In the early morning, the mist had not cleared. Under the guidance of the pilot boat, the House of the Sea docked at the Memphis Wharf.

   Relying on the golden waterway over the years, the stagnant or even retrogressive development of the New World has shown signs of renewed progress, and Monfitos is undoubtedly the brightest jewel.

   "Military port?"

   Standing on the deck, feeling the moist mist coming over his face, Asim Bensain narrowed his eyes as he looked at the place where the House on the Sea was docked.

   Sea House is a cruise ship. Normally, it should be docked at a civilian port, but now it’s at a military port.

   The solemn atmosphere is permeating. On the dock, five steps, one post and ten steps, one sentry, the navy soldiers in exoskeleton armor blocked the surrounding water.

   "Do you know I'm here?"

   The dense fog is not an obstacle. When facing the figure on the dock, Asim knew that the other person was coming at him.

   didn't panic, he was very generous this time out, and it was only natural that he was found out.

After tidying up his appearance, Asim walked off the Sea House slowly, and this time he returned to this familiar place. He represented not only himself, but the others at Sea House were told that he could not yet. Disembark. .

Dressed in a golden suit and a coat of justice, Lieutenant Admiral Huang Ape Neo Rommel stood on the pier, looking at his old boss, Asim Ban, the former governor of the new continent of the Kingdom of Surtilt. As Sion got closer and closer, he seemed to vaguely see the scene where Asim was hit hard by Jana the Murloc, changed from a Tier 4 knight to an ordinary man, and had to leave the New World sadly. It was also this place at that time. It was different. It was the day when the sun was just right.

   walked in, looking at Neo Rommel's familiar and unfamiliar face, Asim couldn't help but ripples in his heart.

Of course, he suffered heavy losses. He changed from an extraordinary person to an ordinary person or even a handicapped person. He was dismissed from office and returned to the Old World as a loser in embarrassment. However, Neo Rommel, the former half of the naval officer who was depressed Therefore, he got on the big ship of the green field collar and smooth sailing from then on, not only became a lieutenant admiral, but also became a Tier 5 legendary life.

   Through Neo Rommel's golden eye pupils, Asim could clearly feel the accumulated power in his body, which was by no means comparable to the general fifth-order.

In fact, Neo Rommel himself has only been promoted to Tier 5 not long ago, but with the help of the mythical power of the Devil Fruit Tree, the power of the Devil or the Blood of Wisdom Potion, he has reached a very deep level in the development of Shining Fruit. , And it is precisely because of this that his true combat power far exceeds the average Tier 5, and his golden golden pupil is also a manifestation of the development of Shining Fruit to an extremely deep level.

   "Earl Asim, you are welcome back."

   took a few steps forward, and a smile appeared on Neo Rommel's face.

   "Neo, no, I should call you Lieutenant General Huang Yuan by now, long time no see."

   Stepping forward quickly, with a smile on his face, Asim and Neo Rommel gave a hug. This situation would not have happened before.

   "Let's go, count, I have prepared a welcome ceremony for you."

   Released, the smile on his face became brighter, and Neo Rommel spoke.

   Upon hearing this, Asim nodded.

   "Is it really just an ordinary person?"

Walking side by side with Asim, the thoughts in Neo Rommel's heart kept turning. As early as half a month ago, Anbe passed the news of Neo Rommel's arrival on the Sea House to the New World to the navy. And the gift is also the experience of Asim over the years.

According to the information collected by Anbe, Asim was rescued by the royal family after being severely injured by Jana of the mermaid clan and had to return to the old world. However, although his body has recovered, his extraordinary foundation has been completely damaged. In the second half of his life, he could only act as an ordinary person, and precisely because of this, the real power in Asim's hands was fully recovered, leaving only the title of court earl, acting as an idle nobleman.

Without a rush, Asim stayed in Memphis for three days. During these three days, he went to visit the wall of the sighs of icy one hundred thousand murlocs, and walked through the streets of Memphis. Lane, like a tourist, felt the new vitality of this port city, and then he asked Huang Yuan to go to Greenfield City.

   "Earl Asim, do you want to meet the lord?"

  Navy Office, the top floor, sitting in the office, looking at Asim on the opposite side, Neo Rommel frowned.

  Because of the special status of Asim, the official of the green field collar did not pay attention to it, so he gave the task of accompany Asim to the yellow ape who happened to be free, but the request to visit Shaun was really not something he could agree to.

As a lieutenant admiral, Neo Rommel knows very well that in these years, Sean has basically no longer worried about the development of the green field collar. More time has been spent on his personal transcendence, even in normal times. It's not easy for him to see Sean.

   "Earl Asim, the lord's time is very tight. He is often addicted to experiments. I am not sure if he has time to see you."

   There was a sharp light from the golden pupils. Looking at Asim, Neo Rommel did not hide it too much, and even expressed his willingness to refuse to some extent.

   "I know, I just need you to help me inquire. By the way, give this ring to Earl Sean."

As he looked unchanged, Asim handed a ring to Neo Rommel. The ring was completely black, as if cast in black. An iron rose was engraved on the ring, and a small seven was engraved on the inside of the ring. The words exude a faint and pure aura.

   Seeing this ring, Neo Rommel's brows tightened.

   "This time I am here on behalf of the seventh princess of the kingdom, Amir Bensien, and I have very important matters to discuss with the earl. Please be sure to help me forward the answer."

   Looking directly at Neo Rommel, Asim speaks bluntly.

   There was no speech, a sharp brilliance in his eyes, Neo Rommel stared at Asim as if he wanted to see him through.

   "I will convey your words and your things for you, but I can't guarantee if the lord sees you."

   Looking at each other for a while, looking at the calm Asim, Neo Rommel spoke Hearing this, Asim nodded his head as usual.

   The golden dots of light dissipated, and with the iron rose ring, the figure of Neo Rommel disappeared.

   got up, stood at the top of the Navy Building, and looked at this ever-changing city that was completely different from the Memphis in his mind, Asim's face showed a smile, relieved.

Although he came to the New World this time to be nostalgic in name and want to revisit the old place, he actually had a special mission. The reason for doing this was only to conceal the truth, although it is basically not. Someone cares about him as a waste person.

When he arrived in Menfitos smoothly, he knew that his mission was half-successful. After all, this is already the territory of the Green Field. Even if those people realize his purpose, it is not so easy to stop it. When he gave out the ring, he knew that he had done everything he could, and the next step was to wait patiently.

  咻, the golden spots of light gathered, and after a while, the disappeared Neo Rommel appeared in the office again.

   "Earl Asim, the lord promised to see you."

   Looking at Asim's face, Neo Rommel's eyes were filled with surprise.



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