“In the future, if there is an opportunity, maybe we should study the operating mechanism of this world’s so-called Awakening Age …”

Standing in place, looking at the King of Power in front of him, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

Although it is only fast-made products and parallel imports, it must be said that this method also has great convenience and benefits.

At least this can be done quickly, unlike the fourth-level wizards of Wizarding World, each of which requires a lot of time and energy.

Of course, this is a future thing.

At present, Adier glanced at the King of Power in front of him, and groaned for a moment, revealing his intentions this time.

“no problem.”

King Nodded, no hesitation on Adier’s request: “Save the entire World from the god of the sun, I also accept your affection, this time there is a chance to return.”

“By the way, I also want to ask you for advice.”

He looked at Adier with some eagerness in his eyes.

“Of course there is no problem.”

Adier laughed and promised.

Since King Li agreed to leave, the purpose of their coming here was achieved.

Soon they packed up their bags and walked towards the outside world.

Before leaving, Adier was paused, looking thoughtfully in one direction, and moved towards that direction.

“What’s wrong?” Li Wang’s voice sounded aside, and there seemed to be some doubt in the voice.

“It’s nothing.”

Adier shook the head, retracting his gaze from that direction, and then he said, “Maybe an illusion.”

The words fell, and with the two beside him, his footsteps did not stop, and he continued to walk outwards.

In situ, after Adier had gone far.

In the direction that Adier looked at before, a black shadow slowly emerged, and thick, deep dark matter kept emerging, and slowly gathered into the shape of a black shadow in that place.

An inexplicable breath slowly emerged, deep and frightening.

“That feeling just now …”

Stepping out of the canyon, Adier frowned, remembering the feeling of the only one, with a strange feeling in his heart.

When he stepped out of the waterfall and canyon, he clearly felt a sense of being peered into.

That feeling was very faint, but as a fifth-level wizard, Adier would not suspect that he had made an illusion, he would only think that the other’s hidden skills were too good.

At this moment, the Strength on his body is used to suppress the sun god. Not at all carries too much Strength in this body, and there is nothing he can do.

“what happened?”

Aside, Li Wang continued to ask, so asked.


Adier shook the head, eventually abandoning all the ideas in his mind, and just left the road.

Soon, days passed quickly.

After a few days, a trace of desert gradually became visible.

This is a desert that looks deserted for a long time, with the remains of ruins everywhere, and a large building.

When entering here, the surrounding weather suddenly became much hotter, and the red glow fell from the sky, almost roasting the place.

“This place is so big. How can we find it?”

Walking along the road, Xu Sen wiped the sweat off his body and looked at Adier and said so.

“Before that person left, I was given a map. If you follow the map, theoretically it should not be difficult to find the ruins.”

Looking at the surrounding scene, Adier said so, then he took the lead and quickly moved forward.

Although he was here for the first time, with the help of maps and Ganlai’s explanation, Adier quickly found a place-a huge pothole.

The potholes were suddenly sunken from the ground, looking very deep, and at first glance they could not see the bottom.

I don’t know how the original people dug it out.

Adier glanced at the pothole and then all around.

Around potholes, not at all shelves and stairs.

When Ganlai and the others went down, they probably jumped straight.

“Let me see first.”

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Wang said so, suggesting that he be the first to explore the road.

“it is good.”

Adier nodded, agree.

Seeing him nodded, Li Wang’s face was calm, and he didn’t hesitate much, just jumped forward and jumped straight.

His silhouette rushed straight down, and was soon covered by a deep darkness, without traces, like a traveler swallowed by darkness, with no sound.

This situation lasted for a long time, and until Xu Sen on the side waited a little bit impatiently, the voice of Li Wang came from below.

“There is no problem below, you can come in directly.”

King Li’s voice was calm, so it came from the bottom.

Hearing Li Wang ’s voice, Xu Sen relaxed slowly, looked at Adier, and wanted to pull Adier together: “Li Wang is all right, it looks like there is no problem below, shall we go down?”

“and many more…..”

Adier waved and looked down, his face a little hesitant.

“what happened?”

Aside, Xu Sen asked with some confusion.

“No, it’s fine.”

After hesitating for a while, Adier finally shook the head, but the Strength on his body fluctuated.

Along with the connection of the origin, a message was quickly passed onto the ontology, and everything after this avatar at this moment was passed back one after another.

In this way, even if this clone is unable to return information to the ontology due to some accident, Adier’s ontology can quickly find out what is wrong and make various countermeasures.

After doing this, he faced Xu Sen nodded, and signaled that he could go down.

Xu Sen knew, holding Adier’s shoulder with one hand, then leapt down.

Deep darkness continued to fall from the front, thick and suffocating.

Then, a burst of light emerged from the front, and there seemed to be a flash of fire.

“Why so long?”

When the surrounding sight gradually became clear, Li Wang’s voice sounded again.

Adier turned and looked, and at this moment, King Power’s hands crossed near chest, complexion grave and stern, stood looking at them from a distance, with some doubt in his eyes.

“There were some delays along the way.”

Without waiting for Adier to exit, Xu Sen took the initiative to answer, then looked at the appearance of Li Wang, and couldn’t help but ask, “How did it take you so long to call us?”

“I went around here, and after confirming that there was no danger here, I called you from above.”

Li Wang said, “This is also to avoid unnecessary trouble.”

“This is also true.”

Listening to this, Xu Sen was nodded.

In the case of Adier’s avatar, King of Power is the strongest combat force among them. In this case, it is natural to take more.

“Did you find the entrance?”

Adier’s voice sounded at the same time.

Looking at the appearance of Li Wang and Xu Sen, he asked.

“found it.”

King Li nodded, pointing to a door on the side, and said, “It should be here.”

“Go and see.”

Adier stepped forward and walked in the direction that King Li pointed to.

Where King Li pointed to was a bronze-cast gate with the shape of a wolf’s head faintly engraved on it.

The huge wolf’s head was hovering in the center of the bronze gate, and a pair of wolf eyes inlaid with sapphire were faint, as if they might come back at any time.

Looking at the bronze door, Adier didn’t hesitate, just stepped forward slightly.

A faint light flashed, and the moment the door touched Adier seemed to feel something, the huge dead wolf’s head opened its mouth, and then Dao Sect cracked open, revealing the shape behind it.

“It seems … it’s a bit simple.”

Looking at the spontaneously opened door in front of him, Xu Sen’s face was surprised, surprised by the scene in front of him.

Of course this is nothing.

Standing in place, Adier looked up and looked forward.

When the door opened, there was a deep space inside.

There seemed to be a ferocious animal lurking in the deep gate, and he wanted to eat and choose.

Even with Adier’s eyesight, when looking at the front, his vision is a bit hazy and confused, and the scene inside is not real.

So he lit the torch that he brought beforehand, and then looked behind him, looking at Xu Sen’s faces, and opened the mouth and said, “Let’s go in.”

“it is good.”

King Li was nodded, and then immediately took the lead, and the torch held in Adier’s hand was directly followed by a big step forward, and it seemed that he was preparing to open the road ahead.

Xu Sen walked tacitly behind Adier, protecting the possible enemies behind him.

The two kept one behind the other, keeping Adier in the middle.

Then they slowly moved forward.

The torch’s fire was burning, and in the flame, the surrounding scenery was constantly reflected.

It looks like it hasn’t been here for a long time, and there is a lot of dust around, and there is an inexplicable stench coming from everywhere. It just feels a little pungent at first.

But that’s it.

Right here is a long, long way.

I don’t know how long it has been, this long walkway is considered to be over, and it is about to enter the next long road.

“this is…..”

At the end of the road, looking at the scene in front of him, Adier froze.

I saw a huge statue standing in front of me, and it seemed to have been here for a long time.

This is a statue of a snake-man with three arms. It looks like a woman with scarlet eyes. I don’t know how long it has stood here, so that the body is covered with densely packed dust.

Looking at this statue, for some reason, Adier had a complicated feeling rising from his heart, as if it was not the statue in front of him, but someone he had seen before.

As a wizard, he believed that his judgment would not be like mortals, and that it was his illusion.

But delving into it, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn’t remember where he had seen this snake-man.

This feeling is like he had a long, long dream, and experienced some things in the dream, but as the dream woke up, things in it quickly became blurred.

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