Chapter 207

Episode 207: Water and Fish (4)

I left the table with the students and went to the place where Deok-Hyun Yoo was.

Then, as if waiting, Yoo Deok-hyun offered me a seat and looked at me.

“CEO Kim. Happy Birthday. Did you like the cake?”

“Ah, the cake… The students who came with me really liked it. thank you.”

“Haha, that’s good. However, they say that it is the best cake in this store.”

Then, with a happy expression on her face, she looked at the cake on the students table.

It seemed that he was thinking of me coming here because of the cake.

‘Well, that’s not right.’

I sighed and opened my mouth.

“By the way, how did you get here? Is there even an election campaign for the superintendent around?”

I glanced at him.

Based on the circumstantial evidence in the past, it is almost certain that he came here to meet me, but there was one thing.

Then, after hearing my words, Yoo Deok-hyun looked at me with a bitter smile.

Then, after thinking about something with a puzzled expression for a while, he began to open his mouth with a firm expression as if he had made a decision.

“That’s actually… To meet CEO Kim… If I offended you, I apologize.”

also. Apparently he hasn’t given up on me yet.

I nodded and looked at Yoo Deok-hyun.

“I was kind of guessing. Well… So, have you met me very often these days?”

“… Yes. Yes. I would like to make a proposal to the CEO once again… .”

Then he looked at me with a desperate expression.

The look on his face made it seem like he was genuinely hoping that I would reconsider, to hold hands with him through him.


“Um, I know that I obviously refused on that matter last time. Personally, I respect the candidate, but this kind of approach is a bit… I want to quit.”

My thoughts haven’t changed.

His devotion he has shown so far is quite impressive, but he couldn’t change his mind with just that.

Then Yoo Deok-hyun lowered his head with a pale face.

Apparently, I didn’t know how to answer so firmly.

Well, it was a bit piercing, but that didn’t mean I was going to change my mind.

Because speaking firmly like this would bring better results than making the other person mistaken by speaking vaguely.

“… Let’s just get up. I wish you good luck.”

That’s when I was about to get up.

“CEO Kim. Can I just say one more thing? If you don’t change your mind this time… I will give up.”

A heavy voice was heard.

Let’s turn our heads slightly. Yoo Deok-hyun was looking at me with a desperate expression.

As long as he already knew what he was going to say, he didn’t need to be here anymore… … .

Seeing his face that looked like he was about to collapse at any moment, he could not easily leave the seat.


“Hey, let me tell you.”

I gave up trying to stand up and sat down.

Then, Deok-hyeon Yoo, who had a bright expression for a while, began to open his mouth with a serious expression that would never exist again.“There was one teacher.”

It was a bit of a random story, a sudden start.

However, since I promised to listen to him once, I was going to listen to him until the end.

‘Because I have sincerity.’

I looked at him as if to continue, and he continued his speech slowly, with a faint smile on his face.

“At first he had a dream. Like ‘I will become a teacher who is not ashamed of my students’, ‘I will eradicate the absurdity that is prevalent in school’… It was a childhood dream.”

It was an idea for first-time teachers. Because there weren’t many teachers who just passed the recruitment exam who didn’t have that thought at least once.

‘the problem is… I mean, no one has that idea for very long.’

just as expected… A bitter smile quickly appeared on his face as he continued the story.

“But as time went on, he began to see that his dream was difficult to achieve, or near impossible.”

I nodded.

As he said, it was practically impossible to break the old habits of the bureaucratic society of schools with the power of one ordinary teacher.

In the beginning, in a bureaucratic society, public officials were people who hated change, whether it was right or wrong.

‘Perhaps they were lynched indiscriminately and then persuaded.’

As I looked at him, he opened his mouth with a faint smile.

“Of course, we bumped into each other at first. He was too young to give up because it was hard. However… He didn’t even go far. No matter how much you fight, it was always up to you to lose.”

Then, a dreadful light appeared on his face and he continued his words.

“In the end, the teacher, who was defeated in the fight, gave up on his dream and entered the path of an office worker rather than his teacher. Anyway… At first it was fine. He gave up his lusts, so money and respect came along with him.”

By this time he knew what he was talking about. He is talking about his past. He seemed to be trying to tell a story about himself until he turned into a whistleblower, and what led him to change.

I, who had always been impressed by his stories, listened to him slowly.

“Then one day.”

* * * *

teaching room.

Follow-up- Follow-up-

I was processing class-related documents as usual. The phone on the desk started to ring.

Then, with a tired expression on his face, Yoo Deok-hyun picked up his phone and checked the person who called him.

[Lee Hyun-jung]

It was a name I never expected.

Its name is… Because it was the phone number of the student he taught a few years ago, and the one who only followed him.

‘It’s been a while, man.’

Seeing the disciple’s phone call after a long time, Yoo Deok-hyun smiled and pressed the call button.


[Teacher! I’m Hyunjeong! How have you been?]

A voice like a chirping bird came from beyond the receiver.

At the clear sound that seemed to wash away the fatigue of the day, Yoo Deok-hyun put a deep smile on his lips.

“Then the teacher was doing well. How have you been?”

[Yep! I’ve been doing really well. Ugh, I missed you so much.]

“okay? But for something like that, the contact period seems to be very long?”

[Hey, that’s because there’s been work in the meantime… sorry.]

“It’s a joke, man. I know that college students are busy these days, but what?”

[Hehe. After all, do you think the teacher is broad-minded?]

“Boy, you’re nucksal… What’s really going on anyway? What’s wrong with you?”

[Oh, look at my mind. Sir, I passed the exam!]

“Huh? exam? what test?”

[Hehe, I got a job this time!]

It was a nonsense word.

At the sudden fact, Deok-Hyun Yoo made an absurd expression.

“… Really? But why didn’t you tell me?”

[It’s a surprise. surprise. Actually, I thought it wouldn’t work this time too, but how did I get lucky this time… ]

Hearing that, Yoo Deok-hyun sighed and opened his mouth.

“Ugh… Hey, I wouldn’t have helped you if I had spoken to the teacher.”

Then, a bright laughter came from beyond the receiver.

[Haha, that’s because I didn’t even know I was going to pass?]

“Ugh boy… .”

[Hey, anyway, sir. Do you have anything to say to the wonderful disciple who follows you? Why is it okay to use squeaky words like before?]

“Hey, when did I… .”

[Ah, it is useless to come and try it now. In every class, they say things like, ‘Conscience is the only lamp that illuminates human beings, and it is the only stick that guides the dark path of life’, ‘The educational level of a society cannot exceed the level of its teachers’ Did you give it to me?]

“… Do you still remember that?”

[sure! Haha Actually, after hearing those words, I thought of becoming a teacher. How is it, aren’t you happy inside?]

* * * *

Yoo Deok-hyun had a bitter expression on his face.

“It was completely unthinkable. It was because a person who thought to walk the path I had given up appeared in a single word I had been spontaneously saying. I am… I didn’t even know he was a cowardly person who bowed his head to injustice.”

Hmm, apparently that person was the person who had a great influence on the transformation of Yoo Deok-hyeon, who was a regular teacher for 20 years.

However… At this level, such a transformation could not have happened, right?

I looked at him with a questioning expression.

“Maybe to him… what happened… ?”

Then he nodded his head with a lonely face and opened his mouth.

“… The cause of death was suicide.”

It was a shocking statement.

Deok-hyeon Yoo, who used to be a regular teacher, and the person who changed his dream job, Yoo Deok-hyeon, into a fighter, I thought he must have been involved in a pretty big incident… Hopefully something like this has happened… .

“… I’m sorry.”

As I spoke, he nodded his head with a precarious expression like a parched old tree.

“At first I couldn’t believe it. very bright… Because he was a strong kid. However… After listening to other people, I could understand why he had to make such an extreme choice.”

looked at him silently.

Then he looked at me with wide-eyed eyes.

His mouth looked very sad.

“The principal, who wields uncontrollable power with the corrupt foundation and the halo of the foundation on his back, the vice-principal who watches the principal, fellow executives blinded by the promotion and evaluation scores, and all the fellow teachers who endured each day with inertia. They were the culprits who stabbed him.”

It was committed by corrupt private education foundations, bureaucratic societies with unequal welfare, and humans immersed in them.

‘Because where abnormality is the majority, normal becomes abnormal.’

“I still sometimes remember the last text he sent.”

[Teacher. It’s really hard these days. I don’t know what to do.]

“Actually, it was a time when I was hit by work, so I thought I was going to do the same after reading his text message. New teachers have a lot of work, and I thought about it, not just yesterday or today.””However… After that happened, I had no regrets more than that. If I had visited him just once, or if I had only called him once, then he might not have made that choice.”

He continued his words with a face pale as a man who had lost his heart.

“However… Strangely, things started to appear that had not been seen for a while after sending him away.

[Exam paper leak][Corruption in Recruitment Examination][Promotion score corruption][Evaluation score corruption]



“Obviously, it was something like that before, and it was something I could pass on… Oddly enough, I couldn’t ignore it. I could see it with my eyes closed and hear it with my ears closed. what… After that, it’s just as the CEO knows.”

When he finished speaking, he met his eyes with me.

His eyes were still and burning fiercely.

“CEO. I will be the ‘opener’. We will open this closed door so that no one gets hurt again, so that there will be no ‘second hyeonjeongi’. So please. Please help me.”

Then he bowed his head deeply.

Then the attendants next to him also bowed their heads in the same position.

It’s as if I’ll entrust the sword to you, so it’s up to me to cut my throat or not.

“Whew… .”

I slowly organized my thoughts.

In fact, when I saw his thoughts and the path he had walked, I couldn’t doubt his innocence.

And, as he said, after he was elected as superintendent of education, I could guess that it would have a big impact on the education world in Korea.

‘Because it seems like he is sharpening his sword properly.’

So, if you were a general person, or someone who values ​​the value of education, you would nod your head without saying a word.


‘It is too dangerous to move on its own.’

The problem was that even if I went to his camp, what I could gain wasn’t that great.

No, rather, if he won the election and became the superintendent of education in charge of all education in the Seoul area, if he could eradicate the absurdity of the public education system through him, it could have a serious negative impact on private education providers like me.

‘It would be best to say no.’

Having gathered my thoughts, I slowly opened my mouth.

“Candidate. As I said before. I am an instructor. It’s also a body that runs a fairly large private education company.”


“I know. The person who is busier than me is the CEO.”

Hearing my words, he nodded his head with a calm expression.

I opened my mouth with a slightly questionable expression.

“… Then you know what I’m going to say no to?”

Because if you already knew what I said, you would have guessed the answer as well.


“no. The representative will not refuse.”

Hearing my words, he only answered in English.

“… … ?”

I looked at him with a puzzled expression.

Then he opened his mouth with a confident expression.

“Because it will never be a detrimental deal to the CEO.”

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