
In situ, listening to Adier’s answer, Lin Jia relaxed.

To her, it doesn’t matter if the rest of the world don’t believe her, as long as the teenager in front still believes in her, she won’t be afraid of anything anymore.

Standing in place, she looked at Adier, hesitated for a moment, and finally took a deep breath, opened the mouth and said: “Yado, I like …”


A loud cry broke the silence of the place and completely disrupted the atmosphere at the scene.

Adier turned around and looked at him, and at the end of the field of vision, a young man was walking towards him, with a few black clothed bodyguards beside him.

The man looked very young, wearing a fitted light blue shirt, a tie on his chest, and meticulous hair care. Now looking at Lin Jia in front, a handsome face was full of anxiety.

This person is not someone else, it is the Young Master of Otto Group, Du Sheng.


Running all the way from a distance, Du Sheng had a strong anxiety on his face, and finally strode in front of Lin Jia, only slightly relaxed.

“I finally found you.”

Looking at Lin Jia, he looked excited, looking at Lin Jia’s eyes full of tenderness: “Two years, since the day you left me, I have been thinking of you, thinking of your identity.”

“Sorry, I was wrong, I was really wrong.”

In front of the large court, he knelt down on one knee directly, with complex emotions such as regret and pain on his entire face, and looked like a living infatuated man: “Come back, I beg you to come back to me. From now on, I Never leave you again. “

He spoke affectionately, but didn’t know if it was because the weather was very hot. When he was talking, he was sweating all over his body, and his shirt was wet with sweat.

I don’t know if it’s because of excitement or fear.


Looking at this person in front of her, Lin Jia’s face was stagnant, and an anger emerged from her heart: “You get me!”

“Jia Jia, I know that the past thing was that I didn’t do well. It was because I was too young to live up to your goodness with me, and then I chose to leave from you.”

Du Yin looked in pain: “Please, please give me another chance?”


At this moment Lin Jia was so angry that she felt stuffy in her chest.

The other party not only ran out suddenly, directly destroying this rare situation in front of her, but also hinted that she had been dumped in front of Yaduo!

So what has she become in the eyes of Yue Wang? A torn shoe that was lost?

“Mr. Du, please leave me!”

Lin Jia’s face was cold, and she could not help but immediately push this person in front of her: “I have nothing to do with you !!!”

“I knew you would not forgive me.”

Du Yin looked lonely: “But please believe me, I’m sincere this time.”

“I have solicited the opinions of your parents. As long as you are nodded, we will register to get married immediately!”

With a serious expression on his face, he was like a prodigal son who had lost his way, and was looking at his favorite person with affection.

“You leave me !!!”

Lin Jia’s face was cold and she didn’t have any thoughts of opening her mouth. She just walked to Adier immediately, hoping to leave with Adier and explain slowly.

“No way !!”

A loud voice sounded.

Lin Jia’s face was stagnant and looked towards one side.

I saw a burly, majestic middle-aged man standing in a corner on the side, wearing a white suit, and now looked at Lin Jia with a look of anger.

Next to the man was a helpless middle-aged beautiful woman.

“Dad, Mom!”

Looking at the two men in front of her, Lin Jia’s face was full of disbelief.

“When you grow up, your wings harden!”

The middle-aged man looked at Lin Jia with an angry look and looked at her and said, “I have promised you and Du Yin, today you must go and register with him !!”

“Or is, you don’t even listen to my father’s words?”


Lin Jia’s face was stagnation, and at this moment, she was directly stunned, but she never thought why things would develop to this point.

Before she could say anything, the middle-aged man stepped forward, sulking, and stunned Lin Jia with a slap.

Despite being a rebirth, Lin Jia’s body is just like a normal girl after her rebirth, not at all too much Strength.

Facing the sudden blow from her old father at this moment, she couldn’t even resist, and was stunned.

“Lord, you are too heavy.”

Looking at Lin Jia, who was fainted in the past, the middle-aged beautiful woman standing aside was distressed and said so.

“Hmph, daughter’s wings are hard, otherwise he won’t be obedient.”

Middle-aged man coldly snorted, followed by a cold glance at Adier in front of him: “Boy, look at the previous relationship, this time it’s nothing.”

“If next time, I see you entangled Jia Jia again, at your own risk!”

“Some people in this world aren’t the ones you want to match!”

When the words fell, he turned directly onto the car.

In situ, looking at the picture of the man, Lin Jia’s mother sighed, and then came forward, watching Adier and persuaded: “Ador, don’t you mind …”

“Jia Jia is like her father’s temper, don’t be too angry.”

“However, Allison is indeed …”

“I know.”

Standing in front of her, Adier’s face was calm, but she shook the head: “This kind of thing is originally nothing, I really don’t deserve Jiajia, and I won’t entangle her in the future.”

“Ado, you … don’t say this.”

Seeing Adier’s calm appearance, the middle-aged beautiful woman was surprised and sighed again: “This kind of thing is not worthy to be worthy. In my opinion, as long as two people like it.”

“Jia Jia father him …”

She shook the head and finally said sorry to Adier and left in a hurry.

Soon, the rest of the place left, and soon Adier was left alone.

Around the road, because of the recent incident, some pedestrians have gathered there, and even some people are holding mobile phones and taking photos of Adier. It is estimated that this kind of normally seen dog blood plot will be posted online. go with.

“A boring farce.”

Enron, bearing the strange complexion and sympathy of the pedestrians around him, Adier shook the head, and then seemed to have a slight glance at a corner before turning silently and leaving.

After he left for a long time, at the corner he was looking at before, a female detective wearing a black trench coat slowly walked out, staring at the direction Adier left with sweat on his face.

“So scary pressure … this guy … so scary …”

Watching Adier’s back, the female detective said sweatily.

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