Chapter 947: 9:49: Destroy the heavens! The two Lords of the demon star!

Chapter 947, 1949, destroying the earth and destroying the earth! The Lord of the two demon stars!

Note: Doom and Sky priests doom, just the same name, not the same person, and no connection.


Although the snake spirit Queen Du Yi disappeared, this did not hinder the assembly of the Motuo Empire War.

With the order of the emperor, the thirteen blood-sucking kings of the Motuo Empire assembled and marched toward the eastern coast.

In fact, more than twenty years ago, Emperor Mao completed the unification of the facts of the wilderness in the north. Only in order to let the Temple of the Dragon relax the vigilance of the Motuo Empire, so slowed down, leaving a quarter of the northern wilderness is not to be eliminated. Therefore, Na Na blood became the supreme commander of the Motuo Empire in the past ten years. This is also a statement of Emperor Moto on the Temple of the Dragon.

In the past ten or twenty years, Emperor Motu was always preparing for the invasion of the wild. However, because of the decree of the Temple of the Dragon, he was unable to invade the army, and he was forced to lead a blood-sucking royal family to the south.

Now that Na's blood has been destroyed, Emperor Demon has finally got what he wants.

The people in the Temple of the Dragon are too greedy. They want to destroy the empire of the empire and want to have nothing to do with Lanling, but they are not willing to open the tomb on a large scale, and they are even less willing to lose their own power. Therefore, the magical emperor of the Motuo empire slaughtered the emperor, but did not want to think that this is entirely a tiger.

Therefore, in the heart of the high-rise of the Temple of the Dragon, Emperor Moto is the experimental product of the Temple of the Dragon, and he has an inexplicable sense of mastery.

In these twenty years, Emperor Tuo brought together the power of a huge empire, created tens of thousands of giant ships, tens of thousands of airships, and can transport astronomical numbers to bypass the fallen land and enter the southern wilderness.

In the past ten years, Emperor Mao has built more than 500 miles of giant wharfs along the coast of the East China Sea.

Behind the pier, there are huge barracks, countless castles, and all of them are the army of the Motuo Empire.

Thirteen blood-sucking royal army, all here! (Na Na blood inherits the power of the Prince of Disha, but after he was destroyed, Emperor Motu immediately gave another royal family, which fully inherited the title of the royal family of the Prince of Disha. In general, the Motuo Empire must always guarantee thirteen. The royal family, the preparation of the thirteen princes)

At the time of the Motuo Empire, the Na's Blood Legion killed the Prince of the Emperor and all the sons. He completely inherited the power of the Prince of Disha and became one of the thirteen princes of the Motuo Empire. Later, they continued to encroach on the power of other vampire princes, and even invaded the sect of the prince.

Therefore, when she is at its peak, it is equivalent to having two blood-sucking royals. When she went south, she led the army of five million.

So, how many troops led by the Motuo Empire this time?

Just 20 million!

That's right, it's just 20 million, only four times the number of the Na's blood army.

But... the strength is really more than ten times that of the blood army!

The Motuo Empire is the king's centralization, plus a certain system of separation. Thirteen blood-sucking royals jointly possessed 40% of the empire's force. The prince had the power of the empire, and the emperor had half of the empire's force. This is only the data of the imperial regulations, and the actual God Moto still masters many secret forces. Even since he opened many mysterious planes, he even tamed the virtual air regiments of these planes.

Therefore, the power of the simple emperor's hands is more than ten times that of the Na's blood army.

This time, the Southern Expeditionary Enchanted Empire is completely owned by the Lions, and the Motuo Empire has assembled most of its power. Although the number of troops is only four times that of the Na's Blood Corps, its strength is more than ten times.

There are only two Yawangs in the Na's Blood Legion, and the number of Yawangs in the Emperor's Regiment has surpassed the astonishing forty-nine.

At the peak of the Na's Blood Corps, there were only a hundred Devils, and the number of Devils of the Emperor's Regiment was a secret, because many of the Virtual Air Forces were unknown. However, there are more than two thousand people who have registered with the Motuo Empire.

As for the demon level, the demon class is completely astronomical.

The undead warrior regiment, which is regarded as the trump card of the Motuo Empire, has reached a staggering six million.

In short, the army of the south of the Motuo Empire was incapable of resisting the empire. Even if there is a heap of hell, even if there is an energy array, it is impossible to resist.

Even if only the emperor is alone, it is easy to destroy all the **** enemies and energy arrays of the Inflammatory Empire.

"The army is on board!"

"The army is flying on the air!"

Prince Magica gave a command.

Suddenly, countless Demon empires were like ants, boarded a giant battleship and boarded a giant airship.

More than five hundred miles of piers, all kinds of energy behemoths of various kinds of blood-sucking demons are occupied by the tides, flocking to the huge ships and airships on the sea.

The giant ships and airships of the Motuo Empire are very advanced.

The air hall of the Na's Blood Legion began to rely on giant birds to carry, while the giant airship of Emperor's Tudor was completely flying into the sky with the new spar dynamics.

Each of the giant ships on the sea is powered by spar.

And whether it is on a giant ship or a giant airship, there are more than a dozen spar guns.

The Demon Empire has a powerful Hell Enemy, and the Motuo Empire has long been available, and it has advanced more than one generation.

The Enchanted Empire has two spar energy arrays, and the Motuo Empire has long reduced the large spar energy array into a spar.

In short, in addition to space surgery, the secret weapon of the enchanted empire, the magic empire all have, and advanced two or three generations.

Therefore, whether it is naval battle, air combat, or land war, the Motuo Empire has dozens of times of crushing combat power.

It took 15 days for the boarding of 20 million troops.

The military camp at the seaside pier was completely empty. Ten thousand giant ships on the sea were spread out, occupying more than 50,000 square kilometers of sea area.

In the air, thousands of giant boats were rolled out, and it also exceeded 50,000 square kilometers.

This is the real cover-up, this is the real overwhelming.

"Go forward, go south!" Prince Mao Tuo ordered.

Suddenly, the thundering magical empire army, the mighty south, has the momentum to destroy the earth.

This scene is really full of the beauty of the magic industry.


The Dragon King blood seal!

"We can't sit still." He said, "I want to enter memories, recalling everything that I just entered into the prison, including energy."

The ugly black-eyed squatting eyes closed and began to recall.

"When we came in, Lan Ling had taken away the blood of the Dragon King. It was a golden energy body, like the Milky Way in the universe, the incomparable mystery. Although very very short, I can feel that it is A very very pure power of the Mozu king." Both of them cheered: "And the blood of the Dragon King not only has the golden blood of the demon, but also the golden blood of the dragon. But the Emperor of the Doom uses his supernatural power to completely separate the blood of the Dragon King. The devil is the devil, and the dragon is the dragon. The Lanling just took away the blood of the demon king, so there is definitely the blood of the dragon king."

Both of them suddenly got excited and shouted: "Yes, there must be a king-level blood in this seal prison, the blood of the dragon king. It was only hidden by the Doom, we must find it, we must find it."

Next, both 蝰 and Du Yi frantically searched for the other half of the blood of the Dragon King in the seal prison, the dragon's golden blood.

Although this is only possible.


The underworld plane.

Lanling is still conscious, but it can't completely control its own soul and energy, just like a group of water in the ocean, completely drifting with the waves.

It is completely impossible to establish contact with the demon star.

Throughout the underworld, there is no concept of space at all, and there is no concept of time.

Lanling knew that, in this way, he will never find the inheritance of the Emperor. Of course, perhaps hundreds of millions of years later, the energy of him and the Doomed Emperor can come together very occasionally.

However, even if he meets the soul energy of the Doom, it does not help.

Because, in the underworld, every soul energy is crowded together, most of them are unconscious, and only a few very few have consciousness. And every soul is an island and can never communicate with each other.

Perhaps in the sea of ​​the underworld, Lan Ling has long been met with the Emperor of the Evil, but will never know, and can not be identified! Just as you can't tell if the dripping water comes from the Ganges or from the Yellow River.

You can't drift like this without aim, and you need to use wisdom to solve the problem.

What is the connection between Lanling and the Devils, and what is common?

Very simple, two people are the Lord of the demon star! The demon star is the only point of contact for the two.

However, now Lanling has been unable to contact the demon star.

Did the demon star leave the body of Lanling before entering the underworld, to find the next host? Looking for a pair, or a sorrow?

No, no, absolutely impossible!

Before entering the underworld, the demon star tried every means not to let the soul of Lanling fall asleep, and let him not fly away, saying that it is determined not to give up Lanling.

Lan Ling entered the underworld and successfully retained consciousness. How could the demon star leave him at this time?

The demon star has experienced many hosts, but there is no doubt that Lanling is a very special one, and it is very close to success. How can it be willing to give up?

So the demon star is definitely still in the body.

So why can't Lan Ling communicate with the demon star?

Yes, because of the plane!

In the reality plane, Lanling is a big living person, a soul body, and the demon star is also an energy life, so it can communicate smoothly.

In the underworld, Lanling became a group of data, a group of energy, and countless data, energy crowded together, like the sea of ​​the underworld.

Then the demon star may have become another state.

Therefore, he must exchange the way with the demon star.

Thus, Lan Ling’s consciousness continues to enter the world of meditation!

The whole underworld is a sea of ​​data, and the sea of ​​energy is completely incompatible.

Then, Lanling is constructing another world in the meditation world, the complete real world, and the plane in which the living bodies can communicate with each other.

It is not enough to enter the first layer of meditation.

It is not enough to enter the second layer of meditation.

The third layer, the fourth layer, the fifth layer...

The deeper the meditation entered, the more the Lanling is forgotten.

He even forgot the fact that he was in the underworld, and even forgot who he was and what he did.


Lanling has entered the deepest level of meditation!

The world is still a sea, the real ocean, the sea is not rippling, as the mirror is generally flat.

The sea is not blue, but a wonderful green, like the green of jasper.

There is a sun in the sky, but it is completely fixed there. The other side of the sun, and the moon, also hangs in the sky and does not move.

This seems to be an eternal still world.

Demon star? What about the demon star?

Suddenly, a small boat drifted from a distance!

There is a man on the boat and is rowing.

Far away, Lan Ling could not see him.

When I look around, I am a person without a face, no face!

No face!

Hell Knights have seen it before, and even both have seen it.

Every time, it is the tears of the devil, awakening the inheritance of the Hell Knight.

"Your Majesty, I am the demon star. The image of this faceless person is my reflection in the world." The no-faced person said: "When you get on the boat, I will take you to the Doom, to complete the two demon stars. Inheritance!"


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(End of this chapter)

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