Chapter 841 Development of Civilization

 “We have gained a lot this time.”

“First of all, we got a lot of useful technologies, including some SIA technologies, and some collection technologies.”

“The opponent’s warships and navigation technology are obviously far superior to ours. Of course, this is normal. If there is no pressure at the beginning, civilizations usually pursue speed when developing star navigation technology.”

“After all, the scale of the universe is too large, and if the speed is too slow, it will take years and months to reach the target area.”

“So it’s normal to prioritize upgrading this technology.”

 “This just makes it easier for us.”

 While discussing the players, they also sorted out their profits.

 The profits this time surprised them all, mainly because they did make too much money this time.

 First of all, there are various technologies. These technologies are not simple, because if they research these technologies by themselves, it will take a very long time.

 Although there are some technologies that can indeed be researched at their current level, the fact is that their current situation simply does not have the time to research them.

They don't have time. They still have a lot of problems at hand. They don't have the resources to invest in other technologies, so they have given up on many irrelevant technologies.

 However, after solving this civilization this time, they got these things. For them, although these things would not have any impact on themselves if they did not have them, no one would refuse them if they did.

Of course, apart from technology, there are also some more useful things, and that is the land of this planet. If such a large planet is fully developed, it can produce a very large amount of food every year.

 At the same time, they have a new place to stay, which means they can live a normal life here in the future.

 Some technologies that once had no resources or time to research can now be researched here. In short, everyone is very excited.

 The rewards they received this time were simply too great.

 In this way, the development of this planet is in full swing, a large amount of resources have been invested, and the exploitation of surrounding resources is also in progress.

 Soon, pieces of exciting news came out, first of all regarding food growing.

They have developed the latest special plant. The maturity cycle of these plants is very short and they are very suitable for planting in the spacecraft.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that they made breakthrough progress when they were researching materials. They studied the materials used by the two civilized warships, checked the advantages and filled the gaps, and finally developed new materials. .

  The new material is 10 times harder than the original material, which means their warships' survivability will increase.

For them, this was naturally good news, so everyone decided that all subsequent battleships must use such materials. Similarly, if some of the previous battleships were retired, they could also consider replacing them with such materials.

 “Everyone, we have achieved great success in all aspects so far.”

“Not only do we have our own planet, but many technologies have also been improved. But as the saying goes, prepare for a rainy day. Although everything is fine here now, we also have to consider the future.”

 At this time, everyone in the conference room was discussing the future development.

 Although they no longer need to worry about trivial matters now, who can guarantee that the fate of this civilization today will not be their fate in the future.

 So they need to prepare in advance and prevent all dangers in advance.

“In this case, research on weapons technology cannot stop. This is the most important thing to ensure the security of our civilization.”

“In addition, sufficient funds must be invested in materials technology to ensure that stronger materials can be developed.”

“At the same time, we also need to set up an exploration team. The main role of this team is to find real planets without intelligent life.”

“In terms of surrounding security, we must also ensure that it is safe within one light-year radius.”

"Enough detectors need to be deployed one light-year away to cover the entire area. Of course, this project is very huge, but there are some things we must do, and these covered detectors can monitor the surrounding situation for us in real time. "

"This plan may take hundreds of years and require a large amount of resources to be invested in it. Although our resource shortage problem has been solved now, it is undeniable that if we do such a huge project, then the resources we need The amount will not be small.”

"No one knows whether our place is absolutely safe. After all, this is also a star navigation civilization. We don't know whether they have other back-ups or whether they have any means to perish with us, so we must take care of everything in advance. Make arrangements to avoid any surprises."

In this way, everyone discussed various things word by word, and finally after their deliberations, they discovered a very scary fact, that is, although their resource reserves are now much larger than before, and they have obtained There are many more channels, but if they actually want to use them, they still don’t have enough resources.

Of course, we can’t blame them. After all, they used to be Zerg in the game. The resource utilization rate of developing Zerg is very scary. Even a tree or a stone on the roadside can be converted into biomass. But they can't.

Just imagine, the Zerg are still worried about resources all the time, not to mention that they are now in a shortage of resources.

 But even if they know that resources are scarce, they have nothing to do about this matter now.

But for them now, even if they are short of resources, they are still in a stage of rapid development, at least much faster than before. After all, they are no longer the civilization that needed to squeeze resources from their teeth. .

In this way, as time goes by, the first thing to be operated is the planetary defense plan. This plan is to arrange enough detectors within a radius of one light-year from the center of the planet. These detectors can use quantum entanglement communication technology to detect real-time The situation it observes is fed back to the civilization. Once an enemy invades, they will be able to know the specific situation in advance. Even if there is a problem, they can respond as soon as possible.

However, due to various reasons, this plan ultimately reduced the distance to 0.3 light-years.

There is no way to arrange it in a range of 100 million light years. The entire radiation range is too large and the amount of resources is simply not enough to support it. Secondly, it will take a lot of time for their Singapore Airlines technology to sail there, let alone arrange these things. , the time required will be even greater. The 100 years once estimated are not enough at all. It is estimated that adding an extra zero at the end will be enough.

 But it is obvious that they cannot spend such a long time on this plan.

 So the scope of the plan was narrowed, and they felt that the atmosphere was enough for them to arrange it in advance. All in all, after all kinds of bumps and bruises along the way, this plan has finally begun to be implemented. At the same time, the plan to update and iterate the battleship is also in progress.

 First of all, the original battleships will definitely not work. They need new battleships, and the first thing that new battleships need to do is to be single-minded.

 For them, this feature is very important.

In the past, when their resources were in short supply and the number of battleships was small, one battleship had to have many functions, but it is different now. Now they do not need to worry too much about resources. As for battleships, they are more inclined to use different battleships and combine certain ones. Characteristics taken to the extreme.

Soon various related battleship designs were released, followed closely by the research on battleship model machines.

After some real-time battles with model machines, they identified several special battleships and regarded these battleships as the key to the future of their civilization.

 After the battle lines for the new species were determined in this way, various related studies began.

At the same time, the entire civilization is paying attention to this matter. Everyone in this civilization that has been wandering in the universe for many centuries knows very well that battleships are related to the lifeblood of the entire civilization, so they are particularly concerned about these things. .

 Although civilization still retains the entertainment industry, and there are also small stars and so on, in the final analysis, these stars just have jobs with slightly higher incomes. That's right, slightly higher.

The stars here are not like the original Blue Star, where everyone can earn sky-high prices casually. The salaries of stars here are similar to those of ordinary elites, and they are relatively well-off.

This civilization respects those scientists.

 Every scientist can enjoy very high salary and various welfare subsidies.

And it can also attract the attention of many people. In short, if you become a well-known scientist, then you will gain both fame and fortune in the true sense. Unlike the original Blue Star, only people in this circle know you.

 In this civilization, the entire civilization knows you.

Of course this is very normal. After all, this matter is related to the prosperity of the entire civilization. No one will mess with this matter in this civilization. As long as you are a talented person, you will not be buried.

 There are too many organizations targeting scientists. Some are dedicated to helping them with unfair things they encounter, and some are dedicated to serving them. In short, other people may be suppressed, but this type of people cannot.

 So many people are flocking to this profession.

When there are more people like this, the development of civilization will naturally enter an accelerated stage. After all, when a civilization wants to become scientists, it means that the individual knowledge reserves of this civilization are very high, and they can work in any position. Played a very big role.

 This is a completely different way of development. Of course, this is only possible after the civilization has undergone a reshuffle, and a lot of capital will withdraw from the stage. Otherwise, their operations will still be the same, with entertainment first.

All in all, although this civilization cannot achieve true world unity, it is almost the same as the fair world imagined by the Blue Star people.

 This day is a day worth celebrating for the entire civilization.

 The attention of the whole civilization has been turned over.

At this time, at the space port, a reporter wearing a space suit was explaining to everyone.

“Dear viewers, hello everyone, welcome to today’s science broadcast. I believe everyone has been looking forward to today’s program for a long time.”

“After all, the Internet has been full of news about the first cruiser of our civilization recently, and today this battleship is finally going to meet everyone.”

As he said this, the next moment the camera switched, a giant warship painted in gray appeared in front of everyone.

“This battleship that you all see is the first cruise-class battleship of our current civilization, Chimei Junk.”

“This is a defensive warship, its main role is to bear the opponent’s firepower on the battlefield.”

"First of all, this warship has 730 small automatic turrets and two main guns. The main role of this warship is to take damage on the battlefield and provide a comfortable environment for the output warships behind it. It is also responsible for cleaning up the opponent's Fighter planes or escort-level boats.”

“The overall length of the battleship is 331 meters, of which the armor thickness reaches 73 meters, and it uses the most advanced special armor in current civilization technology.”

“It is no exaggeration to say that this battleship can withstand the concentrated fire of thousands of enemy battleships and remain standing. It is the strongest shield of civilization at present.”

“Of course, after learning the data of this battleship, everyone must have immediately understood that it is definitely impossible for this special battleship to enter the planet. Once it enters the planet and is pulled by the planet’s gravity, it may never be able to fly.”

This type of warship is also the first attempt of civilization. In the past, it was easy for their warships to enter the planet, but to enter the planet, the warship had to give up a lot. Now they have developed this kind of warship that cannot enter the planet. Battleships, battleships focused on space warfare, can also be considered a breakthrough.

With the exposure of this battleship, it also caused an uproar among civilization.

After having the Strongest Shield, everyone is curious, so what level of battleship should the Strongest Spear be?

But soon, something different was discovered in civilization.

 Because several warship companies in the civilization seem to have begun to compete overtly and covertly.

 Because of the success of this battleship, Anne Company has become the strongest battleship manufacturing company in the entire civilization. This naturally made the other major companies unhappy, so they began to build the strongest spear.

 After all, since the strongest shield is there, how can the strongest spear not appear?

Since then, the entire civilization has entered a state of greed. They really want to see what kind of warships other companies will develop.

 Every day is filled with information related to the strongest spear.

Of course, this is natural, and it also makes these battleship fans a feast for the eyes. Various conceptual drawings under construction have been unveiled online, which makes people dizzy.

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