“How do you know what I want to ask?”

In the quiet dark palace, looking at the old woman’s silhouette, which looks exactly like Chen Qing’s, but her appearance is much older, Adier frowned.

“Don’t doubt, I won’t read anything. I can’t see through your mind.”

Ahead, the old woman held an oil lamp and laughed at Adier: “I just experienced a little more.”

Having said this, she kept silent, and quietly led Adier forward.

Behind, looking at the appearance of the old woman, Adier frowned, but could not say anything.

Ontology’s Strength is not here. At this moment, he is just an ordinary person that’s all. Even if the other party is unwilling to say, he can’t do anything, only to follow an honest choice.

So he just followed behind the old woman and said nothing.

Then, the next scene made him startled.

The palace in front of you is not a piece of paradise. It is full of many traps, some of which make Adier frown. They are a means to threaten wizards above Level 3.

If these means were to be dismantled by Adier at this moment, I am afraid that only the aftermath would be enough to let his avatar fall, there would be no hesitation at all.

But it is amazing that no matter how terrible the trap is, the old woman in front can know one step ahead of time and avoid it in advance.

That means is not a targeted response. Instead, it is like an unknown prophet who knew that there were traps in this place.

Following the old woman in front of them, in the end, they walked to a spacious palace.

The environment of the palace looks very dim. The main body of the palace is white stone. In the same place as the previous palace, some stone walls are also carved.

Just different from the previous palace, the content on these stone walls is not the same as the previous one.

The previous content is roughly the same. The first gods of the World fell, and the corpses of the gods gave birth to a new will, the three gods incarnation, harvesting World again and again.

Then an elf wizard from outside came to suppress the three gods and save the entire world from the god of extinction.

But the story that followed was different.

After the recovery of the three gods, the God of Destruction did not fall into silence, but actually began to recover, and confronted the Saviour for many years.

In the end, the savior was defeated by the god of extinction, and at the last moment, he fled and returned to his own world.


Looking at the picture in front of him, Adier’s face was hesitant, and a sense of sight rose up inexplicably in his heart: “If you can’t solve it, you will immediately escape. It is indeed my style.”

“Is this a prediction for the future?”

Adier asked, expression was moving at this moment.

“Prophecy? Maybe continue.”

In front of her, the old woman turned, her face looked a little dim: “For you, it may be a prophecy, but for us, it is a history that happened.”

“What do you mean?”

Adier frowned, and asked subconsciously, frowning.

“I’m too complicated to explain the specific truth, and you may not believe it. Let yourself explain it.”

In front of it, the old woman shook her head and said finally.


Hearing this, Adier froze, and before he could react, he saw in front of him that the old woman carefully pulled out something from her arms.

It was a purple badge with a purple bird pattern and silver moon. It looked very beautiful and delicate, but with mottled rust on it, it looked a bit old.

Looking at such a badge, Adier’s heart shook.

That badge was nothing else. It was the Adier family crest, something unique to the clansman of the Adier family.

Moreover, judging from the remaining breath on this, this family crest is not others, but Adier’s own.

However, Adier is sure that the family crest on him at this moment still exists in the emerald space of his body, and can never be left out.

This is the most weird thing. Only the family crest that exists in Adier appears, and the second one appears in a World. This unique phenomenon is enough to shake anyone and feel a creepy heart.

Even as a high-level wizard, at this moment Adier still couldn’t help horrifying, and thought of many in an instant.

Before he could calm down, a purple glow flashed on the dim badge in front of him, resonating with a stone statue in the distance.

Under Adier’s gaze, the distant stone statue was mottled with breath, and the purest elemental light bloomed in it. He even came to life and became a person.

That looks exactly like Adier, and compared to Adier’s state at this moment, the breath on the other side is extremely powerful, and has gone beyond the scope of the fifth-order wizard, reaching a new level.

“Sixth order, or sixth order Peak?”

Looking at his influence emerging from the opposite side, Adier flashed this thought in his mind, and at this moment did not know what to do.

At the moment he held his breath, another one appeared before him.

“another me……”

“When you see this image, it means that you have the eighth reincarnation.”

Another Adier said, not in this world’s language, but in Adier’s old words.

That was Chinese, the language of Adier at the beginning, and it is almost forgotten now.

To some extent, this also illustrates the severity of the incident.

To be able to unearth such a long memory from the mind of a fifth-order wizard is extremely scary to think about.

“As I thought before, there are huge problems in this world. Time and space have been completely out of order and they have begun to collapse.”

“But this World collapse, not like the King of Antiquity’s World, is because different Worlds devour each other, but because the World itself is destroyed.”

“A will that should not have been born was born at an inappropriate time, and it was extremely coincident that it was not destroyed by World ’s own defense, which eventually led to the cancer of the entire World and the entire World was necrotic.

“If you haven’t guessed right, you should have encountered Ganlai at this moment. You know the end of the era from his mouth.”

Hearing this, Adier remembered what Ganlai said that day.

“When the twentieth epoch comes, the secret mastermind will wake up and the entire world will be destroyed.”

“Now it is the nineteenth century …”

Having said that, another Adier paused and then continued to say, “But in fact, what he didn’t know was that when he stood on this land, the twentieth century had already begun.”

“The entire World, the twentieth century, the first nineteenth century, with the Three Gods as its hand, keeps harvesting and consuming the World ’s own resistance to Strength. The last epoch is the harvest, the complete harvest of the World, and the continuous cycle and collapse of time and space . “

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