take a friendly stance as much as possible.

“Haha, nice to meet you. I am OO Kim, the head of the camp organization general manager Yoo Deok-hyeon.”

“Oh, you are the general manager. nice to meet you. My name is Junyoung Kim, who decided to join the camp this time. I wish you all the best in the future.”

“Aigoo, I have to beg of you. You are the person who will make our candidate Yoo the superintendent of education. haha”

Fortunately, their initial reaction wasn’t too bad.

It seems that the things I have accumulated over the years, especially the work with K Edu, gave them a positive image.

‘It’s because they are people who have stood up with the banner of eradicating corruption.’

* * * *

After that for a while, I exchanged greetings with key personnel of the campaign, such as the spokesperson, the head of the organization general, the head of public relations, and the head of the situation headquarters.

“Haha, then, CEO Kim, I wish you all the best in the future. This is my number, so if you need it at any time, please call me. Then I have work to do… .”

“Oh right. I… Here is my number. Please contact us anytime.”

“I… .”

The people I was talking to returned to their respective seats with apologetic expressions.

As the election was just around the corner, it seemed like there was a lot of work that each of us had to deal with.

I glanced around, looking at the people returning to their positions.

Then I saw the election office, which was made by connecting two small offices, and the people in it.

‘Reporter Kim! When do you have time? Yes? today? So what about lunch? Okay, I’m leaving right now!’

‘Heh heh no, sir. If the representative does not help, someone will help. Are you upset about this?’

‘Oh, I got a call. Hey, I’m OO Kim. Yes, nothing else, this time I’m holding an election… .’

It was a smaller size than I thought, and the atmosphere was more crazy than I expected.

To be honest, this was my first time participating in an election, so it was true that I had high expectations.

Apparently, the election camps for the general election or the general election that I saw through the media were bigger than this one, and there were a lot more people.

But what the actual election camp looked like… It was nothing like I thought.

It was only peculiar that it was changing according to the time of the people passing by.

But then.

“A little more than I thought… Is it small?”

Someone came up to me and said

When I glanced around, I saw the owner of this office, Yoo Deok-hyeon, looking at me with a welcome light on his face.

‘Well, I was just looking around the office, so it’s worth thinking about it.’

I nodded and opened my mouth.

“As you said, the camp is quite small. Well… And the system is quite confusing.”

In the first place, he wanted me to win this camp. For that reason, I was thinking of putting the words out of my mouth until later.

Then he smiled faintly as if he knew it would.

“Haha, you’re being honest. Yes. Actually, our office is a little small compared to other offices. But the desire is never small. Because all the people here are the ones who said that they would help me after looking at just me and my policy.”

Of course I knew.

All of the people working at Yu Deok-hyeon’s camp were volunteers, and all of the campaign’s operating funds were being financed through the election fund.

‘That’s why people’s response is so deep and wide.’

However… The problem was that war was not something that could be waged alone. No, it could be done, but victory was impossible.

Because victory is granted only to those who are prepared.

‘There are too many things that depend on one in a thousand.’

Because of this, the appearance of this camp, which moves only with will and passion, seemed very precarious to me.

[Yoo Deok-hyun 39%][God Deokseung 32%][Lee Moon-gi 15%][8% after market][Choi Soon-yong 6%]

It’s because the approval rating is something that can shake quickly if you make a mistake.

In fact, it usually didn’t matter. Because the last government, which advocated a conservative policy, and those with the name conservative because of the mistakes of the last government, were suffering a catastrophic loss in the election.

‘In any case, it’s a win-win.’

However, this election for superintendent was different.

[Lee OO Jinbo Superintendent of Education. Words of mouth every day due to successive policy failures][Lee OO Seoul Superintendent of Education Bribery. Imprisonment of 8 years, fine of 300 million won, 420 million additional][Seoul Civil Society Association, OO Superintendent Lee urges resignation]

Now that the former superintendent, who was elected amidst people’s expectations, resigned due to successive policy failures and illegal acts, the name ‘Progress’ was not of any help, but rather vivid scarlet letters.

For this reason, in this election, even the candidates who originally advocated for progress were trying to erase the color of their predecessors from their policies, while disguising themselves as moderate and conservative.

Moreover, he is the most dangerous among the five candidates in this election.

[The youngest to pass the Judicial Examination while attending the sophomore year of college in 1978][In 1979, while attending the third year of university, passed the second place in the foreign affairs examination.

[Passed the senior administrative examination while in the 4th year of college in 1978][In 1989, he joined Baker & McKinsey, the world’s largest law firm in the United States][Inauguration of Seoul City Advisory Attorney in 1992][Member from the 18th Conservative Party in 2008][2005, Sogang University, College of Law, Adjunct Professor]

An existence with a splendid history of being the king of three crowns in high school.

A perfect role model for Korean parents who are under an entrance exam-oriented education system.

A person who is called the god of studying for entrance exams.

Candidate Deok-seung Ko was directly attacking Candidate Deok-hyeon Yoo’s policies.

[Declaration of confrontation with Candidate Deok-hyeon Yu, Deok-seung God, Superintendent of Superintendent of Education! ‘Candidate Yoo’s progressive policies are ridiculous’][Strong criticism of the revision of the entrance exam for Candidate Deok-hyeon Yoo, who is a candidate for Seoul Metropolitan Superintendent of Education, Deok-seung God! ‘I know because I’ve done it all’][Severe criticism of Goh Duk-seung, Seoul superintendent of education candidate ‘Yoo Deok-hyeon’s academic background, high school equalization is a fraud’]

So, if you make a mistake, your approval rating could be reversed in an instant because of a small mistake.

‘Because elections are like living creatures.’

So, in order to lead this war, or this election, to the advantage of Yu Deok-hyun, we had to find a more active and effective method.

‘Only that way will I be able to sell the fish in my tank at a very high price.’

And luckily I knew how.

I opened my mouth slowly, looking at Candidate Yoo Deok-hyun in front of me.

“Candidate Yoo. Do you have any experience with TV debates?”

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