In silence, time passed.

Soon, more than two months passed directly.

On a barren ground, Adier’s silhouette emerged quietly, and then walked here.

This is near the city of Odalia, in a small basin, and it looks pretty pleasant.

Adier finally walked out of the area where Odoria Park was located, as previously told with Ganlai, but it was obviously more unexpected than others in time.

He did not wait a long time, and as Ganlai and the others thought, it took more than ten or even decades to recover, but it only took two months to recover from the silence, Embarked on my own journey again.

In the final analysis, it is a level limitation.

The strength of the Sun God is indeed tyrannical. If the Strength it possesses erupts, even the existence of the fifth-order Peak will feel scalp numb, and it will be disturbed.

But compared to the sturdy Strength of the Sun God, it is the weakness of the Sun God’s own will.

As Ganlai said, the strength of the Sun God is strong, but it looks like a puppet. Like the wild beast, it is rampant and only knows to rely on its own instincts and does not have its own true spirituality.

This kind of existence is okay if it exists under the fifth order, but once it is confronted with a real fifth order existence such as Chen Ming, it immediately looks dwarfed, with fatal weaknesses and shortcomings.

If they face each other directly and fight directly on the origin, Adier is probably not the opponent of the Sun God.

But once it was suppressed, Adier’s strengths were fully realized.

His Spirit is far more powerful than the Sun God, so while suppressing it, he was able to withdraw while pulling out his own Spirit in time.

But that’s it.

At this moment, most of Adier’s Strength is still in the seal. At this moment, there is only a ray of Spirit. When it comes to strength, it’s only slightly stronger than the average person’s all.

So, before going to the place that Ganlay said, he was going to find some helpers.

“You! Coach !!!”

On a street, Xu Sen was quietly holding a bubble machine in his hand, blowing bubbles on his own.

Then he turned abruptly, looking at Adier in front of his face with a horror, an incredible expression, as if seeing a ghost.

“Why, is it strange to see me?”

Looking at Xu Sen, Adier laughed, then opened the mouth and said: “What are you doing here?”

Hearing some vaguely familiar words, Xu Sen first stunned the gods, and for a while he stayed in place.

It wasn’t until a long time before he turned his eyes red, looking at Adier opened the mouth and said: “Coach, are you out?”

“Well, for some reason, I have to come out.”

Adier smiled nodded, then looked at Xu Sen and began to ask about his situation.

It turned out that since the day of the war in Odoria, the seal of Ancient Ominous Beast was also lifted because the seal of the sun god was destroyed, and some beasts ran out of the secret places and began to rag in various cities.

These beasts were basically sealed in antiquity, and their strength was not affected by the fluctuations of the Awakening Era. It was only because of the long-term seal that they seemed a little weak.

Once they recovered, they were inspired by instincts to begin to devour various beings to restore their strength.

At the beginning of this awakening era, most of the awakeners have just awakened and have not grown up to the Peak period. The Ancient Ominous Beast from this recovery is powerless.

Therefore, as the only remaining Awakened in this era, Xu Sen naturally has a heavy responsibility on his body. This time he went out to solve some of the beasts who fled to the vicinity.

After the beast was settled, he stayed in this place, and had no choice to return to Odoria.

The reason for this is, on the one hand, to better prevent the beasts from dispersing, and on the other hand, to stay away from the city of Odoria.

Since the end of the war more than two months ago, the city of Odoria at this moment has suddenly become a dangerous vortex, and the eyes of all forces have now moved towards the city, focusing on this In the city that was originally unknown.

Most of these forces come from a large number, and even many of them represent the official authorities of various countries.

If you continue to be in it, if any conflict erupts, even Xu Sen would not want to see the consequences, so he left the city early and chose to leave directly, and found a relatively quiet city to live temporarily.

“But even so, because I used to coach you as a student for a period of time, many people came to me during this time, most of them hoped that I could be their representative and went to Odoria Park to find You, talk to you. “

Looking at Adier, Xu Sen was sad with a smile. At this moment, it seemed to be extra helpless: “I can basically hide in these people, but some people ca n’t hide, they can only ask Kemu Help me. “

“If you come to me for a while, coach, I’m afraid I’m already not in here, but I’ve gone further.”

“You still can’t let go.”

Listening to Xu Sen’s experience since this time, Adier could not help laughing, but at this moment it felt extraordinarily interesting: “If it’s Kermoir, I’m afraid I won’t give those people a face, just reject it.”

“Don’t they dare to use you against you?”

“That’s true.”

Speaking of this, Xu Sen had a bitter smile on his face, and said helplessly, “But after all, I don’t have her family background, nor have the confidence, so I can’t be free and easy like her.”

“Speaking of which, coach you this time, is there anything you’re looking for?”

Looking at Adier, he asked again, with some confusion.

To be honest, Xu Sen was somewhat surprised that Adier suddenly came to find him.

On the one hand, it was not in the previous life, and on the other hand, I was surprised that Adier was able to come out at this moment.

Because in his memory, at this time in the previous life, Adier should have never come out, or else no wind would come out later.

After thinking about it for a while, he could only summarize the appearance of Adier into one of the changes brought about by rebirth.

“I want to go to a place, but that place is still dangerous for me.”

Looking at Xu Sen, Adier said, frankly informed his current situation, and told his intention at the moment.

After listening to Adier’s plan, Xu Sen didn’t hesitate, he agreed directly to nodded, and then recommended another person to Adier.

“Li Wang……”

Hearing the name, Adier nodded said, “His strength is good, and people are very suitable, but I can’t find his place.”

At this moment, Adier is just a manifestation of Spirit, not at all how much Strength exists. Most of what he could do in the past cannot be done now.

The reason why Xu Sen can be found is that in the past, he had performed baptism for Xu Sen, leaving a bit of lunar power in his within the body.

That power of Luna remains in Xu Sen within the body. Compared to Adier, it is equivalent to providing him with a signal and coordinates, so that he can easily find his position.

But Li Wang is different.

On King Li, not at all the Strength or imprint he had left, so even if he wants to find each other, it is not easy.

“I know where he is.”

Xu Sen nodded and said, “He should now be in a basin in Ban Lan.”

“There was his past home, and Tiffany, who was Tatar’s favorite place to stay. We went there to find him, and most of the time we could find him.”

“I can take a trip for you and go to him with you.”

“fair enough.”

Adier nodded, no objection to Xu Sen’s proposal.

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