“No, there were some delays along the way.”

Standing in place, looking at Xu Sen in front of him, Adier shook his head.

“Who is this?”

Xu Sen was nodded and didn’t ask much on this question, but turned around and looked towards Adier side Lin Jia.

There was some doubt on his face, and everything he reacted was natural and looked nothing unusual.

But in his heart, when he saw Lin Jia, he felt some waves in his heart.

“Did this woman meet the Moon King so early?”

Looking at Lin Jia standing beside Adier, Xu Sen flashed this thought in his heart.

As one of the few people around Moon King, Lin Jia was a celebrity among the awakenings of previous lives, and Xu Sen naturally knew it.

Of course, in the awakening circle, Lin Jia’s reputation is not too good. Once mentioned, it is basically laughed at.

If the past life is regarded as a novel, then the Moon King is undoubtedly the protagonist in the story, an ordinary kid who is destined to be out of the ordinary in the future but has a very low birth.

Lin Jia is the white rich woman who looked down on the protagonist at the beginning of the novel.

The story between her and the Moon King has spread throughout the extraordinary circle in previous lives.

It is said that Lin Jia and Yueyue are distant relatives, and even their parents repeatedly want to match them up.

However, the Moon King was poor and white at that time, and naturally he was not favored by the noble Lin Jia, so he repeatedly refused.

As a result, the situation reversed rapidly in just six months.

The original poor boy incarnation Moon King, and Lin Jia, the original rich young lady, did not even wake up, and suddenly changed from the original aloof and remote rich boy to the bottom of the new era, almost an attack in Sotto Killed directly.

This wonderful reversal is simply more exciting than those novel stories.

However, compared to the protagonist of Yi Bi in some novel stories, Yue Wang’s personality is milder and more atmospheric.

Because of the begging of the mother of the king Wang, the king of the moon not only ignored the past but took the initiative to complete baptism for Lin Jia, laying a good foundation for her future promotion to heaven.

Despite this, however, after this incident spread, Lin Jia this person became a joke and became a joke in the awakening.

“But looking at it like this, the relationship between them seems a lot better.”

Looking at Adier’s body, his eyes were full of tenderness, and Lin Jia could not tell the meaning directly. Xu Sen thought in his mind, “Is it a born again?”

There is Ke Muer’s precedent. Even if there is another rebirth at this moment, Xu Sen will not be surprised at all, although he will be surprised.

Moreover, although Lin Jia was a joke in the awakening circle, he actually satisfied Xu Sen’s previously reborn condition.

The other party is also a celestial awakener. Although it is the celestial order that is forcibly ascended by the strength of Moon King ’s Baptism, it is the weakest one in the same session, but this does not change the fact that the other party is celestial order.

This meets the basic rebirth conditions.

“If I were her, what would I do if I were born again?”

Looking at Lin Jia, Xu Sen thought subconsciously, and then cleared the comprehension suddenly. He couldn’t help sneering: “The previous life kicked away the Dignified Moon King as waste. Now that you know that others are potential stocks, you want to catch it early?”

“It really is not a good thing!”

Having said that, he is actually somewhat envious of Lin Jia’s situation.

Regardless, Lin Jia and Yue Yue have distant relatives, and their elders have a close relationship. In the situation of the previous life, Yue Yue can still reach out to Lin Jia, let alone now.

What does this mean?

A game, when you are still thinking about how to pull the relationship with the protagonist, the other party is full of favorability as soon as he appears!

How is this still playing?

Thinking of this, Xu Sai’s face looked more natural, and even looking at Lin Jia’s eyes, she even brought some surprises, as if she really saw each other for the first time: “This elder sister looks good Pretty.”

“very eloquent.”

Looking at Xu Sen in front of her, Lin Jia laughed, and she was a little surprised.

As the awakened celestial being, Xu Sen is the same age as Moon King and is also in the city of Odoria. At this time, although it is reasonable to know, she is also surprised.

However, because she hadn’t seen other rebirths, she didn’t expect any other people to be reborn together, only to think that it was just a coincidence.

“Right, gram …”

“The big sister went home two days ago and will be back after a while!”

Seeing Adier speak and want to ask Ke Moer’s movements, Xu Sen quickly began to answer, for fear that Adier would say Ke Moer’s name.

If it can be said that it is normal for him to appear here, then Kermoul also appears here, it is absolutely abnormal.

Even if Lin Jia is a fool, she should know what’s wrong and discover something.

“fair enough.”

Adier nodded, then said: “She’s been here for so long and it’s time to rest.”

“Including the students left here, let’s take a vacation together.”

He said: “The next period is the ritual of the Three Gods. Everyone just takes a chance to take a good rest and wait until the end of the ritual to train together.


Xu Sen quickly nodded: “I’ll send a notice to the trainees later.”

“Okay, trouble.”

Adier nodded, then didn’t say much, just walked around and observe the progress of the students around.

Even though the Knight training course was run by him at the moment, he also put a lot of thought into it.

It is not necessary to do one thing. Since we want to do it, we must do our best.

I toured around and picked out some students with serious problems as a demonstration, and it was time for lunch at noon.

As a wizard, Adier doesn’t pick food, even if he doesn’t eat.

But anyway, he was followed by an ordinary girl, and even if he could not eat, Lin Jia could not do it.

Therefore, after noon time, Adier took Lin Jia to a seafood restaurant recommended by Xu Sen nearby to order.

“When did you and Xu Sai … know each other?”

Sitting at the table, looking at Adier, Lin Jia hesitated before asking.

“He and I are in the same school, and have had some contacts before.”

Adier said, telling casually what happened between him and Xu Sai.

Lin Jia felt relieved.

Being in the same school and having an intersection before, it seems quite normal for Xu Sen to participate in the Knight special training class set up by Yue Wang.

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