Chapter 210

[Are you talking about bypass investment using local capital?]

-Yes. The investment is made with the capital of Chairman Jin’s individual in the United States, not when Jaewoo directly acquires the stake. For example, using a Tesla.

[You don’t know that until the US government isn’t stupid?]

I let out a laugh again.

In a nutshell, that’s to say we’re blindfolded, but somehow it doesn’t seem possible this time around.

Nowhere else, Boeing belongs to the country’s major strategic company.

Is it possible to approach such a thin detour investment method?

If such a trick was possible, China would have already provided huge amounts of money to tie up their hands and feet, and would have already attempted to steal the technology.

– I know what you’re worried about.

While he was deep in his thoughts, Liam continued to speak in a sensible way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

It’s as if you can guess what I’m thinking.

He was silent because he wanted to say something else, and his words continued again.

-Honestly, it’s true that there’s no way a company like Boeing could be approached like that.


-But Chairman Jin is missing the point right now. It is not the government that has prevented such circumventive investment so far, but our group including myself. In short, if we allow it, we can do it. Of course, we cannot rule out the possibility that Parliament will rise and rise. But it’s a different story if the key figures in that council are also in control of me and my group.


-Besides, the decisive obstacle is some statutory provisions, which can only be amended very slightly, right?

[Are you going to amend the law? Is that possible?]

-It’s possible that’s why me and my group are called the shadows of America.


-Anyway, leave that part to us and Chairman Jin only needs to solve the financial problem. It should be noted that the movement of profits will be monitored in the future. Even if the government doesn’t know anything else, it will be quite sensitive to the movement of goods. But Chairman Jin, I have no intention of taking it to Korea anyway.

[That’s it, but…]

It wasn’t wrong.

My principle is that the profits earned by the local corporation, not Jaewoo, are reinvested there.

Therefore, it is true that there is no reason to touch the heart of the US government.

[Why do you want to do that?]

But the question remains.

Why is Liam trying to protect my interests by doing that?

Even though the word had a clue that it was to save Boeing, is this not too much trust in me?

In the future, if I have a different mind and try to take full control of Boeing…

No. That pass because the US government can’t just let it go.

So, did you have that in mind?

After all, I am sure that I will keep my good as an investor, so I am confident that I will not have any other thoughts than profits.

Moreover, there is no one who has the conditions to save Boeing right now other than me.


– Are you curious? Why am I pushing Chairman Jin so far?

While I was thinking, Liam asked a question that seemed to read me inside.

Silence replaces the answer, and he continues the conversation.

– There’s nothing complicated about it. I’m just proposing it because there is no one who is suitable other than Chairman Jin. Definitively, there is nothing regretful about sleeping Boeing. Jaewoo’s technology is already far ahead of Boeing.

The last thought that came to mind spit out through Liam’s mouth.

It’s also not an ordinary existence.

As I shook his head in admiration, the eyes of the office that were facing me suddenly flicker.

As if my distorted expression was because I heard the negative news.

[There is one condition. Even if license production is allowed, key parts will be delivered by us sealed. Also, the establishment of a technology leak monitoring committee led by the Korean government.]

“Oh oh!”

At those words, the atmosphere in the office brightened up again.

He immediately waved his hand at them and focused on the words coming from the receiver.

– It will probably be accepted. After all, the Korean government has always demanded such conditions when exporting fighter jets to other countries. Of course, there have been many times when the U.S. government has taken a antagonism, but it will never happen if the other person is a victim.

Liam eventually decided to accept all of my terms.

The word that immediately came to mind in my mind was a sense of inadequacy.

In a situation where we were the ones who license-produced fighter jets while watching American companies all the time.

However, at this point in time when that position is completely reversed, it is natural to feel that way.

[Then there is no reason to refuse.]

But this will be just the beginning.

Countries that have been called advanced countries will recognize us, and in the future, the moment will come when this small country will have an international status as high as the United States.


As soon as I put down the receiver, questions poured in.

I immediately delivered the conversation to them as they were, and only then Director Kim and other executives collapsed on the sofa.

“The day will come when the U.S. will license our fighter jets.”

It was Representative Ahn who reacted strongly.

After all, he, who was once the head of the intelligence service, knows better than anyone what it means for the United States to introduce foreign fighters.

But now he has to recognize it too.

The superiority of technology ultimately creates opportunities.

And the fact that the opportunity is seized by the prepared.


Of course, there could be other reasons why Ghost Eagle was adopted, I’m not aware of.

The most suspicious thing is that the software error problem of more than 3,000 integrated fighters, which has not been resolved even in 2020, may have been an obstacle.

For that reason, the role of the F-15 is still large, but if the fighters of its close allies already overwhelm it, it is inevitable that you will have a different opinion.

Moreover, the United States tends to maintain an absolute power supremacy against any country.

Considering that, it is true that the already-completed Ghost Eagle can be a sure card for their middleweight fighter.

‘Whatever it is, it’s important that we broke a wall in the end.’


[Everyone, I wish you a Happy New Year 2010.]

The new year of 2010 has dawned.

China was still struggling to fight a tug of war with the US, and as a result, the situation for exporters in Korea as well as Japan was getting worse and worse.

[The Japanese cabinet today finally approved the consolidation of its steel companies. In addition, the integration of the automobile industry, including the display, is expected to accelerate […]

The situation in Japan was several times more serious than ours.

Even if this is not the case, their industrial base has been collapsing because of Korea.

Including semiconductors, home appliances and batteries. And now even in the automotive sector.

So, it was a natural result that the situation was going down because it lost China, a huge market, to a car that was mainly pushing materials and parts, including machinery.

[Chairman of Japan and other cabinet factors hinted at the first visit to the United States in the new year.]

The funny thing was their attitude.

It is said that those who have been pushing Korea’s pressure on China all the time because of the conflict in the Senkaku Islands are showing a rather passive attitude after the sanctions started.

No, it went beyond a simple passive level, and the key figures of the Cabinet visited the United States and showed a double appearance asking for the sanctions to be resolved as soon as possible.

[The US government has decided to raise the level of sanctions by one level if there is no clear change in China’s attitude by next month.]

But that didn’t work for American financial capitalists.

Even so, the moment China’s financial market is fully opened, they will be in control of China itself.

I wonder if there is a place for the Japanese lobby to intervene in front of those who have such a huge profit in front of them.

In the end, they returned empty-handed every time, and their countermeasures were to implement a policy that puts tourism in the forefront.

“It’s a tour, so what should I do? And that dream would be destroyed by the upcoming natural disaster.”

The earthquake will inflict the deadliest economic blow in Japanese history.

And in preparation for that time, because of my forces already infiltrating their capital markets.

“President! I just got a phone call from President Liam, and it has just been passed that the US administration will not be involved in the export of the Ghost Eagle’s allies.”

While watching the news for a while, Director Kim came in with good news.

A proposition that I had been looking forward to, but quickly became a reality.

But, ironically, what filled my head at that moment was the anticipation of the reaction of Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries rather than the joy that the US market was opened immediately.

‘Well, it’s the US market anyway, so what I get is limited to goods. In the case of countries in the Middle East, there are more incidental things that follow.’

Such as the acquisition of shares in a refinery company and POSCO.


Then, suddenly, the intercom rang.

-Chairman, Crown Prince Mohammed wants to talk to you.

The next thing I heard was that Mohammed was looking for me.

Perhaps he, too, was paying close attention to the reaction of the United States the whole time.

– It looks like you will have to visit the UAE soon.

As expected, his first greeting was quite meaningful.

It was as if he had to hurry now that there was no harshness.

As he was about to break the shichimi in his heart, a strange word suddenly came out of his mouth.

-I will succeed to the throne next month.

[You mean heir to the throne?]

For a moment, a natural thought was whether the previous king had ascended or not.

Normally, succession to the throne of a country takes place after the death of the previous king.

But as if that wasn’t the case, laughter came from the other side.

-Ah! I’m afraid you might be misunderstood, but you’re in good health. You just expressed your will to step down from the management of the country as much as Yonsei.

[i See.]

I spit out a reply as if I was fortunate enough.

Suddenly, while looking at the calendar on the desk to check the schedule, a meaningful word is heard from the other side of the car.

-It will be a very meaningful event for Chairman Jin as well that I succeed to the throne.


I guessed roughly what it meant.

The Crown Prince and the King have distinctly different powers.

To put it simply, the fact that he has a strong relationship with me will ascend to the throne would mean that I have more opportunities.

Beyond the weapons sector, there may be more opportunities for Jaewoo in each field, such as the improvement of social infrastructure and urban development.

Because of that, we decided to postpone the concrete dialogue to a later date, and my visit to the Middle East became a fact.

‘It’s succession to the throne… Come to think of it, I had forgotten that the Saudi succession issue was still unresolved.’(Read more @

As I was about to hang up, sadly, my thoughts flowed to the question of the Saudi throne.

In the next few years, the history of the present Hasad will be taken away by a cousin.

The problem is that Hassad and I have been working together too many times, and his presence will be of great help to me in the future.

In other words, for me, it is now at a disadvantage for history to continue as it is.

“Is Crown Prince Mohammed already heir to the throne?”

At that, he slowly turned his head.

I was guessing it was the content of the conversation I was hearing. Director Kim was looking at me with a bright expression.

“It seems so.”

“But why do you look like that? It would be more beneficial for us if Crown Prince Mohammed succeeded to the throne as soon as possible.”

“I’m not worried about the UAE right now… Don’t worry, I was just thinking about something else for a while. Anyway, I think I have to leave work early today. I haven’t been able to see you at my hometown yet in the New Year’s yard.”

I brushed my hair and grabbed my suit.

As soon as the car was about to throw New Year’s greetings to the secretaries and press the button on the elevator, the door of the security room suddenly burst open and Natasha appeared.

[uh? When did you return?]

It was a face I hadn’t seen in a while, so I was glad to see her.

But why do you feel the poison that has never been seen before on your face?

Somehow, these are the eyes of a person who has gone through a lot of hardship somewhere other than a vacation.

[Have you even seen your parents?]

She looked at her, who was quickly guarding her, and quietly spoke to her again.

But instead of answering an awkward smile.

In the end, she waits for the door of her elevator to open without hearing her answer, as she spit out her words in a low voice.

[I’ve been doing some mental training.][···········.][No matter how much I think about it, I don’t understand why I lost to Major Kang Chae-hoon.][···········.]


I didn’t know what to say, so I smiled and went up the elevator.


But this time, Secretary Kim’s urgent voice is heard again.

When she turns her head, she hurriedly runs from the other side of her and spits out her words with her breathless expression on her face.

“Huh! Just recently, our coast guard fired live ammunition at a Chinese fishing boat that was fishing illegally in the West Sea.”

“You said you fired a warning shot?”

“No, I don’t think it’s just a warning shot. There would be no way there would be five casualties.”


Can you make nuclear weapons too?-211

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