Chapter 209

[Our government delivered a serious protest to the Chinese side this morning about the death of our Coast Guard in the process of cracking down on illegal fishing in the West Sea.]

As soon as I heard the news, I felt cheap.

Other than that, because of the fact that such a big event took place at a fairly intricate time.

Is it just a coincidence?

I hope that’s true, but somehow I don’t feel very comfortable.

“Anyway, Chinese fishermen are the problem. By the way, what if I feel sorry for the dead?”

Hee-won, who understood the situation, spat out accusations towards the radical Chinese fishermen.

What are the only Chinese fishermen with ideas and behaviors outside of common sense?

The Chinese, who are obsessed with blind patriotism and engage in twisted collective actions, are also a problem.

By the way, as Heewon said, the victim of the victim was very sad for me as well.

“It’s a bit awkward to say things like this in this situation, but somehow it seems like we’ve eaten together today.”

“What do you mean?”

Heewon tilted her head at Seongho’s sudden spit.

After exhaling a long sigh, Seongho immediately chinked on my hand, and at that exact moment, the cell phone I was holding began to vibrate.

“Look. When an incident like this happens, you get a call from somewhere looking for Hyunseung?”

I let out a laugh and pressed the call button.

The caller was Kim Young-gi, the head of the department.

And all I hear is a request to return to work immediately.

Slowly looking at their friends, their eyes narrow as if they knew they would.

“Are you punk again? I knew it would be like this Isn’t that guy, he doesn’t want to buy rice, so he uses it every time?”

“I doubt it now. How do you get summoned by someone if you try to eat only rice every time? No, what kind of Summon Monster is Ji?”

Although he had not yet revealed his intention to return, they turned around and left as if it was natural.

As of today, I want to avoid interrupting my time with my friends, so I try to call Mr. Kim again, and the phone vibrates again, and this time a text comes in.

– I’m texting you just in case. The urgent request to return is not because of the West Sea incident, but because of a call from the US Department of Defense.



[Our government has just announced a strong response to illegal fishing in China in the future.]

In the car heading to the company, news of the accident in the West Sea was still being transmitted through the radio.

I was also curious about the government’s attitude, so after several conflicts, I called the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“I heard the news through the news, but have you heard anything about what the Blue House is going to do?”

-I’m just on my way to the Blue House, so I haven’t heard anything yet. The problem is that the president’s anger is not the only thing… It seems that something will happen sooner or later.

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said with a tone of concern in his heart.

It’s not unreasonable because the relationship with China right now is the worst ever.

If I was like you, I would have tried to resolve it through diplomatic channels, but now it’s a problem that could lead to a military clash, so if you don’t care, it’s even weirder.

‘If that’s the case…’

I thought of all the numbers for a moment.

If China does not take a step back in this case.

As a result, we go out with a strong stance, and what will happen to China when another accident occurs?

Of course, the possibility of an all-out armed clash right now is slim, but the possibility of a local clash with them is not enough.


That was no cause for concern.

China is a country where common sense is not very common from the beginning.

What’s more, they are beings who have too much confidence in their own power.

Moreover, I know that the current internal power struggle within China has become quite complicated due to friction with the United States, so there is a high possibility that they will choose to clash with us even to create a lonely escape.

‘You should know how wrong that choice was…’

That was the part I was concerned about.

Now, even if we face Japan, the level of our navy’s power is not to be pushed back.

I want them to make the mistake of attacking me without realizing it.

That’s why I’m afraid that even after I’ve been torn apart, I won’t step back and try to build up my self-esteem.

In that case, there is a possibility that it could lead to an all-out collision, but in the current situation, it is annoying again.

‘You mean you have to get your hands on a way to get them to back off in the end?’

That was the conclusion I came to after thinking.

After some time had passed, as the car had just entered the company parking lot, a rather plausible thought passed by.

‘Yeah, the best way to get your opponent to back down is to grab your weakness and shake it. And there are quite a few weaknesses that make them do that.’


“what happened?”

At the office where we arrived, the company’s key executives, including Chief Executive Officer Kim Young-gi, were already in place.

What was surprising was the fact that KAI CEO Ahn, who had never been to Seoul for a while, was also in attendance.

As he tilted his head and sat on the sofa, the report from Director Kim continued.

“I got a call from Director Michael a while ago, and he said he would visit Korea soon.”

“Why is Michael all of a sudden?”

“Since it was a conversation over a wire, I didn’t say anything for sure, but I thought it might be something related to the Ghost Eagle.”

“He didn’t even tell me the exact business. But how does Director Kim know about that?”

asked in amazement.

In an instant, CEO Ahn, who was sitting across from him, answers instead.

“I got a call too.”

“Did Michael call CEO Ahn?”

“That’s right. This morning, they called me and asked about the scale of Ghost Eagle’s production line and KAI’s overall production capacity. So I’m guessing that his purpose of visit might have something to do with the Ghost Eagle.”


It was a situation where I couldn’t figure out why.

No, I can only guess, but I can’t quite agree.

I pick up the phone because I think it would be better to talk directly with the person concerned rather than worrying about it, but suddenly Secretary Kim knocks on the door and enters.

“President, I have a call from President Liam.”

“President Liam?”

For some reason, the atmosphere was getting worse.

From Michael to Liam.

As if thinking the same thing, their eyes flocked to me, and I let out a smirk and picked up the receiver.

[Are you okay?]

– Why is there nothing special? Already in the midst of a tug-of-war with China, my head hurts.

Liam’s voice wasn’t that different from usual.

As I was curious about China’s reaction, I asked the question again without delaying the question of the purpose of the call.

[How is the atmosphere on the Chinese side? It seems like there are going to be quite a few headaches due to the accident in the West Sea right now.]

-Ah! I heard the news too. After all, Chinese fishermen are a nuisance everywhere in the world. By the way, our negotiations with China are more likely to yield tangible results sooner or later.

[Ok? You stretched out like that, so why did you suddenly change your mind?]

– You are starting to be affected by the full-scale sanctions. For example, in the case of steel, most of the high-quality products have been procured from Korea or Japan, but it seems that the internal situation is quite embarrassing because it is blocked.

[Frankly, not only China, but we are also having difficulties. Because the export route to China is blocked, POSCO is now in a serious crisis.]

It was, in fact, a predicted side effect.

If there is a problem with trade with China, where will they face difficulties?

However, it was the intention of the Blue House to endure if it was a mountain that should have been climbed before, and it may be better to climb that mountain now for the future.

– Posco is still a nobleman. Japanese steel makers said that there is no fuss as the lights are on now. Not just steel, but all industries. Well, I’m talking about POSCO, but isn’t it okay for Chairman Jin to take over POSCO altogether? After all, Saudi Arabia and the UAE hold quite a lot of shares, but if you negotiate with them, it will not be difficult if Chairman Jin absorbs only the government shares.][That’s it…]

Actually, I had that part in mind.

I just felt uncomfortable because it seemed like they were taking advantage of the crisis situation of our companies.

But the business must be cool.

In particular, in the case of POSCO, if it goes like this, management rights could be transferred overseas due to its twisted history.

In that case, wouldn’t it be better for me to get my hands on it?

-Did you ever get a call from Michael?

While he was deep in his thoughts, Liam uttered a hint.

Is this where the main story begins?

He shook his head for a moment and waited for the next word.

– Oh, nothing else. Actually, Director Michael came to see me a while ago. So I asked for opinions on bringing Ghost Eagle to the US Air Force.

[The US Air Force is introducing a Ghost Eagle?]

As soon as I uttered the words, the eyes of the people in the office turned to me again in an instant.

All the faces of astonishment.

In particular, Ahn’s chin almost fell to the floor.

-I don’t know where to start explaining this… Actually, the US Department of Defense was going to request some technology transfer as a condition for the export of Ghost Eagle.

[By the way?]

-But Chairman Jin came to his own conclusion that there was no reason to comply with that condition.

[Yes, of course. Isn’t it normal for transactions to come and go under reasonable conditions that are mutually accepted? In other words, whether we export or not is a decision that must be made in our own line, and we cannot make it a condition of trade.]

The last words he spit out were as if he had vomited a lump in his chest.

Strictly speaking, the export issue of fighters is our sovereignty.

What is the U.S. to allow or not to do so, and why should it be the subject of negotiation?

I don’t know if it was 10 years ago, but what we need to correct now is that it is time to correct it.

-Haha… Chairman Jin knew that he would come out like that, and the Ministry of National Defense gave up.

However, the words I heard were somehow unusual.

Somehow, it feels like I’m watching you differently than before.

Perhaps they, too, have come to realize that negotiations can no longer take place in the old fashioned way.

-Anyway, so I made a proposal to the Department of Defense. Regardless, the Air Force wants a Ghost Eagle-class 4.5th generation fighter apart from securing an integrated fighter. However, when will the improvement of the F-15 proceed? No, I don’t know if the improvement will succeed…

The horse’s tail grew longer and longer.

Moreover, in a rather meaningful direction.(Read more @

I take a deep breath and wait for the next word, and the main point comes rushing in.

-If so, why not license the production of Ghost Eagles from Boeing and supply them to the Air Force? In addition, how about opening the way for exports to not only the United States but also allied countries and moving a certain amount to Boeing’s production? Say it.

[Oh My God! Do you know what that means?]

I asked back with an exasperated tone.

That’s right, it’s licensed production.

This means that Boeing could be reduced to a subcontractor for Jae-woo, and there is no reason to accept that in the United States.

But then, Liam’s laughter is heard from the other side.

-If you were destined to become a subcontractor, wouldn’t that be the case?


– I’m going to be honest about this. Two days ago, Boeing’s request for $50 billion in government aid was rejected.

[If accepted, the government gave up Boeing?]

– Could it be? It’s just that we don’t have enough money to support because of the conflict with China right now, so we postponed the budget support to the next year. But the problem is that Boeing just can’t afford it until then.


-Hani, rather than going bankrupt like this, wouldn’t it be better to continue the legacy even if it serves as Jae-woo’s assembly line?

I thought it was a plausible way.

If the Ghost Eagles were to be sold not only to the United States but also to former allies, the number would be enormous.

However, the scale of KAI’s assembly line cannot handle it right now.

However, if Boeing absorbs a significant portion of that volume, the supply problem will be resolved at once, and it is sufficient for Boeing to overcome the immediate crisis.

[Even so…]

But the problem remains.

Apart from other things, if things go that way, America’s pride will fall to hell.

And in the case of high-tech weapons, the rule of introducing products developed and supplied by domestic companies is broken.

Will the US government accept it?

No, apart from that, I?

It’s good that the export route is fully opened, but in the end, I have to share my profits with Boeing, so why would I make such a choice?

– There is a way to ensure the profits of Chairman Jin.

Liam responded calmly to the objection that followed.

I wanted to make another absurd suggestion, so I kept silent, and he continued his suggestive words.

– Chairman Jin is investing in Boeing. However, as long as it does not take away management rights. In that case, wouldn’t it be possible to recover the profits?


-Oh, of course I know what you’re worried about. The US government cannot wait for foreign companies to intervene in key military industries. But there is a way.


Can you make nuclear weapons too?-210

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