
A clean explosion sounded in place.

With a violent explosion, a high mountain collapsed directly, and the large mountain above collapsed and was washed down by the aftershock of the explosion.

However, after the surface of the mountain was blown up, what was subsequently exposed was not the naked mountain, but the chains.

The golden chain is spreading in the mountain body, gradually connecting to the center of the mountain body, trapping the layers inside and outside, like a layer of seal, and locking the contents inside it, trapped inside the mountain body.

If you zoom in on the exploratory lens and look directly at the center of the mountain, you can see that in the mountain, a giant giant stands in it.

The giant has a huge body. Although most of the body is buried under the ground, only the exposed body is already as high as 100 meters. It looks extremely burly and tall. At a glance, you can barely see the margins. , Incomparably horrible, the whole body exudes a violent breath, as if a god came, it is awesome.

Almost like the breath of the sun god.

“Got you!”

Looking at the giant that emerged from the mountain, Kermuir smiled, and there was a relief: “God of the earth!”

“Send someone out now to notify the Moon King!”

To the people around her, she was ordered.

But the words had just come out, and she couldn’t help it.

I saw that in the distance, the light of the light was flickering, and not far away, a giant beast of silver appeared at the end of the field of vision, and the breath on his body was deep, and I did not know when he was standing there.

He stood on the ground quietly, looking at the god of the earth that appeared in front of him, a pair of emerald eyes calmly, stepped forward quietly.

The vast breath spread from his body, with the emergence of the true type of the Moon King, the elements of the entire World seemed to be drawn, spontaneously causing various natural phenomena.

Above the sky, there is a clear scene of the big sun, but there is another round of illusive silver moon rising, and the moonlight of the light silver illuminates the earth.

For a time, the majestic luna’s power shrouded the four sides, forming a unique field between them, transforming this piece of land into Adier’s own home field.

With this change, Adier approached silently and came to the Land of Sealing, the god of the earth.

Different from the sun god, they are also the three gods. At this moment, the earth god is far from resuscitation. At this moment, the body is wrapped with chains around him, and the whole body is turned into a stone statue.

On the body of the earth god, Adier saw some detailed textures. There were already some golden mysterious textures flashing, and some of the bodies were already active.

Perhaps if there is no external interference, after a few days, the God of the earth will fully recover.

But at this moment, after being discovered by Adier in advance, the end of the earth god is doomed.

Standing quietly, Adier’s eyes were calm. Before the forehead, an emerald mark slowly emerged, branding the Quartet to cover the place.

The faint emerald light shrouded everything, slowly covering the entire body of the earth god.

The Bloodline Secret Scripture was launched silently, and in a moment, the true king of the moon roared, and a 100 meters long silver claw slammed down, hitting the entire land out of a depression.

Then, a faint emerald light shrouded the place, completely covering the body of the god of the earth, and began to devour slowly.

At this point, even at this moment, even the true recovery of the earth god is useless.

Unless there is external interference, otherwise the God of the earth will disappear completely.

“it is good!”

Looking at this scene, neither Ke Moer nor Chen Qing and the others in the distance could be relaxed.

With the experience of the Sun God, they knew that this time the God of the Earth could not escape the end, and it was impossible to have an accident again.

“The only thing left now is the god of the sky …”

Looking at the jade crystals that are gradually condensing in the distance, and the luminous power of the flickering luna god, Endis said with joy on his face.

“The place where the god of the sky is hidden is not completely clueless.”

Beside her, Lalu was wearing a monk’s robe. At the moment, his face was also with a smile and a smile: “Mr. Yang Lin and Kermour Young Lady helped us a lot, and some of my old friends are also helping to search , I believe there will be good news soon. “

During this time, in addition to searching for the god of the earth here, Endis and Lalu also sent people to visit various places, awakening many quiet warriors of the epoch, and joined the team against the three gods.

“it is good.”

Entis was heavily nodded and said aloud: “The God of the Earth has been resolved. While the King of the Moon destroys the God of the Earth, we must speed up and strive to find the position of the God of the Sky.”

“I know.”

Lalu also nodded: “Since ancient times, countless epochs have passed, this is the closest we have to success.”

“In order to ensure the ultimate victory, we will definitely work hard to eliminate the biggest cancer of the three gods in this world!”

In the same place, he said, a simple face full of perseverance.

Time passed slowly.

While Endis and the others were still searching for the position of the god of the sky, in situ, in the center of the emerald crystal, Adier slowly opened his eyes.

“Is it so fast this time?”

In the center of the emerald crystal, Adier slowly opened his eyes. In his eyes, the shadow of the sun and the silver moon appeared faintly, making him look sacred.

Compared with the previous digestion of the sun god, this time, Adier only completely digested the god of the earth in only three months.

The speed is so fast, in addition to the assistance of the World Shard, it is also inseparable from the state of the god of the earth.

Before digesting the sun god, the sun god after all is awake and was in a state of full prosperity. It was not easy to suppress it with Adier’s Strength, and it naturally digested very slowly.

But this time the God of the Earth was different.

The god of the earth is still in silence, and even his consciousness has not fully recovered, let alone resisting the suppression of Adier.

Therefore, this time the Bloodline refining is extremely easy.

Standing in a piece of emerald crystal, Adier thought about it. At the palm of his hand, the fragments of World danced softly, flashing in his palm, emitting the light of World.

And on his body, a majestic Strength is emerging, and it’s more scary now than it was in the past.

Using Bloodline Secret Scripture, he successively devoured the fifth and fifth order of the sun god and the earth god, and finally obtained a profound return.

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