“Let’s talk over there.”

The young man looked at Lin Xiao, then looked very carefully at all around, and then deliberately lowered his voice: “There are too many people here, and some of them can’t be used.”

“it is good.”

Lin Xiao hesitated, but looked at the dapper young man in front of him, still nodded.

The life of poor people is really not easy. As the only adult in the family, Lin Xiao normally takes care of two children in addition to normal work. Every money in the family must be carefully spent.

Now that she has an opportunity to save a lot of money, she must not miss it.

“The money left will just buy a cake for Ador.”

Thinking of the child at home, she couldn’t help raising some warmth: “In a few days, it’s his birthday, and it’s time to celebrate.”

Holding this idea, she stepped forward, and was about to follow the youth in front of her and walked to the side alley.

Seeing this, the youth’s face was even more smiling, with a little bit of malice in his eyes, a right hand subconsciously stretched to his waist, ready to pull out the hidden knife there.

He did move fast, but someone was faster than him.

In front of him, the young man only felt a sharp pain in his hand, and the right hand that was about to pull out the knife was caught.

“what’s the situation?”

The young man looked back and saw a teenager in school uniform standing in front of him, at this moment holding his right hand with one hand.

“When did this kid come over?”

Looking at Adier suddenly appearing in front of him, he froze, thinking subconsciously, and then only felt a black eye, and his head was hit fiercely by a fist.

“I killed you a liar !!”

Looking at the youth in front of him, there was still standing aside, looking at him, Lin Xiao, at a loss, a little overwhelmed, Adier looked “angry” and his fists kept entertaining him.

Seeing what he said, the young man in front of him thought that he was the wrong person, and he wanted to explain subconsciously.

However, without waiting for him to speak, one fist after another directly entertained him, directly hitting his head to Venus, and the whole person was half-wound.

“Yado! What are you doing !!”

At this time, Lin Xiao just saw what Adier looked like and quickly screamed and said, “Stop! What a good fight!”

“This is a liar !!”

Adier looked “angry” and kept his hands open, while he opened the mouth and said: “This person is Jackie! This is a famous scammer here. I have been cheating many people’s money since this time. I am near the school See him several times! “

Lin Xiao hesitated, looking at the swollen face of the young man in front of him, not knowing whether to believe it or not.


Adier reached out his hand directly and found a big blade from the young man’s arms: “How can a normal person carry a knife with him? This is definitely a liar, maybe a robber!”

“too terrifying!!”

Lin Xiao complexion greatly changed. Looking at the sharp knife under his feet, he immediately believed his son’s statement.

“Yado, hold him down, I’ll call the police!”

Anxious, she quickly pulled out her phone from her arms and was about to call the police.

However, at this time, it seemed that the word “alarm” was heard, and it fell to the ground. It seemed that the stunned young man suddenly got up and ran away at an extremely fast speed.

After seeing this scene behind, Lin Xiao was a little dumbfounded, and finally he had no choice but to put down his mobile phone and spit out such a sentence: “It’s so good to be able to run so fast, to be an athlete, why come out at a young age to lie.

“There are not many other people in this world, but there are many idlers.”

Adier echoed angrily, and then a bit of Spirit dispersed and controlled the person to run all the way out, jumping directly into a certain river.

Maybe after a while, there will be more news about young people jumping and committing suicide in the news around.

As for the reason, then the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom.

“Yado, it’s just too dangerous!”

After seeing the man far away, Lin Xiao secretly relaxed, watching Adier opened the mouth and said: “The next time you encounter this kind of thing, just report it to the police, don’t fight like a jumble.”

“I know.”

Adier was very well nodded, and then handed a bag: “This bag was left by the liar, you see …”

“Look back for a police station and throw it over, maybe the stolen goods stolen by the scammer.”

Lin Xiao said subconsciously, then opened the bag subconsciously and looked at it.

Suddenly, he sucked in a breath of cold air.

I saw in the bag a bottle of the latest alcoholic beverages there, and a lot of cash in it. In terms of quantity, there were at least tens of thousands.

For the family reborn by Adier, this is already a lot of money.

Obviously, the Suotuo religion has good economic ability, so that a small cricket sent out casually has such a rich net worth.

“I suddenly felt that as people who successfully punished scammers, we have the right to get a little spoils of war.”

Looking at Adier in front of him, Lin Xiao suddenly uttered such a sentence.

Adier looked up in amazement, seeing this look could not help laughing: “You’re right.”

The two smiled similarly, and then in the corner, Lin Xiao cautiously transferred the cash in the bag to his wallet.

After doing this, the two people left casually and walked towards the home.


Walking on the road, constantly thinking about what just happened, Lin Xiao felt something wrong, turned around and looked towards Adier: “What happened to you just now? Why suddenly became so strong?”

In the past, Yaduo was thin and weak, and he was often bullied in school.

But just now, Adier was very brave.

Although the young man is well-dressed and looks good, he is also very tall and big, far from being a student.

But in the face of Adier, the young man only hit a few punches and was hit directly on the ground.

Compared with the past Yaduo, this combat effectiveness is obviously as different as heaven and earth.

“I’m about to tell you this.”

Adier laughed, and then told about the Knight training course.

Of course, he didn’t tell Lin Xiao that the Knight training course was built by him, but he only said that he studied in the Knight training course and was promoted to be a coach because he performed well.

“These are my salaries this month.”

While talking, Adier took out some of the banknotes that had been prepared.

The number is not too much, and the bits and pieces are probably only 500-600, but from the perspective of Lin Xiao’s reaction, it is even more happy than the tens of thousands of windfalls before.


She said with a smile, looking at Adier, her eyes filled with relief: “My child has finally grown up and can make money on her own.”

“After a while, I will find you and find a wife, and I will be satisfied.”

The words fell, and Adier was speechless.

How did you say this?

Is it a natural instinct between parents to promote marriage?

“forget it.”

Adier casually said: “I’m still studying, time is tight, and I’ll wait a few years before I talk.”

“That’s okay, but some things should be considered now.”

After thinking about it, Lin Xiao said, “By the way, some time ago, you said that Aunt wanted to bring her daughter to meet you. What do you think?”

“not very good.”

Adier corner of mouth twitching, suddenly felt a little speechless at this moment.

Although he was speechless, he didn’t pay much attention to what Lin Xiao said, only to adjust his daily life.

However, what he didn’t expect, Lin Xiao moved a lot faster than he thought.

That night.

A girl suddenly entered the house and was brought over with a smile by Lin Xiao.

It was a girl in a long white dress with long hair and a delicate and beautiful face, which looked very beautiful.

“This is Allison, your distant cousin, you remember.”

Looking at the meek girl in front of her, Lin Xiao’s face couldn’t hide his smile: “I don’t know if you remember, you used to play together when you were young.

Adier’s action was stagnant, and he slowly turned to look towards Lin Xiao with a smile in front of him, and Lin Jia with a gentle and elegant look. At this moment, his mood suddenly became a little complicated, and I didn’t know what to say.

“Good cousin …”

Seeing Adier’s eyes looking, Lin Jia smiled, looked at Adier with a pair of eyes, and said hello to him seriously.

“Hello.” Adier calmly nodded.

Although he did something unexpected to Lin Xiao’s behavior, he did not lose his courtesy.

So he took the initiative to make coffee for the guests to avoid this awkward scene.

Looking at the silhouette of Adier’s busy kitchen in the distance, Lin Jia’s face was a little shaky.

The fragments of memory are constantly backtracking at this moment, making him unable to think of the past scenes.

In the last life, her meeting with the Moon King seemed to be the same scene.

At that time, she couldn’t bear the repeated requests of her aunt and had to come here to meet her aunt’s child and meet him, but in the end, she didn’t expect to change her life.

At first, he was inconspicuous to Yado.

In terms of academic knowledge, the other party is not too young, but she is just hanging out in a technical secondary school, but she is studying in a key school and has even received an admission letter from a key university.

In terms of looks, the other party is just ordinary, but she is a girl sought after by everyone in the school.

When it comes to her family situation, the other person’s family is impoverished, but she has a good family situation, and dare not say that the rich family, but at least a lifetime of food and clothing.

Such a huge gap, if it is not because the two parents have a good relationship, but also a bit of relatives. Under normal circumstances, the two people will not even have a little intersection.

It was normal for her to look down on him.

Only after real contact did she understand the difference of this teenager.

She thought he was not too young, and still mixed in technical secondary school, it must be a decadent and lazy way, but the other party was rich in knowledge, no matter what he did, he was very serious.

She thought that the other’s family had been tempered several times, and her family might be poor, but the other was polite and gentle, and treated like a real aristocrat, which made people feel filthy.

The family situation of the other party is indeed not good, but what the young man presents is only calm, neither because of inferiority nor extreme because of this, just plain acceptance, facing the facts.

This performance surprised Lin Jia from the previous life.

Later, when the year of awakening broke out and Nanzhou fell, the most critical moment was when the young man stood up to help the building.

Others in later generations may only see Moon King aloof and remote, but she alone has witnessed the whole process of Moon King from beginning to departure.

Looking quietly at the busy Adier in the distant kitchen, looking at the ordinary face of the other person at the moment, she laughed, and in her mind, inexplicably remembered the picture that she saw at first.

In the bright sunlight, a young boy stood quietly in the ruins, quietly looking down at the beings below.

His eyes were looking into the distance. A pair of pure silver eyes looked like the moon, his long hair drew down, his temperament was gentle and peaceful, his face was exquisite and perfect, and he was as handsome as the most honorable deity.

In this scene, Lin Jia could only look up to the Moon King silently, and watched the once ordinary teenager shine brightly like never before.

But now it’s different.

Looking at Adier in the distance, she muttered to herself: “I used to think countless times that if we could go back to our first meeting, our story would be different.”

“Now, I’m really back here. What about you?”

She thought silently in her eyes, with expectation in her eyes.

“Somewhat wrong.”

Quiet in the kitchen, Adier frowned.

The girl in front of him looked at his eyes clearly, not like a person who met for the first time, but like a person who had seen him many times.

But in memory, he did meet the other person for the first time.

This somewhat contradictory feeling made his instinct feel a little awkward.

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