Colored ink was created. Even if it can be overpainted on paper with a fixing agent, it is an ink that turns black when mixed with ink on the palette, so handling is careful.

Anyway, it is a step forward.

“Oh, I got it in no time”

Unlike me who was relieved and relieved, Heidi nodded with a disappointed face like a child who took up his pleasure. It was a lot of fun during the experiment, but it seems to me that it’s a regret that it ended before the cause was investigated.

While sighing like Joseph was amazed, poke Kotsun and Heidi’s head.

“The research funded by the young lady is now complete because color ink has been made”

“I got important results and would you give me some money if you want to continue your research?”

“Eh ??”

When I said so, Heidi looked back to me, saying that Heidi was happy and Joseph couldn’t believe it.

“I think basic research on color inks is important for making colors vivid and increasing the number of colors. Since there is not much time, priority is given to the completion of color inks. But if you can do research, you should do it. ”

And I’m not willing to figure out the cause of this discoloration, so if someone would do it for me, I would like it.

“Young lady is the best!”

“Heidi is too spoiled!”

“For me, Heidi and Joseph are friends of Gutenberg.”

* Ink personnel are also required for printing. When I found a new companion and laughed at me, Lutz “headed up”.

Heidi and Joseph blink their eyes and tilt their heads.

“…… Gute … What? What?”

“Gutenberg, a great man who has made an equal achievement in God, transforming the history of books. So far, Johan is a metal type, Benno is a plant paper, and then sells books Lutz is Gutenberg in this city, and after that, I think Ingo as the person who makes the printing press, Heidi and Joseph as Gutenberg friends as the person who makes the ink, and it is natural that I will invest in Gutenberg.

I explained with my breasts, but I tilted my head to say that Joseph still doesn’t understand. However, Heidi jumped up and was pleased.

“Guttenberg, Joseph, even your job. You don’t have to invest. You can research it. No problem!”

Color ink was made for the time being. There is no problem even if you like to study Heidi. Rather, if you know the cause, it may be useful, and I want you to continue researching ink.

“However, the top priority is ink making. If there is a case where the ordered ink cannot be delivered by the due date, the investment will be relentlessly terminated.”


These research idiots often lose sight of their surroundings when they start research. If you don’t decide what you need to give to your top priority and decide on the penalty for not doing it, you’re going to runaway.

“That ’s the same thing. I know what I ’m doing”

As Lutz laughed, Joseph squeezed out of his mouth. Joseph is responsible for monitoring Heidi ’s research.

“Isn’t the color ink conspicuous? Next time, I want raw paper.”

The next thing I want to prepare is the raw wax paper that is essential for gully printing. Because it can be printed as written with a iron brush, a picture book can be printed more easily than cutting out characters to make a paper or composing metal type.

A delicate line can be printed on the picture, so if it is a Vilma pattern, it may be even nicer.

“Isn’t it the current version of paper?”

“It’s not bad. You can make a picture book as it is now. However, if you can make a raw paper, the expression will increase. Carefully cut out the paper with a cutter. It ’s much easier to cut with a brush than with a brush, and you can use thin lines too. ”

To make a raw raw paper, you first need a thin paper that allows you to see through.

However, even Lutz, who has just started making paper, has not reached the orphanage for two and a half years and a year. Even if it is a little thicker picture book paper, it seems to be a little difficult to make a thin, but uniform paper. I’m challenged by Mine Kobo, but there are still more failures than successes. It seems to be torn when removed from the bag or when it is laid out for drying.

“Trombe makes it pretty easy”

Lutz said so and exhaled lightly. Trombe, which has finer and longer fibers than forin, seems to be thinner and more uniform. However, it is too expensive and rare to use Trombe as a printing paper.

“If you can’t make it with Folin, it’s hard to price”

“…… Dana”

Improvement of paper can only be done by Lutz and Gill.

Aside from making paper for picture books, dexterous hands gather and scoop thin paper. It seems to be making while verifying how to increase the success rate.

A few days later, Lutz, who returned from lunch, came to my room.

“Message from Mine, her husband. Contacted Wax Kobo”


“I hope tomorrow afternoon”

“You can now make a gil letter board.”

That night, I asked my father to make a letter board frame of the same size as Lutz for Gil. If you have a wax poured into the center, it will be completed.

My wax has decreased considerably and I have lost flexibility, so I want you to put it back together. I scraped off the wax in my writing board to make it empty.

“Good morning, Benno-san”

Okay, go?

Bento takes on me and starts walking. It looked over Benno’s shoulder that Gil and Lutz, who held the heart of the letter board frame that I handed over, followed in a short run.

ベ ン Dermael was confused for a moment when Benno picked me up casually, but I quickly realized that I could not follow the speed of Benno who walked with Stasta in the crotch It seems. Darmell also started walking with big legs.

“Benno-san, how much do you think will sell tallow odors?”

You must have a meeting with Benno before going to the workshop. It would be a problem if you were told that you had runaway or that you didn’t do anything.

“I think it’s better to sell it to an association instead of a single workshop, just like you sold an ink manufacturing method to an ink association. / p>

“Is that so”

Apparently it seems to be quite a lot of money. It seems to be Gutenberg’s funds that need to be researched and improved in any way. Benno stabbed a nail in a low voice when I was thinking of trying my best.

“I’ll negotiate about odor elimination. You don’t come to the table with negotiations. There’s no doubt that there are no other guys like Wolf.”

“…… Yes”

Negotiation on salting out will be left to Benno. We will discuss the profit sharing and how to negotiate later.

“What do you do at the wax workshop today if you decide to postpone negotiations?”

“Today, I’ll have Gill and my writing board put wax on them. After that, I would like to buy various kinds of waxes”

“Can I just buy it?”

I asked Benno’s words.

For the time being, I would like to try to make a wax base paper without modifying the wax. Lucky if possible. If you can’t, you have to remodel the wax.

“I want to make a raw paper without adding anything, but if I can’t do that, I would like the workshop to help remodel the wax. I want you to make a slightly sticky wax. ”

The wax used for wax base paper is a mixture of resin and paraffin, such as pine ani. There can be no paraffin made from oil, and I don’t know if my knowledge is valid.

Considering the discoloration of the color ink, it may cause strange changes. If possible, please help with a wax professional.

“Hmm. For the time being, just buy today. If you can’t do it, can you change it?”


Benno takes me into the wax workshop. The inside of the workshop was full of hot air and the smell of tallow that would make you want to hold your nose.

Since Benno was in contact, the parent came out immediately.

“Oh, Benno-san. Welcome. What are you doing today?”

“I want you to pour the cheapest wax into this”

When I and Gill put out the writing board, the master immediately poured the wax, saying, “Oh, there was also before”.

Stare at the transparent wax poured in as if the gill that was told not to touch until it hardens, distort Niyoyo and the mouth. I sometimes blow and try to cool as soon as possible.

“Gill, if you do that, the surface may harden like a wave?”

As I laughed, Gill shook his shoulders and looked at me.

“I’m sure there’s a mine with a finger on the surface when it’s hardened and with a rough surface”

“Luts talks!”

When I was overwhelmed with the extra things, I swallowed Lutz and Gill laughed a little and took a little distance from the writing board. I don’t want to do my second dance.

“Nah, Benno-san. Is there anything else? Because I’ve just contacted you”

The master who poured wax into the writing board clears the tools and returns to Benno. Benno whispered lightly.

“Oh, I want all kinds of wax handled here, one small box”

“Well, all kinds? Not usual candles?”

“Oh, don’t get me wrong. I don’t want a candle, it’s a wax”

The parent rounded his eyes on Benno’s order. When he came to order, he told the candle size, ingredients and quantity, and the husband of Gilberta Company, who bought it, bought all kinds of wax before becoming a candle, and it seemed completely unexpected.

What do you use it for?

“I can’t say that yet”

When Benno laughed, the parent narrowed his eyes a little as he thought. It’s natural to think that Benno, who is energetically starting new things, is trying to make something new again.

“Okay, let’s deliver it to the store by tomorrow”

“If there is something that can be prepared right now, can I get one or two ahead?”

“Oh, get ready”

The master goes to the work place in the back and back and speaks to the people who are working. With two kinds of wax in hand, we left the workshop.

“Look, you can work with this?”

“Thank you, Benno-san”

After returning to Gilberta Company, I paid for the wax with Benno and the card. Then, write the salting out method on paper and decide the fee for proxy negotiation. Now Benno should handle the negotiations with the Wax Association.

“Now, when you return to the workshop, let’s try it immediately”

When I said so while handing the wax box to Gill, Lutz put his eyebrows in anxious.

“Nah, Mine. What are you doing? What are you doing? There is not enough explanation. Please talk back here and return to the temple.”

Basically I cannot move in the workshop, so I need to explain first. If you were going to explain in the room, but you talked to the Gilberta company, you could prevent information leaks. I whispered.

“Is there a piece of paper made thin? Draw a thin piece of wax over it. Just shave the wax finely and scatter it on the paper. / p>

“Mine, what is that and where is it?”

When I explained how to make the simplest waxed paper, Lutz pulled my cheeks.

Apparently, the iron did not pass. I explain the iron while searching for memories.

“Uh, uh, it’s a metal with a flat bottom, it’s very hot, and it stretches the cloth, but I don’t know? I think it’s in a rich man’s house or clothes workshop. But

I think that Corinna has it when he thinks about making a ceremonial costume. When I told him, Benno spoke out from the side.

“Oh, there’s Korinna’s workshop. Is it an iron? Do you use that?”

According to Benno, the rich man’s house and clothing workshop with beautiful clothes are like a fire that stretches firewood by putting charcoal in something like a flat pot on the bottom. There seems to be an iron. Lutz doesn’t seem to know it because it doesn’t exist in our home that only wears second-hand clothes.

“Benno-san, do you handle irons at Gilberta?”

“No, that’s something you order at the blacksmith workshop, because it’s not something that everyone uses and it doesn’t need a number …. Nevertheless, the iron is a bad guy. If it is used, the surroundings will be dirty, so it will be difficult to handle, but can you use it? ”

On the iron like a pan, it seems that the ash is scattered and the surroundings are often dirty. I want an electric iron that is easy to use, but I can’t make it.

“For now, let’s ask Johan to improve the shape just a little bit”

Apparently it won’t be taken right away. Lutz sang in the same way and crossed his arms.

“I have only motivation and knowledge, but I really remember the state of having no tools. Mine, think carefully. Isn’t there something else missing?

I remembered that Lutz was struggling because he had no tools when making paper, and I remembered how to make waxed paper that was easy to make by placing his hand on his cheek.

“Well, you can shave the wax finely and scatter it on the paper. This looks like a tea strainer, so it’s okay because you can shave it. You can buy it at a general store. Scattered … “

So, I became completely blue and made my mouth crawl. As Lutz pointed out, there were not enough tools. Hold your head and crouch on the spot.

“Oh no! No ‘cooking sheet’!”

“Huh! What?”

When I wanted to make it with the easy waxing paper method, there were not enough cooking sheets. As expected, you cannot make a cooking sheet by yourself. At least I don’t know how to make it.

“… I can’t do anything”

“Think about a solution before you get depressed. Is there a substitute for that?”

I put my eyebrows into the words of Lutz. Before the cooking sheet was made, aluminum foil and paraffin paper were used. It would be crumpled with aluminum foil and the wax would not be drawn evenly, and paraffin paper would be similar to the wax paper you would like to make if you thought roughly that it was coated with paraffin wax.

“Well, when using an iron, I think it’s to prevent the melted wax from getting into the surrounding cloth, so is it okay to put it in paper normally?” I hope, but what do you think of Lutz? “

Certainly, if the wax becomes too thick, it should have been able to adsorb a little bit of wax with copy paper, so I think it can also be pinched with paper. I want to think.

“I don’t know at all, so it’s a problem even if you ask me about this.

“If you just make waxed paper, that’s fine. However, to see if the waxed paper you can use can be used as a wax base paper, I want a brush and file for a gully version.

If you only have wax-drawn paper, you can melt the wax and dry it. think. The problem is whether the waxed paper that has been made can be used as raw paper.

“River iron brush and file … Johan?”

“Yeah, both of Johan ’s jurisdiction”

When I stood up and asked Lutz, Benno distorted his mouth.

“Gutenberg with Mine is hard”

“Not only Johann, but Benno is Gutenberg?”

When I pointed out what he was saying like other people, Benno suddenly tightened his expression. Grab my head with one hand and ask me to speak in a low voice.

“All of you guys who have been certified as Gutenberg are buried in a lot of work and have a hard time. Is it okay to have a word? “

“Eh? eh? e?”

I couldn’t think of a word that Benno wanted, and I saw Benno and Lutz. Both of them are waiting for my word with similar harsh eyes. I don’t seem to get a hint.

“Let’s do our best together to spread books”

“No! It’s a little labour ( negiira ) < / ruby> Eh! “

screamed Benno’s head with a fist, and I cried with tears.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thanks to Lutz and Benno for the present I am! Thank you for your continued support!”

It was pointed out that Benno is steadily accumulating work in Gutenberg, but I have a fixed time limit to spend time with Kamil. Absent.

When I picked up a gil iron brush, Johan, who wanted a job other than metal type, designed an iron and gull version of an iron brush and a gully file that I knew. Handed over the design document.

Johan, who knew that he would use any tool for printing, realized that he could never escape from Gutenberg’s name and was delighted with tears.

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