blue sea and blue sky, flocks of seagulls crossed the sea.

   The whistle sounded endlessly, and the black plume of smoke went straight up, turning a bay, and a steamship more than 300 meters long appeared above the sea.

The home on the sea, a large luxury cruise ship, is more than 300 meters long and even larger than many battleships. It is a veritable behemoth. It travels between the old and new continents and mainly serves nobles and rich people. It does not belong to any country. It was funded and built by the Steam Association, a multinational organization.

On the three decks, the sea breeze is blowing. A man and a woman are leaning on the railings, admiring the vast sea together. The man is slender and even said to be a little thin. He has silver hair and meticulous care, with golden eyes and handsome faces. Yi, who looks more than 30 years old, has a pair of broken golden eyes that are deep and charming. It is when a man is most attractive.

   women wear the most popular sling dress, the skirt is dotted with fine green gems, and has long burgundy hair, three-dimensional features, fair skin, and a concave and convex body. The room is full of feminine soft beauty.

   "Asim, we have passed Moon Bay, and we will be able to reach the New World soon. Are you looking forward to it?"

   Withdrawing his gaze from the sea, looking at Asim beside him, Evelyn spoke, and there was an inevitable smile in the fiery red pupils.

Although it was a peaceful meeting, after a short period of communication, Evelyn had to admit that she was attracted by this man named Asim. This man did not have the impetuousness that she hated, and had a calmness that seemed to be polished by the world. This kind of temperament fascinated her.

   Hearing this and looking at the vast sea, Asim's eyes became extremely deep at this moment.

   "Yes, I am looking forward to it."

   The words were low, and there was a touch of sadness in Asim's words when he said this.

   "I always feel that there are so many stories hidden in your heart."

   There was a little bit of light in the eyes, looking at Asim's profile, Evelyn muttered in a low voice.

   "There is a bottle of wine from Burrigan Estate in the Mensa Empire in my room. Would you please tell me your story?"

   There was a hint of fascination on her beautiful face. Looking at Asim, Evelyn sent out an invitation, even if she knew the man for less than three days, even if she didn't even know the man's last name, but she didn't care.

   Of course, Asim can board the Shanghai Shangzhijia cruise ship and live on the third floor, which in itself shows the problem. After all, the Haijia cruise ship is not easy to ride with money.

   "Thank you for the invitation, but I'm sorry."

   turned around, with a trace of apology on his face, Asim refused Evelyn's invitation.

   Hearing this, Evelyn's eyes filled with a thin layer of mist.

   "I'm sorry, I suddenly remembered that I still have some things..."

   lowered her gaze, not wanting Asim to see her embarrassment, Evelyn quickly turned and left.

   Looking at Evelyn's back, Asim sighed. Now he really doesn't have such thoughts.

   turned around and left the deck, Asim returned to his room.

The windows are bright and clean, and the furnishings in the rooms are low-key and luxurious. Many seemingly inconspicuous things are treasures from various countries. Although they are floating on the sea, the decoration here is not inferior to those ancient noble residences, and even many Places show signs of transcendence.

   Sit down in the study, opened a book, felt the surrounding situation, Asim grabbed a roll of sheepskin from the void.

   The sheepskin scroll was bound by a red silk, and it was engraved with a night rose. This is the symbol of the Sixth Intelligence Bureau of the Kingdom of Sutilt. Its nature is similar to that of the dark part of the green field collar. It is the department responsible for intelligence work.

   The sheepskin scroll fell into Asim's hands, and the red silk burned spontaneously without fire.

   Unfolding the scroll slowly, seeing the information on it, Asim narrowed his eyes.

   The structure of the green field leader is simple.

Military Admiralty: Field Marshal Green Pheasant Kuzan, a sixth-order titled wizard, whose origin is unknown. The first shot sealed the demigod river **** Kenneth Tamu, and killed the two six of the Jiao Terran head-on in the recent naval battle. Rank, suspected to be a high-ranking title, there is a possibility of being close to the gods.

   Admiral of the Navy, Silver Fox·Sashomaru, Tier 6, unknown origin, suspected of having the bloodline of some kind of canine beast, extremely pure, with traces of ancestry.

   Vice Admiral, Red Dog Mones, Yellow Ape Neo Rommel, Blue Whale Noletis, Hound Barach.

   Rear Admiral, Roshan·Jack, Duron·Vac·Morris··········

   Military War Department: Marshal Whitebeard Edward Newgate, a sixth-ranked knight, the true combat power is unknown, but according to the assessment, he is not lower than the median title.

   Army general, Lingwang Yalisi, Tier 6, suspected witch, ability biased towards Lingling, few shots, real combat power unknown.

Army general alternate, Beast Ram Montell, suspected Tier 5, rarely shot, true strength unknown, was given to the surname Montell by the earl of the green field by Sean Montell, born in the Kingdom of Siphos In the pioneering land of the New World, his parents died in the orc disaster. The potential is huge. He was only 26 years old.

   Lieutenant General of the Army, Ghost Python Frieg, Tier 5, was born as a bounty hunter, and later joined the Green Field Nether Beast Department, and is now transferred to the Army as a lieutenant general.

Major General of the Army, White Beaver Welch, Mole Mopol, Hungry Tiger Cassica··········Pay special attention to the fact that White Beaver Welch once died, as the resurrector, and the army The general spirit king Yalisi is a brother and sister, and the relationship is extremely deep.

  Note: Compared with the navy, the Green Field Army is much smaller in scale, but according to intelligence, the Green Field Army has begun to build its own knights, and the specific situation still needs follow-up investigation.

Government department, city hall, consul Iruka Montel, a side line of the Montel family, graduated from the management department of Foster University, the number one university in the Kingdom of Sutilt, has excellent administrative management capabilities, and is responsible for green The day-to-day operation of the wild collar has great authority. The transcendents of the Chakra road have the magic eye and write round eyes. The specific strength is unknown but it does not exceed the fifth level.

The supreme officer of the Yin Beast Department, Moon Wolf Esalius, had been stationed for a long time in an unknown important overseas stronghold of the Green Field leader, and is now transferred back to Green Field City as the highest official of the Yin Beast. The specific combat power is unknown, and it is conservatively estimated to be Tier 5. There is a possibility of sixth order.

  Note: The former chief of the Yin Beast, Phantom Lizard, was transferred to the Supernova Training Camp as instructors, and the most powerful hounds and ghost pythons were transferred to the navy and army. It is suspected that a major exchange of blood was carried out. The specific situation is unknown, and follow-up investigation is pending.

   Anbu, the intelligence department of the green field, extremely mysterious, the specific situation is unknown.

The research department, the First Mechanical Research Institute, the director of Begapunk, has unknown origins, unknown strength, and suspected of being a mechanical wizard. He has extremely high attainments in mechanics and energetics. Carat's exoskeleton and other outstanding achievements are suspected of being his hands.

The captain of the Institute’s guard, Seraph Kyle, is suspected of being a witchcraft creation, Tier 5, responsible for the security work of the First Institute, and at the same time responsible for the normal operation of the First Institute. He has won the trust and authority of Begapunk. Extremely high.

The second research institute of anomalous things, the person in charge is unknown, the main member is Blood Bat Anis, Tier 5, blood wizard, originally a native of the New World, later joined the green field collar, converted to wizards, good at biological training, green field call worms After his training was completed, Leng Jun (venomous snake) Silo, suspected of Tier 5, may have broken through Tier 6, was born in the evil spirit pirate group, was originally the third in command of the evil ghost pirate group, and later joined the green field collar. He is also good at Biological cultivation, zombies are its representative results, which can be used for mining, road repairing, farming, fighting and many other aspects.

  Note: This research institute is extremely mysterious, with few research members and unknown research direction.

The Third World of Warcraft Research Institute, head of Skela Dallaire, unknown origin, Sean Montere’s retainer, Tier 5, good at cultivating warcraft, has a true ice dragon as a favorite The specific occupation is unknown, suspected to be a wizard.

   "Have I grown into such a behemoth after only a few years away?"

After reading the information on the sheepskin scroll, although I already knew something about it in advance, Asim Bansain still couldn’t hide his shock. Judging from the information on the paper, the green field leader has determined the sixth-tier strong Those who included two of the navy, two of the army, and lord Sean Montell, this was a total of five, and this kind of strength is no longer necessary for the kingdom, not to mention there are some uncertain and hidden.

   And this is only the power of the green field collar body. If you count the Montell family in the Old World and the Qiwu Sea of ​​the Golden Channel, the power of the green field collar system is even more terrifying.

   "With this kind of strength, coupled with the support of the new true god, the father of the oak, Green Field now really has the strength to build a nation."

Withdrawing his gaze, Asim Bansain let out a sigh. The words contained extremely complex emotions. He personally watched Sean Montell grow up step by step, when Sean Montell arrived in the New World. The first thing is to visit him, and now Sean Montell has become the person he needs to look up to.

   The blood-colored flame spread, and in silence, the sheepskin scroll in Asim's hand turned into ashes, leaving nothing behind.


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