“The location of the ruins is in a secret place in Kinka.”

Looking at Adier standing quietly in the Odoria Park, Gan Lai said, “I have studied in the ruins for many years, and finally obtained something from the bits and pieces of information left by the ancestors. “

“This supreme strength of yang is from here.”

Looking at Adier, he said, “What I have researched is a data map that steals the strength of the Three Gods. I call it the Supreme Holy Scripture.”

“Using the Strength contained in this supreme Holy Land, and then trying to get closer to the Three Gods, you can steal the Three God’s Strength secretly and summarize it into yourself within the body.”

“It was through this secret method that I survived several epochs, and even Strength did not decline like everyone else, but instead reached a new limit.”

Listening to his words, Adier raised his head silently, and looked at Gan Lai in front of him.

At this moment, along with Gan Lai’s initiative to unleash the supreme strength of yang within the body, the Strength hidden by him within the body is no longer covered in front of Adier.

The Ganlai in front of him is much more powerful than others think.

In terms of Strength alone, his Strength is only the king level of this world, which is equivalent to the fourth order.

But if he counts the superior strength of yang that exists within the body, then he is now close to the limit of the fourth order, and there is only a first-line gap from the fifth order.

The previous King of Li was in front of him, just like a newborn child facing a strong man, it was nothing at all.

With such strength, he has never been exposed.

Moreover, in the memory Adier read from Yang Lin, the high priest of Sotuism has not appeared since the power of releasing the sun god until the end.

“The reason why I want to release the Sun God in advance is to minimize the loss of this era, and also to restore the Sun God to silence in advance.”

In front of him, Ganlai continued to say, “The recovery of the three gods is not irregular. Generally speaking, the timing of the recovery of the three gods is staggered.”

“Each of the three gods will cleanse the entire World under instinct, after the recovery, slaughter all the awakenings, absorb their Strength within the body, and then fall back to sleep, When the next batch of awakeners is born, the next three gods will recover and cleanse. “

He opened his mouth and said that although his face was as calm and firm as ever, his face was involuntarily dimmed when he said: “Under normal circumstances, the recovery of the Three Gods tends to be hundreds or even thousands of years after the beginning of the Awakening. after that.”

“At that time, the number of awakenings had greatly increased, and basically reached a Peak. At that time, when the three gods came out to clean again, the Strength that they could obtain would reach the maximum.”

“So, do you want to release the Sun God in advance?” Adier’s voice sounded in place, interrupting Ganlai’s words.


Ganlai nodded, admitting Adier: “This is the only way to reduce losses.”

He was right.

If the purpose of the three gods’ recovery is to harvest the awakened people who appeared after the awakening era, then releasing the three gods when the awakening era has just arrived is definitely a good choice.

At least, at this time, because the Awakening era has just begun, the number of awakened people is generally not too much, and Strength is far from reaching Peak.

The three gods recovered at this time, not only would the losses caused by them be much smaller, they could even weaken the strength of the three gods to some extent.

“It’s a sensible idea, but it’s just too cruel for some people.”

After understanding Ganlai ’s intentions, Adier nodded, he agreed with his approach.

“How can there be no sacrifice for redemption.”

Gan Lai shook the head: “I know that some people will object, so I never want to get the approval of others, I just want to silently fulfill my responsibility.”

“In my plan, if the sun god recovers, after slaughtering the awakening people of the entire world, he will fall asleep again.”

“Afterwards, I can dive into the seal of the sun god while the sun god is sleeping, and extract its strength onto me.”

He said so.

“You are gambling.”

Adier shook his head and was not optimistic about his plans.

Fifth-order existence, is such an existing Strength so deprived?

Any existence of a fifth order must have its own unique and unmatched origin. If you want to capture the strength of a fifth order existence, you must overcome the exclusion of the origin.

This is too difficult. In a way, it is almost impossible to do it.

Compared with it, the origin is still used as a melting fire, so that the path of its own origin of Bloodline is more reliable.

“I have no choice.”

Ganlai murmured to himself: “Without external influences, no one can compete with the three gods. They want to defeat the three gods and even defeat the black hands behind the scenes. This is the only way.”

“Capturing the supreme strength of yang of the sun god, and then?”

In front of him, Adier did not continue to struggle with Ganlai’s words, but instead turned around and asked, “What is your plan?”


Ganlai raised his head, and at this moment there was an inexplicable god flashing in his eyes: “After stealing the supreme strength of yang of the sun god, the next is the sky god and the earth god.”

“If I can usurp the power of the three gods, then the black hand behind the scenes will have no choice but to come to my within the body and try to fight for my body.”

“Are you confident you can win?” Adier asked.

“No, I have no information at all.”

Ganlai first shook his head, then opened his mouth, his face looked extremely grim at this moment: “So at that moment, I will seal myself forever and let my body become the ultimate prisoner of the secret mastermind.”

“Good idea.”

Adier laughed and then shook the head: “Unfortunately, the success rate is too low.”

“Don’t say it is the gathering of the power of the three gods, even if it is part of the supreme strength of yang of the sun god, you have already begun to eat.”

“If I’m not mistaken, at this moment your origin has begun to be assimilated by the origin of the Sun God, and it has entered a very dangerous situation.”

The words fell, and Gan Lai’s complexion suddenly changed, but then quickly calmed down.

In the end, a bitter smile appeared on his face, and at this moment it looked extraordinarily bitter: “You’re right, I’m really not far from death now.”

The words fell, but his eyes did not dim, but became extremely hot, just looked towards Adier.

“But what I can’t do, you don’t have to !!!!”

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