Years: Salted fish life since going to the countryside

Chapter 263 Killing the tree warehouse

After these flying dragons have cages, Han Li can untie them and feed them. Otherwise, if these flying dragons have starved to death before he returns, then his plan will be postponed. .

And with the cage, these flying dragons won't get their hands all over their bodies when they defecate, and it seems that people can't catch them at all.

However, Han Li didn't intend to make this cage too big, it would be convenient for him to carry it when he went back if it was small, so this cage could barely accommodate the flying dragons in it, and he would change them to a more comfortable environment when he got home.

At this time, the sparrow that Han Li sent to check the trap and the lynx flew back. The trap was not touched, and the lynx was still gone.

Han Li could only shake his head helplessly, and let the sparrow continue to explore the way ahead. He put on his clothes and closed the door before continuing to walk forward.

As for Feilong staying here, he didn't want to hurry with these little things on his back now.

As soon as the door was opened, a biting cold wind blew head-on, and Han Li shivered involuntarily. He wrapped his scarf and overcoat again before walking forward. In the whole valley, apart from the sound of the wind, there seemed to be only His big snowshoes creaked and creaked on the snow.

But it didn't take long for the sun to come out, and the snow and ice layers on the trees were refracted with colorful rays of light. The scene was really like a fairyland, and Han Li stopped and admired it for a while.

Afterwards, Han Li continued to walk in the cold snow, with forests and bushes lined up behind him, but there were more and more footprints of beasts on the road, including wild boars, deer, rabbits, pheasants, etc. wait.

Although Han Li didn't dig out the hare's nest like he did at the beginning, he couldn't blame others for running ahead of him, so the short javelin in his hand would add some meat reserves to the decomposition space from time to time.

He also picked three Ganoderma lucidum from an old dead tree trunk. This was the first time Han Li had seen Ganoderma lucidum since he came to this place.

In addition to Ganoderma lucidum, Han Li also picked a lot of holly along the way.

If other people encounter the medicinal material of holly, they will usually climb to the tree and beat it, which is called playing holly in the local area.

However, the trees in this season are full of icy stubble, and the difficulty of climbing the tree is not ordinary, but Han Li only needs to stand under the tree and use it directly to break it down.

Han Li looked at Holly in his hand and thought in his heart, could this be the place where poisonous snakes are often said to haunt, and there must be an antidote within seven steps?

Frostbite is very common in this cold world. As long as you are outdoors, it is very common to accidentally frostbite your hands, feet and ears.

Once a person has chilblain in a certain year, it will occur almost every year thereafter, and it is very difficult to cure.

But the holly that grows in the ice and snow, one of its very important effects is to treat frostbite, especially for those recurrent old frostbite.

In addition, holly also has the effects of nourishing the liver and kidney, strengthening muscles and bones, cooling blood and stopping bleeding.

It has a certain therapeutic effect on rheumatic arthralgia, sore waist paint, fetal movement, tracheitis, burns, hemorrhoids and other diseases.

Han Li also found some mushrooms hidden in the bushes along the footprints of unknown little beasts in the snow. Although there were not many, they were enough to make soup at night.

However, the lynx that Han Li had always cared about never found its presence, which made him somewhat regretful.

Since Han Li came out in the morning, he was almost on his way, picking up things, and throwing javelins. The main reason was that the light was too tiring for his eyes, so he decided to find a place with a leeward wind to rest for a while, at least let his eyes relax a little, otherwise he would be afraid I have snow blindness.

At this time, Han Li discovered that there was a sunny recess in front of him, and there were more than ten thick trees there.

It was a good place. I could climb up a tree to rest my eyes for a while without worrying about the sudden attack of wild animals, such as the missing lynx.

However, when Han Li approached, his original resting thoughts disappeared immediately, because he found a tree hole with the thickness of the mouth of a water tank at a height of more than one meter in the trunk, and there was a thin layer of covering around the hole. Thin hoarfrost.

It would be fine if it was just a tree hole, but the layer of hoarfrost around it reminded Han Li of the Xiongcangzi that the villagers had mentioned.

The cave with bears is called Xiong Cangzi, and the hoarfrost around it is melted by the heat breathed by the bears.

And the names of these bear warehouses are different. The bear cave on the big tree branch is called "Tiancang", the bear cave on the ground is called "Di Cang", the one in the rock cave is called "Shicang", and the one in the tree cave is called "Shucang". "The one in front of Han Li is the "Shucang".

Bears in Changbai Mountain have the habit of hibernating. Once they hibernate in a cave, they are called "Wo Cangzi".

Most bears do not hibernate because they have not grown fat in autumn and cannot meet the consumption during hibernation, or they are disturbed by tigers or hunters just after hibernation, and they simply do not sleep.

Han Li wasn't sure what kind of bear the inside belonged to, so he didn't dare to get too close to avoid being discovered by the bear inside, which caused his mental power to be unable to cover the inside of the tree hole.

But then Han Li judged from the thickness of the hoarfrost around the entrance of the tree warehouse in front of him that there must be a real hibernating bear inside.

This kind of situation makes it a chance for anyone to encounter it, because the bear is the weakest at this time, and it is also the best time to kill.

The local hunters called this situation "killing the cangzi", and later it was taken away by the beards for borrowing. They blocked people at home and killed them, which was also called "killing the cangzi".

When encountering this kind of situation, most people will trample the nearby snow firmly, and then light a few piles of fire to prevent them from running around the fire when killing the bear. Of course, it is better to have a suitable big tree, between the big tree and the fire Going around in circles gives your companions a chance to hunt bears, which in disguise increases the chances of survival for the person who bears the brunt.

However, those traditional methods were not suitable for Han Li, a man with golden fingers. He carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

Then they began to use their decomposition ability to dig pits nearby, and they were still very deep pits, and there were still a lot of them.

Because Han Li is a very life-saving person, these pits almost blocked any direction Xiong wanted to attack Han Li.

As long as the bear came out of the tree hole, there must be a hole suitable for it as a burial place before its death.

Han Li did not erect sharp wooden stakes in these pits, because that would damage the integrity of the bear hide.

Regardless of whether it was a black bear or a brown bear, Han Li cherished its fur.

After Han Li made these pits, in order to respect the first bear he was going to kill, he even covered the pits with branches, hoping that this would make the bear go away with more peace of mind.

Han Li took out a fist-sized stone in his hand, and then ruthlessly threw it at the trunk of the hibernating bear.


The solid sound of the stone hitting the trunk is a sign that the bear inside hasn't dug into the spot yet.

A stone appeared in Han Li's hand that time, but this time he adjusted his position and threw it again.


This time the tree trunk made a hollow sound, which indicated that Han Li had found the right location.

After that, they kept attacking the tree trunk with stones. After Han Li hit the tree trunk with stones more than a dozen times, a bear roared angrily from inside the tree hole.

"Ho Ho..."

After Han Li heard the voice, he couldn't help becoming nervous. He glanced at the big tree behind him as the last escape route. Many javelins of different lengths appeared in his hands and around him. hole.

"Ho... ho..."

The bear roared continuously, and the sound became louder and louder. It seemed that it was venting its anger at being woken up, and it seemed that it was swearing to the valley that it would wake up.

Then a bear paw grabbed the hole, and then came the second one with its black head, and its two black eyes looked out with infinite anger.

At this time, it held down the tree hole with its front paws, and propped its body up, and almost the whole bear jumped out of the tree hole in the next second.

It was a black bear with a white crescent moon on its chest. It fixed its eyes on Han Li, the culprit, and then roared and rushed towards this side with an indomitable momentum.

This speed really shocked Han Li. Even a black bear has this speed, yet people still dare to call it a stupid bear? What kind of self-confidence is this?

Han Li involuntarily tightened his grip on the super-long javelin, but he was relieved when he saw the direction the black bear was running, and a bewildered and confident smile appeared on his face.


"Ho Ho..."

After Han Li saw the black bear fall into the trap, the smile on his face became bigger, and he thought to himself, no wonder people call it a stupid bear.

The pride in his heart didn't stop Han Li for a moment. He ran to the black bear immediately after he fell into the trap.

Putting away all the cover-ups here, the black bear roared angrily when it saw Han Li, and the stench in its mouth didn't bother him at all.

While roaring, the black bear waved its two bear paws and kept scratching the wall trying to get out. After a long time, it could really come out, but Han Li would not give it this chance.

While the black bear was roaring wildly, the super long javelin in Han Li's hand stabbed down fiercely.


"Hey, huh... huh..."

The javelin pierced directly into the black bear's throat. It roared miserably for a while, and then bit the javelin off in one bite.

The front half of the javelin was still firmly stuck in the black bear's throat. At this moment, the black bear didn't care to scratch the wall. It opened its mouth wide and fiddled with its two bear paws, as if trying to get the contents out.

But a stupid bear is a stupid bear. Under its drumming, the front half of the javelin directly pierced the trachea.

Afterwards, the black bear began to inhale more and outgas less, and soon lay down on the ground without moving.

Han Li took out a long wooden stick and stabbed the black bear, only after seeing that the bear remained motionless did he confirm its death.

Thanks: book friend 20170703205616242 reward: 100 points.

Thanks: No matter what amount of reward: 100 points.

Thanks: 今朝@早明报: 100 points.

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