World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 653: Six Five Five: Ji Xianning arrives! Doom Sea!

Chapter 653, June 5th, Ji Xianning arrived! Doom Sea!

Why is the tomb of the Ghost King in the sea?

This is because the eyes of the ghost king looked at the visual image left by the starry sky for the last time. The mirror demon king roughly guessed the orientation of the stars in the sky.

However, the moon and the stars in the sky are too far apart, so basically standing in every corner of the world, the position of the stars in the sky is basically the same.

After the mirror demon passed through incomparably complicated calculations, and through his contact with the ghost king, he learned about him and inferred that the tomb of the ghost king was in the sea of ​​bad luck.

Of course, the so-called Ghost King's Tomb does not necessarily have a tomb, but the Ghost King died in that place.

When the ghost king released the spiritual consciousness to explore the universe, he accidentally discovered the secret on the moon.

Then, it suffered a disaster.

The Ghost King is extremely powerful, and it has unified one-third of the land in the south with almost one's own strength.

Such a ghost king should be invincible in the world, but ... is not.

The things on the moon may contain the highest secrets of the world. The mysterious power on the moon is so powerful that the ghost king can't resist it.

After discovering the secrets on the moon, the ghost king knew that he would die.

It gave a little explanation to the aftermath and then picked a place to die!

It is said that the ghost king should be immortal, but in the face of absolute absolute power, it will still die.

According to the speculation of Lanling and the mirror demon, the ghost king is dead and wants to leave something behind.

I want to go to a place where no power can reach, so I chose the Doom Sea.

Legend has it that the Doom Sea contains the greatest ruins of the ancient Doom, and the biggest secret. This is already known to the top of the Mozu.

But so far, no one can find out where this secret is?

Legend has it that the position of the Doom Sea is the magical capital of the ancient doom empire, the most powerful and brilliant city of the Mozu.

However, a star flying from the sky destroyed the Doom Magic, making this once the largest city of the Mozu a huge depression. After many years, this depression filled the sea and became the largest Mediterranean. Today's Doom Sea, 350,000 square kilometers of the Doom Sea.

How many years have you been in the Elder Empire?

I don't know, maybe more than ten thousand years, maybe longer.

The Doom Sea hides the ruins of the Doom Magic, and many people know this secret. However, no one has discovered the secret inside, and no one has actually discovered the ruins of the Doom Magic. Instead, he found many ruins of the Doom Empire around the Doom.

But the ruins of the magical ruins that were ruined by the stars of the universe have never found anything.

Others did not find it, but the Ghost King may not have found it, because it is a pure soul creature, which can use the perception to explore the world.

According to the speculation of Lan Ling and the mirror demon.

The tomb of the Ghost King is in the ruins of the ancient Doom Empire.

The ruins of the Doom Magic are in the sea of ​​bad luck.

Even the mighty power on the moon did not find the ruins of the Magic, otherwise the Ghost King would not choose to die there.

Then Lanling faces an enormous problem.

The top eight ruins of the entire southern wilderness know that the ruins of the Doom Magic are in the sea of ​​bad luck, but no one has discovered it for tens of thousands of years.

What are the powerful forces of the Eight Devils family, and it took tens of thousands of years to find the ruins of the Magic Beijing. Why did Lanling find it?

This should be a peerless mystery.


Doom Sea, at the junction of the three Mozu areas, the Raksha, the Oscar, the Disha.

Lanling and Gou are riding three Chimera animals, flying at an altitude of 20,000 meters, flying towards the sea of ​​bad luck.

At an altitude of 20,000 meters, there are only three Chimera animals that can only reach the creatures. No matter whether it is a dragon eagle or a lion orb, it is impossible to fly to this height.

Not only that, the lion beasts fly less than a thousand miles at most, and they have to rest and feed.

The three-headed Chimera beast can fly over 15,000 miles without sleep, and it does not need to eat.

Only when flying so high, Lanling will not be attacked.

One thousand and five thousand miles, for the three-headed Chimera, it is just one day and one night.

Twenty-four hours later, Lanling had already flown over the Doom Sea.

Really a sea of ​​miracles.

Looking down from the height of 20,000 meters, it is really an absolute circle. Just like a round mirror mounted on the earth, the crystal clear mirror.

This discovery made Lan Ling particularly shocked.

The surface of the 350,000 square kilometers, from the sky, turned out to be an absolute circle.

In this world, any natural Mediterranean will not be an absolute circle. This is absolutely circular, absolutely due to external forces.

Now Lanling believes that the legendary Doom Sea is caused by the impact of outer space stars, and is still an absolutely round star?

After reaching the Doom Sea, the hardest part has just begun.

The ruins of the Magic Beijing need to be found in the 350,000 square kilometers of the Mediterranean.

How big is 300,000 square kilometers?

The whole two provinces in Jiangxi are so big. It is really a needle in a haystack to find something in such a large area.

When Lanling began to land and was only a few tens of meters away from the sea, he and the hooks jumped directly into the sea.

Looking for ancient ruins, anyone's first reaction is definitely going to the bottom of the sea.


Lanling, the two people continue to dive underground, dive, dive!

Thirty meters, fifty meters, one hundred meters, three hundred meters, five hundred meters, eight hundred meters, one kilometer...

The Doom Sea is so deep, the two have already dive more than a thousand meters, but they are far from bottom.

Dive two kilometers!

It is also fortunate that both he and the hook are both immortal, otherwise they will have died of suffocation if they dive less than two kilometers, and the deeper the dive, the more amazing the water pressure.

The water pressure at two kilometers is already an astronomical figure.

The hook has begun to transform, the body has become the body of the crystal, and the limbs have been unable to move, and can only sink down by gravity.

Lan Ling clearly felt that he was constantly releasing strength in the depths of his blood and balancing the water pressure outside, so he did not feel uncomfortable.

Two people continue to dive.

Three kilometers, four kilometers, five kilometers!

Diveing ​​five kilometers, it has not yet bottomed out.

At the bottom of the water for five kilometers, the water pressure per square centimeter is more than a thousand pounds.

In other words, the entire body of Lanling is subjected to water pressure exceeding 10 million jin.

At this time, Lanling has felt uncomfortable and has a feeling of exploding.

Here, it is already the limit, and the depth of his blood has been unable to provide a stronger energy balance outside the water pressure.

"Master, my crystal body is about to burst." Hook said: "We can't go down, I feel that you have reached the limit."

Of course, both Lanling and Gou are undead, but after thoroughly breaking the bones, it takes a lot of energy to reshape the whole body.

And the depth of this five-kilometer seems to be far from the end. How deep is the Doom Sea, it is completely unknown.

"Master, release your mental strength to perceive it."

Lan Ling nodded and then used spiritual shelling to release the soul perception and continue to dive, dive, and dive.

This is so deep in the sea of ​​luck, Lanling feels deep in the sea, there may be surprises.

Six kilometers, seven kilometers, on kilometers, ten thousand meters...

Two people's spiritual perception has dive to 10,000 meters.

Lanling is because of the spirit of the sky, the spiritual talent, so the perception can be more than a few kilometers away from the body.

And in the strict sense, it is already a person who has died once, so her soul can go out at will.

However, two people and the ghost king can not be compared, the ghost king's soul perception can leave the body tens of thousands of miles, hundreds of thousands of miles to explore the universe.

The depth of Lanling’s exploration will soon exceed the limits of his soul.

He is worried that the depth of the seabed will be boundless, far beyond his limits, so that it is completely unperceivable.

As a result, in the place of 13,000 kilometers, it finally reached the bottom of the sea.

At this time, the spiritual power of Lanling and the hooks was quickly consumed, and they quickly explored the underwater world here.

This is more than 10,000 meters under the sea floor, and the light outside is undoubtedly impossible to shoot in.

Therefore, the entire seabed is a piece of black lacquer, and the spiritual vision of Lanling and thicken can't see anything.


The underwater world is bright.

Then Lan Ling clearly saw that there were several glowing jellyfish swimming over.

In the place of 13,000 meters deep under the sea, there are still jellyfish? How does a fragile jellyfish withstand terrible water pressure?

Looking at it again, Lan Ling was surprised to find that they turned out to be pure energy creatures, and there is no real body. It is no wonder that they can live under 13,000 kilometers.

Through the light of these energy jellyfish, Lanling explores everything underwater.

However, he was disappointed!

This seabed world has nothing, it is the normal seabed.

There is nothing but a strange rock.

No ruins, no ruins, no words. In short, there is no trace of civilization.


In the next few days and nights, Lanling explored the seabed with thousands of miles of spiritual power and still found nothing.

It is completely normal seabed rock, and there is no ruin of any evil spirits, no words, no trace of civilization.

The entire underwater world, with the exception of these energy jellyfish, nothing else!

"Master, will it not be a ruin of the devil in Beijing?"

Lan Ling closed his eyes and began to think carefully.

The tomb of the Ghost King is here, this should be no wrong. Because the vision of the eyes of the ghost king can be judged, the last place where the ghost king appeared is this doom.

On the contrary, the bad luck of the magical Beijing in the doom sea, has always been a legend, and has not been confirmed.

Then whether you can break the cage of thinking and use another bold fantasy.

For example, there is no such thing as the ruins of the Devil's Devil, even if there is no such thing as a sea of ​​luck. After all, this doom is named after generations.

The reason why the ghost king died here is because he wants to save some secrets and does not want to be destroyed.

However, no matter where he died, he could not escape the search for the mysterious power on the moon. There may be one exception, that is... the forbidden place of the Temple of the Dragon?

The forbidden place of the Shenlong Temple is the Heavenly Tomb!

In order to preserve the secrets, many of the ancient priests of the Temple of the Dragon will be sealed in the tomb of the heavens before they die, so that they will never die or live.

Because the time of the tomb is forbidden.

Before Lanling had entered the Heavenly Tomb, it seemed to have been going on for a long time, but when he left the Tomb to return to the sea, he did not even have ten minutes.

The ghost king buried himself in the tomb of the Dragon Temple. Is there such a possibility?

There is such a possibility, for example, no one in the Temple of the Dragon will open the Tomb of Heaven, because it is forbidden.

But... After many years, when it is necessary, the Temple of the Dragon will still open the Tomb of Heaven, until then the Ghost King will not be exposed?

So is there another possibility? More horrible possibilities?


"Master, or else first go up?"

Lan Ling nodded.

Can not forcibly search for the tomb of the ghost king, otherwise it is really a needle in a haystack.

Two people are constantly rising and floating.

After a good time, the two talents once again rushed out of the water.

Before the dying king, the ghost king looked up at the starry sky and left a special image.

At this time, all the visual images of the eyes of the ghost king are stored in the brain of Lanling.

Before the mirror demon warned, it is not necessary to reproduce the visual picture of the eyes of the ghost king, which will lead to danger.

But now, Lanling has reached a lasting moment. He wants to use the final visual picture of the eyes of the ghost king to locate the absolutely correct position before the ghost king dies.

In this way, the tomb of the ghost king can be accurately found.

Lanling took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. The spirit entered the visual world before the eyes of the ghost king.


The beautiful and beautiful picture is printed in the eyes of Lanling.

Familiar stars, familiar with the sky, the familiar moon, and the night sky at any time, almost no difference.


Lan Ling noticed that in the final visual picture of the eyes of the ghost king, there is actually a star that is so different. Every time there are hundreds of flashes, there is a **** light.

Before, it was never discovered, because its position is too biased, and most of the flicker is normal light, only once every hundred times, it is bloody.

Lan Ling knows that this star, whether in the field of the Mozu or in the human kingdom, is very famous, called the Scarlet Star.

Every once in a hundred years, every time there is a terrible blood disaster, I don’t know how many people are going to die.

At this time, the real starry sky that Lanling saw with the naked eye, the **** stars actually began to appear.

It’s another hundred years, and it’s the moment when the **** stars appear.

The whole world has to start a terrible blood disaster?


Just at this time!

The human kingdom of the Arctic, the gate of Aurora.

The strong dragon of the Temple of the Dragon held the energy book, and suddenly it flashed.

"Someone reproduces the vision of the ghost king's eye, in the doom sea, immediately go to catch and kill!"

Suddenly, the Virgin Ji Xiu Ning led hundreds of dragons and temples, riding a flying mount, passing through the Aurora Gate, entering the wild South Desert, and then heading for the Doom Sea!


Note: The first one is sent, this chapter is very powerful, and it takes a long time to start writing, so it is very late, sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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