"This is called the Central Desert, located in the middle of the entire continent, and has been basically occupied and controlled by the Zerg."

    Duan Wei took a water bag from the earth wall, originally wanted to hand it to Tang Xiao, but after shaking it, he found that there were no more drops of water, so he could only sigh: "We were not an investigation team, But when I was about to retreat back to the base camp after finishing other tasks, I suddenly received a notice from the headquarters that the team stationed here was missing. So we temporarily replaced it to check the situation."

    The rest he didn't say, because it goes without saying that everyone can see that the situation is extremely bad.

    Tang Xiao twisted the sand aside, and after a little induction, he found that the matter here is dead, not dead in the biological sense, but in the plane sense, has been drained of all vitality and luck.

    Even if they are not attacked, they will become desolate and decayed at a speed that is countless times higher than normal. No wonder the defense station they built is vulnerable.

    "You said earlier that the south is the territory of the power users, and the north is the stronghold formed by the ordinary people. But at the beginning of the appearance of the Zerg, there were obviously no power users. What happened in the middle?"

    Duan Wei sighed: "It's a long story."

    Tang Xiao: "You are safe now, you can talk in detail."

    When Tang Xiao entered this world called [Doomsday of Poisonous Insects], the so-called "introduction" he saw was different from what he heard at this time.

    In the introduction, this apocalyptic world was invaded by the Zerg. The Zerg relied on its super reproduction ability and vitality, and evolved various attack performances centered on the highly poisonous, and developed rapidly, even gradually on the surface suppressed human beings.

    [And humans even used nuclear weapons, but they still failed to exterminate the Zerg. Although there is no hope in sight, they are still waiting for a miracle, which may be the coming of the savior...]

    I have to say that this dungeon system makes the introduction to the world view very attractive, which is one of the reasons why Tang Xiao chose this world in the first place.

    And another bigger reason is that she realizes one thing the moment she observes the plane - this world has been "redemption".

    Similar to the doomsday plane that most players have cleared, with the withdrawal of the player, the plane system was immediately attacked and disappeared, and the copy plane lost contact with the alliance domain and could no longer transmit information , can only float alone in the vast universe.

    Naturally, no one noticed that a plane that had already been "saved" was still wandering for help.

    In the information provided by the alliance to the players, even the convention and the main system, this kind of thing can never happen - the player brings hope and salvation to the apocalyptic world, if anyone finds out that this salvation may just be a lie , then they worked tirelessly to do tasks and customs clearance, and who did they make wedding dresses for?

    The voice of the aborigines interrupted Tang Xiao's thoughts.

    Duan Wei's voice sounded very tired. He has been reluctant to recall the past for several years. Not only him, but the residents of the entire northern territory are silent about the past.

    "The first ability users appeared was because of a war between the central desert and the Zerg. When the war was stalemate, some people suddenly claimed that they had awakened their abilities and performed well in the war. "

    "These powers are regarded by everyone as the hope of human beings. They entered the high-level of the military and various institutions, quickly gained power, and developed a drug, claiming that as long as they are injected With medicines, more and more psychics can awaken."

    Listening to Duan Wei's remarks, Tang Xiao nodded thoughtfully, and commented: "It's a bunch of nonsense."

    The first ability user is undoubtedly the player who entered this instance.

    As for the wholesale ability, if it can be done, the alliance field has long been full of ability users, and it is the dungeon world?

    Duan Wei smiled bitterly: "You're right, if only we could think so at the time."

    However, at that time, the prestige of the group of power users was unprecedented, and the volunteers of several clinical trials really awakened the power. The medicine was quickly wholesaled on a large scale, and many powerful executives and family members were injected at the first time, waiting for the evolution with joy.

      The earliest power users, or the players once again issued an announcement, saying that the medicine is not perfect, and the blood of some special poisonous insects needs to be neutralized in order to exert the maximum effect.

    However, in order to obtain these materials, the human and material resources required, and even the lives of living soldiers are immeasurable. The common people noticed that something was wrong, but the high-level people who had been injected with the medicine were already controlled by the ability users, and they carried out the task abruptly.

    After a tragic war, both humans and Zerg were injured, and the survivors had to migrate to more remote places again. The society's dissatisfaction with the superhumans is running high, and they are required to give an explanation.

    The psychic turned a blind eye to this, and they developed the second and third batches of medicines. This time, even if they knew that it might be unreliable, more people chose to snap up. After all, the lives of ordinary people are too fragile, and they just want to live better in the end times...

    Duan Wei said here, Tang Xiao already understood the plan of the previous batch of players.

    They want to take the unbreakable and unbreakable war route, by gathering power, mobilizing all human and material resources, regardless of the gain or loss, and the Zerg fight to the death. Coupled with the potion, it should indeed be able to increase the combat power in a short period of time, and consume almost the Zerg. They will come out and finish it. According to the logic of the system task, they can also be judged to pass the customs.

    As for the aboriginal people, how much damage these wars will bring, and how to recover in the end, is not in their consideration.

    The memory behind Duan Wei is roughly the same as Tang Xiao's guess.

    "...In the end, our population was only 20%, the fuel was exhausted, and the number of Zerg was reduced to less than 30%. Under the command of the top, the last armed resources were poured out. To the Zerg lair. I remember very clearly, at that time, the base camp had no civilian electricity, and ordinary people could only wait for the judgment of fate at home. "

    God seems to have retained the last trace of mercy, the Zerg did not appear that night, and the survivors fell into the carnival of the rest of their lives. It wasn't until the next morning that everyone discovered that the "powers" who had created all of this had disappeared.

    For players, the dungeon has been cleared and the end is over.

    But for Indigenous peoples, the disaster is just beginning.

    When Duan Wei said this, the sound of sandstorm outside the defense facility became very loud, whistling against the sand wall, a few team members went out to watch, and returned with a dignified expression: "There may be a sandstorm at night. , this broken building can't resist."

    In the central desert, dust storms are often accompanied by the raid of poisonous insects.

    At this moment, it was almost dusk, and the group of people were hungry and their faces were very ugly.

    Tang Xiao looked at the environment and made up his mind: "Where is your vehicle?"

    "When I came, I was attacked by insects and buried in the sand."

    "Then let me sit here."

    Before Tang Xiao finished speaking, a white light flashed on the ground, and an off-road vehicle appeared. She opened the door: "Come up."

    The air was silent. Everyone tried to be less astonished in front of strangers, but they couldn't control their reactions at all - how could anyone change cars out of thin air? ?

    They had their own guesses about Tang Xiao's origin, but now they are not sure.


    Even the original ones... definitely couldn't achieve the strength of this girl when she first appeared.

    However, at the end of Japan, the strong are respected, and the group can see it. ?"

    Tang Xiao pressed a button, looking from the outside, a halo filled with pictures and text appeared on the wheel of the off-road vehicle, causing the whole vehicle to rise in the air, and within two seconds Hanging up to a height of nearly 100 meters, the desert hills and ravines are unobstructed.

    "Go to the last home of mankind, your northern base."


    "What are you doing?"

    "I'm a clerk on the third floor to take over last week's business."

    "Show ID."

    In front of the empty and straight corridor, two inspectors with the same appearance were guarding the exit to check the people who entered.


    When he looked up, the inspector's calm face appeared above: "The ID card is on this side, and the human body recognition is on the other side."

    The young clerk was sweating profusely and did not dare to say a word.

    The long and narrow corridor lit up with dazzling white light the moment someone stepped in, as if there were countless cameras monitoring it in real time. The clerks knew this was the highest level of vigilance.

    Even a few days ago, the highest level of vigilance had already begun at the headquarters of the NB company before the sudden martial law in the entire alliance field.

    What does this mean, the clerk dare not think too much, and it is not something that an ordinary person can think too much. He quickened his pace, followed the navigation, and tried to relax as much as possible.

    However, after taking a dozen steps, he didn't even notice it, his eyes and steps changed.

    “…see it all?”

    "I see, this road should be the only entrance to the NB company at present. Damn, the review is really strict. I was also scared into a cold sweat and almost exposed."

    "You are possessed in this person's consciousness and influenced by this person."

    I don't know how far away, in a narrow basement, a man and a woman are sitting at a table and talking in a low voice.

    The man closed his eyes, with faint beads of sweat on his forehead, and held a glowing stone in his hand.

    The woman is holding a weapon, watching the man's state while guarding the door. She knew that the man's consciousness at this time was not here, but on the unlucky clerk who was selected at the headquarters of NB Company.

    "This is the first time I have used my spiritual possession ability in the alliance field, and it has been weakened by more than 90%. If it wasn't for this item from Gu Xingchen at a high price, damn..."

    The woman calmed down softly, guiding his consciousness to focus: "What did you see? Is there any useful information at present?"

    The man frowned: "No, the inspector is too strong, our energy is not at the same level as them, once you are tough, you will only be killed in seconds, and you will never be able to face it in the future... Now I Walking into the elevator, this clerk's authority is only on the sixth floor on the ground, which floor is our goal?"

    "Five floors. There is a passage to the player service center."

    Since the alliance is under martial law, the original supervisor system has been banned by the new one, and the player service center has also been forcibly closed.

    In other words, the entire alliance field and all players-related institutions have been controlled and blocked by NB. The most important information channel is closed, players are like being blindfolded, and their mobility is greatly weakened.

    Li Qian and Wang Li are two players who have been in the league field for several years.

    But that's precisely because they are smarter than many people - sometimes, the quieter they are, the longer they live.


    At the same time, they also learned a new news - although the player service center has been closed from the outside, the inside is still running normally. After all, the energy core of the service center comes from the convention, and most of the service providers are intelligent robots.

    Although I don't know what method NB used to confuse the rules of the convention, it is obvious that they can't do a full set of dramas. Li Wang and the two suddenly ignited hope.

    As long as they can enter the player service center again, they may not only contact other senior players who are trapped in the dungeon and have not returned, but also purchase more resources. It is better to die in the dungeon for dozens or hundreds of years than to become meat on the anvil in the alliance field.

    And they found that in addition to the well-known entrances and exits, there is another entrance that can enter the player center and has a high probability of not being closed, which is at the headquarters of the NB company.

    Before life and death are at stake, you have to gamble.

    The elevator beeps. Arrived on the fifth floor.

    When stepping out of the elevator, there was a hint of hesitation on the face of the young clerk. He didn't understand, why did he come to the fifth floor inexplicably when he was going to the third floor for work?

    But two seconds later, the clerk's eyes became blank again, and under the control of Wang Li's consciousness, he walked out obediently.

    "I see the entrance!"

    Wang Li almost bounced off his chair, he restrained his emotions and tried his best to calmly recite: "In the inner side of the fifth floor, there is a hidden room, which cannot be seen by normal eyesight. Open it with a special item. Inside the room is the entrance to the player service center."

    NB Company designed it very carefully, but in the eyes of Wang Li, who is a spiritual power user, the structure of the mechanism is clear at a glance.

    He opened his mouth excitedly, and was about to continue to say something, when suddenly, as if his throat was stuck, his expression also covered with panic: "Someone came out from there... It's the inspector!"

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