You didn't follow the routine at all, did you?

Chapter 157 Xia Ling Refuses to Row in Duo with You (Please Subscribe!)

Old Litou also organized a lot of people this time.

The main reason is that this month has not passed a few days, and everyone has been recruited.

After all, if you line up early, it is easy to meet people you shouldn't meet.

And it's a gathering, but who doesn't want to win?

It's like playing mahjong with relatives and friends. Although friendship comes first and everyone can afford to lose, if you can win, why not?

You should know that when killing people in PVP mode, the old coins are exploded according to the player's total assets, generally 5%.

It doesn't look high, but this group is full of old things that don't worry about eating and drinking. If you cut it down, it may be a bag or two of rice.

Doesn't this blow their wave?

Besides, it is both the end of the edition and the end of the year, so this month is indeed very commemorative.

These old players have nothing to do except recruiting all day long. It can be said that the grass has grown for several years, and it is time to work hard.

Old Li said in the tone of his master: "That's it, let's pick an intermediate date, the 15th, and make time ahead of time, how about it?"

Yemaohan: "Okay, just in case everyone is here, come out and make an SS call."

""Ye Mao Han" has been banned by the administrator"

Old Li: "Le, the young man doesn't have a long memory."

Sexy Uncle: "Scoring twice belongs to yes."

Scored twice: "What are you calling me for?"

Sexy uncle: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Scored twice: "It's a happy reunion, right? Add me."

Isn't it just Wuqu Xing archive?

Like no one.

This group is all top players, and basically all of them have won Ω in Wuquxing.

There is only one possibility if there is no archive or the archive level is not high, and that is to be killed by the goddess.

Chengcheng can't wake up: "@尤邱子, are you coming? / Looking forward to it."

Youyouzi: "No, no, I have something to do."

The rejection was decisive.

But actually Yuyuko wanted to go very much.

She also has Wu Quxing's archives, and her level is not low. Besides killing people to make money, it is also fun for everyone to play together.

But she is going to kill Gu Chi and free Mr. Prophet.

The main personality has been occupied by Gu Chi for a long time, Mr. Prophet will be polluted!

If Gu Chi had entered the book earlier, and if he could catch up after typing, Youyouzi would definitely go.

But if Gu Chi didn't enter the book after the 15th, then she wouldn't be able to go.

What's money and fun compared to Mr. Prophet?

Any slightest hesitation is a disrespect to Mr. Prophet!

But, she can urge Mr. Prophet.

The next day was Monday, and Youyouzi had to go to school, so she dozed off boredly for dozens of minutes, and after class, she sent Gu Chi a message.

Gu Chi also just finished class at this time.

One is a teacher, the other is a student, and the free time is just right on the axis.

Yuyuko sat in the classroom: "Mr. Prophet, when are you going to arrange the book?"

Gu Chi was in the office: "I can't tell."

Yuyuko: "/Poor, can we get in line earlier?"

Gu Chi: "Are you in a hurry?"

Yuyuko: "A little bit."

Gu Chi: "Is there something going on later?"

Low EQ: Well, there is a team building in the middle of the month.

Yuyuko: "/Shy, I want to see Mr. Prophet soon."

Gu Chi: "..."

You might as well say that you want to kill me quickly.

Gu Chi thought for a while and said, "I suggest you finish your business first, and send your hair away. I'm not in a hurry."

Yuyuko: "?"

Why does this guy keep saying that she gives away her head?

Without the forbidden spell, it's not certain who will give the head to whom!

Yuyuko switched stances: "/Angry, my business is to kill you, liar, remember to wash it clean when you deposit!"

Gu Chi: "..."

Although, as a person who loves to take a bath, he washes it very clean every day.

Gu Chi's second class is in the afternoon, so he is relatively free now, so he can chat with Youyuzi more.

Vice President Liu arranged a new independent office for him, and he didn't have to worry about poking the air with his fingers to attract strange stares from others.

As usual, Gu Chi was dual-tasking, logging in the game while checking the news on his mobile phone.


【You have a new email】


Seeing the little red dot on the mailbox, Gu Chi thought that Xia Ling had sent him something again,

Only emails with items will have this notification sound.

As a result, when I opened it, I found that the sender was Power 39, and there was a small statue like a trophy in the attachment box.

[Oscar Statue (Epic): Your ID is engraved on the base, all attributes +0.1. 】

Gu Chi: "..."

He took out the statuette and put it on the table, and searched for a picture in the browser for comparison.

It's not exactly the same, it's exactly the same.

It is also heavy to start with, and it looks like it is really made of pure gold.

The little golden man was shining brightly under the light, but Gu Chi felt the resentment from Power 39.

Power 39 added him as a friend two days ago, but he hasn't talked to him. He thought that the other party was losing face, so it turned out that he was preparing a gift.

Gu Chi opened Didi Power 39 in the friend list, and asked curiously, "Does this thing have attributes?"

Strength 39: "It's a piece of equipment that's custom-made."

The bonus of 0.1 to all attributes is actually not much, and it is useless to have more.

Ordinary equipment needs to be worn or used to take effect. The statuette's equipment is a weapon. Gu Chi has to hold it in his hand and smash a walnut to enjoy this boost.

Only legendary quality equipment doesn't need to be so troublesome, just put it in the bag.

This is also another powerful aspect of the legend besides attributes and effects. It does not occupy the "equipment bar" and can be superimposed.

Naturally, the little golden man cannot be compared with the legend.

But Gu Chi still expressed his gratitude to Power 39.

The workmanship of the statuette is exquisite, it should be nice to use it as an object and put it in the cabinet.

This can be regarded as a real luxury decoration, and the equipment with added attributes is not cheap, let alone custom-made.

It is conservatively estimated that it can also be worth several thousand old coins.

Strength 39: "You're welcome, I just want to remind you of one thing, avoid bugs in the future."

Gu Chi was startled, and asked, "Is anyone banned?"

He subconsciously thought this was advice from an old player.

"There is no title, but it is not good to do so."

"You think about it from a different angle. Other players have never seen a legend after playing the game for several years. You have easily spawned it. What will others think?"

"You will be targeted easily. There are props in the game that can explode other people's equipment."

"So for your safety..."

Power 39 said seriously: "Next time you want to brush the legend, be sure to call me, I can protect you."

Gu Chi: "..."

You are a good person.

But it's not impossible.

To be honest, he is actually a bit greedy for the highly functional "teammate" of Power 39.

Once the attribute is changed, it will be 200+ dao rhymes. It only needs to face the basics, and it is a brand new bug.

But this should not be rushed.

Because there is a non-disclosure agreement in the real world, it is very dangerous for players to meet offline. Once one party has a wrong mind, killing the other party is just a matter of a few words, no matter how high the attribute is, it is useless.

Although strength 39 doesn't seem like a bad ratio, it's a matter of life, so it's better to be cautious.

Let's wait for him to chat with this big brother for a while.

This is the same as online dating, there is no one who just met and immediately found out, right?

Ordinary people run the risk of being crushed when they meet ordinary people, let alone players.

On the other hand, even if he wasn't afraid, Power 39 might not agree.

Reality and games are two different things. The statuettes have been sent, and if he wants to perform another wave, the power 39 may not be able to bear it.

The morning time passed while chatting with Power 39 and Yuyuko.

At noon, Gu Chi packed up his desk and left the office. As soon as he went out, he saw Vice Principal Liu in a suit walking towards him in the corridor.

There was a smile on the other party's usually serious face, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

"Professor Gu, good afternoon." Vice President Liu greeted Gu Chi, "Are you going to eat?"

Gu Chi nodded.

Vice President Liu: "Exactly, I didn't eat either, together?"

Gu Chi: "Okay."

Both of them are very prestigious figures in the school now, but they didn't do anything special. They ordered a few small dishes on the second floor of the cafeteria and sat in the lobby. They didn't even go to the private room, which caused the surrounding students to look sideways.

The main reason is that one is handsome, and the other has a rare expression.

In the eyes of the students, Vice President Liu has always had a straight face, like menopause, and he has never smiled.

Someone even secretly took pictures of Vice President Liu cursing others, made various emoticons, and successfully received a punishment.

Vice President Liu's stern image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and today he is laughing for the first time?

"There is good news." Vice President Liu ignored the eyes of the students and said cheerfully. He came to Gu Chi specifically to talk about this, "Our school's officially recommended schools have been determined. It will be announced in a few days, thanks to Professor Gu's help."

Focusing on the last part of a sentence can deepen the impression of the other party. Vice President Liu is obviously a person who can talk.

Gu Chi was a little surprised by the efficiency of the Ministry of Education, and said with a smile: "Vice Principal Liu was joking, being selected by the official shows that our school's overall quality is excellent, and it has nothing to do with me personally."

Vice President Liu glanced at Gu Chi with a "doting" look: "You will be humble."

There is a hint of just right reproach in the tone, which makes people feel that the reproach is not a reproach, but a compliment.

Vice President Liu is indeed in a good mood today. There are only ten recommended colleges in the province. Could he be unhappy that the school won this honor?

I must find a time to treat Professor Gu to a good meal!

After a wave of business bragging, Vice President Liu talked about something else: "The school recently hired some new teachers. Professor Gu, do you want to adjust the curriculum and teach them two classes?"

Since the last time he personally evaluated Gu Chi's professor, Vice President Liu has been learning about the professional knowledge of dream psychology. The more he understands, the more he feels that it is overqualified for Gu Chi to only teach students.

He also specifically called Professor Luo to ask, and Professor Luo turned up the volume and asked loudly: "He is more than enough to teach me, what do you think?"

So Vice President Liu thought, why not give half of the monthly courses to the teacher, and set up two big classes for the other half, so that the top students can listen to Gu Chi's lectures.

Don't the students all like Professor Gu?

This can also stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning to a certain extent.

"Okay, Vice President Liu can arrange it." Gu Chi smiled.

As long as he had the time, it made no difference to him whether he taught students or teachers.

"Then let's do this." Vice President Liu paused, and then said, "By the way, at the end of this month, there will be an official seminar on dream psychology in Qinhai City. The scale is said to be quite large, and the theme is multi-person dreams. Studying with Mengzhong, Professor Luo asked me to ask if you have time."

"Should... yes?" Gu Chi wasn't very sure, he didn't say anything.

He remembered that Xia Ling told him that Xia Leng usually arranges books at the beginning of the month and the end of the month, and it is a working day, so that he will hardly miss his news.

Gu Chi was very moved when he heard it, and then Xia Ling complained about it.

"Isn't it because you only think about us on weekends?"


It's not that he doesn't want to, it's just that he doesn't send messages very often.

Vice President Liu asked: "Then I will talk to Professor Luo about the situation?"

Gu Chi: "Well, it depends on the situation."

He won't urge Xia Leng like Youyouzi urges him, he doesn't even bother to let Xia Ling hint.

It is not necessary to participate.

In his heart, dispensable communication is far less important than Xia Leng's habit.

Assuming that the exchange meeting has to go, he won't let Xia Leng change the time, he can just change it himself.

It's a big deal to see Goddess Chi killing all directions next time. Anyway, it's his wife, and she can't run away.

After returning home at night, Gu Chi entered the sage mode after eating, and accompanied Xia Ling to watch dramas on the sofa.

They didn't write any more notebooks.

The current Daoyun is enough for him, and he has to spend money to upgrade his skills, which is not worthwhile. With this time, it is better to enjoy life more.

Xia Ling doesn't lack any skills, she has been watching the auction house for the past few days, to see if she can pick up the leaks and buy a few backpacks.

The TV in the living room is on as always, but it is not watched, it is only used to create a family atmosphere.

Gu Chi glanced at Xia Leng in the study, lowered his head and whispered to Xia Ling, "Next time I'm recruited, I plan to tie Xia Leng."

Tonight's girl changed her posture, laying her head on his lap, while her two long white legs bent their knees and stepped on the sofa, like a thin snow mountain with thin slits, no matter what she said It's still convenient to do anything.

Xia Ling already knew Gu Chi's thoughts from Xia Leng's prediction, so she was not surprised to hear Gu Chi say so at this time, but she just curled her lips: "Want to see Xia Leng play prestige? I won't go, you and her Let's line up."

Gu Chi laughed and said, "Why, are you still jealous?"

Xia Ling snorted softly: "In my previous life, I was a lemon essence soaked in a jar of vinegar, don't you know?"

The acidity is super doubled!

Gu Chi said innocently: "I never said I would abandon you."

"Forget it, men are duplicity animals. I stood in front of you wearing your clothes the night before yesterday, and you can think of Xia Leng. I might as well not be here." Xia Ling seemed to be still worried about this matter, But in fact, she wanted to give Xia Leng and Gu Chi some time to spend alone.

She and Xia Leng are real sisters, they have a twin phoenix, and their love is stronger than gold.

As a younger sister, Xia Ling naturally wouldn't hold on to Gu Chi, and wanted to give her sister some sweetness.

This is purely out of feelings for Xia Leng and her own generosity, not because of some guilty conscience.

"Really not going?" Gu Chi said, "This is a good opportunity to travel."

With Xia Leng around, they don't have to worry about tasks, and can spend most of their time on eating, drinking and having fun.

Xia Ling muttered: "No, no, if you really have this idea, why don't you take us out to play in reality."

A game is always a game, and reality is what it is.

"All right." Gu Chi didn't force it.

Thinking about it carefully, the girl is right, they have grown up so much, they haven't played together seriously before.

Now he has more free time, and if he has the opportunity, he can try to take a seven-day double-fly tour of scenic spots.

The sweet cohabitation life passed quickly.

There is also the continuous jumping time to accelerate and assist, and it is in the middle of the month in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Gu Chi left work as usual and returned home from school.

As soon as I entered the door, I could smell the oily and spicy aroma from the kitchen.

He put down his briefcase, took off his coat, went over to hug Xia Leng, and praised: "It smells so good."

Xia Leng glanced at him: "It's not the first time making these dishes."

Gu Chi: "I'm talking about you."

Xia Leng: "..."

After so many years, she would still be sweetened by Gu Chi's words from time to time.

Xia Leng picked up the chopsticks on the side, picked up a piece of fat and thin meat from the pot, blew on it twice, took the oil with his hands, and fed it to Gu Chi's mouth: "Taste it."

Gu Chi ate it into his mouth in one gulp.

Xia Leng: "Is the taste suitable?"

Gu Chi: "Well... suitable, delicious."

"That's fine." Xia Leng put down his chopsticks and continued to stir fry, "How many classes have you taken this month?"

"I don't remember." Gu Chi said, "There must be more than ten halls."

Xia Leng: "You don't rest?"

Gu Chi: "Yes, I won't go starting tomorrow."

Although Vice President Liu didn't ask him to take so many classes, he knew what he knew, and he was almost done, so he stayed at home with his wife with peace of mind.

Xia Leng nodded.

So let's do it tonight.


Let’s talk about it here, the addition depends on the number of words, the daily update is 4,000 words, and 2,000 words is one update. I only counted one update for some 4,000-word chapters in the past. I have said before that I want to combine updates to get ten thousand order badges, and I don’t care about the number of words, you guys, I will develop them separately in the future.

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