A bottle full of colored ink made up stands. I put a small wooden bill with a combination of oil and material. They are arranged in a shallow wooden box and Joseph clears them up.


‘Joseph ’s and Heidi ’s arms struck the limits by continuing to mix ink for several hours, the day was approaching, and the writing board was full for two people. The experiment was over.


Since I couldn’t write on my own writing board, I borrowed Lutz’s writing board, and I wrote the results of the experiment. I looked at the two writing boards and sighed.


“I don’t like the color being unpredictable”


“But when you look at it, you’ve got a little trend?”


Heidi was happily looking into my writing board.


Hey, who remembers numbers and words about work, but can’t read the letters completely, he seems to have to memorize the results of color experiments. So, when I saw it down, I was acclaimed, “Young lady, best!” I think that Heidi’s memory that can memorize a lot of experimental results is the best.


“Unfortunately, Heidi’s memory is only used in experiments. Far from the best.”


“… with Mine”


Joseph and Lutz seemed to agree with each other in strange places, and sometimes slammed their shoulders. It ’s nice to find someone you like. Every day is a little fun.


“Then, the day after tomorrow, we will summarize the results of today’s experiment.”


“I can’t write, I’ll ask the young lady”


‘Me and Heidi laughed and shook hands and parted. Today I went home and wanted to put together the results, and pulled my sleeve lightly, showing Gill a little groaning.


“What’s wrong, Gil?”


“Mine, I want a writing board …”


Gill lay down and spilled. Speaking of which, I was able to read and write characters, so I should have said that I will make them in the spring.


“Yes, let’s go to Johan’s blacksmith workshop and order Gill’s iron brush. After that, I will return to my house and summarize today’s results.”


Because the craftsman street, the ink workshop and the blacksmith workshop are not so far apart. I went to the blacksmith workshop, thinking that Johan might have a bad face because he was a customer just before the lunch break.


“Hello. Johann, do you have?”


“Mother, Miss”


A parent who was another customer’s partner looked at the door with a glance, and as soon as he found me, he became a face that could endure laughter. He encourages you to sit in a vacant seat, laughing and laughing.


“Johan will call you right away. Hey Gutenberg! Your patron-sama is here!”




Lutz and Gill screamed and pressed their mouths in the loud voice of their parents. Johann seems to have completely established the name Gutenberg in the blacksmith workshop.


“That’s why you’re telling me not to call you by that name, my master!”


Gutenberg is a proud and good name for me, but he doesn’t seem to like Johan being called too much. While protesting with his tears, he jumped out of the back.


“Hello, Johann”


“Oh, Maine. Welcome.”


“I’m sorry before noon. I have an order but are you okay?”


“… I haven’t finished my previous order yet”


Johann, who seems to be making a metal type that I ordered additionally, turned out to be out of order. The metal type is not so urgent because the chief priest stopped printing. If you make a large amount slowly over about two years, that’s fine.


“Please give priority to this order. I’d like to make a gil for the iron brush that I’ve ordered before,”


“I’ll do it!”


Johan ’s face shone at the moment I ordered an iron brush. Grasp the fist and push it up. I whispered with a face that had a feeling of everything.


“Wow … It’s been a long time. Work other than metal type …”


… I’m sorry.


Johan, who seems to have no patrons other than me yet, seems to make metal type endlessly. And when making metal type, it seems to be teased by Gutenberg by masters and craftsmen. It may be better to ask for a different job from time to time.


“Non-metal type will come to order this time”


For example, what about irons for making wax base paper, iron brushes for gully plates, and files for gully plates? There are some things I want to make with Johann, but any of them is a tool for printing.


“I look forward to orders other than metal type”


I felt a little guilty about Johann’s smile, who happily received orders for iron brushes. In any case, Johann is unlikely to escape from Gutenberg.


When I finished ordering Gill’s iron brush and left the blacksmith workshop, four bells indicating the lunch sounded.


“Is Mine going home?”




“I’m hungry and I want to go back to the store as soon as possible.


Lutz said and squatting on the spot. If you don’t hurry back, your lunch share will be reduced.


When I was in a hurry, I was confused with my feet. When Lutz got up quickly, he returned to the well square in half-run.


“Mine is going home from noon and summarizing today’s results. I’ll see the Mine workshop from noon and report to my husband. Don’t go outside.”


When I lowered me into the well square and put a letter board in my hand, Lutz immediately ran to the store. I’m worried about lunch.


After seeing Lutz, I move my eyes to Gil and Darmuel who are blinking.


“… Thanks to Gill and Darmuel. They will not go out today, so please return to the temple.”


“Oh, are you coming to the temple tomorrow?”


“Yes. I really want to go to the ink studio, but if I fail to practice Feshpeel, I will be beaten by Rosina”


Putting Lutz’s writing board in a tote bag, I went up the stairs and went home.


“It’s right now”


I open the front door as quietly as possible. Even so, it is inevitable that the hinges will sing.


When I slipped in, my mother called out, “Return, Mine. Looking at the place standing in front of the kite, it seems that he was preparing lunch.


“Mom, Kamil? Sleeping? Did you wake up?”


“Yes, it’s okay”


My mother laughed a little when I asked her while looking at her bedroom.


When I sneak into my bedroom without waking up Kamil, I glanced at Kamil’s sleeping face and put my luggage. After that, I washed my hands and started eating lunch with my mother.


“Wow, huh …”


In the middle of the meal, Kamil began to cry with a thin voice. Mother eats and eats her meal and runs to Kamil.


“Mine, it’s bad, but get rid of”


“It’s good”


I started to copy the results of today’s experiments on paper and my Lutz writing board on a kitchen table after washing and cleaning my own and mother’s dishes.


The results of experiments that seemed to have no legality are summarized in the table, and the laws become a little visible.


Linseed oil is blue, Misch is green, Pede is red, Aize is yellow, and Tulum changes irregularly, but the result seems to be pastel.


“Well, sometimes there are things that are out of the law, but you may have seen a trend”


Surprisingly many colors can be created by combining materials. If you summarize how this color changes, you can make more colors than you expected.


“What are you doing right now?”


My mother came back from the bedroom after putting Kamil in something like a baby sling wrapped around with a long cloth. Kamiru has opened his eyes, probably after breastfeeding.


“I’m making a picture book for Kamil. That’s why I’m making beautiful colors of ink.”


“Do you want to start from scratch?

“Yes, I think it’s long. Kamil, how are you today?”


I stroke the face of Kamil in the sling. Kamil stared at my face without blinking. Delia, who is playing with Dirk, is completely defeated by her older sister’s power, but I’m satisfied just because I can’t cry a little.


“Kamil, Kamil. Mine is my sister”


After taking some time to contact Kamil for a while, Kamil begins to try again. When I see my mother go to sleep, I stare at the table I wrote.




I saw the name of the oil and realized that it did not contain the familiar Paru oil.


“What about paru oil? Why don’t you take it to the workshop?” I have to try what happens if I overcoat it. ”


Write down what you can come up with. Now you have to ask Heidi and experiment.


The next day, I went to the temple to practice Feshpil and help the priest. In the afternoon, Dirk will be the partner of Delia who seems to be free when he goes to the orphanage. And I asked Lutz to bring back paper and brushes from the workshop. Take it to the ink studio tomorrow and apply the ink.


The next day, with the remaining winter oil and paper and brush, I headed to the ink studio with Gil, Darmell and Lutz.


Heidi was roaming in front of the workshop, probably waiting too long. Find us, shine your face and wave your hands.


“Good morning, young lady, I’ve been waiting!”


“Good morning, Heidi. This is a table summarizing the experimental results.”


As soon as I entered the workshop, I showed a paper summarizing the results of the previous day. Heidi looked into the table with his eyebrows looking interesting and then drooped.


“I know where the materials are, but I can hardly read them.”


“And this is what I came up with when compiling the table …”


When I said what I wanted to try, Heidi nodded with eyes shining.


“Palu can only take it during the winter, so it wasn’t included in the number of oils. It might be an interesting result because it’s a devil. Let’s try it right away.”


Heidi and Joseph mix different ingredients with the paru oil I brought. Heidi is red, and Joseph is blue. Knead, knead, and mix, but it doesn’t change strangely. The ink was completed with the same color.


“Palu oil is both the color I thought. Great”


I’ve seen ink that changes color strangely, and I was very impressed by the fact that the color was normal. Look at the ink on the marble table and keep your eyes open.


Heidi also looked at the completed ink and exclaimed.


“The color is vivid and very good. It’s a demon tree … I wish I could have taken it outside of winter.”


“That’s right”


Paru oil, which can only be taken in the winter, is not a cheap material. Good oil but not suitable for mass production. It’s a shame.


Next to me and Heidi disappointing, Joseph begins the next preparation.


“Then, are you going to apply the ink you have made up to now?”


Heidi helped Joseph and brought the ink made so far. I ask Lutz while watching them prepare.


“Hey, Lutz. Can Paru trees be made out of paper?”


The Trombe demon tree is a good quality paper material, so maybe the Paru tree might be a good quality material. When asked with high expectations from the quality of paru oil, Lutz immediately answered that it was impossible.


“A tree that won’t melt if you hit it with fire. It won’t be peeled off because it disappears just by steaming.”


“… Is that such a tidy tree?”


I have never seen a paru tree because I cannot go to the winter forest. I’ve only heard that it is a mysterious and beautiful tree that appears only on a sunny winter morning, but I still don’t know what it is.


“Young lady is ready”


He was called by Heidi, so he told Gil who had a brush and painted it on paper. For the time being, the paper brought several failed works of Forin and Trombe. I don’t make picture books with Trombe, but I wanted to see the reaction.


“… Wow”


Coloring was different depending on the type of paper. Trombe paper was almost as it was made, but folin paper is a little dull. If you don’t line it up with Trombe paper just a little, it doesn’t matter much. I tried to tell myself that it was okay, but as time went on, the color began to change further. The color becomes dull.


“It may be better to experiment with paper made of other materials.”


When I lined up the Trombe and Folin papers and compared them, Lutz lightly gave up his shoulder.


“I’ll only use foreign paper for a while, so why not make a color that matches it?”


As Lutz says, the only paper we make in the main workshop is the Trombe and Fallin papers. It seems better to think about making colors around the fallin paper that will make picture books.


“This red is originally very beautiful, but when applied and dried, it turns into a little black red brown. It’s suitable for drawing blood stains.”


“There is no such limited use ink!”


I gave up my shoulder lightly to Lutz’s Tsukomi. Maybe use it. Because there are bloody expressions sometimes in mythic content.


“That’s really difficult …. you can see why the paint method is kept secret in the art studio.”


Heidi praises her shoulder.


Regarding the paints, there is no contract magic, and no matter how the workshop is made, there is no problem, but the manufacturing method is completely secreted by the original studio, and it is sold to the downtown area. Benno said there was no paint on display.


It seems that for the aristocrats, the workshop that received the order makes it and pays it directly. Rosina, who served as an art lady, taught me so. Christine seems to have been in touch with multiple workshops because the same color cannot be ordered without ordering from the same workshop.


“Let’s find out why the lady discolors”


“The important thing is the result”


I understand that basic research is important, but I want to make a picture book for Kamil. I want ink quickly.


“Now let’s add more colors. Gil”


“Yes, Mine”


Gill drew a blue line over the colorful paints he had painted. The color of the overlapped part becomes darker. It is not a perfect black but a dark color, but there is no single vivid color. Does this mean “don’t mix. Dangerous”?


“… What do you want to do?”


In the words of Gil, who picked up the discolored paper, we all looked at the dark color that changed color, and exhaled. Words are not immediately available for unexpected results.


Joseph shakes his head as he shakes.


“It looks like it’s basically good to use a single color”


“But if you can’t overlap, you can’t draw a picture. I wonder if there are still some secrets in the painting studio’s paint.”


As Heidi says, if another paint overlaps and changes color to black, there is no way to draw a picture that is displayed in the noble area. There seemed to be no doubt that there was a secret that I didn’t know in the paint here.


“Let’s end today. No matter how much color you make, you can’t use it if it changes over time and you can’t repaint it.”


Can you somehow sneak into the painting studio and explore the secrets of the paint? I dropped my eyes on making dead ink.


As long as it cannot be used immediately, making color ink is virtually unsuccessful. I returned home and reported today’s results while having dinner with Turi.


“That’s how I got stuck.”


“If you add colors, you won’t be black”


“Yes, I’m really troubled. I can’t print.”


ぅ While sharply sharpening my lips, I mix the soup. While watching what we made, my mother breast feeding Kamil tilted my head in a strange way.


“Have you used a fixative?”


“… What is a fixing agent?”


In the Reno period, there were fixing agents for photography and painting, but I don’t know what the fixing agent used here is.


After looking at me tilting my head, my mother looks down to Kamil at the chest and opens her mouth.


“The fixer is the liquid used to fix the color. When the cloth is dyed, it is used so that the color does not change anymore …”


“Mom, tell me more. How do you make a fixative?”


When I glanced and looked at my mother, my mother shouted.


“Can I teach you?”


“I’ll check if I can get caught in contract magic”


“… Well, is it okay if Mine can find out if he can make it?”


Mother told me while saying so.


It seems that the stock solution of the fixer is made by putting a flower stalk called Highline into the sap of a tree called Gnade and simmering it until it thickens. When actually using it, it is said that it is melted about 20 times with hot water.


“Be careful because cloth and paper may be different”


“Thank you, mom. Try it.”


I knew the existence of a fixative and immediately asked Lutz to ask him to collect the ingredients. Lutz seems to have never known the existence of fixing agent, and is astonished as if impressed.


“Is there such a thing? If there was no Aunt Afa working for the dyeing workshop, I wouldn’t have noticed it at all”


“Yes. I think I’ll try to make it as soon as I have the ingredients. I asked my mother how to make it properly …”


When I was singing a rhinoceros in the light that I plugged in, Lutz and Gill got together and stopped me.


“Mine just tells me how to make”


“Yes. We make it. Mine is not good.”


I must not work if I make it in the main workshop. I tried to sharpen my lips so that only one person was placed outside the mosquito net, but no one helped me.


Investigated contract witchcraft in a commercial guild and asked Benno to find materials, ready to make a fixative. That day, Lutz and Gil are excited about new challenges. I just handed a wooden card with details on how to make it to the end of the game.


I was a little regretful that I was out of the party, so after practicing Feshpeel, I talked to Rosina about the color ink and tried to complain that it was out of the day.


“That’s why I’m just out of the way today, and Gil and Lutz are making a fixative.”


“Well, then Mine didn’t know the fixative.”


Rosina rounded her eyes in response to not knowing the fixative, not because I was out of the way.


“A fixing agent is essential to draw a picture. If you can’t draw it,”


Somehow, there was a person who knew the fixing agent. It seems to be essential for painting. Rosina, however, has only used the finished fixer, so she doesn’t know how to make it.


“… Maybe Mine doesn’t know how to use fixatives?”


“I don’t know. Please tell me”


Rosina laughed quickly when I asked for it.


“Put the fixer on paper in advance and let it dry. Then, once you start drawing, the paint will not discolor even if you overlay the paint …. Mine knows something surprising. I don’t know what is known. “


“Those who have never painted with paint or ink”


Rosina screamed, “That’s right,” and then struck her hand and laughed with a smile.


“If fixing agents and colored inks are available, wouldn’t it be nice for Vilma to teach me paintings? Painting is one of the cultures”


“I think about it”


I answer vaguely, thinking that I don’t want to have more free time. Two years later, it was decided to become an aristocratic adoptive, so somewhere in my heart I heard that it would be better to do it.


I learned how to make the fixing agent from my mother, and asked how to use it from Rosina, so that I could draw a picture without being dulled even if it was painted with ink, or even if it was overcoated.


Color ink is completed.


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