"This is... A true sacred royal city? "

Behind the huge city gates, there is a spacious street with almost no end in sight.

The street is a huge square of white stone tiles, neatly arranged one by one, each with a golden sacred king flag pattern on it.

Lined with neatly arranged buildings, exactly the same height and size, they look like a neatly arranged city wall, sacred and inviolable.

At the end of the street, thousands of meters away, is a tall, sacred palace.

Holy Palace!

The sacred and solemn aura rushed to the face, obviously it seemed to be just an ordinary royal palace, but it made people's hearts involuntarily rise a heavy and awe-inspiring meaning.

Even if Jiang Ping himself didn't really care much about the concept of the Holy Empire, at this moment, awe of the Holy King City rose in his heart.

This awe is not due to any sense of belonging, but simply a mere awe of a greater power.

"In front is the Holy Royal Palace, the Holy King Fire should be inside the Holy Royal Palace, let's go."

Yan Yue is a holy lineage, and the holy line was born from the divine law, so she should be able to feel the coercion from the divine royal city more clearly.


Nodding, the two of them stepped forward in unison and walked steadily into the Holy King City.

In the next moment, the sacred king flag pattern on all the white stone tiles on the street floor suddenly lit up with a sacred golden light.

Those rays of light quickly condensed, and a person actually came out of it.

There are so many of them, dozens and hundreds!

These people were obviously not soldiers of the Holy Empire, because they were all dressed differently, in different shapes and messes.

Jiang Ping had seen the soldiers of the Holy Empire, although it was not in a very formal situation, but he was basically able to judge the identity of the Holy Soldier.

At the very least, these people in front of them are definitely not the sacred soldiers of the Holy Empire.

"They... Is it the team sent by other academies to support the Holy King City?!

Yan Yue suddenly said in shock.

"Huh? Where and why do you feel that way? Jiang Ping immediately asked her.

"Look at those people, they are from Jinghai Academy." Yan Yue's finger pointed in one direction.

Just over her finger, there were several people wearing the clothes of the Quiet Sea Academy.

Jiang Ping, who had dealt with Jinghai Academy so much, naturally recognized those people at a glance as indeed people from Jinghai Academy!

"And over there, it should be Xiahai City and Shicheng, and here it should be Luoan City and Pingfeng City."

Yan Yue knew a lot of the clothes of the academy, and recognized which of the people in the group in front of her belonged to the cities she was talking about.

Nearly half of them, she recognized, were indeed people who belonged to some other city college.

The rest of the people, although she did not know, were basically certain to belong to other cities.

"It turns out that they didn't get lost halfway, nor did they not come, but they all came to the Holy King City early!" Jiang Ping's brows furrowed

, "It's just, looking at their appearance, it doesn't seem to be very right."

These people in front of them, one by one, their eyes were dull, their bodies were shrouded in golden light that could not be dispersed, and they all lost their spirituality, and they looked like... A puppet!

The facts also proved Jiang Ping's idea.

Soon, those people took a step forward, and all rushed up, rushing towards Jiang Ping and the two!

"We are people from Huaihai Academy, and there is no hostility." Yan Yue was still a little unconvinced, and quickly opened his mouth to explain.

But those people couldn't listen at all, and rushed madly.

Seeing this, Jiang Ping was not polite, and his hands quickly sealed,

"Water Burst Water Rush!"


A huge amount of water poured out, instantly flooding everyone, forcibly pushing them back.

"Lei Dun Gratitude Wave!"

At the same time that the water flooded the crowd, the seal on Jiang Ping's hand changed, and the flashing arc quickly flashed out, following the flow of water, and instantly spread to everyone.


The impact of the water dun and the paralysis of the thunder dun are a complete set of combination techniques.


, those people did not seem to feel any pain, and they were electrocuted by such a strong current, and their actions were not affected in any way, and they quickly regained their strength and rushed again.

Their movements were very stiff, and they didn't even use their powers, relying only on their physical bodies, forcibly impacting.

Jiang Ping couldn't bear to move the killer.

These people are obviously controlled, as partners in the same camp, if it is not a last resort, Jiang Ping does not want to kill him.

Maybe the people behind the scenes also took a fancy to this, so they would let them form a human wall here to prevent Jiang Ping and Yan Yue from advancing.

There is no doubt that this is the Holy Royal Family behind it.

These people were manipulated by the Holy Royal Family and turned into puppets, the purpose of which was to prevent anyone from approaching the Holy Palace in front.

"Divine Purification!"

Yan Yue raised his palm, and the golden light in his palm turned into a soft glow, shrouding everyone inside, trying to purify and control the power of these people.


, Yan Yue's holy line was originally derived from the divine law of the holy royal family, and used the power of the divine law to deal with the holy royal family... It doesn't work at all.

"It seems that you can't stop them if you don't move."

Jiang Ping clasped his hands together sharply and drank lowly,

"Mudun Tree Realm Birthday!"

The winding trees grew out from under the stone bricks with difficulty, easily trapping everyone who did not resist, imprisoning their movements while absorbing the aura in their bodies, so that they could no longer resist.

Jiang Ping still showed mercy to his subordinates, and did not suck all of these people's spiritual energy dry, but just made them incapacitated and could not continue to stop them from moving forward.

And among these people, Jiang Ping found a very heavy thing - Wei Lin they were not there.

Among these controlled puppets, they did not see anyone from Huaihai Academy.

Maybe they haven't come to the Holy King City, or maybe they escaped from the trap of the Holy King City, so they haven't become puppets.

But no matter what the situation is, if he doesn't find their whereabouts for a day, Jiang Ping can't rest assured for a day.

But now, the most important thing is to find out the fog inside the sacred royal family.

"Let's go!"

After using Mu Dun to imprison everyone else, Jiang Ping and Yan Yue quickly walked towards the Holy Palace over the winding trees.

Soon, they arrived in front of the Holy Palace.

The gates of the Holy Palace were still locked, just like the gates of the Holy Royal City.

Perhaps this door also needs Yan Yue's holy line to open.

The two were about to walk up the steps.

At this moment, on the balcony in front of the palace, a golden pillar of light suddenly fell from the sky and fell directly in front of the two.

A voice came out of the light, and the solemn and vast aura instantly resembled a big mountain, pressing fiercely on the two of

them, "Holy Palace, no passage!"


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