"Then what's her name now?" Hearing Ying Yu say that, Dongfang (or Zhao) can be sure that the whereabouts of his younger sister, even his parents and younger brother have been under his control, so he hurriedly asked.

  "Yi Lin, her name is Yi Lin now!"


  When Dongfang Invincible heard this name, he immediately engraved it in his heart, and he would never forget it.

  "Sister, I'm here to find you." In a state of agitation, Dongfang Invincible twisted his waist, and he was about to use his high-level skills and rushed to Mount Heng to look for his sister's spoon.

  Mount Heng is located in the Qing Dynasty, and with her walking distance, she can reach it in one or two months at most.

  "Wait a minute!" Seeing that Dongfang was about to leave, Ying Yu suddenly stopped her, "I still know the whereabouts of your parents and younger brother, don't you want it?"

  "No need!" Dongfang's unbeatable body trembled, his back turned to Ying Yu's shoulders slightly shrugging, and he spat out a seemingly unfeeling, but reasonable answer, "From that day on, they are no longer my relatives, theirs What is the relationship between the whereabouts and the current invincibility of the East?".

Chapter 123

  Beiyue Hengshan School.

  With the Zhongyue Songshan faction, the Nanyue Hengshan faction, the Dongyue Taishan faction, and the Xiyue Huashan faction, collectively referred to as the Five Mountains, they have joined forces for decades to gain a foothold in the ups and downs of the Shenzhou rivers and lakes.

  Of course, the Beiyue Hengshan faction ranks at the bottom of the Five Mountains Sword faction, both in terms of momentum and strength.

  Today, Hengshan.

  "elder sister!"

  "younger sister!"

  Since the founder of the Hengshan School, they have never accepted male apprentices, and they are all dressed as nuns, but even female nuns who become monks cannot completely cut off the blood.

  The bright sun shone in the woods of Xianxing Peak, and Yilin, who had joined the Hengshan faction for many years, stretched out her arms and hugged the beauty in men's clothing in front of her tightly, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

  "My sister finally found you."

  Ever since Ying Yu learned of her sister's whereabouts, she rushed to the east of Mount Heng without a break, stretched out a plain hand, and stroked her sister-in-law, her eyes moist.

  If this younger sister did not join the Five Mountains Sword Sect, she would definitely bring her back and teach her a unique martial arts.

  It's a pity that she has joined the Hengshan faction, and she is so ignorant of the world. Dongfang Invincible naturally does not want to let such a pure and innocent sister get dirty.

  The two sisters who reunited after a long absence hug each other and feel the tenderness.

  After a long while, Yilin raised her head from Dongfang Unbeaten's arms, and she was embarrassed when she saw tears wet her sister's chest.

  "Sister, I'm sorry for soiling your clothes."

  "It's just a small matter." Dongfang Invincible couldn't help but smile.

  "By the way, elder sister." Yilin was innocent, but she wasn't such a stupid person, she rolled her black eyes and said, "How did you find me?"

  Yi Lin said it easily, but in Dongfang Invincible's ears, her snow-white cheeks suddenly turned red.

  "It's your future brother-in-law who found out your whereabouts and told me!"

  "Congratulations sister."

  When Yilin heard that her sister had a crush, she felt a little lost in the depths of her heart, but she was not dissatisfied, and congratulated her.

  "Yi Lin," Dongfang Invincible stroked his younger sister's pale and jade cheeks, "I will stay in Mount Heng to accompany you these few days. You should help my sister be a guide and look around!"

  "Please don't worry, sister, it's on me." Yilin responded without hesitation, patting her small chest with a small hand.

  Little fool!

  Dongfang Invincible saw that the girl was so unguarded, and gave her a loving look.I don't know whether to say she is too naive or too kind!

  I don't even know the current name and identity of my sister, if I encounter a bad person, I might be sold!


  Qing capital, imperial palace.

  Qianqing Palace, Hall of Supreme Harmony.

  Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty held the pair of porcelain vases presented by Fukangan in his hands, and watched and played with them, his eyes reluctant to look away from the figure of Princess Xiangxiang.

  He had already heard about the reputation of Princess Xiangxiang Huibu, but he didn't take it seriously at first. After all, there are three thousand beauties in the harem, and there are so many beautiful women in the harem.

  However, after coming into contact with the pair of porcelain vases, Kangxi understood why his reputation was well-deserved. Compared with this Princess Xiangxiang, all the women in his harem had become worthless vulgar fans.

  Kangxi has been reluctant to put down the pair of porcelain vases for several months, and he has hardly called the harem concubines to sleep.

  "Meet the Queen Mother, the mother is a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand thousand years old."

  Just in time, the sound of singing came from outside the hall.

  "No ceremony and flat body." A female voice with a graceful air in her bones rang out, passed through the gap between the doors and windows, and fell into Kangxi's ear.

  Hearing this voice, Kangxi finally woke up from that blurred state, put down the porcelain bottle in his palm, and a trace of displeasure appeared on his face.


  The queen pushed open the hidden door and walked in. A pretty woman in her early twenties, wearing a cheongsam, could be regarded as a first-class beauty among Jurchens, but compared with the Princess Xiangxiang on the porcelain vase, it was not even worth it. What's up.

  When the queen saw the pair of vases on the dragon case, there was a trace of jealousy in her eyes, not only for the pair of vases, but also for that Princess Xiangxiang!


  The empress and even the maids behind her heard the sound of silver teeth grinding.

  "Queen, why are you here?" Kangxi asked unnaturally.

  "My concubine heard that the emperor was working hard on state affairs, and ordered the imperial pantry to stew some ginseng chicken soup, and ask the emperor to use it."

  Saying that, the queen gave a wink to the palace maid behind her.

  "Put it down!" Kangxi said lightly.

  "Your Majesty, it's getting late." The Queen looked out, the sky was dark and the stars were looming, "Don't forget to flip the brand later."

  The seemingly plain words contained deep sorrow, which made Kangxi feel uncomfortable.

  "I know!"

  After sending the queen away, the palace lanterns in the Hall of Supreme Harmony were lit, illuminating the splendid palace.

  After drinking a little ginseng chicken soup, Kangxi played with the pair of porcelain vases again.

  Every time he glanced at it, Kangxi could find the difference between Princess Xiangxiang, just like the other party was changing his posture every moment, and his heart was itchy like being scratched by a cat's claws.

  Could it be that this is the feeling of heartbeat?

  "Pass the decree, quickly summon Fu Kang'an to the palace!"

  After a long while, Kangxi picked up the pair of porcelain vases that he had admired for several months, a trace of love appeared in his eyes, and he smashed them to the ground mercilessly.


  Two porcelain vases were smashed to pieces on the gold bricks in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

  "According to the order!"


  "Fu Kang'an, my servant, meet the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live."

  After half an hour, Fukangan, who was already sleeping with his beloved concubine in his arms, arrived.


  Kangxi looked down at his favorite, "You know, you've done a big stupid thing!"


  Fukang'an trembled, sweat dripped from his forehead, and slumped on the ground, "Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

  Although he himself didn't know what Kangxi was talking about, it was always right to take the initiative to plead guilty at such a time.

  Kangxi sneered, "Forgiveness? Your sins are not so easy to expose. Do you know that since you presented the pair of porcelain vases to me, I don't think about tea and rice every day, and it's hard day and night?"

  "I haven't entered the harem for a few months. The Queen Mother specially met me a few days ago, and asked me to take care of me!"

  At the end, Kangxi's tone exuded the charm of gnashing his teeth.

  "Please rest your anger, Your Majesty!" Fukangan finally turned the corner when he heard this, and breathed a sigh of relief, "Please, the Emperor, give the servants [-] soldiers and horses, and the servants will break through the Huibu and bring Princess Xiangxiang back to the Emperor! "

  He is both a man and the other is an aloof emperor. How could Fu Kangan not know what Kangxi wanted to do now.

  "Move troops against the Hui Ministry?"

  Kangxi considered it.

  "Since the [-]-strong army of Dogedo was defeated by the rebel Ying Yu, there has been anxiety everywhere. The Heaven and Earth Society, the Honghua Society, and the Pingxi Palace are all about to move. Are you sure that they will move troops against the Huibu?"

  There is a play!

  Fukang'an completely put down his thoughts, "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, if the minions are defeated, please kill the entire family of the minions!".

Chapter 124

  In the early morning, the morning light is bright, piercing the darkness of the night, and starting a new day.

  Qin State.

  In the palace transformed by the city guard mansion, Ying Yu, dressed in a jet-black nine-dragon robe and wearing a crown of heaven, stood in front of a map.

  On the cowhide map behind him, all the forces that can be on the table in Shenzhou today are marked, as well as the total number of troops they have.

  Qing Dynasty: Qing court, Safflower Society, Heaven and Earth Society, Pingxi Palace-, Shenlong Sect.

  Mongolia: Monolithic.

  Da Sui: Yang Guang, the four major clans, the World Association, the Supreme League, the City of Casting Swords, etc.

  Great Song Dynasty: Jinfeng Drizzle Tower, Power Gang, Shaolin Temple, Wudang School, Liufenbantang, Yangtze River Waterway Alliance, etc.!

  The Qin Kingdom established by Ying Yu was surrounded by various forces. Compared with other forces, it was really inconspicuous. It was like a cluster of weak flames that could be extinguished by the whistling wind at any time, and it could also turn into a raging fire at any time. .

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